Friday, May 24, 2013


OMG wasn't some Two Wheel Tuesday, and it looks like it was Jake and not Austin giving some pedal on Thursday instead.

A clean shaven Jake

Now Jakey you are looking sooooo good without all that crazy scruff.

You are way too young to go Billy Goat Gruff.

Jake has played some law enforcers lately but Thusday he was a lawbreaker.

Do you know what he could stopped for?


  1. As a New Yorker Jake is illegally riding his bike on the sidewalk. Unless your twelve years or younger that's against the law in the city. You could be ticketed as well as having your bike confiscated. Because it's real annoying for walkers not to mention it could be very dangerous. Someone walking down the street and they turn a corner and there's a bike rider slamming right into you. Not a happy feeling.

    That said Jake is looking hot without the beard. In fact without that beard to focus on I'm able to notice just how well buffed Jake's body is. He's extremely well fit.

  2. Obviously a PR shot passing. Friendly fire doesnt want to get hit by a cab:-)


  3. Many gay celebs do these kind of staged photo ops when their PR teams want the public to think they are in NY when they are not. Jake knows enough about bike laws to know it is absolutely verboten to ride on the sidewalk in NY city. There are other problems with that photo as well. I wonder if other people can pick up on it.

  4. ^those photos (Since several pics were "released" to up the authenticity.)

  5. Okay, I'll bite. The first thing that struck out at me was where in the heck is everybody? If this is the much hash-tagged #SoHo or the oft-obligatory #Tribeca, unless these photos were taken at 4:30am, where in the heck are the people? Maybe Jake held out his arms Moses-like and the sea of people parted, thus creating that nice, wide path for him to ride in.

    LOLLLLL!!! Remember that episode of Seinfeld when Kramer adopted the stretch of highway and he widened the lanes. Elaine drives on his section and notices how wide the lanes were and she starts weaving all over and calls the highway lanes "luxurious". BWAH!!! Luxurious. That was hilarious.

    Maybe Jake is saying "Luxurious." lol

  6. I don't think Jake has even been in NYC lately.

    You know, all Austin did was post a picture of the Texas flag. He never tweeted that he was there.

    I think they've been in CA all this time.

    And from CA they went to Michigan.

    And Jake can wear those teal shoes until he's teal in the face, it doesn't make the picture real-time.

  7. Does Donald look like someone we know???????? lol


  8. You all need to stop with this spinning of PR posting staged and false timeline pictures of Jake in NYC, simply just to confuse or counter the OMG crowd.
    Do you all know how you sound?
    I would think they would have better things to do than to spend time on a few people who cries Jake and Austin are gay. Most people could care less.

    And, it is absolutely ridiculous and self serving to think like this. If Jake and Austin are in two different cities, so What.
    Big Deal. They get together whenever they can and do it whenever they can. Just get over it.

    Really, Some of you spin more than the people you claim to spin, but at least they get paid for it.

  9. You all need to stop

    Adam Levine, is that you?

  10. And no.

    I'm not going to stop.

    Don't care how I sound to you.

    And I'm not getting over anything. There's not anything to get over. I know what I know.

    Eh, thanks for the light moment.

  11. And Jake can wear those teal shoes until he's teal in the face, it doesn't make the picture real-time.

    Oh, noooo. Not the dreaded smiley face.

    As a "resident" of New York, Jake would be fully aware that it is big time illegal to ride your bike on the sidewalk in NYC. Although I'm sure it's just coincidental that California and Michigan do not have such a restriction. Hmmmm.

    Also, if you look closely, that bike doesn't even have reflector equipment on it. Another omission which violates the law. Secondly, in one of the photos Jake's butt is raised above the seat. Also illegal. After all these slip ups it's blatantly obvious that the bike is a stripped down prop and those pictures were taken and released to set up the notion that Jake is in NY. Which means, of course, he's not.

  12. Adam Levine, is that you?

    LOL! You mean old, "Stop thinking Jake is gay!" *stomps foot and pouts*

    Well, PG. Is it possible that your Donald Duck avatar might bare a striking resemblance to a certain feisty and fierce thespian who might just be one-half of the subject of this blog?

    You know, the angry young man who just can't seem to resist playing the, "Woe is me - Boo-hoo game" whenever it comes to people not letting him have a private life. Even though, of course, he doesn't appear to need to play by the same set of rules as he splashes his image all over the Internet whenever it suits his purposes. You know. The Soul Cycle Lothario with the man-bun and the model "girlfriend" who recently forgot to take her to the premiere fashion event in New York City (Met Gala Ball) despite the fact that she was in town and actually might have made a better date that his bud, Marcus Mumford. But hey, maybe the hipster musician is a better dresser that Emily the Beard.

  13. As a "resident" of New York, Jake would be fully aware that it is big time illegal to ride your bike on the sidewalk in NYC.

    It isn't "big time illegal". It isn't even "small time illegal". The punishment for riding on the sidewalk in NY is...a civil penalty of $100 dollar. Wow. I'm sure Jake is really sweating that one. Who knew that Jake was such a law-abiding citizen? Reading this blog led me to believe Jake took coke and liked having sex in public places, but I guess I got that wrong and we can now discount those accounts of his illegal activities, right?

  14. What difference does it make how much a penalty is when something is against the law? Wow.

    I can see that once again, the idea that Jake would (gasp!) lie to his 'fans' is greatly disturbing to some. Yeah well, he is lying, time after time after time.

    lol. "The Fear". smh.

  15. Well, I live in NY and it's illegal to ride on the sidewalk period and people are very vocal to others who dare to break that rule. It doesn't matter if Jake gets a fine of $100 or $1,000. That's an outright stupid argument to make. I'm sure his public relations team would not like Jake doing things that would cause him to get a citation of any kind. Particularly, a violation that might end up hurting someone. Bad for business. Bad for his image. Particularly, when Jake promotes himself as such a responsible cyclist. In fact, why isn't he wearing a helmet? Even in the photos of him on set with his Mommy last summer, he had a helmet in his hand. Sure he doesn't have to wear protective head gear, but that is his normal attire. So why isn't he wearing his helmet this time?

    Notice too how there is no one around him as he rides toward the camera. NYC sidewalks are always congested. And, the point made about the reflector and sitting up off his seat is correct too. I must agree that I also thought this was just a photo op, but it's great to see when people back it up with supporting evidence. Unlike the trolls who just get angry and attack with stupid arguments.

  16. The Fear has nothing to fear but Fear itself...

    Afraid we're actually right on the mark at times are we?

    For such a so-called small following, we certainly are the target of plenty of venom.

    Now back to our regular schedule.

  17. So why isn't he wearing his helmet this time?

    That's another excellent point, NY resident. I couldn't believe I didn't notice that one at first.

    If one was riding amongst all the taxicabs, pedestrians, cars, and trucks in a city like NY, it would be extremely unwise to ride without a bike helmet. One swerve to avoid something and a subsequent fall from the bike could result in a serious head injury.

    If you Google Jake Gyllenhaal bicycle riding, you'll see numerous pictures of him riding with the helmet on. Another exception when you see him helmet-less is when he was riding with Reese over in Italy.

    And we all know how fake that outing was.

  18. And where does the idea of Austin being in Michigan come from?

    Jordan Lamborghini (@gallaballa23)
    5/25/13, 1:05

    Go to the movies and then Steak and Shake in Portage and who do I run into while eating? Austin Nichols! ahahaha

  19. What difference does it make how much a penalty is when something is against the law?

    ...because people are more likely to ignore a law if the consequence for breaking that law is only a hundred dollar fine? Because it's the height of warped logic to argue that Jake would do something illegal like have sex in public places and use coke then turn around and say he wouldn't ride a bicycle on a sidewalk because it's illegal?

    I can see that once again, the idea that Jake would (gasp!) lie to his 'fans' is greatly disturbing to some.

    Hmm, I see people greatly disturbed by the idea of Jake being in NY and turning minor civil offenses into "big time illegal" activities.

    Afraid we're actually right on the mark at times are we?

    No. I just love seeing how far people on this blog will go to justify their ludicrous beliefs. I mean, they're are people on here seriously arguing that Jake wouldn't ride on a sidewalk in New York because it's illegal...but also believe he did coke and had sex in parking lots. Because apparently that's way less illegal and the punishment for getting caught is a lot smaller and less damaging than a $100 ticket.

    In fact, why isn't he wearing a helmet? Even in the photos of him on set with his Mommy last summer, he had a helmet in his hand. Sure he doesn't have to wear protective head gear, but that is his normal attire. So why isn't he wearing his helmet this time?

    ...I guess that's just more evidence that Jake isn't the responsible, safety minded cyclist some people want to paint him as. Oh, wait, maybe his PR people just want me to think that to make it easier for me to believe that Jake was in NY. That's so cunning!

    If one was riding amongst all the taxicabs, pedestrians, cars, and trucks in a city like NY, it would be extremely unwise to ride without a bike helmet.

    So if he was riding without a helmet in NY he might decide to risk a ticket and ride on the sidewalk? Especially if there weren't too many people walking it? Oh, sorry, I forgot; every single sidewalk in NY is always full of people.

  20. Keep on blowing wind, Fear.

    Well, I'm headed out for the evening. This is an entirely different audience here, one that doesn't take every mouthful that PR tries to spoon feed us.

    And I know rot when someone is trying to feed it.

  21. Photos: Scofflaw Celebrities (Gyllenhaal! DiCaprio! Uh...Jonas!) Biking On NYC Sidewalks

    From FB:

    Jake gyllenhaal almost hit me oh his bike. I think I would have been ok with it.
    May 24 near New York, NY via mobile

    Bryan Landaburu ‏@fuze
    I didn't take a photo of Jake Gyllenhaal who sat next to me at lunch today in #tribeca. Simultaneously, I lost every female friend I have.
    May 24

    Dorothy Wong ‏@doroshiix33 2h
    Jake Gyllenhall spotted at Ippudo hehehe
    May 24

    Jorge Cosano ‏@jacosano
    One of those nights #NYC dinner #omen with Jake Gyllenhaal, Aaron Young, and Dov Charney from American Apparel in the 3 tables next to us
    May 24

  22. Well Jake would be smart if he is somewhere else beside NYC or the Northeast for that matter.

    The weather is horrible, cold, dreary, rainy.

    Can I see him throwing people off with a picture yes. Why?
    He's done it before.

    Texas is supposed to get rain.

    But the weather looks all good in Michigan.
