Thursday, September 8, 2011

Scream and Nailed

Source Code's success rolls on and this time has gotten Jake a nomination for Best Science Fiction Actor for the 2011 SPIKE TV Scream Awards.And Jake's got some serious company including actor Daniel Craig for Cowboys and Aliens, Chris Evans for Captain America, Matt Smith for Dr. Who and a guy who played the character who Jake always wanted to be, Harrison Ford.
"I always wanted to be Indiana Jones"
Can he beat them? It won't be known until October 18th.

Want to vote? Vote here.

Another Source Code connection, the score from source is now the theme music for JJ Abrahms' new tv show Person of Interest.The show is a "crime thriller about a presumed dead former-CIA agent who teams up with a mysterious billionaire to prevent violent crimes by using their own brand of vigilante justice."

A former military man with special training in covert operations appeals to a software genius who invented a program that uses pattern recognition to identify people about to be involved in violent crimes. Using state-of-the-art surveillance technology, the two work outside of the law to unravel the mystery of the person of interest and stop the crime before it happens.

And while we're talking the law.

Jake's movie in perpetual limbo, Nailed, was just mentioned in bankruptcy court.
In the mixed up world of who has interest in what and what companies are involved and who can still get some money out of the mess that is the collapse of Capital Films, Nailed was mention.

Currently Raspberry Financial has control of Nailed's future and has insisted that "although the director of Nailed, David O. Russell, has left the project,....they are spending at least $750,000 more, beyond $7 million already invested, to complete the movie."
It has been 3 and half years since Nailed was wrap or better said got shut down for the last time. One scene left to shoot. Will it ever come out?

Don't think Jake's sweating about it.


  1. Dlisted on the Apple Picking StorySeptember 8, 2011 at 5:23 PM

    Reese Witherspoon got hit by a car driven by an 85-year-old woman (aka Jake Gyllenhaal in an 85-year-old woman mask who is trying to show Reese to not shade him to Taylor Swift again.)

  2. Oops, didn't notice the type ahead on this.

  3. Just to interject a note of reality, when it comes to who the real Jake Gyllenhaal is, here's a stroll down memory lane, when Jake wasn't being "manufactured" to fit a certain convenient image. Kinda blasts that whole, self absorption thingy right out of the water now, doesn't it? :

    "He's [Jake's] not like those actors who are like, 'Look at me!' He has a poetic soul. He lets people come to him."

    Jake Gyllenhaal: The Generous Soul

    October 21, 2002

  4. Josh Knoll

    My incredibly awesome niece got us tickets to the Ellen DeGeneres Show. I will conduct myself as an older uncle should - with restraint, respect, & dignity. However, if the guest is Jake Gyllenhaal, all bets are off.

    yesterday (9/7/11)

  5. Jake Gyllenhaal must be shopping for a new girlfriend

    These are some new photos of Jake Gyllenhaal and his miscellaneous male “friend/companion”. They’re walking their dogs, and it feels like the paparazzi invaded a romantic dog-walking stroll, right? I feel like Jake really wishes he could hold that guy’s hand. The urges, they are strong. Must. Stop. The Urges.

    So… over the weekend, Jake Gyllenhaal was “spotted” with Rashida Jones, daughter of Quincy and ex-girlfriend of John Krasinski (right, they dated?). Many people (like Michael K) were suspicious of Jake’s public photo op with a girl, and figured that he was shopping for a new girlfriend, and that Rashida might be “the one (who wouldn’t ask a lot of questions)”.

    Well, right M.O., wrong chica. Last night, Jake was “caught” getting friendly with Anna Kendrick - Pop Sugar has the exclusive photos here. Jake and Anna (best known for her part in the Twilight series and her Oscar-nominated turn in Up In The Air) are working together on End of Watch - that film where Jake plays a butch, bald cop, I think. According to Pop Sugar, Jake, Anna and some dudes went to Las Vegas and then stopped for sandwiches, where the lone paparazzo got some shots of Jake embracing Anna. Neither one of them can figure out what to do with their hands. It looks like Jake is thinking, “Deep breath, you only have to be this close to a vagina for another twenty seconds. One Mississippi, two Mississippi.” Anna had a boyfriend last year, but I have no idea if she’s still with that guy…? Anna is 26 years old, by the way. She looks 15, though. Why does Jake always go for the ones who look and act so young?


  6. ^^^^ Hey aren't those the photos that are supposed to be old doctored photos?

    M&M said...
    I suspect that blacked out portion is put there, purposely, to hide the length of Jake's hair, which would most certainly date the photo. So PR took a file photo from another time and place and doctored it to give the impression it was from last night. One more thing that gives this all away are the seasonal clothes they are wearing. Busy has on a sweater over a blouse and Jake has on a sweatshirt. Definitely apparel for cooler weather, not for the horrible heat wave that has just hit Los Angeles.

    All that wasted typing. LOL

  7. does Jake ever get tired of lyingSeptember 8, 2011 at 7:45 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. September 6 - Leaving Nishimura
    Restaurant With Busy Philipps In W Hollywood - IHJ

    Looks like the photo was real in that People article. LOL!!

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. It must have been really difficult to find a photo of Busy wearing the same nail color she was wearing on Conan (last night) to make their charade believable. Painstaking work that.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. More than one thought the same thingSeptember 8, 2011 at 8:02 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. I just said "I do" when I was talking about rings. LOL!

  14. Jake is worried about something. That much is obvious.

  15. Having fun talking to yourself?

  16. I'll tell you it's fun to watch how people here make comments and then all of a sudden, here comes some photos over on I Heart Jake to cover.

    ^^ Cover what? No need, M&M was wrong. End of story.

  17. I use to like Busy Phillips but don't think so anymore. She evidently is just a liar like Jake. Gave up on him years ago.

    Although I do like to follow what's going on with all the rumors. I'm off this week and have really been enjoying blogger's comments. The strange happenings around LA, Barstow, Las Vegas, W. Hollywood are like a parlor game. Jake is using his female friends to get him out of trouble. Although I don't think Kendricks looked too comfortable providing Jake with an escape hatch.

  18. Jack - stop talking to yourself and leave. No one is listening to you rant. Move along.

  19. Jake's NFL doppelganger Aaron Rogers and the Green Bay Packers are kicking off the regular NFL season in Green Bay tonight.

  20. This is not a coincidence. Jake's people are reacting to what M&M said.

    Why else do you stoop to using your married gal pal to further the cause?

    You know what's funny about this? This was totally, totally unnecessary. Totally unnecessary.

    So what if they had used a stock photo? Who would expect the paps to be hanging out at Pinkberry late at night anyway? Technically, there wasn't anything wrong with using a stock photo.

    But ohhhhh no, Jake and his people prove today that they are hiding something by their overreaction. They are reacting once again.

    Thanks for 100% convincing me that that ring on Jake's left finger is his wedding band. And Austin was even probably there at the Chevron/Starbucks/Hardees/Pride Cleaners/Wendy's/Post Office/True Value Hardware/Subway. I would not be surprised whatsoever.

    They were there, the paps showed up, Jake tries to hide his band by balancing a sandwich in one hand while shoving his ring hand into his pocket and he uses Anna K. to bail him out.

    Then he immediately begins further damage control by scrolling his Speed Dial Friends List and goes out to lunch at that Cafe Gratitude, meeting up with Rashida Jones. Next up to bat comes Busy Phillips.


  21. Speaking of Source Code - Duncan tweeted a doodle he did during production to explain the timeline in Source Code for a buddy.

    Check it out
    Source Code Timeline

  22. They just cannot leave well enough alone, can they? It's just looking worse and worse.

    And I liked Busy, too, but now I don't know.

    Look at those photos. Those are eerily very much like old Reeke photos. She even kind of looks like Ice Maiden.

    What in the heck are they thinking? Busy is married and she has a small daughter. Here she is out late at night with Jake, husband not in sight. Who does that?

    Why do you need to further prove that he was out with Busy at a restaurant and then yogurt for dessert? What on earth are you further trying to prove exactly?

    Jake has lost it. He's totally lost leave of his senses and his morals on this one. It is not necessary to go through all of this to hide those children. If they had just left well enough alone, it would have quickly died down.

    But he and his people have just rung the bell and called all the cows home.

  23. Is there a Starbucks and a Subway that are at the same address in Barstow CA?


    There is a Starbucks AND a Subway at:

    2843 Lendwood Rd
    Barstow CA

    Plug in the address at the locators for each store.
    Subway Locator

    Starbucks Locator

    Here's the Google map. Google Map - 2843 Lenwood Rd Barstow CA

    If you look at the map you can see Starbucks and Subway are just off Interstate 15. And that the stores are specificly off of East I-15 which makes me think that the pictures taken were not of them coming back from Vegas, but that they were on their way to Vegas.

  24. You can thank me for that Special. I brought up Barstow the other day here.

  25. Thanks. I knew that someone here said Barstow and I wanted to check it out and show the map.

  26. It is not necessary to go through all of this to hide those children. If they had just left well enough alone, it would have quickly died down.

    They are panicking, PG, because they know that Jake was driving toward Las Vegas on September 1 when the pap unexpectedly caught him in Barstow with his wedding band on at that Subway Sandwich place. Of course, the question has to be asked, "Why would Jake be wearing a wedding band if hubby wasn't with him too?"

    Just as that Subway/Starbucks locator indicates above, Jake was not "in costume", because they hadn't even started filming yet. They were heading East, toward Las Vegas to film. That's why, when Jake returned to Los Angeles, the first thing he does is be seen with a woman for damage control. His people took care of the rest with all the phony, flimsy stories about them flying to Vegas on Monday to work on a Federal Holiday. That way people would think that those photos were from a scene in the film when, in actuality, they captured a real life moment in Jake's life...for once. And, that is why the story suddenly changed on Tuesday that EoW was still filming. Even though it is in postproduction.

  27. With the pictures dated Sept 1 according to IHJ, Austin's tweet about Hoverboard by someone name Jaker, Jake's behavior in the picture and Anna's startled expression something was up. Jake walking Anna away from the main group was because he knew the camera was following him, and he wanted the camera lens away from the group that was standing around.

    Why? Well it lends to the belief that Austin was with them.

    And there were FB sightings of group from the movie in Vegas on Friday, and the Vegas press also said that Jake was filming at the end of the week, so it fits the timeline that they were on their way to Vegas and not working in Vegas on Monday.

  28. Sophia tweeted she's in NY for Fashion Week and Austin is doing his first day of directing. Fabulous planning. Good job, Austin.

  29. Hi all. Can't sleep at the moment and doing more catch up. On the subject of Anna, she was interviewed during EOW a couple weeks ago and the interviewer made a comment to her to the effect that "Jake thinks you are sexy" or words to that effect. I can't recall them exactly but I do distinctly recall her reaction. She uttered "really, that's interesting". It was an odd thing to say and struck me so at the time. The woman knew Jake was gay and was startled by the comment, clearly trying to figure out what to make of it.

  30. Matt Damon Envies Jake Gyllenhaal's Bald Head

    Freshly bald Matt Damon loves his new look. What he doesn't love is having his shaved head compared to Jake Gyllenhaal's.

    "Wow, I try not to envy, but I have to say Jake's got a damn good-looking head," Damon, 40, told PEOPLE at Wednesday's New York premiere of his new movie about a killer virus, Contagion. "He sure does have a beautiful round head."

    "Normally you say, 'That's a beautiful head of hair, but that's a beautiful head he's got,' "
    Damon says laughing. "Gyllenhaal definitely gets the blue ribbon for the best bald head over me."

    Sporting a completely sheared dome for his next movie, the sci-fi thriller Elysium, Damon is enjoying the perks of a hair-free existence.

    "It's really liberating," says PEOPLE's 2007 Sexiest Man Alive. "I get out of the shower and just run the towel over my head and I'm done. But the only problem for me was during the summer time. I had to remember to put on sunscreen. I'm not used to that. A friend of mine who is bald told me you only make that mistake once. He was right about that."

    Fortunately, Damon's wife of nearly 6-years, Luciana, 35, likes the bald look and still finds him sexy and handsome.

    "Thank God she does," Damon says, "but you know she had to take a whole vow, for better or for worse, so she's kind of stuck with me!"

  31. They're not in Kansas, TotoSeptember 9, 2011 at 9:05 AM

    Jake's people are reacting to what M&M said.

    Holy crap. I don't know whether to laugh or be seriously creeped out. Someday maybe you will see the line you've crossed and be embarrassed.

    What in the heck are they thinking? Busy is married and she has a small daughter. Here she is out late at night with Jake, husband not in sight. Who does that?

    Stuff like this proves how out of touch you are and that your provincial mindset can't take in the fact that these people aren't you, don't think like you and don't live your life. There is nothing wrong with Busy being seen with Jake. We've seen lots of pics with Jake with both Busy and her husband and they're obviously all close friends. Maybe her husband is out of town, who knows? Who cares? They're not doing anything wrong. And what's the fact that she has a small daughter have to do with anything? That means she's not allowed to leave her house at night? Jake is not the one who has "lost it."

  32. He's totally lost leave of his senses and his morals on this one.

    He lost his morals (ethics is probably a better word) way back when he started bearding with Chinny, followed up by Squinty.

    I really don't see what "immoral" things he has done of late.

  33. 09:05 and 09:58

    Bite me. Do you think I care one iota what you think of what I'm saying?

    I stand by my own opinion of what I said.

    Talk to the Hand.

  34. Some people are scared to death of what they're seeing. They either know it's true or they just don't want to face it.

  35. I also think that some people are worried about the number of people who are reading OMG. All the ones who are tallying the hits but don't comment.

    Jake's people don't have any idea who all they are. But it's not just this little handful of hardcore regulars.

  36. I made a legitimate comment (hardly rude or out of line), so save your aggressive attitude for someone else.

  37. I see nothing wrong with Sahan's comment. It's not trollish, just a different opinion. And I agree that Jake started doing immoral things when he started reeking.

    Also got to say that I see nothing wrong with Jake being out with Busy. I have a married friend that I've gone out to plays with while his wife is home with their kids.

    The only thing I have a problem with is Jake trying to look like a player, and using that to get publicity.

  38. The complication, however, is that values, morals, ethics, and character are all intertwined. Ethics is basically those standards (a social system) that are applied and used to evaluate (like a benchmark) the morality (personal) of an action. Morality is what we consider to be right or wrong. Therefore, ethics is the code of conduct that will decide what is right or wrong in a particular circumstance. If you are religiously inclined, then words like good and evil come into play. I do not doubt that Jake and Austin value family. And, most would agree that raising a family is a worthy value to use as a guiding principle of life (influence behavior and actions). But, it’s the choices one makes to achieve that end, which will determine the morality of the action, and the character of that person.

    What is character? Well, it's a combination of things but largely includes things like: 1) Consistency between what you say and what you do...publicly. 2) Moral strength, which essentially means doing the right thing even when it's hard and may cost you something you cherish or hold dear 3) Putting ethics into action 4)Exhibiting behaviors that are trustworthy and honest or as my parents would say..."Who you are and what you do when no one is watching." Ultimately, everyone will make their own judgment (determination) as to whether the personal actions of Jake and Austin (morals) fit within the ethical standards of what it means to raise a healthy and and responsible human being/citizen.

  39. 12:04 - my apology is extended. You are certainly entitled to that opinion.

    I disagree as we both see things differently.

    I'm done on here for awhile so people can take relief. My job is too stressful and too much right now. It's time for something to give and it's a no-brainer what needs to go.

  40. I think Jake started bearding to get POP and to get on the A-list. I think hiding a child in order to make more money and because you want a certain kind of career is deeply immoral. If career and money is that important to you, then you shouldn't have a child. For me nothing will ever excuse Jake and Austin for doing that.

  41. I guess I don't know if Jake being seen with B. Phillips is right or wrong...yet. Why he did it now would probably be a better question. Don't think I've ever seen him out at night with her alone before. Makes it look like a date night during the same week he is being sold as a ladies man. So I get why some might think the outing was less than innocent.

  42. On a lighter note I think Jake is getting more good PR from having a bald head vs that mess he had for PoP. Jake is so lucky that movie didn't ruin his career. Let's hope he won't ever sell his soul for crap like thay again.

    I don't have too much problem with what Jake is doing right now. it just looks like he is out having fun with friends. He has just finished working and he wants to relax. Certainly I see no signs of anything like reeke. Keeping my fingers crossed though.

  43. I guess I believe that Jake started bearding in order to hide the birth of the first child, which appears to have been born in mid-October, 2007. Some sources have even given the precise date as October 17, 2007. And, when did Jake "officially" come out with Reesey in that splashy photo opportunity in Rome? That would be less than one week later on October 23, 2007.

    And, remember, how there was the constant "tease" about whether or not Jake and Witherspoon were dating? Well, that really started to ramp up in late March, 2007. Why would that happen? Well, maybe because of the timeline related to the pregnancy and the first trimester:

    We know that Ted first posted about a child on January 11, 2007, although he mentioned adoption, first:

    Toothy Tile, is seriously considering making things super-domesticated with his equally homosational b-f. And no, I don't mean the gorgeous closeted (albeit permanently, it seems) actor is getting a new puppy or Cuisinart.

    Hear ol' T2 is thinking about helping his man-friend adopt something, uh, more...complex. As in a human (aren't we all?). Meaning, a baby! Too sweet!

    Then on March 16, 2007, Ted writes:

    Stork Stirrings

    Since it's Blind Friday, thought I'd also give you the latest on Toothy Tile. Hear he's not really planning on adopting a kiddo, as I previously broke a few weeks ago. Nope. I was—gasp!—wrong.

    Turns out T2, so blab our mutual amigos, plans on swirling up his love juice, right alongside his boyfriend's procreating protein, ya know, putting it in some kinda beaker or toaster, or something, and mixing it around with a donor's eggs, then putting the results into yet another donor to carry the resulting embryo.

    The plan is, Boyfriend Tile will then, legally (and far, far away from pokin' press types like yours truly) be listed as papa—when, in fact, our beloved Tooth just may be the correct daddio.

    So the dates of Jake being tied to Witherspoon completely correspond to baby news/stork stirrings. Not his attachment to PoP.

    Here's the timeline for PoP:

    Early 2007, Disney announces PoP as one of it's "tentpole films".
    June, 2007: Announced release date for July 10, 2009, before a final script had been completed or any actors attached.
    November, 2007 Disney entered into negotiations with Mike Newell to direct the film.
    May 20, 2008 Jake Gyllenhaal was announced as the lead actor.

    Prince of Persia Timeline

  44. Actually I think the timeline of POP also fits as a reason for bearding; Jake probably had to prove to the powers that be that he wasn't going to come out, and I'm sure that for a movie like this there was a long casting process. I know I've read that CAA really fought to get Jake the role. With all the rumors about a kid, and the rampant rumors about him being gay, there was no way a big tent movie was going to cast him without assurances that he wouldn't come out and would sell the straight image.

    Why do you think Superman cast someone like Caville? Because he was willing to play the bearding game.

    And even if it wasn't for POP, why would someone need to go to such lengths to hide a child? The only reason is because it would prove the gay rumors.

    Bottom line, Jake has a real problem with being seen as gay, be it for his career or other reasons.
