Saturday, September 17, 2011

Left his scruff in San Francisco?

Jake had been seen in San Francisco and Berkeley this weekend. And was snapped last night looking a bit scruffy at the Apple store in Berkeley.

But is he getting all spiffed up today?

Jake was just seen at FSC on Valencia.

What's FSC? Well part of it is F.S.C. Barber, a "premiere barbershop, with expertise in traditional men's services such as haircuts, straight razor shaves, trims and more." With two locations in Manhattan, they opened this past spring in the Mission District in SF. The other part Freemans Sporting Club is retail space with menswear.
So is it shopping or getting a clean close shave? Now who would appreciate smooth cheeks if he did?
Another weekend of making the Crazy Tree The Final Countdown means the cast scattering faster than kids at a kegger when the parents come home early.

And where could the director of Episode 7 be?

Maybe seeing if the dog that ate Dan's heart left it in San Francisco?

Pics: Twitter, IHJ, OTH


  1. You remember the picture of Flat Jake? Well it was party of the launch party for Good's Data issue. And now we know Flat Jake was at the party.

    How Tall is Jake Gyllenhaal?

  2. Karianilluana Karianilluana
    I just ran into Jake Gyllenhaal at the ice cream place)) It's amazing)) I feel awesome!
    7 minutes ago

  3. Wow, that's kind of disappointing to hear, that he's like 5'8", 5'9".

    No wonder his arm has to strain upwards to go around Austin's shoulders in the Maggie's Men picture, lol.

  4. I don't know if Jake is that short I think he might be just at the edge of 5'11" and just stretches that last inch to 6', or maybe Austin give him the inch he lops off his 6'4. And well if Jake grows his hair out and works the do right, he could add at least another inch. :D

    I think it is wild that there are so many pages debating how tall is he.

  5. Well, it's back to work again tomorrow. I have not been around hardly because I am literally working my a** off, working late every evening and I am working my 5th weekend in a row - with the exception of last Sunday off, I'm talking working both Saturdays and Sundays. My department has spent more hours with each other in the past 5-6 weeks than we have with our own family and friends and I'm not kidding. I've been extremely crabby and gripey so believe me, you don't want that stuff around here because it just seeps out and stains everything.

    Corporate America - it can be everything ugly & draining you've ever read about and when you're living under its jackhammer, there can be no getting up sometimes. You kind of just keep taking it until either it does you in or like in our case, you know that eventually there will be daylight at the end.

    And in this rotten American economy and job market, you pretty much just keep taking it on the chin and live for that daylight.

    Where are those gravy jobs, anyway?

    Aw man, I gotta hit the hay.

  6. Well, Special, that little kiwi fuzz on top of his head right now isn't buying him but a kazillionmeter, I think.


    He does have a pretty cute round head. You know what it reminds me of?

    His head in that Apple Store picture reminds me of that kid in those children's books, Harold and the Big Purple Crayon.

    Now let me dig into my ever-expanding file of Avatars and 'scuse me while I whip this out.............


  7. OH, I killed myself on that one. It killed me.


    Aw, I think Matt Damon was right. It's a pretty cute round head.

  8. Aw, I needed a good chuckle.

    And good night!!!!! From me and Harold. Lookit - you can see the purple crayon in his hand.

  9. @sh1mmer
    Tom Hughes-Croucher
    I pretty sure I met Jake Gyllenhaal in Four Barrel today.
    6 hours ago via web

  10. I wonder where Austin Nichols is? I am so sure he is spending time with his on and off gf of so many years. Ha hahahahahahaha. You know he is in San fran:-)

  11. Jake looks great in that Univ. of Texas t shirt. It fits his body perfect. It has always been one of my favs.
