Friday, February 21, 2014


 February vacation is winding up for most of New England and this weekend all those who escaped the cold will be heading home.

And since Austin wants it to seem like he's on a extended holiday  it was a must to channel back to Austin playing a high school kid on break - it has to be Holiday in the Sun in all of it's Olsen-ness

They should have just named his character Gulliver.

 Who knew then Megan would go for guy by the name of Austin.

Wonder if Austin still takes his scooter for spins in LA? 

And in honor of your best line of the movie Austy - "Check the rear I think we've got company"  we leave you with this.

Olympics for ALL Moment:

"In response to Russia's law banning "gay propaganda," members of a New York City-based running club are using their daily miles to show their support for members of Russia's lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community.

Members of Front Runners New York, a LGBT running club, initially set out to collectively run 4,664 miles - the distance between New York City and Moscow - during the 30-day span leading up to the Sochi Winter Olympic Games' closing ceremony. As word spread through social media, and non-club members showed interested in showing their support, the group decided to open up the initiative to the public.
As of Wednesday afternoon, 202 runners - 127 club members and 75 allies - had logged 8,298 miles, already enough to cover the distance to Moscow and make it most of the way back to New York. Club members have adjusted their goal and now seek to have as many supporters as possible log as many miles as they can on the club's web site by February 23."

1 comment:

  1. In the wake of Arizona's decision, one pizza place decided to refuse to serve Arizona legislators.

    Arizona pizzeria refuses to serve legislators
