Sunday, February 10, 2013

Saturday Storm Hangover Post

Back to business!  And hair business it is....

Did Jake and Colin Farrell have the same stylist for the films they are currently shooting or is there some kind of conspiracy by Stephen Baldwin to bring this back.

Now if Alec tweets about this... we know the jig is up.

Double post today.  Look for the Out Spotlight tonight.


  1. Glad to hear ppl are safe back east. Dont know what I would do with so much snow. Stay warm. Here it not as warm in Fl but it nice. The suns out and around 70s.

    I think Jake hair cut looks better than Colin. Just saying. :D

  2. Yeah, it looks better on Jake but I don't know what that's saying when it comes to that haircut. lol. Geez. I mean, what in the heck? Is Prisoners set during the 60's??? Is Jake's character supposed to be a Conway Twitty fan? Maybe Vitalis is a big sponsor of Prisoners, maybe that's it.

  3. Glad you're back in business Special. Stay warm!!

  4. An epic battle took place today. Harvard vs. MIT snowball war.

    Havard vs. MIT snowball war - High Noon

  5. Who do you throw at, though? lol

    Do the BAFTA's normally take place on the same evening as the Grammy's? Both are going on today.

    Melissa McCarthy's new movie with Jason Bateman opened at almost $37 million this weekend. Yea for comedy. I like her - I think she is absolutely hilarious. All she had to do was open her mouth to talk in Bridesmaids and I was rolling. I think her delivery is just one of the funniest ever.

    Remember that scene in Bridesmaids when she raises her leg against the doorway in the airplane? LOLLLL!!! That was classic. Makes me laugh just thinking about it.

  6. Glad to hear you are back in business Special. As for Jake's hair, for someone with such beautiful hair, he does not have much luck with it in his films. Even with POP, they used extensions when he could have grown his hair long so easily. Not a fan of the look for his new film, but it's what the part calls for.

    Watching the golf tournament and jonesing for another trip to Carmel. Maybe in April. Heading back east this week for another trip, but won't have to travel for a while after this next trip.

  7. Sorry to hear you're traveling again, m. I'm back home after another dogsitting gig. Boy, I always hate carting my stuff out the door in front of whichever dogs it is I'm watching. Then they get all sad and think they're being abandoned. But today it couldn't be helped really. And Puddy bolted for the door when I went to leave. I had to throw my knee between his head and the door opening, scared me to DEATH! He has never done that before. Good grief.

    Well, Grammys are tonight. Can you believe that ol' Tay's song, the one that's supposed to be "about" Jake, is up for Record of the Year? If that thing wins, I'll spit. A song based totally on a big fat lie. What has the music world come to.

    However, I also notice Mumford and Sons are up for major awards. I wouldn't be surprised to see Jake pop up all of a sudden in LA via the official written word.

  8. Boy, what in the heck was with the Academy? So Argo wins Best Picture and Best Film Director at the 2013 BAFTA's. What happened with the Oscars? That just looks all kinds of strange now.
