Tuesday, January 17, 2012

You said a mouthful...

NOTICE: It looks like Mozilla/Firefox is still working, but Mozilla main page has gone dark. Sorry for the panic guys.

But SOPA/PIPA would change everything, and all the things you enjoy on the internet. If passed it will harm the free and open Internet and endanger freedom of speech that we take for granted.

For those in US, Take action by calling you US Representative and Senators.

The English version of Wikipedia and other major sites will go down for 24-hours to protest the U.S. anti-piracy laws - Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Protect IP Act (PIPA). Other sites joining in include MoveOn, Reddit, BoingBoing, Mozilla, WordPress, TwitPic and the ICanHasCheezBurger network. Google, Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr will not be joining the day of protest, however, all have expressed their stance against the bills.

SOPA/PIPA Protest January 18th

Tomorrow on The Crazy Tree it's all about two words

Coffee Cake

But it seems like last night was all about frozen yogurt.

Jolene962 and I randomly asked two handsome la gentlemen to watch over my illegally parked car at pinkberry. -twitter

we later find out those two lookers were @AUS10NICHOLS and #jakegyllenhaal. Thanks again! You two are adorable and awesome xo! -twitter

What do you have to say Mr. Nichols?

"Oh my God I love coffee cake!"
We know Jake likes frozen yogurt.[How else can you explain 4 containers of it? ; ) ]And it isn't the first time Jake has been spotted out for a late night treat.

And Austin's "issues" with all things creamy are legendary.

i have an addiction to ice cream. this is serious. i am pacing the room right now. trying not to eat it.

its all i want. its all i care about in life. without it, there is no reason to go on!!!!!! i need an intervention. i need rehab.

Mr. Nichols?"Quiet babies, coffee cake. Amazing!"Don't think that's helping your case there bud."This is so good."Yeah it is. ; )

Another Two Wheel Tuesday that's about a different kind of two-fer. : )


  1. toddkolojeski Todd Kolojeski
    Ate pinkberry next to Jake Gyllenhaal tonight and had no idea until @KatieCeciil told me it was the broke back mountain dude...cool?
    4 hours ago

    Todd and Katie have seen Jake but not Austin

  2. And does it seem you possible that Jake looks at the car illegally parked of these two girls?

  3. twitter acct set up in 2009, ready to post fake tweets , OTH is ovah!!!January 17, 2012 at 7:51 AM

    The girl who tweeted that follows Austin and yet she refers to Austin as a L.A. gentleman? She had to be told later who he was?

    Only Austin/OTH fans follow him so I find it hard to believe that she and her friend didn't.

    Other tweets have Jake there solo, if they tweted before her than it's made up.

  4. If he was standing outside of Pinkberry and the girls ran in to grab something he would.

    You guys say it yourselves he is a nice guy.

  5. Looks like the trolls from WFT2 are over here. Go back under your bridge.

  6. Todd and Katie tweet about Jake and Pinkleberry solo, but Mollie who follows Austin and should recognize him had to be told later that it was Austin and Jake? Really? By whom? Todd and Katie? The other people at Pinkleberry? Lter as in after they left?

    She may have set up her account in 2009 with only 32 tweets but her account set date is around the time Austin started on OTH. So not only does she follows him but she I would think is a fan of the show.

    I think some think that it's ok to tweet fake tweets because OTH is over and now they can place Austin any place they want for now.

  7. :-) Thats two. I think we may get a pic soon. Niceeeeeeeeee

  8. Wow your spin is going to make you dizzy, be careful.

    This is the second time in a week that a tweet of them together pops up but of course those are faked. Have to be they can't be real. Just like Jake and Austin can't be in LA at the same time.

    Well a lot has change. Jake is no longer under 360 or CAA and Austin is done with OTH.

    Why are you so nervous they are together?

    Didn't some of you say they were just friends and that friends can hang out and not be anything more than friends. Then why do you have shoot down any reports of them out together?

    It looks like you think they are more than friends, just like we do, by your actions.

  9. There will be no pics Tom but you already know that don't you Tom?January 17, 2012 at 8:27 AM

    How come Mollie didn't recognize Austin? She follows him according to her twitter.

    And how come the first tweet only mentions Jake?

    Her account was set up in 2009, isn't that when Austin started on OTH? Yesh she would recognize him.

    OTH fangirls can be talked into anything!

  10. She tweets @ Austin. She's not just mentioning him in a tweet.

    She is tweeting this directly at him. Why would she lie directly at Austin?

    The trolls are beside themselves trying to explain this one away.

  11. Jack isn't it time for you to head on to work. Bye bye

  12. Did she describe the shape of his ears. They are not his ears. They are not his ears. They are not his ears.

  13. You don't know when she started following him, there's no way to tell. My feeling is she started following him when she found out who he was. She doesn't use her twitter that often but she's had the account since 2009.

    Face it.

    There's nothing you can do to spin this in your favor.

    Nothing. Now go back to the house of Mean.

  14. everything is possble butJanuary 17, 2012 at 8:51 AM

    She is tweeting this directly at him. Why would she lie directly at Austin?

    because she has never met Austin

  15. I love the coffeecake post. This clip is really funny. Love Austin talking with his mouth full.

  16. the next tweet will need a picJanuary 17, 2012 at 8:55 AM

    Her friend Jolene is following him too along with Sophia, she wasn't there so why folow her?

    They are both OTH fangirls and should have recognized him. They both may have friended him after but why Sophia? And how come Todd and Katie didn't mention Austin?

    Also both Mollie and Jolene's tweet history is the same: no tweets since November, and then this. They both tweeted very rarely but they oth seem celeb. oriented.

    She is tweeting directly to him because she was probably told that he wouldn't respond.

    Still no explanation on why the other tweeters mention jake solo and if they had to be told who they were then why weren't there other tweets of them?

    Were they put up to it or are the accounts fake??

  17. Okay, so if this is the case, then why does she plant Austin and Jake together?

    What would be the motive for this?

  18. Her friend Jolene is following him too along with Sophia, she wasn't there so why folow her?


  19. Dear Ted:
    Matt Bomer used to wear what looked like a wedding band on his left hand for a while. Since a few weeks ago, nothing at all anymore. So what's happening? Is he closing the door of his closet back or is he on the dating-market again?

    Dear Give Up:
    Matt's obviously the next George Clooney and Jake Gyllenhaal combined. Don't even try to get a real word outta that dude's mouth regarding his love life. He's made it crystal clear nothing substantial will ever be going past those beautiful lips of his.

  20. Something sweet and Jake and Austin out for a treat. What could be better for a date night. Naturally, they would choose one of the slowest nights of the week to minimize detection. Just like their Tuesday sushi dinner. They may be a little dense, but the guys are not stupid.

    Second time in less than a week cannot be overlooked. Neither can Jake's all business demeanor on Sunday night.

    Woooohooooo! 6 a.m. and a Tuesday morning and 19 comments on OMG. Something big must have happened. Wonder what it could be? *grin*

  21. This is just amusing as all get out. Let the trolls work themselves up into a real lather over this one.

    I'm just sitting back and enjoying it, sorry.

  22. The situation seems simple to me. The first gal, who asked the handsome gentleman to watch her illegally parked car, did not recognize them. She was in such a hurry, being illegally park and all and Los Angeles desperate for cash, she ran in focused on her task. When she returned, her friend, who no doubt was still sitting in the car, and therefore far less stressed by what was going on around her, had recognized the two handsome men and enthusiastically enlightened her BFF probably with a big squeeeeeeeee, when she got back into the vehicle.

  23. Still no explanation on why the other tweeters mention jake solo and if they had to be told who they were then why weren't there other tweets of them?

    I am still waiting other tweets from the restaurant of Sushi and the name of the restaurant too

  24. You dothat PG! In the mean time I think I will tweet ole Mollie and Jolene and maybe Todd and Katie too to see why their sightings are different and why, Mollie and Jolene, OTH fangirls were so clueless until someone told them, LOL!!!

    The reason why she would palce them together because they are aware of ther "history", just checkout Austin;'s threads on some of the OTH forums, PG, but wait, you already did!!

    Yes lots of comments "M&M", and that was the point!

  25. Keep looking sweetie. Jake and Austin are still together but in the closet. When they want to come out as a couple they will.

    By the way, whatever happened to the argument that Jake and Austin are never in the same city together and no one ever mentions their names in the same sentence? The bar always get raised higher, doesn't it? Too bad, so sad.

  26. Nice try M&M, then explain why they are both following Him and Jolene is following Sophia.

    Also explain that the last time BOTH tweeted was back in November and then nothong until this. They also seem to have both tweted sporadically, what are the odds of that?

    Also the other tweets have Jake solo, Mollie seems to have tweeted after the Jake solo tweets.

    No one else tweeted about them.

    I guess the nameless sushi restauraunt didn't work, but this stinks as much as the sushi!

  27. Oh my God this coffee cake is amazing!

  28. Is that Jack or Barbara? Are you going to ask if Jake was with a tall blond or with is mother?

    Maybe Austin dyed his hair and they couldn't recognize him right away. Oh, I know, he had a hat on!

    Trolls go away and play with those who still think Jake is either a lonely gay man or a straight boring one.

  29. Oh my God this coffee cake is amazing!

    LOL. Good one. Where there is Jake and Austin there is going to be heat. Just as it should be.

  30. In the mean time I think I will tweet ole Mollie and Jolene and maybe Todd and Katie too to see why their sightings are different and why, Mollie and Jolene, OTH fangirls were so clueless until someone told them, LOL!!!

    You do that, Jack.

    I'll be watching.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  33. And they both follow Austin and ine folows Sophia, you cant make this up!January 17, 2012 at 9:34 AM

    M&M, if her freind was sitting in her illegally parked car, then why on earth would she ask "2 handsome L.A. men" . Wouldn't she just ask her freind to keep a look out?

    Look, I know that you have been dying to do this since OTH finished but please next time do a better job.

    Getting OTH fangirls to post this after someone posted Jake solo at the same place is really sloppy and desperate.

    And what happens if we all find out later that he was in TX all along???

  34. Nice try M&M, then explain why they are both following Him and Jolene is following Sophia.

    I already answered the question. You just don't want to understand the point. When someone is in a hurry and afraid of getting a ticket, you are rushing toward your destination not concentrating on facial features and other details. Her friend, however, would be because she's sitting there watching the scene unfold.

    I was in a restaurant once and this extremely tall man walked in. I recognized him immediately as Bill Russell, but my friend who is a huge basketball fan, said that guy is really tall. When I pointed out that it was Russell, he said "No it isn't." And he was a big Boston Celtics fan.

  35. M&M, if her freind was sitting in her illegally parked car, then why on earth would she ask "2 handsome L.A. men" . Wouldn't she just ask her freind to keep a look out?

    Don't know about you, but I would never miss an opportunity to talk to two handsome men, even if I was in a hurry.

  36. I don't think it was odd that she asked the guys outside the car at all. Hate to sound sexist, but she probably thought they might have more sway, than her young female friend sitting inside the car. If a cop car pulls up they are going to be the ones who could just say, "Hey she's coming right back."

  37. What a bad cops in LA!

  38. But M&M, if she was in such a rush then talking to 2 handsome men wasn't realy on her mind, especially it seems that they were gone when she returned to her car. When you are parked illegally you are more concerend about getting a ticket, not flirting no matter how deperate.

    So her friend was making goo-goo eyes at them as they watched the car or did they decline realizing her friend could do it?

    Todd and Katie don't mention Austin nor a mystery man, what happened to him? And they tweeted first.

    Go back and check the girls tweets and see that something is off about them like they seem to tweet around the same time.

  39. Getting OTH fangirls to post this after someone posted Jake solo at the same place is really sloppy and desperate.

    Oh, brother. OMG people are getting OTH fangirls to lie about seeing Jake and Austin? Because they have the same purpose? Excuse me, but the last time I checked the OTH fandom do not want Jake and Austin together. They want Austin to be straight and be with Sophia. Which actually makes the sighting all the more valid.

  40. I will give you two instances about not recognizing people.

    Years ago, working in Boston, I had to run some information between two buildings on our campus and I literally ran into Jose Conseco, when he was with the Red Sox, who was just leaving after being there for a visit. The only way I knew it was him, was because I finally looked up after running into his giant (steroid) bicep. I growled as I had to keep going and get to the office and he got into his cab.

    Another time I was with a friend of mine and we went out to KC to see the Sox play. The lost the opening game and on the day off the next day we were in downtown KC shopping. We ran into a family in the parking garage walking where we were going. We talked to the older gentleman who had a Red Sox jacket on, and she asked him where he got his jacket he said he found it the trash. She replied "Well the way they played I'm not surprised". What we didn't realize that Sox catcher Jason Varitek was the younger guy walking with the kids in the group. It wasn't until he turned around and opened the door for us to the mall entrance that we knew it was him. Ohh to have twitter then.

  41. What a bad cops in LA!

    You must not read newspaper articles or watch television. The answer would be a big fat, "Yes."

    And, anyway, cops ignore offenses all the time in LA. Just depends who's doing the asking.

  42. Jake Gyllenhaal is hot! Whatever you want, baby!

  43. Taylor Swift says new album is about 'crash-and-burn heartbreak ...: Should Jake Gyllenhaal be worried? Taylor S...

  44. you cant make this up!January 17, 2012 at 10:02 AM

    M&m and SK both have sports related don't recognize famous people!!

    And look, both J/A tweeters have problems with the LAPD and their cars!

    There is a bromance thread on one of the OTH forums and they discuss Jake and Austin, so yeah they would post fake stuff about them but as a bromance=non-sexual.

    jean Today my car got searched by the police, got a pkg tix, sat next to Jake Gyllenhall & Austin Nichols at dinner & had great sushi. Yay 2012?
    2 hours ago
    January 11, 2012 5:56 AM

  45. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  46. Jake's a movie star!January 17, 2012 at 10:17 AM

    Still no explanation on why the other tweeters mention jake solo and if they had to be told who they were then why weren't there other tweets of them?

    That's got to be the most stupid question ever for anyone who has followed these two. Austin is not necessarily recognized by everyday people. Jake is. Other tweeters probably thought he was just a tall civilian friend. Or more than likely didn't even take note of him. It's probably happened many times before.

  47. Don't know about Special, but I brought up my memory because it was the one most relevant to this discussion. I understand that relevancy is not a big thing in your universe, but it is in mine.

  48. Taylor says her new album helped her ‘feel better’ about a particular breakup. Jake Gyllenhaal, perhaps?
    We’re used to Taylor Swift strumming songs of love and loss on her albums, but it sounds like her next one will be a little more serious. In the Feb. 2012 issue of Vogue, Taylor confesses that her latest album will tell the story of an “absolute crash-and-burn heartbreak” she dealt with. Which leads us to the obvious question: Who could she be talking about?

    Well at least we know now because Jake was sooo sad lately !

  49. But M&M, if she was in such a rush then talking to 2 handsome men wasn't realy on her mind, especially it seems that they were gone when she returned to her car.

    Nobody, said she was flirting. She noticed two guys who seemed friendly and asked them to help her out if the cops came by. That's it. Not complicated at all.

    There is a bromance thread on one of the OTH forums and they discuss Jake and Austin

    So? The point is there is no reason for them to suddenly start making up tweets about them being seen together. If anything, given all the nervousness about Soapy and Austin "splitting" I would think that would be the last thing they would be making up. If anything, they would manufacture seeing Austin with Soapy.

  50. Donnie Darko,Jack Twist, Colter StevenJanuary 17, 2012 at 10:34 AM

    "Motive" is that Jake is a super star and Austin it is without job. Then which good way for u hold the attention on him if you are a fan?

  51. I know M&M. I was giving an example of being a fan and not recognizing people right away. I mean who has been on OMG and not know that I am a huge Red Sox fan, and not once but twice run into Sox players out of the content that I relate them to and didn't recognize them right away.

  52. "Motive" is that Jake is a super star and Austin it is without job. Then which good way for u hold the attention on him if you are a fan?

    Wow! You are delustional aren't you? OTH fans are suddenly interested in pairing Austin with the one person they don't want him to be with because of all the awkward gay rumors. Yeah, I'm sure a couple of obscure tweets of Jake eating sushi and then yogurt with Austin is really going to help the latter's career. I'm dumbfounded by the extent of the spinning. Although I guess it's amusing too.

  53. Yeah, I'm sure a couple of obscure tweets of Jake eating sushi and then yogurt with Austin is really going to help the latter's career. I'm dumbfounded by the extent of the spinning.

    Perfectly put.

  54. "Should Jake Gyllenhaal be worried?

    Taylor Swift graces the cover of Vogue‘s February issue and tells the magazine her next album will be about an “absolute crash-and-burn heartbreak” she experienced.

    The 22-year-old singer doesn’t name names, but she did date Gyllenhaal for a few months in 2010, and he broke up with her.

    Swift says it helps her to “feel better” and gain “clarity” by writing songs about her relationships.

    She also says she now has a list of “red flags” for if a relationship won’t work: If a guy falls in love with her based on her Wikipedia page, is threatened that she needs security, puts her down or is obsessed with privacy, they’re not for her."

  55. THESE PANTS ARE TOO MUCH BIG FOR MEJanuary 17, 2012 at 11:03 AM

    Oh come on gurls don't play stupid, you know that Austin has few possibilities to be named by newspapers tv and media in general for his worths, this is one of the few ways that the fans have for making to speak of him, and we are not speaking of great advertising agencies but of stupid OTH fangurls

  56. listen to your motherJanuary 17, 2012 at 11:27 AM

    Shouting isn't going to get anyone to pay any more attention to you.

  57. Jake must be the Wiki page guy. LOL!

    Seriously, Swift is a classic product of her age. You don't need to have real talent if you know how to manipulate your fans and unscrupulously exploit others to make it. Auto-tune helps too.

    Everyone knows that Jake is obsessed with privacy and I'm sure you could do a checklist to find out who the other famous types were to fit the categories she selectively outlined in the article. Her reputaton for speed "dating" high profile types, to advance her image, is well known. Crash and burn my ass. We all know that Jake is an expert at keeping a relationship secret when he wants to. Having himself splashed on the cover of US Weekly and his sister and her little girl papped with Swift over a Thanksgiving holiday is hardly someone who is camera shy when he wants to mislead the public. Of course, the masses won't notice that. They'll just remember how secretive Jake is about his private life so Swift must be talking about him.

    That's a great find on that tweet at Pinkberry. Two twitter sightings of Jake and Austin together in less than seven days. The spin of the trolls is predictable. Transitory tweets, to a limited audience of fans, are not going to get Austin work. However, showing up at those last two OTH functions would have. I think it's pretty obvious that Austin does not want to be associated with Sophia any longer and is enjoying some downtime with his man and family.

  58. Jake Gyllenhaal has been laying pretty low of recent, and it seems like he may be laying even lower come this time next year. Jake’s ex Taylor Swift recently revealed in the new issue of Vogue she is hard at work on her fourth album and, gasp, it will be all about her recent heartbreaks. One in particular that ended last year around Christmas, the same time she and Jakey called it quits. Ruh-roh.

    When asked if she was dating, Taylor told the magazine: “I got nothing going on! I just don’t really feel like dating. I really have this great life right now, and I’m not sad and I’m not crying this Christmas, so I am really stoked about that.”

    Christmas was when Jake left Taylor after just two months of dating and Taylor did not want to say much more about that. “I am not gonna go into it! It’s a sad story!”


  59. Wrongo!

    December 9, 2010, was when that staged helicopter photo op in LA took place. That article makes it sound like they just broke up.

  60. I slept right through the big news. The second sighting of our boys together. Just the start of things to come now that both are free men. And I just love how frantic the troll is. I will be on cloud nine all day.

    As for the Swift article, give me a break. Seeing each other a couple of times, mostly in a group, over a 3 week period does not even qualify as a relationship.

  61. Jake at the WME partyJanuary 17, 2012 at 11:52 AM

    Ricky Gervais showed no sign of nerves before hosting the Golden Globes. He was one of the first at William Morris Endeavor’s pre-awards party Saturday at Craft, and was “in great spirits,” according to a spy who saw him chat with Matt LeBlanc before leaving just 90 minutes later. Rooney Mara, Tilda Swinton, Emma Stone and Charlize Theron dined together, as power agents Ari Emanuel and Adam Venit mingled with Jake Gyllenhaal, Octavia Spencer, Amy Poehler and Tina Fey.

    Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/pagesix/nothing_to_fear_PZwpk2jU936qYWv4sZ1qxH#ixzz1jjdvALpm

  62. By the way, I just went to find this supposedly popular OTH Jake and Austin Bromance thread that was mentioned earlier. Just for the record, there are only 2 screens of comments between September 12, 2009 and April 1, 2011. In other words, no one has posted there for about 9 months.

    Only 40 posts in 18 months. Let's see that comes to an average of 2.5 posts per month. Yeah, I'm sure this "active" site was the source of the Pinkberry tweet.

  63. Yeah, I'm sure this "active" site was the source of the Pinkberry tweet.

    the source of the Pinkberry tweet are two girls that casually are also followers of Austin and Sophia,but oddly they have not recognized him.

  64. Trolly you need to give it up. No one is buying your venom. Two tweets in less than a week say it all. OTH is over and Jake has left CAA/and Evelyn. I'm not saying the guy's are going to come out tomorrow, but it's pretty clear they are with one another. You can scoff all you want. And accuse others of suddenly wanting to make up tweets about them, but it just shows how ridiculous you are.

    And, you are sure that the "Bromance" thread is the real source of the tweet from last night? Your absolute confidence shows how full of crap you are. M&M just proved that site hasn't been active in 9 months. Just like they moved on, so should you.

  65. Didn't say that was the source for the tweets, was just trying to point out that OTH fangirls are well aware of Jake and Austin.

    The source for their tweet was a tweeter named Todd that mentioned Jake solo, they tweeted after that.

    Both follow Austin, they could have followed him after but that doesn't explain one following Sophia, that's the OTH connection.

    Jake leaving CAA/ Evelyn has everything to do with his stalled career, nothing else IMO. He definately was low on their list so he went elsewhere.

  66. I have not offended anybody, there is no need to offend meJanuary 17, 2012 at 1:02 PM

    in comparison to you those of Scyentology seem healthy of mind, I abdicate to any kind of discussionI,I don't care if Jake and Austin are together, or they have never been , but the facts cannot be ignored in this way, these two sightings don't have any credibility, the two girls follow Austin and Sophia on Twitter. how can this detail be ignored and to continue the discussion as if nothing had happened?

  67. Yeah, they could've, should've, might've, but there is absolutely zilch evidence that those girls made up that yogurt tweet. None. Just like there was zero evidence that the tweeter from last week made up her sushi sighting.

    Jake left CAA/Evelyn for a variety of reasons, including the deep, deep, in the closet, career plan that agency designed for him back in 2006. Career plans are typically five years. Being thirty-one is not the same as being twenty-six years old. Jake has grown up and more than likely doesn't want anyone controlling his personal life and choices any more. Can't say as I blame him.

  68. Both follow Austin, they could have followed him after but that doesn't explain one following Sophia, that's the OTH connection.

    Do all the people that meet Austin become his followers?

  69. these two sightings don't have any credibility, the two girls follow Austin and Sophia on Twitter. how can this detail be ignored and to continue the discussion as if nothing had happened?

    And, last week the tweeter was discredited because her name "sounded" familiar to someone on WFT2 and that she supposedly had tweeted about Jake many times before. Both assertions were pulled out of someone's as*, but that's what trolls do because they have an agenda. Go back to your JiS or Jake is gay but has no one in his life, delusions. You are the one with no credibility.

  70. Nothing weird about someone being an OTH fan and following Austin and Sophia. I imagine there are thousands who fit that category. In fact, that fandom would probably be the few who would recognize Austin. He is not exactly a household name or face.

  71. but there is absolutely zilch evidence that those girls made up that yogurt tweet

    Wrong, it is so evident that is not even amusing

    They have not recognized Austin Despite they were his followers,his and of his fiancée, and they have not recognized Jake G that only the evening before was in tv to the GGs,

  72. next tweet will be Mexican or Whole foods, LOL!!January 17, 2012 at 1:24 PM

    Jake's agency closet plan dated back to 2006? I thought that he was bearding with Kiki as well according to some, so his agency would have had a hand in that!

    The tweets smell false for all the reasons pointed out. The sushi one never named a restauraunt and there were no other sightings. I checked and the tweeter is a fan of sushi but ver on WFT we know that is Austi-poo's fav as well!! Too convienant.

    This tweet was after the Todd/Katie tweet and no mention of Jake being with anyone.

    It looks like the girls tweeted in haste, maybe they should have deleted who they were following and not mention that one was already sitting in a car!

    Also, odd that they last tweeted in Nov. and then now!!

    I never said that Jake didn't have a life, better get your act together!

  73. I still wait the sushiJanuary 17, 2012 at 1:25 PM

    And, last week the tweeter was discredited because her name "sounded" familiar to someone on WFT2 and that she supposedly had tweeted about Jake many times before

    She has not said the name of the restaurant, any other tweets or signaling, that confirm what she has said, come on!

  74. Despite they were his followers,his and of his fiancée,

    Get thee away from here and back to OTH land.

    Sophia is NOT his fiance. The man is already married. Get over it.

    Boy, you can tell people are just stirred up beyond their tolerance, can't you. We've got OTHers here as well.

  75. He is not exactly a household name or face.

    Too bad that the profiles on twitter also have the photos

  76. No matter how many times you post it over and over it doesn't make a difference trolls. Your argument is still ridiculous, pointless, and reeks of desperation.

    Like others have said, it shows that Austin and Jake are still together. And that the changes in their professional lives are now being seen in their personal ones.

    And sorry Sophia is no one's fiancee, all she is someone's ex wife.

  77. The man is already married. Get over it.

    Its marriage with Jake is true, like that with Sophia on OTH.get over it

  78. restating the obviousJanuary 17, 2012 at 1:48 PM

    Since the trolls don't want you to remember what started this conversation:

    Jake and Austin together last night at Pinkberry.

    Jolene962 and I randomly asked two handsome la gentlemen to watch over my illegally parked car at pinkberry. -twitter

    we later find out those two lookers were @AUS10NICHOLS and #jakegyllenhaal. Thanks again! You two are adorable and awesome xo! -twitter

  79. But what does any of this really mean? Are they in the closet? Out of the closet?

    If they are in the closet, why are they being tweeted all over the place together?

  80. Is Anderson out? No. Does he get seen with his BF? Yes.

    Matt Bomer out? No. Seen with Simon Hall? Yes.

  81. Is Anderson out? No. Does he get seen with his BF? Yes.

    Matt Bomer out? No. Seen with Simon Hall? Yes.

    Haa therefore Jake's BF is Adam Levine

  82. Elvis has left the building and the trolls are talking to themselves.

  83. NOTICE: Letting all you Mozilla/Firefox users out there. Mozilla is joining in the SOPA/PIPA blackout starting tonight at midnight. It joins the English version of Wikipedia which will go down for 24-hours to protest the U.S. anti-piracy laws - Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Protect IP Act (PIPA). Other sites joining in include MoveOn, Reddit, BoingBoing, Mozilla, WordPress, TwitPic and the ICanHasCheezBurger network. Google, Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr will not be joining the day of protest, however, all have expressed their stance against the bills.

    For Mozilla/Firefox users alternatives to use tomorrow include Google Chrome, Opera or Internet Explorer.

  84. M&M said that the girls BFF waiting in the car squeeled to her that it was Jake and Austin, but Mollie's tweets says that we were told that it was them.

    So if the tweet is correct, then they BOTH had to be told, and by whom since the only other tweet has Jake solo.

    They had to be told and yet they are both following Austin!!

  85. Jake's agency closet plan dated back to 2006? I thought that he was bearding with Kiki as well according to some, so his agency would have had a hand in that!

    The ignorance of trolls around here boggles the mind. Yes, Jake has been in the closet his entire career, however, there are variations of that term and you know it. Many of us believe the following and there is ample evidence to substantiate it:

    1999-April 2002: Jake in a glass closet. Never really with an actual beard although every once in a while seen with a female "date" like Jenny Lewis.

    May 2002-September 2002: Jake meets Austin Nichols during the auditions for TDAT and both start dating.

    September 2002-June 2004: Story is floated that Maggie introduced Kiki to Jake. Fauxmance begins to cover for Jake's relationship with Austin.

    June 2004: Jake begins filming Brokeback Mountain. The role he wants to use as a stepping stone for coming out.

    July 2004: Kiki announces that she and Jake have broken up.

    August 2004-December 2005: A cat and mouse game begin of an on/off realtionship between Kiki and Jake just in case Jake needed cover for any rumors.

    November 2005: Just before the release of Brokeback Mountain on December 9, 2005, Jake is seen with Austin at the Casanova premiere.

    Early 2005-April 2006: Jake tried to come out but Hollywood, CAA and Evelyn pushed him deep into the closet. Convinced Jake that he could be an A list movie star and leading man because of the success of Brokeback Mountain.

    January 2007-October 2007: Another cat and mouse campaign this time with Reese Witherspoon. Fauxmance announced officially only after BT1 is born.

    October 23, 2007-early December 2009: Jake deep in the closet. Is not seen with gay friends and certainly not with Austin. Jake is able to go out for one bike ride in April 2009.

    January 2010-late October 2010: Jake still deep in the closet, but not attached to any one female. Rumors float of a variety of women he is supposedly "dating."

    Late October-December 9, 2010: Deep in the closet "fauxmance" with Taylor Swift.

    December 9, 2010-end of December 2011: Jake not attached to any female, although a few names floated in celebrity sites. No longer deep in the closet in terms of actively bearding.

    January 2012: Jake no longer has a manager. Jake leaves CAA. Austin done with OTH.

  86. M&M said that the girls BFF waiting in the car squeeled to her that it was Jake and Austin, but Mollie's tweets says that we were told that it was them.

    I misread the original tweet. That is correct. My early morning lack of sleep, however, does not disprove the sighting. Good try though.

  87. Thanks M&M for the great timeline.

    It is clear and concise that even the trolls can understand it.

  88. I misread the original tweet. That is correct. My early morning lack of sleep, however, does not disprove the sighting. Good try though.

    Good for you, M&M. No offense, but I was wondering what you were talking about myself. I thought I had missed something, like another tweet. The direct answer is you just simply misread the tweet.

    And, I agree with you, it still does not make the tweet a truthful one.

  89. If they are in the closet, why are they being tweeted all over the place together?

    Thank you for admiting that the tweet is true. Now, to your second point, they are not being sighted together all over the place. We have two tweets within six days. One on a Tuesday night, one on a Monday night. They've been going out on slow nights to minimize visibility. Wanting to enjoy each other's company, but still in the closet.

  90. And, I agree with you, it still does not make the tweet a truthful one.

    Oops, thanks for bonding with me, Jason, but I think you just did the same thing. LOL!

  91. Soooooorrrrrrrry. That is too funny.

    And, I agree with you, it still does not make the tweet untrue. In fact, the sighting sounds very legitimate to me.

  92. #twowheeltuesday. This is my hero------> say.ly/Mfm1hx2
    48 minutes ago

  93. Hey, Tom. Are we going to break 100 today?

  94. nseeya Nicole Sia
    Jake Gyllenhaal sighting! With a tall, pretty blonde
    41 minutes ago

  95. One of Jake's nannies! Or, is it that chick that hangs out with Austin?

  96. is it that chick that hangs out with Austin?


  97. Austin has a couple of close female friends who are blond. Maybe even more because the guy does know a lot of people. Remember, Jake does not have a monopoly on blonds in LA, SF, NY or even Moscow, for that matter. One of Jake's personal assistants is a blond too.

  98. One of Jake's personal assistants is a blond too.

    Is she tall and pretty ?

  99. Wow, another sighting of Jake and Austin.

    And wow, 100 comments! Need to digest them before I comment.

  100. As a matter of fact, one of Jake's nannies is very attractive. Look at the Paris video from June, 2008 where most likely BT1 was captured on film for the first time.

  101. Man. It's the apocalypse.

    LOL PG, good way of summing it up.

    I'll add my own story about not recognizing a celebrity, and in my case it involves Jake! It was during Passover, for the life of me I can't remember if it was 2006 or 2007, but it was while I was still really over the moon about Jake. I was going to a Passover service in the Village with my girlfriend, and we were less than a block from where Maggie lived at the time. Now I knew she lived there, and often looked for Jake during that period because he was in NYC all the time back then.

    Well, we walked by a guy talking to a couple with a baby, and I didn't think anything of it until my girlfriend said, "isn't that Jake Gyllenhaal"? And sure enough when I turned around and looked, it was him. But I missed him completely when I walked right by him, he was kind of slouching, and he looked shorter than I would have expected, and he was in rumpled khakis and a rumpled shirt. He looked like just another guy in a beard (short at that time) standing on a corner talking to friends.

  102. Thanks for the letter to Ted about Matt Bomer. There has indeed been some chatter and speculation about the fact he didn't wear the ring to a day of interviews with TV critics last week, or to a couple of movie premieres he attended.

    Kind of odd as it comes after a flurry of photos of him with his partner Simon, the first we've gotten. Arriving together in a car for the premiere of In Time, together at a GLSEN event at which Matt presented an award, together with NPH and David B. at a Trevor Project event. Oh, and their names are listed together as among the hosts for a fundraiser for a family oriented gay organization, can't recall the name.

    I guess it's two steps forward and one back. But in no way would I compare him to Jake and Clooney, that is really unfair, because he is living in a glass closet, has never and I dare say never will beard.

  103. Responding to 2,3 or 4 posts.

    Too too tired ...just came in from my PMD... I can't finish reading this and can't visit too much either. I'm starting at top then going straight to the bottom:)
    Carmelo Anthony unfolded himself out of a livery cab right in front of the bus stop, The Red Rooster and me a few weeks ago. I had no clue who who he was...s*it happens. A man, in the crowd, called his name out loud... then everyone at the bus stop, including me, went nuts...

    "Neither can Jake's all business demeanor on Sunday night."

    Funny you say that; everyone in my house knew Jake wanted to be anyplace else but where he was
    (on stage at the GG's) or had someplace to go, he's easy to read sometimes. It was SO good to see him again, but Lordy boy, please take it easy.

    TY for mentioning Tom Hulce whom I've always loved (why he did not get an Oscar is beyond me) and MLK Jr.'s birthday.

    I watched the OWN cable channel's' MLK Jr.'s tributes...they brought back memories...painful real memories.
    Truth, loyalty and love are all we need.

    One more thing

    All folks I know with the Big "C" and I know a few, who are presently NED, when we have the return of a dam*ed drug side effect i.e., one of my toenails, one of my fingernails is lifting again, post this to each other, "Cancer, the gift that keeps on giving," not F*ck Cancer, though we all understand the sentiment.

    Back as usual...when I can...

  104. Well, and someone suggested to me, which I can fully see, that it makes sense that Jake has chosen blondes to beard with because that one particular nanny is also blonde. So, there's a chance of misidentification and confusion in case the nanny is seen; could be Reese or ol' Tay.

    Good grief, I get home and there's been mayhem all day. What a joke the arguments of conspiracy and sabotage the trolls bring up to try and explain away this Pinkberry tweet.

    I have loved it ALL DAY.

  105. Hey Sass, great to see you. Stay strong.My aunt is currently taking both radiation & chemo to try and shrink her tumor so they can operate and she told us yesterday that she is done after this week and ready for surgery. She's hanging in there really well and really got excited when my mom unfolded the Jack Sparrow poster that she had bought for her. My aunt is 70-some years old but she says Jonny Depp is hot, hot, hot. lol. We hung the poster in her room so she can stare at it. And she was so excited because Mom brought her a couple of homemade tortillas, fideo and chile. She was in 7th heaven.

    Oh man, the Seinfeld episode right now is the "Not that there's anything wrong with that" episode. LOLLLLL!!! Just a classic, just a wonderful classic.

  106. Hi Sass!

    Thanks for stopping by, it's always great to see you.

    Hang in there and stay strong, just know we're behind you and sending good thoughts and prayers your way.

  107. Sophia is NOT his fiance. The man is already married. Get over it.

    ^^^ WoW this is FUNNY!

    Why would Jake and Austin go thru all the trouble to get married and, (? help create 1,2,3,4 children) then stay in the closet and beard? And keep the children in the closet? LMAO

    Makes NO Sense. But, continue to have FUN. It's Like a child believing in Santa Claus. It makes yall feel all warm and fuzzy inside huh, I guess. LOL

  108. Thank you so much,
    You sure know how to make me feel good!

  109. The LOL! will be on you, 20:48, one of these days, mark my words. Hope to see you back on that day.

    In the meantime, why don't you go back to tweeting at everyone who spots Jake and asking them who he's with, what did he buy, was he with a woman, was she tall and blonde?

    Over. And over. And over. And over again.


  110. And don't you have some moderation to be doing somewhere else. Or perhaps some writing?

    Keep it up and you will be called out on your crap.

  111. Didn't think of Jake and Austin being married until someone came on here a while ago and posted that quote from jake about speaking as a married man. I hadn't thought about 2008 being a time where gays could marry in California from June until Election Day in 2008, when same sex marriage was legislated out of existence by a bunch of homophobes.

    I can very easily see Jake wanting to get married so CAA would never be able to get their clutches into him and force him into a sham marriage (e.g. Reese or someone else). He reminds me of a stubborn man who hated bearding, even though he ended up being pressured to do so probably to get work.

  112. The LOL! will be on you, 20:48, one of these days, mark my words. Hope to see you back on that day.

    Believe me, if I'm wrong about Jake and Austin, the married "thing", the "child-children" thing, I'll be the first to say damn, "I was WRONG and They were RIGHT!

    I have no problem at all admiting it if I'm proven wrong.

    Do you? Would you do the same? I'm not asking for rebuttal of, I know I'm right because, because YOU don't!

    All of your theorys are pure speculations and hopes, nothing more. I can understand the speculations at times, but it don't make them real. But, if you are right, I stand corrected.

    Can YOU say the same?

  113. Holy crap 114 comments. I need to catch up. Damn got to get up at 5am tomorrow.

  114. Methodical Muser said...
    Hey, Tom. Are we going to break 100 today?

    It is awesome M and M. Just like the old days. I am once excited again. Just waiting for that first pic. It won't be long once the paps get word of Jake and Austin being out in public again.

  115. I'm not one of the regular posters. I just know what I've seen and heard and determined over many, many years. Putting everything together, I don't think I'm wrong. It's very difficult to convince me of anything. But, Jake being married explains a lot. I always wondered why he didn't walk down the aisle with Reese because it made sense that this was where the showmance was headed. Same with Austin Nichols and Sophia Bush. OTHers were sure they were going to get married, yet the posters here were confident it wasn't going anywhere and now look. Austin has pulled back completely and except for the fauxmance photo ops, you wouldn't even know they were even friends.

    I didn't believe in Jake having a baby either. But, over the years, his long stretches without work, that video from Paris, him purchasing a family SUV in 2010 only after he couldn't hide behind Reese's family vehicles anymore, etc. Well, let's just say it all fits. I'm convinced and that's all that matters to me. I really don't care if anyone else believes what I do.

  116. Well, 10:29 none of those scenerios or situations you've mentioned convince me of nothing in the realm of J/A being married with children. More hope than anything. And seeing what one wants to see.

    If I'm wrong, I will admit it.

    I think they both are gay or mess around with men on the side, but that's all I feel about these two.

  117. #1, stop capping at me. I'm not deaf.

    #2, stop it with the speculations and hope talk. I've been on this blog for almost four years now and every day, we have talked about photos, interviews, sightings and photos. Look ay M&M's partial glimpse up there at the infamous Word Document detailing a timeline of what we know about Jake and Austin. Don't even go there with the Santa Claus insults and nonsense.

    It's crap like that which gets you called a troll, Troll. And people whine and cry about how they get "treated" on here. Your Santa Claus derogatory name speaks for itself, wolf in sheep's clothing. That is precisely why you get called a troll; you can't argue w/o being rude.

    I'm done with you.

  118. Oops I said photos twice. On my iPad; don't feel like correcting it, sorry.

  119. Stop with the caps? Why so sensitive? Gee

    For someone with many rants, opinions, and idiosyncrasis you get over sensitive about caps. What...

    I've followed Mr. Nichols and Jake for some time now since bbm, and I know all about the issues. You've brought nothing new to me. Ok

    Are you sensitive about Santa Claus also. Come on. Afterall, he is a made up fantasy figure. You do know this don't you? I'm an adult and I thought I was communicating with another one.

    Santa, derogatory?

    I spoke to your comment and addressed it, You have not answered my question, but yet you go on a tantrum and get upset.

    I have an opinion and you have yours. You are not the only one who can speak your mind. Are you aware of this?

    Notice I did not cap... lol

  120. @CassidyLehrman
    Cassidy Lehrman Had an amazing time w/ my Aussie pen pal ;) his first time to America and we took him to Pinkberry...who did we run into but Jake Gyllenhaal
    2 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

    Two consecutive evenings in the same restaurant?
    How weird

  121. I've followed Mr. Nichols and Jake for some time now since bbm, and I know all about the issues. You've brought nothing new to me. Ok

    I doubt that because I've followed these guys for years too and this blog continues to reveal new insights as did Waiting for Toothy back in the day before trolls overran. If you are familiar with all these "issues" then you would be far more hesitant to say they are just gay and fool around. If that's all they are to you, why do you even follow the story? Guys like that are a dime a dozen in Hollywood.

    I suspect you hang around on a blog you think has nothing to offer because you do care very much and are concerned about what is unfolding.

  122. Two consecutive evenings in the same restaurant? How weird

    Not really. Jake has a long history of hyperfocusing on things that he's into at the moment. Whether that item is kale, yoga, Whole Foods, Mumford and Sons, or certain eateries.

    Recently, for instance, Jake went for sushi on January 4, January 5 and then again on January 10.

  123. Sure,but do you know what it is weird even more?

    Cassie Katie and Todd that are the two people that have seen Jake to the restaurant yesterday are friends, and they happily chat, on Twitter

  124. You can tell that realization that Jake is gay is slowly dawning on the troll. Otherwise why the desperation. If they really thought he was straight, they would care less if he was seen in the company of a guy. Any guy, including Austin.

    Since we know the guys keep up with what is said about them on this blog, I say it's time for them to let a photo slip out. I vote for another Lakers game.

    M&M's history is good. Unfortunately Jake also stayed in the closet to help Brokebacks award chances. ironic.

  125. Wedding Bells - yes you can see why Jake and Austin took advantage of the opportunity and got married so the wouldn't have to marry beards. And with confidential marriages in California, they could be legally married and it would be sealed from public records. Their TDAT co-star Emmy Rossum did that when she was married to music executive Justin Siegel. The only way it was revealed that they were married was when they filed for divorce.

  126. It looks like Mozilla/Firefox is still working, but Mozilla main page has gone dark. Sorry for the panic guys.

    But SOPA/PIPA would change everything, and all the things you enjoy on the internet. If passed it will harm the free and open Internet and endanger freedom of speech that we take for granted.

    For those in US, Take action by calling you US Representative and Senators.

  127. Okay hey, let's just say the Pinkberry sightings and Jake/Austin tweets are made up. Subterfuge to cover up Jake slipping out of town, perhaps? It's happened before. Hmm, well where could Jake have gone, you ask?

    Michael J Whidden (@mjwbkny)
    1/17/12 8:32 AM
    Exchanged greetings with fellow stroller-pusher Jake Gyllenhaal this AM. More rugged looking in person but blends in in Bk Hts. Friendly guy

    Get a load of that. And it sure would not be Ramona in a baby stroller. The plot thickens, doesn't it?

    I wonder if this guy follows Sophia or has an LJ account? Wonder if he follows Austin?

  128. Lol. Yes that's a real tweet, found it last night thanks to ol' BJPSez because of course she had to tweet at the guy and inform him that Jake was in LA so it couldn't be true.

    Jake's world is just shaking for some. LA with Austin or Brooklyn with a baby stroller. Wow, the choices. LOL!

  129. This comment has been removed by the author.

  130. M&M's history is good. Unfortunately Jake also stayed in the closet to help Brokebacks award chances. ironic.

    Yes, I agree. Jake caved under the pressure. But, he did try to come out. It is ironic and sad that Brokeback is what ultimately kept him in the closet and actually shoved him into the deepest recesses of that lonely cubicle for years.

  131. Jake with a stroller. Hmmmmm. Better than yogurt, don't you think?

  132. Now if Jake shows up in LA today, I have to scratch my head over this Brooklyn Hghts. tweet and why on earth he would even think to say that. It would be very strange.

    I am not a fan of scrolling over all these comments every time I want to post tho, I have to say. The iPad doesn't have Page Down, lol. Work on that, would you, Apple?

  133. That stroller sighting is intriguing. Maybe the guy saw Jake in December when he was still in NY and held off posting the tweet at Jake's request?

  134. Well, one thing is for sure. Jake is going to (and already has) gotten more press over ol' Tay's new upcoming CD than anything he's done for awhile. No doubt. That's all you see on twitter.

    She's something else. These 2 guys have bearded with such bitter women - all 3 of them. Reese, Sophia and ol' Tay. It seems pretty evident that Sophia is madder than a hornet over Austin because she has gone on another twitter binge the last couple of days. Soapy is as readable as a book.

  135. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  136. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  137. If you are familiar with all these "issues" then you would be far more hesitant to say they are just gay and fool around. If that's all they are to you, why do you even follow the story? Guys like that are a dime a dozen in Hollywood.

    first, I don't believe all the issues that most OMGers see as facts / proof that they are together and with children.

    second, Yes, I do believe that they fooled around and maybe still. Most likely with other guys/people. I believe they deal with women on the side also just as you pointed out, so many other hollywood male actors do, some female actors do this also. You are aware of this are you not?

    I suspect you hang around on a blog you think has nothing to offer because you do care very much and are concerned about what is unfolding.

    No. I don't hang around here. I check out this blog at times as I always have, but don't comment. I like J/A and I'm a fan. Does not mean I have to follow the lead that most here believe.

    The possibility of Jake and Mr. Nichols being married and having children does not excite me as it does others here. If they were and did, I would be happy for them with all of my support, but I don't believe it. I would also hope that if these two would take such a major, Major step like that, they would embrace it, not hide and lie about it. I don't see any of the two doing that. I don't think J/A have the interest "yet" in making a family, let alone a Same sex family.

    There was some discussion about Jake having more than one yogurt recently and some posters started the typical assumptions. Need I say more?
    Not realizing the yogurt could have been for family, friends, a casual partner, male or Female, guest or just to keep for his greedy self (lol) if he wanted more in the future. Put it in the frig, I do it at times (shame-lol). But I work out often!

    And it could have been for children and or Austin. The sky is the limit with this one. Not etched in stone.

  138. LOL! Wow, the stroller word already has somebody a little unhappy this morning, doesn't it?

    I really liked Austin's tweet yesterday. That guy hauling all of those, what were those? Coolers? And how did he get under that?

    Wonder if that's how Austin feels when all the kids pile up on him? LOL!

    Tonight is the coffeecake, right?

    Coffee cake rules!!!

  139. Fine, 08:08. Glad to hear your views.

    I have got to order my Two Wheel Tuesday tote bag.

  140. @AllieJ48
    Allie Finally a smiling Jake Gyllenhaal at the Golden Globes 2012: http://tmblr.co/ZKw5xxEzGiR7
    8 minutes ago

    whit Adam Levine of course
