Friday, September 16, 2011

Vice Squad

It's no secret that Austin has sneaked over to the set of Eastbound and Down.If you are familiar with the show you know that Don Johnson was on the show as Eduardo Sanchez, Kenny Power's dad. And Eduardo is coming back for a couple of episodes for their last season.

So does Austin has the big pair of rubba boots in him, to pull this out of his closet and be a Miami Vice fanboy?And throwing out such Sonny Crockett bon mots as:

You've got to know the rules before you can break 'em. Otherwise, it's no fun.

Nice to know there's still a little poetry left in the world.

People in stucco houses shouldn't throw quiche.

Of course while co-stars Rob and Tyler free style' Jan Hammer's Miami Vice theme.

Little Eastbound trivia.

Which co-star of Jake's has been on the show?
Yup Jake's co-star Michael Pena did five episodes on Eastbound and Down. Pena played Sebastian Cisneros, the filthy rich and insecure owner of The Charros, the Mexican baseball time that lead character Kenny finds himself pitching for. Sebastian his money from his parents horrible death on a giant gaudy mansion and over the top toys.


  1. iam_lizzyfierce Lisbeth Ortega
    Did you know Jake Gyllenhaal was chillin at Four Barrel this morning on his laptop? As if he were just any ol normal SF-er?! via @superamit
    34 minutes ago

  2. Jake Gyllenhall just hanging out with a laptop at @fourbarrel this morning. Researching a role as a SF startup hipster coffee snob?
    5 hours ago

  3. yea, i just want you to know that we will never forget. never ever! it still hurts, always will! can t
    never forget those pictures i saw. i will not and i can not!

    its good talking to elin. such a great girl, of humoure:right now my husband has just talked to her. all natural but she is dying soon! nomatter what we say or do. i just call her....and let her taLk. her beautiful voice. ha ha she is funny, and that is what i will remember...until i see or talk to her again:)

  4. @patricksayspatrick james nolan

    dear jake gyllenhaal- if we were, to say, get married, i think we'd be really happy together. #justathought

    1 hour agovia Twitter for iPhone

  5. Susanna Martinez
    | Sue_Zeee

    Jake Gyllenhaal is at the Apple store in Berkeley!!

    12 minutes ago via Echofon

  6. Well Jake's in North CA/Bay Area for sure.
    And at the Apple Store, definitely a candid capture of him.

    Well we know that EoW is definitely done filming. Look how quickly his hair is coming in. And well the beard. I think it's back to help him blend in the background again. But it's sad it covers those "too damn cute for their own good" dimples of his.

  7. juliangay Julian Gay
    Spotted jake gyllenhaal in 4 barrel #sf
    28 minutes ago
