Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Watch what's happening

Collider has given us more info on EoW and it definitely shows that Jake has returned to his indie roots.

Instead of a major studio backing the picture it's former Paramount head John Lesher's own label and this is the label's first film. The shoot was a tight scheduled of 22 days as opposed to “studio” movie which can run 40 to 90 days.

Jake read the whole script, which writer/director David Ayers wrote in just six day, in an hour and immediately called up to do it.As mentioned before on OMG the film was shot with unconventional camera coverage. In addition to how you would film a regular film Ayer turned the cast and the technology of the moment into cameras. From Jake and Mike having cameras strapped to their chest they operate those cameras as well as using handheld cameras to tell their story. And during filming they themselves had control of how and what they filmed and put them in the director's chair thinking about the camera in terms of a character.

The partners are carrying cameras on them all the time in the movie as a part of storyline. Officer Taylor is using it for the filmmaking class he's taking.Ayers' goal is to create a real raw in your face POV style kind of movie and incorporates things like gang members’ cellphone cameras, dashcams from inside cop cars, TV news footage, citizens’ cameras, and surveillance cameras with traditional filmmaking to help tell the story of best friends and honest LA Cops over 8 months of their lives. He wanted to create a real portrait of police officers in South Central LA and the film will always follow the point of view of officers. Jake or Mike either together or on their own will be in every scene of the movie and their viewpoint is always there.

Ayer brought on friend Jamie Fitzsimons, a 15 years LAPD vet in South Central, as the technical advisor. Jake and Mike Pena went through five months of training in order to prepare including shooting, tactical training, fight training, drivers training and visits to the academy. They said Jake got so immersed into the character and prep "that he no longer uses his right hand when he’s out because he’s been taught that his right hand always needs to be free to reach for his gun." And because the guys had prepped so much, Ayer would write pages on the spot and they would be able to nail scenes them straight away.

Jake was seen with his fellow co-star Anna Kendrick and Ayers and some others from EoW this weekend grabbing food at Subway. (Jake grabbing a $5 Footlong?)

Check out the pictures at PopSugar.

Now we've heard that EoW was filming the end of last week, and the current story is that Jake and EoW crew flew up to Vegas yesterday, which doesn't make much sense. Especially if Jake was in LA on Sunday. Looks like mix-n-match dates.

Makes you wonder if the picture with Anna happened on Saturday, and for some reason Jake got a little nervous about what would get seen, and asked a friend to help him out on Sunday, just in case.
Could it be he's carrying two sandwiches? The close crop of pictures? Or the that he is off set but seems to be wearing a gold wedding band on his left ring finger?Because if they prop master would let Jake keep his badge on between scenes, he's not going to let Jake travel home from Vegas with a prop wedding band on.


  1. yeah that's it SpecialSeptember 6, 2011 at 2:29 PM





  2. So Jake was seen with his gold wedding band on his left finger in Los Angeles yesterday grabbing a bite to eat, and there are several photos to prove it. I especially love the one (#6) where he is shoving his left hand in his pocket while he's eating a sandwich. He and Anna cuddling close? There's about as much heat there as a...,well frankly there's no heat there at all.:

    They [Jake and Anna] were spotted again in downtown Los Angeles yesterday, grabbing some Starbucks and Subway (glamorous combo), where Jake pulled his—at minimum—costar in for a big old hug, walking away from the fast food chain with his arm around the actress.


  3. Do we have another eagle landing here????

  4. Will you take this manSeptember 6, 2011 at 2:49 PM

    Wow! You're right. Holy cow. Not only is that a wedding band, it's on his wedding finger. I guess Jake wasn't just babbling when he said in that December 2009 interview that he was speaking as a married man. How is PR going to clean this one up? LOL!

  5. Do we have another eagle landing here????

    More like an eaglet or fledgling, PG.

  6. I reckon that's a good way of putting it, M&M.

    I like eaglet.

  7. It looks like Jake has another sandwich in his hand for someone. Austin, maybe?

  8. I would be really surprised if Jake wore a wedding ring out like that. I doubt that he is in the habit of wearing one given how closeted he is. Time will tell, but it seems more likely that he was on a break from filming, and someone used it as an opportunity to link him to another woman.

  9. Looking at all the pics on IHJ it appears that Anna is wearing a wedding band too, whoops!!

  10. Jake's not on set. That's obvious. He is walking back to his car. Jake's wearing a wedding ring alright. He's giving himself some wiggle room once again. Playing cat and mouse. They filmed the wedding scene in Las Vegas. The wrap party was last week. I believe on Thursday. So they were not filming anything in LA, yesterday. Although, why do I have the feeling we are going to be treated to another plausible explanation.

  11. Explain why Anna is also wearing a wedding band on her left finger, check out the full set of pics on IHJ.

    Don't tell me that she was secretly married too, LOL!!!

    And why is the director there also? Methinks that the director filmed a quick scene of them in character leaving Subways which would explain the rings and the arms around each other.

  12. Thanks so much Special for the beautiful song, one of my very favorites by The Beatles. Actually they got it wrong about tomorrow being rain--NYC has heavy rains here today.

    And FYI this cracks me up though maybe you posted it already previously:


  13. Anna and Jake were really married in LV, they are wearing their wedding bands off the set!


  14. I definitely think that Cat and Mouse is correct. Jake is playing games again. The question is why. Every year in which a baby has been born, Jake has made sure to have a photo op with Austin to have a public declaration that they are still together: 2007, 2009, and 2010. No baby born in 2008. Therefore no photo of Jake and Austin together. This year, however, is full of complications. I can see him wearing his real wedding ring out in public, purposely being photographed with it on and then stating that they were "in character". That just one last scene needed to be filmed in LA and of course he would have to be wearing a wedding ring for that one.

  15. Anna and the director are so understanding since she is wearing her "prop" matching wedding band too!

  16. I think 4:01 is indicating that Jake actually worked with the director and Kendricks to plan this fake photo op. Frankly, it wouldn't surprise me. Jake has become someone unrecognizable to me since he went into the closet. He used to be all about honesty, and certainly not a manipulator. Can't say the same anymore.

    Still, why else, announce last week that there's a wrap party and then appear in LA on Monday and act like you are just running into each other. The wedding scene was supposed to have been filmed in Las Vegas. So now they just had to do one more shot in LA?

    Have to say that's a heck of a theory, M&M. However, I remember someone on WFT2 quite a few months back indicating that Jake was having another child this year. Are you then saying that he can't have a photo op with Austin because they don't want to owe Sophia Bush anything, but yet they want something out there to document that they are married?

  17. LOL! There was a wrap party for the enire cast and crew in L.A. last week.

    Michael Pena, America were not at the LV shoot, happens all the time.

    If you notice the pics of Jake and Anna with their wedding bands and their arms around each other is w/o the director and I think a prod. assist. I bet they are sitting in some car with a hand held camera filming the "married couple". That's the reason why the paps didn't think they were filming because hey didn't see the usual set-up.

    Just a quick scene and the director didn't have to pay a fee for filming!

  18. Looks like Labor Day Weekend was the time to promote fake romances!

    Bearding on a shoestring

  19. Have to say that's a heck of a theory, M&M. However, I remember someone on WFT2 quite a few months back indicating that Jake was having another child this year. Are you then saying that he can't have a photo op with Austin because they don't want to owe Sophia Bush anything, but yet they want something out there to document that they are married?

    That's correct. The Eonline article makes it very clear that this was not a film shoot. Yet, they both wear rings to give Jake cover for his. Easy out. Just say they were filming one final scene. He gets to publicly document in Los Angeles, that he is still with Austin, without actually being photographed with him.

    And, yes, as long as Jake is in the closet, you will continue to see more of this kind of nonsense. No surprise.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Looks like they're at a rest somewhere between Vegas and LA. Probably Barstow.

  22. Two different lady rumors in two days?

    Something's going on.

    Exactly. The old, "Look over here, not over there," switcharoo. Jake and Austin have been doing this kind of stuff for years. Shouldn't surprise anyone.

  23. Are you all for real ?

  24. Looking at the IHJ pictures there are only 2
    pictures that you can actually make out that Anna has some kind of ring on her finger. But even then you can't tell exactly what kind of ring actually is:

    Pic 1 can kind of make it out here

    Pic 2

    The "recent" pictures of Jake and Anna have me asking all kinds of questions like:

    Why would you stand outside on the sidewalk to eat? The ones who grabbed Starbucks could have gone in the Subway. So either eat in the restaurant, go sit in the car with the door open, or take it to go.

    If it was product placement it would be done so casually either and the logos would be more prominent in their hand or at the store and company would have had a rep there to make sure their company is seen in it's best light.

    And while Ayers has used unconventional cameras to capture the action, he would still need a sound crew. There are no booms and Jake and Anna are not miked.

    And why does IHJ have these pictures titled and dated: September 1 - At A Gas Station With Anna Kendrick In California?

    I can see Jake wanting to do something to show that he is still with Austin. And I can see him wanting to do something now.

    We do know that Big Blue has been brought back by Austin when he wants to make the point of them still together. So why can't Jake.

    It could be Austin's ring that Jake's wearing, it looks a bit big on Jake's finger and slide down to the knuckle. He did something similar when he went to London for PoP.

  25. Well, there's no question now. You know Jake's people are doing damage control. Why, you ask?

    Because Jake's doing the Dead Man Walking Stroll again with his go-to damage control friend.

    It's alllllll on Just Jared.

  26. And he ain't smiling about it either.

  27. And, no one, I mean no one from SAG, the Directors Guild of America, never mind the sound crew, etc. is going to be working on Labor Day. So the idea that Jake and Anna were in costume and filming yesterday is utterly ridiculous.

    And PG, that Dead Man Walking site you just talked about, well they are now indicating as of today, with the pics of Jake and Atti, that EoW is suddenly still filming. Funny, now how did a wrap party occur last Wednesday, and now we find out that the film supposedly hasn't wrapped at all. These people are sure spinning their wheels now, aren't they?

    Jake Gyllenhaal stays fit on a day off from shooting by going for a hike with a friend and their dogs at Runyon Canyon in Hollywood, CA on September 6, 2011.

  28. This is like a big drama, you know that? It's a Greek Tragedy in mid-play out.

    And some of the moves are so predictable; this same guy was dragged outside to walk with his dog another time Jake got into trouble.

    Do his people think we are this stupid? Do we look like the Fisher Price Little People to them?

    You know, I hurt for Jake and Austin sometimes but anymore...they have gotten themselves into this fix and they have to live with the decisions they continue to make.

    No one else can make it better for them - it is all theirs at this point. And they continue to drag other people into their fix. I mean, how many more friends and family? How many more times? Is there any guilt whatsoever? Any? At all? Is it right to continue to ask them to cover for you? Do favors for you? Lie for you? Pretend for you? The IOU's just continue to mount.

    I feel like how a parent must sometimes feel watching their own kid just sabotage their own life. At some point, you just - you're done trying to tell them. You just have to stand by and watch the flames flicker higher and higher.

    For how much longer, guys? How much longer?

  29. Oh M&M, excellent one on the SAG holiday.

    SSSSSSSsssssssss. That one burned.

    I'm telling you guys, do not mess around with M&M. You do not know who you are dealing with, lol.

    And I don't know what went wrong with this whole deal. You know, I'm not picking on the guys for trying to have their nice family holiday. Austin didn't do a thing - he was silent until yesterday. And Jake? Well, he was silent, too until the last couple of days and now, BAM!! It's Jake overload.

    This is how you know something happened, something went array, people. This is how you know.

    It's Groundhog Day, all over again.

    Damn, PR, you REALLY blew it with the Dead Man Walking Stroll.

  30. Frojm Dlisted

    Not all celebrities burst out of the closet. Some just peek out to see if it’s OK to tell the truth. Such is the case of this gay news personality. Even though he’s not an atheist, he has reported from plenty of foxholes. On his new show, he will actually mention his partner’s name on air for the first time. This will happen during one of his first few shows. If that action gets a good reception, he’ll start doing it more. Baby steps, people. (Blind Gossip)

    Unless Mah Boo Anderson Cooper says my name followed by the words "...will you marry moi under an altar of gummy peens right after you hand your bouquet of my silvery pubes to your pussy of honor Maru," I don't give a Deparnumbertwo about this. (Note: I'm lying. Expect a supercut from me of my name dubbed over Ben's name.)

    Something to smile about on a dreary day.

    I see no real eveidencce of Jake bearding yet. We will know soon.

  31. I think you are all pissed that Austin's ear hasn't made an appearence!September 6, 2011 at 9:35 PM

    The dates on the IHJ pics with Jake and Anna and their prop wedding bands are dated 9/1, which would be last Thursday, so no M&M SAG would have no problem with them filming on tat day.

    IHJ has a more accurate record with dates since Stephanie gets all her Jake pics from a photo agency she works for.

    The wrap party for EOW was for the L.A. crew, filming ended in L.A. last week and the LV stuff filmed after that sans Pena and Co.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday dear Roma,
    Happy Birthday to you !!!

    I hope you are having a wonderful day today, Roma.

  34. Now who would have thought?September 6, 2011 at 9:48 PM

    The dates on the IHJ pics with Jake and Anna and their prop wedding bands are dated 9/1, which would be last Thursday, so no M&M SAG would have no problem with them filming on tat day.

    IHJ has a more accurate record with dates since Stephanie gets all her Jake pics from a photo agency she works for.

    The wrap party for EOW was for the L.A. crew, filming ended in L.A. last week and the LV stuff filmed after that sans Pena and Co.

    Friend, you're in the wrong place. This makes sense!

  35. TO: I Think

    The point everyone is making about the date on IHJ is likely the correct date and the story all the other sites are selling that it is from yesterday is a bunch of crap.

    M&M proved it couldn't be yesterday with the Union holiday and is saying yes it was Sept 1.

    And no one is pissed that Austin isn't heard from or seen. We know that when Austin isn't very chatty and not seen he's with the family, and it was the holiday too, who wouldn't want to be home. Oh and one more thing - he is busy getting ready to direct his second episode for OTH.

    Good night Jack.

  36. Happy Birthday wishes as well to Clarity!!! Today is Clarity's birthday.

    What a great day!!

  37. Hey Clarity Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great one.

    I am marking it down on the calendar so next year there will be a double celebration.

  38. Read M&M's comments again SK, she clearly says that the idea that SAG, etc. would allow filming on Labor day is absurd. She says nothing about it being 9/1, if she did it's not clear and no one on this post has said that, only IHJ did.

    The other shit sites are repeating BS, I trust IHJ with the dates.

    And yes, we know that Mr. Soapy s going to a second episode of that shitty show he is in.

    Maybe he went to Austin to see his Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother-inlaw and niece and nephews, he has a family, he wasn't hatched from an egg.

  39. "We know that when Austin isn't very chatty and not seen he's with the family"

    You KNOW that? How do you know that?

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Jack since you are talking to yourself it's time for you to go night night. Bye Bye.

  42. Eonline writes that Jake and Anna were together yesterday at the Subway joint and that they flew to Vegas for a one day trip. Implying they were working on Monday. That's why the point about Labor Day makes since. the director is there too. So yeah eonline was trying to imply that there's was filming going on on Labor Day.

  43. I think some people understood my point just fine, Jack. Not surprisingly you did not. That's pretty shocking.

  44. Bottom line Austin was with Jake this Holiday Weekend and that's one reason for all this hubbub, including the perb walk by Jake and Mr. Atticus. More distractions. The theory about the ring is intriguing too. Jake's ring looks like a wedding band. No question. Kendricks not so much.

  45. (((Jake))) (((Austin)))

    After a flick on the head on both of them, at the end of the day, I still need to just hug them.

    As someone pointed out to me, notice EOW just finished filming and it's so similar to the gym shoot the day after Pop filming ending with Austin and the beard except that Austin can't be at Subway so Jake wears his wedding band instead? I just have to love him for that if this is indeed what he was doing.

  46. Defender is working overtime to come up with arguments to defeat any conjectures. Could be mislabeled dates. Could be a smokescreen to defer attention from some other action. Relocating the kids perhaps. Who knows. What I do know is that all things are revealed eventually.

    I am all packed, save for toiletries and we head to San Francisco at 3:30ish am for an early flight. I will have my ipad on the road and checking in but time change, sightseeing will interfere. If any thing really juicy happens, someone send me an email. Normally I am slow to check email but in this case it will be the fastest place for me to check for any breaking news.

    "Monster.com's beard section" Michael D always nails it.

    Glad to see that Anderson Cooper will be inching out of the closet. Its about time.

  47. Bon Voyage, m!!! You guys have a great trip and I will email if anything significant happens, you bet.

  48. Hey, lol - before I go to bed, I have to point out that I had noticed that one guy Jake & Anna K. are with has a boot on!!!! It's not a very attractive one though - it's kind of a dirty clear plastic. But it is the shortened version. Boy, I wish mine had been that short. His is really big, though.

    And I must comment that I couldn't help admiring the finely made flip flops Jake is sporting with the big shorts. Those are pretty nice looking with a thick sole and perhaps a bit of arch support to them. Jake's toes really do something for flip flops.

    And lastly, it really doesn't seem smart of Jake to have Atticus out in 90 degree heat today. Atticus does not have a summer cut and so therefore, he has a lot of hair. The daytime sun/heat is hard on a large dog and it's just not a good idea at all to take them out for a walk during the day. It's best to do it before the sun comes up full strength or else after it is setting.

    Of course, the paps wouldn't have been out then, would they.

  49. This ain't Kansas, TotoSeptember 7, 2011 at 12:50 AM

    And lastly, it really doesn't seem smart of Jake to have Atticus out in 90 degree heat today. Atticus does not have a summer cut and so therefore, he has a lot of hair.

    LOL Atticus lives in SoCal where it's pretty much summer all year round. I bet he's used to hot weather.

  50. Atticus does not have a summer cut

    You should never cut/shave a German shepherd's coat.

  51. RickArtz50 RickArtz50
    Jake Gyllenhaal, ladies man? usat.ly/qmNkDx He's also a man's man!
    2 hours ago

  52. Jake Gyllenhaal photographed putting his arm around Anna Kendrick has set sites like PopSugar all aflutter.

    The blog has pictures of them outside a Subway sandwich shop in California, and speculates that the two End of Watch co-stars’ “relationship is more than just a working one.”



    A source close to Gyllenhaal says the actor and Kendrick are strictly co-stars, and there’s no real-life romance.

    Just yesterday, Gyllenhaal was linked to Rashida Jones, but they are also nothing more than just good friends.

  53. Who Does Jake Gyllenhaal Think He's Kidding?

    So we're sure it's no secret to Jake Gyllenhaal that his über-famous, high-profile exes (hello, Reese Witherspoon and Taylor Swift) are now besties who love to dine and dish about J.G.'s reportedly vain, self-absorbed ways.

    So how does the dude respond? By doubling up on ladies over the weekend, of course, and being spotted with both Rashida Jones and Anna Kendrick.

    Do we smell a new Jake brewing under that oh-so-nice-guy facade?

    MORE: Is Taylor Swift a mini Reese Witherspoon?

    Not so sure. And a better question, what the heck is Jake trying to accomplish by publicly stepping out with two women in such a short amount of time? Even hunk Ryan Gosling takes a breather between Disney dates.

    You would have thought Jakey had gotten the hint that his old ways weren't working for him: He dates Reese for two years only to see her quickly wed after their breakup and then decides to move on with Taylor Swift before she is even of legal drinking age?

    Something's off.

    So after two high-profile (failed) relationships, does Jake really think he has a shot with either of these two beautiful women? Or is he just trying to prove that good-ol' Jake can act like a badass player, too?

    However, according to pals close to Jake, there's no badassing going on at all: Kendrick's time with Jake is a work relationship (they're starring in End of Watch together), whereas Rashida and Jake are longtime friends, so we're told.

    Jake, you're a stud on a par with both Ryans (Gosling and Reynolds), why are you doing this imitation photo-op stuff?

    You deserve better.

  54. I have to agree with the person who says Jake and Anna were just filming. The dates on IHJ, the way Jake is dressed (have you ever seen him in camiflouge and a t-shirt like that). It's possible that they needed to re-film some scenes, happens all the time in movies. Plus filming does happen on holiday weekends, I just saw a reference to something that was filming this past weekend, but can't remember what.

    Have to agree with Ted too that Jake probably made sure he was seen with these two to get some straight cred.

  55. What I find most interesting is why were there no tweets or FB sightings of this so-called very public "filming" on September 1. Or of these celebrities eating outside a Subway Sandwich place.

    Jake disappeared from the radar completely on that day. He normally does that when he's with Austin. I suspect there was something to publishing those photos yesterday. It was not just 1or 2 pics. It was 35+. Talk about saturation. Also eonline was trying to make it seem like these photos took place yesterday. Why did they do that.

    Now, Jake's seen walking with Atticus and we're told that End of Watch is still filming. We were told last week there was a wrap party with just a LV scene to be filmed last week. There are so many swirl of lies and deceptions around Jake it's hard to know what's going on. But, there definitely is a lot of deception.

  56. Very good points, 10:16. And you're right - how many pictures were there?

    Well, I'll just lay off for right now and see what happens next. I am whipped.

    Work is an absolute just terrible existence right now, lol. It's awful. And now I'm probably looking at working this coming weekend as well.

    Thanks to the person who pointed out that German Shepherds aren't supposed to get their hair trimmed - didn't know that.

    92 degrees and 30% humidity and that was by evening. Still pretty warm for an older, big dog. That's all I'm saying.

    But I'm not going to haggle over that; probably shouldn't have picked on Jake for that in the first place. I'm sure that Stroll was very short anyway since it was purely for publicity's sake.

  57. I know Jake made some poor choices this past weekend but...I still just feel like bopping Austin over the head.

  58. Ladies man Jake Gyllenhaal was snapped over the weekend hanging out with two beautiful gals: Rashida Jones and Anna Kendrick.

    After having a cozy looking lunch with Rashida, Jake was then photographed with his arm around his End of Watch costar Anna Kendrick outside of Subway. Could Anna and Jake be more than just costars?

    Nope- they are just friends.

    Kendrick’s rep tells Celebuzz that the two are not dating, and were just shooting End of Watch over the weekend.

    What do you think readers? Are you disappointed the two Oscar nominated actors aren’t together together? Let us know in the comments!

  59. you do realize you don't know these peopleSeptember 7, 2011 at 3:50 PM

    I know Jake made some poor choices this past weekend but...I still just feel like bopping Austin over the head.

    Yeah. How dare Jake. He should run his schedule through OMG first for approval. I'm sure he'll be sleepless tonight knowing you disapprove of his "poor choices."

    I'm sure Austin can take care of himself, is busy living his life, and is much less concerned with Jake going out to eat than the posters here.

  60. 15:50, you don't like what's being said here, maybe you need to go find somewhere else to hang out. No one's holding a gun to your head making you stare at the comments here.

    Shoo. Just like my opinion really doesn't matter to the boys, my opinion also shouldn't be getting you so harried.

    It's called a blog.
