Thursday, February 7, 2013

A growing thank you

A tree might grow in Brooklyn  but it's a garden grows in Harlem.
Well that is the theme of Edible Schoolyards Spring Event and the highlight of all that growth?  Honoring Jake.

After all the ways Jake has helped promote Edible Schoolyards

He's talked about it
Planted for it
Shook on it
Hosted events

Rapped about it?
Slung pizza for it

and even bobbed for it 

And been thanked for it

Edible Schoolyards NYC is doing something even more.  They are making Jake the man of the hour.

 A reception and dinner on April 15th, falling between Jake  filming Prisoners and Mississippi Grind, culinary star David Chang will be one of the chairs for the event. No doubt there will be plenty of great food and for a great cause.
Will there be Kale?  That's the question.

So Jake grab that white shirt and tan pants, Spring's 'a comin' and the kale's a callin'

Seriously it is nice to see Jake honored again for something he is so invested in and passionate about. 


  1. You know when The Weather Channel anchor people are using the word 'epic', that it could be a heckuva snowstorm.

    TGIF. Watching my whiny boy Puddy along with Greta the Shepherd mix and Lucky the black lab this weekend, which means I will not get hardly any sleep this weekend. We always have to get up in the middle of the night, no lingering in bed, no sirrreee. Puddy cries for all kinds of reasons. Dogs can have issues as well, you know.

    Up and at 'em.

  2. You know that when Jim Cantore of the Weather Channel is broadcasting from the Public Garden in Boston, you're in trouble!

    Take care everyone!

    Our favorite pics from yesterday's post, sigh.

  3. You know you are damn lucky when you headed South and all you had was rain and now it is sunny:-)

  4. Rough night. Drank Coke before I went to bed and could not sleep. Can't kick this damn bug.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. It is so quiet right now. The is a driving ban for the entire state that started at 4pm. No on can be on the road except emergency and medical personnel, utility people, national guard, plow drivers and the media. It is deteriorating quickly with the snow increasing, and it's getting darker. We are waiting for the winds to pick up and more intense snowfall per hour. Tonight the only thing you'll hear is the wind and the plows.
