Friday, February 8, 2013

Jelly Donut Happy

Going to the Way Back Machine put not too far, just a year ago yesterday Jake arrived in Berlin for Berlinale 2012.

A smiling clean shaven Jake

We didn't know then why he was so happy

But we soon found out.  Thanks Dana Delaney!!

@DanaDelany Dana Delany
Hey! Landed at Heathrow & ran into @AUS10NICHOLS. #shipspassing
3 hours ago via Twitter for iPad

And hey he's made our Fridays for a long time.


And then the fun began

Did you just say Wunderbar Jake? 

 He makes me go pretzel!

  You didn't tell  Mike Leigh that you got Schnitzeled did you?

Someone else got to meet Meryl too?  Hmmm, wonder what stories she told him about you.

Now we just have to find out why Jake is obsessed with the number 5. ; )

Happy Austin Friday Jake.


  1. I feel for you SK. Be careful.

    Made it to St. Augustine. Will do the rest tomorrow. Too tired to deal with Orlando traffic tonight.

    By the way 70 and sunny here today.:-)

  2. Thinking of you, Special and asking God to keep you safe.

  3. Hope you come through the storm ok Special. Stay safe and indoors.

  4. Jake looked fantastic at Berlinale, utterly fantastic. He was glowing at the opening.

  5. Glad you made it safe. Enjoy the nice sun. :D Thanks for your thought on my friend. She over corrected and hit a telephone pole.

    Jake looks good and happy last yr. Guess when you have great people around you. Heheh

  6. Ahhh safe in my Florida home. 75 and sunny. Come on down:-)

  7. Ah, Berlinale 12 of sweet memory :)

  8. Great memory, London. Remember how exciting it was? I'm thrilled that Austin was over there. Thank God for Dana Delaney spotting Austin in London. And the sight of him on those steps.
    And the twirly coat!!!!! Ahh, don't get me too excited. ;D

  9. Nawth A Bawston Jokes from DlistedFebruary 9, 2013 at 6:07 PM

    Special, I thought you'd appreciate this from MichaelK:

    I'm a Boston resident and as Blizzard 2013 approaches people are going crazy for milk and bread the supermarkets are packed, I noticed this on my way to Kappy's to stock up on vodka. I was watching TV just now and thought of you and Dlisted...

  10. PrairieGirl, can you link to that UK sighting of Jake you referenced on twitter? Thanks.

  11. I'm back! Power back on after 36 hours and my place is a balmy 45F inside and 24 inches of snow outside.

    Thanks for all the good thoughts.

    It's going to be a double post Sunday so get ready!

  12. Awesome news, Special!!!!


  13. Welcome back SK. Time to dig out. 80 and sunny in Tampa today. Just saying:-)
