Monday, September 5, 2011

I am ....

...not two.
But four.
Look's like Jake was not a twosome but a foursome at the table. Friends hanging out.

It was more of a guys afternoon, with Rashida being outnumbered 3-1 at the table and 4-1 if you include that happy not seen for a while Atti.Jake's been a fan of Cafe Gratitude first up in the Bay Area and then when they opened a location in LA. So what is it that makes Gratitude different than some of Jake's favorites such as Urth Cafe, or M Cafe? Might be Gratitude's attitude. It's "sunshine and rainbows" according to the NY Times.

And the LA Times puts it this way: "After several weeks of dining at Café Gratitude, one might find oneself Vibrant, Grounded, Whole, Loved, Magical, Precious and Cozy, but never Hung Over, Angry, Jealous, Hurt or Sorry. In fact, the restaurant is so uniformly bright and cheery that it borders on pathological. Think Disneyland gone vegan, sans the heartland tourists wearing fanny packs."

The menu is partly raw, and partly cooked. Everything is 100% organic and vegan.The restaurant is all about the experience of positivity and affirmations and to those sharing the experience. The cover of the menu reads: “We invite you to step inside and enjoy being someone who chooses: loving your life, adoring yourself, accepting the world, being generous and grateful everyday, and experiencing being provided for.”

Starting out the meal the server asks "Today's Question", which could be something like “What do you love to give?” and the good vibe time continues to the menu with dishes such as I Am Thriving (butternut squash chipotle soup), I Am Elated (enchiladas), I Am Transformed (corn tacos) and I Am Extraordinary ("BLT" sandwich). When served,the meal is now not an "I am" but a "You are" as in, the server saying "You are Extraordinary" as it is place in front of you.

The flower child vibe feeling is throughout the restaurant, because when even toilet seats are called awesome covers, it's edging on trippy.But don't look for bacon in that BLT, but sautéed maple coconut instead.

And then dessert. With such choices as I am Magnificent (Chocolate Mousse), I am Irrestibile (Chocolate Coconut Cream Pie), I am Awakening (Creamy avocado- key lime custard torte), I am Bliss (Chocolate Hazelnut Cream Torte), I am Cherished (seasonal pie) to name a few.

Seeing Jake , Rashida and Mr. Denim go spoons in, and knowing Jake you wonder if they are splitting the"I am Adoring" (Tiramisu) as their dessert.If you bring your own bowl to Cafe Gratitude, they will give you a discount on your entree.

And Atti? The pet friendly place comps Atti's bowl of water.Even paying your bill is a bit different at Gratitude, as in giving an affirmation to say to bring positive energy for the rest of the day.One thing you wonder if Gratitude ever put "I am Toothy" (maybe a caramel nut torte) would Jake order it? Just for that cheeky grin Jake would get when they served it ... "You are Toothy".

Austin? He would be about the hot sauce.
Or doing his best Stuart Smalley

Photos: IHJ, Food Buff, JasonWrobel


  1. Now let me ask this - is it a conscientious decision on your part to misspell Rashida's name throughout the post?

  2. Summer is over, time for Jake to get back to work, and looks like that means bearding.

    I know with Jake it is tempting to jump to this presumption.

    But we don't know yet. This is the first time he's been seen with her as far as I can remember and as the pictures show, Jake was not alone with her. The article makes it sound as though they were on a date but why do they leave separately?

    I'm going to cut the guy a break and not jump down his throat on this one. For right now, it looks like this was a friends lunch.

    Because for one thing, it's been shown already that the minute it was speculated no on was seeing Jake and wherever on earth was Austin; just like punching a clock, here comes Jake out of the woodwork.

    He had to get out to be seen and show that he had to go call up some friends to meet him for lunch and well, Austin must be in England or Nova Scotia, heavens he couldn't be anywhere near Jake.

    I think it is not only uncanny, it is absolutely hilarious that the minute we were talking yesterday & Saturday night about Jake not even having his name floated with anyone and everyone is feeling pretty good about the direction his marketed life has been taking, lo and behold, it's just uncanny that Jake not only needs to step out the door but he sits down to lunch at his big hangout and the gossip sites already have him dating Rashida Jones.

    After how many months?? I mean, it's just..............funny. And unreal.

  3. Now let me ask this - is it a conscientious decision on your part to misspell Rashida's name throughout the post?

    No it wasn't and since you are the first one who jumps on the blog whenever I misspell anything you know I can misspell stuff.

    And I was spelling it like Rachel with ida on the end. My mistake.

    So there is nothing more than bad spelling. So you can take back that mountain you're making out of it.

  4. If you open up the pictures at the top of the post, you will see how there were four friends at the table. Definitely looks more like a lunch with friends.

    Rashida is regular customer at Cafe Gratitude on her own too. The place is quickly becoming a fav for a lot of people in HW. I read an article where one industry person said the energy was so different there than other places around HW.

    If you looked at more of the pictures over at IHJ, you see Jake hugging someone who looks like a Gratitude server. And that's not uncommon for there.

    When Jake was up in SF back in the fall of 2010 for a week, they said he ate at the original Cafe Gratitude every day.

  5. I love America but I gotta root for Ana Ivanovich right now. #usopen
    48 minutes ago

  6. When Jake was up in SF back in the fall of 2010 for a week, they said he ate at the original Cafe Gratitude every day.

    When was he there? What was he doing there for a week?

  7. LOL - what a cute post. That was one of my favorite SNL skits too. The tiramisu looks yummy.

  8. There is another article that had Jake in SF last year too. I am still looking through my files but this will get you started.

    Here is the link to Berkelyside's article about Cafe Gratitude up there in Berkley and mentioned Jake being there for a week.

    Giving thanks with Berkeley's Cafe Gratitude

  9. Okay thanks. But it wasn't the fall of 2010 when he was there - it was a long weekend in January 2010 (22nd, 23rd, 24th) he was there. :-)

  10. Here's the other article from the Berkeleyside paper.

    It’s worth noting, for the record, that when Gyllenhaal visited Berkeley recently — perhaps to close the deal with Waters — he chose to eat on a daily basis not at the hallowed tables of Chez Panisse, but rather across the street at the slightly more down to earth Café Gratitude.

    Jake Gyllenhaal to spread the Alice Waters gospel. Dec 7, 2010

    The interview with the manager at Cafe Gratitude in Berkeley that I linked before is dated Nov 24 2010.

  11. Acutally I think he was there both in Jan for a long weekend. But if you read what the manager said she said Jake was there for a week.

    and the actor Jake Gyllenhaal came in every day for a week when he was here.

    And then looking at both articles together you can see that Jake was in SF that fall.

  12. He keeps some classy female company – dating a country crooner and an Oscar winner – and Jake Gyllenhaal's latest lunch involved another showbiz sweetheart.

    The actor was spotted lunching – and laughing – with longtime friend Rashida Jones, veteran funny girl and current star on NBC's Parks and Recreation, Sunday in Los Angeles.

    Gyllenhaal, 30, and Jones, 35, were joined by three other friends at Café Gratitude.

    But Gyllenhaal wasn't the only one getting attention from Jones. When they exited the restaurant, the actress headed straight toward Gyllenhaal's dog Atticus, who was waiting outside.

  13. Awww, it is nice to see Atticus. I love the wagging tail and you can tell he's jumping up & down a bit. I don't know that I'm wild about him being leashed to a pole outside while his daddy sits inside - why do you take your dog with you if that's what you're going to do but meh, I did see a tweet of someone running into Jake & Atti at Runyan so maybe they stopped on their way back from there.

  14. **sigh**. Seems as though Jake is yet again exhibiting an at-risk behavior that I should point out to all of us and this one would be an ergonomic at-risk behavior. This one makes me cringe with fear it's so at-risk.

    Note how Jake is bending down to untie Atticus in the picture below the Tiramisu pic. Actually, this is the pic I love because you can see Atticus' feet in the air and also that his tail is in mid-whiff (LOL).

    BUT - but, but, but - note how Jake's legs are totally straight as he bends forward. No, No, No, No, Jake!!!!
    Bend your knees, bend your knees!! Bending like that is putting undue stress on the discs in the lower back. If you can't squat down to pick something up, then at least bend your knees. But don't let your back take all that pressure of lifting your entire upper body up from that kind of position. It has absolutely no help that way and hey, you're not 17 anymore, you're 30. Take care of that back.

    He's giving me a coronary every darn time I look at that picture, I swear to Pete.

    Something just tells me that were I to walk around with Jake for a day, I would have a safety observation form filled with red checks under at-risk behaviors.


  15. LOLLLLLLLLL!!! Lookit the water bowl. Awwww, it has little paw prints all over it. LOL!!!

    That's cute. I also must add that I love the white T. Jake wears a white T so, so well.

    And kudos to Atticus for not being a jumper. I find it interesting that the muscle bound fellow in the grey T has a rounded-O mouth when they see Atticus as though this is the first time they are either meeting Atticus or they did not meet him upon their arrival. But look at Rashida. She's already bending forward to pet Atti and he's still lying down, not even getting up yet.

    What a well-behaved dog. Well done, Jake!

    That one bent ear and the other ear being cropped, cracks me up. I wonder what happened there with that?

    Curley has cropped ears and I love to touch them - they are so firm and feel kind of funny. I don't get how the doctors get them to stand straight up like that.

  16. I wonder if she must have met Atticus before because I know I don't approach at least a large dog like that with hand out-reached until you kind of get a feel for how they are in temperament.

  17. Exactly, Special. It's pretty apparent Jake visited Berkeley in the Fall, 2010 based on those 2 articles. "Recent" means of late occurrence, not at the beginning of the year.

    Looking at his schedule, it's more than likely the timeframe was in September, 2010. After all, he was last seen in LA "officially" on August 28 and then disappeared for an entire month. The explanation being that he was allegedly kanoodling (in private) with old Rachel Bilson (remember? LOL!). Then he suddenly sprung up miraculously in NY at the end of the month. After, October 23 he was much too busy bearding with old Tay Tay to be spending a week in Berkeley, or anywhere else for that matter. Although, I bet he felt like he was in hell sometimes. So I suspect it was September, 2010 that he was in Berkeley for a week as both articles state.

    The singer Jason Mraz is a regular and the actor Jake Gyllenhaal came in every day for a week when he was here. November 24, 2010

    It’s worth noting, for the record, that when Gyllenhaal visited Berkeley recently — perhaps to close the deal with Waters — he chose to eat on a daily basis not at the hallowed tables of Chez Panisse, but rather across the street at the slightly more down to earth Café Gratitude.
    December 7, 2010

    September 25 - At Le Fooding, A Culinary Festival In Queens, NY
    October 16 - Arriving At LAX Airport
    October 18 - Leaving the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills
    October 20 - Leaving The Regal Theater In New York City

  18. But look at Rashida. She's already bending forward to pet Atti and he's still lying down, not even getting up yet.

    Given that Rashida is a child of Hollywood, just like Jake, and is only about a year older than Maggie, I'm sure Jake knows her very well. She hangs out at Cafe Gratitude, is into health foods and exercise (runs, pilates, etc), supports eco-friendly causes and is a longtime very close friend of Natalie Portman. Some people are trying to suggest on the Internet that they just met for the 2011 photo shoot for Vanity Fair. That's a pretty farfetched idea. Hollywood's a small place and children of Hollywood know one another. Check out what Natalie Portman said about her good friend Rashida:
    "She would fight beasts 10 times her size to protect the people she loves. She is the kind of friend who can sub in and love you through the times when you can't necessarily love yourself."

    I think Ms. Jones was having lunch with a good friend.

  19. Interesting how People's story is different than all the other stories out there.

    It talks about Jake and Rashida being long time friends and there were 3 other friends too. Now I have counted 2 of the 3 other friends, but who is that mystery third?

  20. It's always great to see Jake and Atti, out and about...just a ridiculously sexy man and his amazingly adorable doggie. You can see how excited Atti was to see his daddy when Jake came to take him home. No better companion alive.

  21. I'm not sure why everyone is jumping on Jake being with Rashida since as usual, he is not alone with a woman. A woman just happens to be in the crowd where Jake is present and the rags/web jump all over it. They came separately and went separately. Clearly friends at best, maybe even just associates by their body language. I do like her though. Not for Jake, who is gay, but just in general. Good actress and she holds her own on talk shows.

    The date is getting close now. I am down to making final clothing selections. Tier 1 definitely goes. tier 2 goes if there is room in the suitcase.

  22. who is that mystery third?

    Hmmmm. Can't be a friend of Jake's. Remember, on Jonathan Ross, Jake said he had no friends. LOL!

  23. The date is getting close now. I am down to making final clothing selections. Tier 1 definitely goes. tier 2 goes if there is room in the suitcase.

    Have a wonderful time, m. I bet you are very excited. Sounds like you are extremely organized...unlike some other bloggers who will remain nameless.
    *whistles innocently*

  24. Please allow this laugh...I hope and you and my other welcome me back blogs will think this is funny...ihope :)
    I don't dare attempt html postings any longer..

    below link to funny Jake Rashida post.

    I get Jake alerts and one came in translated and I will post some of it because it is funny to me. This column goes world wide and is translated God. knows. where.:lol

    Please laugh if you like.

    The sighting comes as both parties have had their satisfactory share of fizzled out relations – with Jake carrying antiquated ladies including Reese Witherspoon and Ashley Greene while Rashida was an object with a likes of Tobey Maguire, Mark Ronson and Jon Favreau.
    I have been laughing about the use of antiquated in that sentence for a v.v.v. long time. Hope you all had lazy wonderful Labor day

  25. Hi sass! Wow. Antiquated. I don't know if that word sounds too complimentary.

    It is time to begin the huge undertaking of the summer --> fall switcheroo. Massive. This includes all decorations, bedding, linens, wall decor and even some things like dishes, outlet oil warmers and seasonal nightlights. ALLLLLL must be changed. It's just overwhelming tonight so I just started a little bit. What a long day. I sure would love a day off.

    It is something when you go through what I have gone through now two different times with my co-workers, the first of which was a strike. I wouldn't wish a strike on anyone. It's just devastating.

    But when you go through something totally debilitating, you find out what you and your co-workers are made of. And there will be snarling and gnashing of teeth. Curt words. Impatience. Survival of the fittest sometimes.

    But I'll tell you what. There's also incredible kindness. Generosity. Team effort. Some unselfishness. Mercy. Grace. Love. There's all of these incredible qualities as well.

    And it's funny how a place of employment and by this I refer to the basic four walls, floors, the cubicles and machinery, the electricity, all of the regular functions, take on a living entity. It can become like a living being that when down for the count, you can actually feel sorrow and pain. When it is hurting, you hurt.

    But when things begin to hum and churn, when people return and do the jobs so well to get things going again, and all those noises that were so annoying before are like music to your ears, there's such a sense of pride and renewal.

    It's an amazing experience to go through with your co-workers and you emerge stronger for it.

    All I can say is don't take your job for granted. Don't take your place of work, by that I mean the building itself and the land that it is on, don't take it for granted. Appreciate your co-workers and the jobs that they do, the help that they give you or the little things that you can do to help them. It's an incredible thing and it tells so much about what resides inside of each of us.

    I kind of wonder what it's like for Jake or Austin who often come to a new "season" or a new "flick" and start work with new people all the time. That might be kind of exciting but it would also be kind of strange.

    I come into the same building every day, and in my case, a lot of the same people for years and years. That's such a different thing. Would they get bored if they had to do that? Or would I like going into a different place with different people like every six months or so?

    I don't know. Just thinking, I guess. lol

  26. After all, he was last seen in LA "officially" on August 28 and then disappeared for an entire month.

    Martha's Vineyard. He spent a good part of Sept 2010 on the Vineyard. By mid Sept he was hanging in Brooklyn and Manhattan. So didn't really disappear.

  27. Well the G's house on the Vineyard was sold in the beginning of August last year. So unless he was bunking with friends on MV he wasn't there.

  28. Doesn't he have friends on the Vineyard?

  29. I you can see I said - unless he stayed with friends, he wasn't there.

  30. Well the G's house on the Vineyard was sold in the beginning of August last year.

    Actually it was sold much earlier than that. The deed was recorded on 7 July. :-)

  31. No MV...for the real recordSeptember 5, 2011 at 10:04 PM

    Nope Jake wasn't at the Vineyard in September 2010. That's what his people want you to think, but it isn't true. He disappeared. That fake Facebook "sighting" happened on September 12...which was the weekend Austin was doing Surfrider and when Austin supposedly had to stay longer in LA. Last minute "flight" problem. Uh-huh.

  32. Okay I dunno. Just going by the 5 or 6 tweets that were posted from the beginning of Sept. But I'm sure they were all made up. Such is life on the grassy knoll.

  33. There were two deeds filed. The transfer of the property to Naomi, and later her selling it.

  34. No MV...for the real recordSeptember 5, 2011 at 10:50 PM

    Doesn't matter if you manufacture 1,000 tweets. A lie is a lie.

  35. I love the way those that think Jake is gay, which is most people here and at Waiting for Toothy, believe that Jake's team can spend oodles of time making up false information about his so-called girlfriends, but somehow just can't believe they would ever lie about Jake and Austin's whereabouts to make sure everyone continues to think they aren't together. It really is very funny.

  36. Magic Bullet, you lost me. Too many negative contractions. What exactly are you saying?

    Somehow, something has stirred people up this weekend, not sure exactly what it is. Is it the apparent fact that Austin's whereabouts this past weekend are concretely unaccounted for thus far?

    Very well done, Austie. You've got 'em uneasy. High five, buddy.

  37. Sorry it's late where I am. Just agreeing with those who believe that Jake's PR makes up stories (like making up tweets) so people will think he and Austin aren't together. So many people have no problem thinking that Jake's team would make up stuff when it comes to manufacturing a bearding campaign. Yet, if someone here or on Waiting for Toothy dares to suggest that his crew is manufacturing tweets or FB sightings to make sure people continue to think the guys aren't together in the same city, then suddenly people argue that you are just a crazy conspiracy theorist. To my way of thinking, if you can believe that PR can lie about one thing. It is hardly a stretch to think they would lie about everything they feel they need to lie about. Hope that's a little clearer.

  38. ChrisMarius Chris Marius
    We got into a fight. Sleeping on the couch, jerking off to a Jake Gyllenhaal movie and hoping for the best.
    1 hour ago

  39. Thanks, Magic Bullet - I thought that's where you were headed. lol. My mind was fuzzy last night - too long of a weekend. Nice to talk to you.

    Heck yeah, their PR teams float out stuff. They also use twitter.

  40. Wow. I can't believe this is from Pink is the New Blog.

    It’s been a while since we’ve seen photos of Jake Gyllenhaal here on the blog but this weekend he surfaced on a lunch date with a new lady, sparking talk that he may be in LURVE again. Jake and his pet pooch Atticus were spotted on a date with actress Rashida Jones … might this be the start of a new love affair?

    Jake Gyllenhaal seems to have Swiftly moved on from former flame Taylor, enjoying a sunny Sunday afternoon with Tobey Maguire’s ex-girlfriend. The Donnie Darko star dined out with Rashida Jones yesterday at trendy LA eaterie Gratitude, laughing and joking together over a spot of lunch.
    Dressed casually in combat shorts and a plain white T-shirt, Gyllenhaal loosely disguised himself by hiding beneath a baseball cap. The couple both seemed more relaxed inside the restaurant, with Jake removing his hat and Rashida taking off her sunglasses. They obviously were comfortable in one another’s company, with Jake appearing to pinch food off her plate at one point. After they had finished eating, they took Jake’s dog Atticus for a leisurely stroll, but were cautious not to put on a public display of affection.

    The duo are said to have met at an event in January, shortly after Jake’s split from Taylor Swift – although nothing has been confirmed yet.

    You know … while I prefer Jakey poo to be single (and waiting for me), I really don’t hate the idea of him hooking up with Rashida. She is awesome … and they look really good together. Of course, this lunch date could’ve just been a friendly hang out session but … I dunno … sharing food? Meeting the dog? That’s serious biz, right there. We’ll have to keep an eye on these two … but, yeah, I deffo approve of this pairing … do YOU?

    Has Trent gone by the way of Jonathan Jaxson?

  41. And by that I mean to me, it is very obvious that Jaxson was shunned and given the heave ho out of the biz.

    His blog is so obscure and his posts on Jake such a 180 degree turn it's as plain as the nose on my face.

    What causes a blog host to so suddenly do a 180 ?? Who talks to them? Are they threatened with no more access to news and interviews?

    Does this kind of censorship and intimidation actually occur in Hollywood?

    And I'm not saying this has happened at all to Trent but this one article is really shocking to me. Just something for me to keep an eye on in the future. He's lost a twitter follower, I know that much.

  42. the BS keeps a comin' two days laterSeptember 6, 2011 at 7:43 AM

    I agree. What's going on with the Pink is the New Blog? Then we have this mess. They were on a date 'til those three other people crashed their duet and they took a stroll with Atticus afterwards. Really? The photos make it pretty obvious they went their separate ways.

    Jake Gyllenhaal Eats Off Rashida Jones' Plate During Lunch Date

    September 06, 2011 03:06:14 GMT

    While they didn't show any public display of affection, the twosome seemed to be enjoying each other company. They were seen sitting side by side and laughing together during the meal. PEOPLE additionally reported that the "Source Code" actor and the "Parks and Recreation" actress were joined by three other friends....After they had finished with their meal, the two stepped out together for a stroll with Jake's dog Atticus.

    Gastronomical Guile

  43. the ways of hollywoodSeptember 6, 2011 at 7:56 AM

    Jake can be such a phony. Here he acts like he's all into affirmation, i.e. the declaration of the truth of something...and then exploits Cafe Gratitude by having a photo op there to push the possibility of his revived heterosexuality. I would like to believe this was just something that happened on its own, but no way. To think that PiNB is falling into line too is pretty darn disgusting. Old Rashida has a new movie to publicize too so we know what this is about for her.

  44. Aw gee, I wagered it would take longer than this before you started in on Rashida.

  45. Jake going to Cafe Gratitude is not new. He has been going there since it opened in LA. And that's not just from the tweets or fb sightings of him. It has been noted in articles by the LA Times and the NY Times as well.

    So going there was not just going to get pr but more out with friends.

    I think it was TR who said that People is basically the mouthpiece/press release direct from the publicist.

    That said it makes you really wonder, that the story of the Cafe Gratitude is different than the first stories coming out of them on a date. It really stressed a long time friendship and that others friends were with them.

    Now everyone else is trying to modify their stories to fit this new version and they don't want to lose face and abandon their own story completely.

  46. That is puzzling and sad about Pink is the New Blog. I know he doesn't out people, but he usually doesn't go with the pr written stories like that.

  47. What you're looking at is Jakey Gyllenhaal and Rashida Jones going to lunch together in L.A. over the weekend while his dog Atticus doesn't even try to be slick about the "You're not going to take him apple picking like that the last bitch, are you?" side-eye at her. Just because Jake and Rashida ate food together doesn't mean they later took it to a lawyer's conference room where she rolled around in beard wig glue while their publicists romantically planned their first staged UsWeekly cover together and worked out their photo-op schedule. Can't a bald butch bitch and Quincy's daughter just be friends?

    Besides, a day after these pictures were taken, Jake was seen giving that bland Anna Kendrick ho the Christian side hug. Yes, their side hug is about as awkward as the side hug you give to the one night fuck partner who got soft mid-thrust when you run into him on the street (or about as awkward as the side hug a gay gives the chick he lost his vagina virginity to when they run into each other at their high school reunion), but I guess this still means that Rashida isn't getting that second interview. Back to's beard section you go, Rashida!

  48. the ways of hollywoodSeptember 6, 2011 at 9:59 AM

    Aw gee, I wagered it would take longer than this before you started in on Rashida.

    What? Are you trying to say that women can't be willing players in the world of Tinsel Town? Or, want to play the game to push a movie, for that matter. She "dated" Tobey Maguire. Heeeellooooo!

    Why don't you go and support a real working working woman and not some pampered starlet.

  49. LOL thanks for putting words in my mouth that weren't there before.

    Since none of us know anything about Jake and Rashida's lunch I think it's a tad premature to jump all over her, don't you?

  50. Please point out the comments that you believe constitute jumping all over her. Nobody said one negative thing about her personally, or called her icky, or all the other things you think OMG does when Jake is with a woman. Discussing whether someone might be Jake's new beard is not "jumping all over her".

  51. Oh, I think we know now what that lunch was allllllllll about.


    This is going to be a GREAT day, folks.

  52. LOL, Sass, that paragraph was very cute. :)
