Thursday, May 23, 2013

Packs a punch!

Austin can pack a lot into a tweet.  Give it up for the English/Creative Writing major.

Take Austin's latest tweet

Amy Pascal--I love working with female directors. I love females so damn much. I'm on your team. Everybody please RT

Now it might look like he's giving the Co-Chairman of Sony Pictures Entertainment and Chairman of Sony Pictures Entertainment Motion Picture Group a shout out and makes you wonder - new project?  Or is he looking for one.  

Or is he trying to say how much he likes females?

But then if you find out that Pascal gave a speech
last nightback in March (revised, my bad) " at a sold-out LA Gay & Lesbian Center gala that raised $1 million for homeless gay and lesbian youth"  where she was the honoree.  And she did something that rarely see in Hollywood a call for action for the LGBT community.   Pascal "asked the industry to scrutinize its depiction of LGBT characters in film and television: 'How about next time, when any of us are reading a script and it says words like fag, or faggot – homo – dyke – take a pencil and just cross it out '.”

And she goes on to make a remarkable speech about changing the representation of  LGBT individuals in film.  

Here is an excerpt of her speech:

"The images that impacted me as a teenager had lasting influences on my entire life and I bet that is true for most of us. What we see in the media today affects everybody, whether it’s film, TV, radio, magazines or the internet. What the media says about your sexual orientation, and the color of your skin, and the shape of your eyes, and your ethnicity… what you look like, what you weigh, what you wear, how poor you are, how awkward you are, how educated you are, and how different you are… this stuff really sinks in. What we see teaches us about how to feel about ourselves and how to feel about each other.

And now, I’m talking about kids who are gay and I’m talking about kids who aren’t gay. One group needs affirmation and the other group needs education. And, if I’m being honest, neither of those issues are high on any movie studio or TV network’s agenda…

The Celluloid Closet was made almost 20 years ago and certainly attitudes have changed, but maybe not quite so much as you or I would want or hope. Television has been much more progressive and credit has to be given to producers like Max Mutchnick and David Kohan and Ryan Murphy for really changing things.
Now movies need to catch up. There are magnificent movies being made about gay subjects with gay characters, like Brokeback Mountain and Milk. Anyone would have been proud to have made those movies. I know I would be. But when you think about some of these films, even our favorite ones, there is a theme that runs through them.

Brokeback Mountain, Milk, Boys Don’t Cry, Philadelphia, The Hours, Gods and Monsters, The Talented Mr. Ripley, A Single Man, My Own Private Idaho, Cloud Atlas – in all these movies, the main character is murdered or martyred or commits suicide or just dies unhappily. And there are far more pernicious and dangerous images that confront gay kids and their parents: the lesbian murderer, the psychotic transvestite, the queen who is humiliated and sometimes tossed off a ship or a ledge. It’s a big joke. It still happens.

How many times have you heard a character imply to another that the worst thing about going to prison isn’t being locked up for the rest of your life, it’s the homosexuality? And old stereotypes still exist. The most benign stereotypes would have a gay kid believe that they will end up being the asexual, witty best friend of the pretty girl, or a drag queen, or a swishy hairdresser. The list goes on." (Source)

Austin's tweet is his support of what she is saying.  

 One more step.  Go Austin Go!

And why would he include Nikki Finke and IndieWire in the tweet?  Because they covered the story. (We noticed you smart cookie you.)


  1. But then if you find out that Pascal gave a speech last night " at a sold-out LA Gay & Lesbian Center gala that raised $1 million for homeless gay and lesbian youth" where she was the honoree. And she did something that rarely see in Hollywood a call for action for the LGBT community. Pascal "asked the industry to scrutinize its depiction of LGBT characters in film and television: 'How about next time, when any of us are reading a script and it says words like fag,

    what are you talking about?
    Pascal gave that speech on 22/mar/2013 not "last night"(
    22/mar/2013 – In remarks made on Thursday at a fundraiser, Sony Pictures co-chairman Amy Pascal emphasized Hollywood's influence in shaping public ...)
    where Austin was on 23 or 24 or 25/mar/2013???
    He'spretty much saying he likes females

  2. You're right she did that in March, fact checker. My bad.

    But sorry, still don't think he is saying he likes females like you are trying to sell he does.

  3. Not me
    is what Austin is saying

    "I love females so damn much"

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I still applaud Austin for releasing such an enthusiastic tweet about a topic he normally tries to avoid at all costs


  6. Jake Bike Riding In New York City

  7. What we see teaches us about how to feel about ourselves and how to feel about each other.

    Although I think performers (i.e., "the artists") themselves need to also assume their own responsibility and accountability for contributing to the continuing homophobic ways of the entertainment industry, I still applaud Austin for posting a tweet (low-key though it may be) about a topic he normally tries to avoid at all costs. Yes, it was a subtle shout out, but it was a shout out nonetheless. There are sins of commission and sins of omission and Hollywood certainly counts on peer pressure and the allure of fame and money to force people to continue to lie about who they are and thus deprive young people and society at large of successful role models.

    That kind of subservience, of course, then translates onto the big and little screens, the stage, in concert halls, and manifests itself in the cookie cutter scripts, lyrics and story lines that are churned out every day according to established protocols of hetero-normative rules. A vicious cycle, difficult to break.

    I could care less that the speech was made in March because I don't think Austin was using his limited characters on Twitter to enthusiastically display his love of women. He could do that anytime, anywhere, anyplace. And has.

    Maybe his comment was belated, and maybe it represents only a tiny ripple in the grand scheme of things. But, hopefully this tiny ripple is one that will eventually lead to a tidal wave of acceptance as more people speak out. After all, it takes a village and home is where change truly starts.

  8. Or is Jake in Silver Lake CA????

    I don't necessarily partake anymore what IHJ force feeds with their date claims.

  9. about a topic he normally tries to avoid at all costs.

    Not true


    Check out this song. Great video ----> …


  10. This blog has been dead quiet all week but boy, someone is always stalking the joint out, aren't they?

  11. Or is Jake in Silver Lake CA?

    AlexandrinaHadjiyska ‏@AHadjiyska 38m

    Jake Gyllenhaal is sitting across the table. We share the same air. Oh my God!!! #nyc #soho


    ok this stalking really needs to stop. Everytime I am roaming the streets of Soho there's Jake Gyllenhaal. #LOL #NYC
    1:08 PM - 23 May 13 from Manhattan, NY


  12. Tori Paddock
    about an hour ago via mobile
    In order to confirm it was him, I ran an extra 2 miles. Thank you for helping me train Mr. Jake Gyllenhaal! #silverlakereservoir
    23 people like this.

    Bethany Cook Of all the nights to miss!! Hah
    26 minutes ago via mobile

  13. Oh please.

    Sharing the same air? lol.

    Btw, how easy is it to hash tag Soho to place Jake in NYC? Is that like a notary's stamp? ; )

  14. Definition:
    Normally means usually, ordinarily, for the most part. Not always. For every isolated example you provide "fact checking" there are 50 others that contradict your meaningless point.

    It truly is too bad you honed in on one isolated sentence and ignored the rest of the comment. Must be unsatisfying going through life with blinders on.

  15. AlexandrinaHadjiyskaLondon, United Kingdom now in #NYCiiMay 24, 2013 at 12:09 AM

    Well Tori Paddock is wrong!

  16. No, that remains to be seen. Sorry.

  17. Of course Austin likes females. A lot of my gay friends love females. They don't desire them sexually. But they love being friends with them.

    Still on the road and checking in for the first time in days. What a busy week but its almost over.

  18. How do YOU know that Tori Paddock is wrong. I'll take a Silver Lake tweet any day over the highly manufactured #Soho nonsense where PR always wants to plant Jake. It's getting pretty predictable in fact.

  19. Isn't this interesting that the pictures on IHJ are distinctly labeled "earlier today"? I don't recall pics on IHJ as normally having time frame of day given but these bike pictures do.

    Could it be because NYC was mostly rainy/stormy today with the exception of mid morning when there was a bit of sun?

  20. is not true that "normally", Austin avoids this topic
    and post that video is much more bold and definitive than any other gesture that I can imagine and shows that Austin has not Need cheats or charades to say what he wants to say or show support for something, he does it in a direct and clear way
    Just like that tweet/video about that gay rights activist courageous speech

  21. Soho nonsense where PR always wants to plant Jake

    No way that girl from LONDON is"Soho nonsense PR"

  22. is not true that "normally", Austin avoids this topic

    Oh, yes it is. I remember the Kentucky Derby comment where he immediately took down the pink reference because it sounded too gay. That's a classic example of him overreacting. Which he does often. Just like Jake.

  23. "no way that girl from LONDON is"Soho nonsense PR"

    Saying it, don't make it so. You can wish all you want, but both Jake and Austin are gay and have been together for years. Sorry it depresses you so.

  24. Of course Austin likes females. A lot of my gay friends love females

    Sure but not in this way


    Holy Beyonce!! Look out J. I'm comin after your lady.


    I think girls just put on their LuluLemon to go to Whole Foods. By the way, I aint complainin!!


    Uhh, Czech Beach Volleyball girls... I'm here to console you... -Austin

  25. Austin's words sound like overcompensation to me. Remember, talk is cheap. Particularly, from closeted queens.

  26. I am on your team also Austin:-)

  27. My UK friends- Ray Donovan will premiere in the UK July 29 on Sky Atlantic. Who's going to watch? @SHO_Network @SHO_PR

    Please RT help me blow this up. Ray Donovan June 30 in The USA on @SHO_Network and July 29 on Sky Atlantic in the UK!!
