Friday, September 9, 2011

Pop Culture Treats

There's been a lot of Jake this week, but what about that Southern gentleman who's busy directing ?

And since it's Austin Friday, it's a couple of quirky treats for the Southern S'quatchi.

Since Austin loves funky footwear, Back to the Future and doing good for others, it's the deal of the day that combines all three.

Great Scott!
Yesterday Nike said it "has created a limited-edition shoe based on a glowing pair that appeared in the popular 1989 movie 'Back to the Future II.'" Just like the ones Marty McFly wore during a visit to the year 2015. "The 2011 Nike Mag is designed to be an exact replica of the fictional sneaker, including a glowing Nike name on the strap."Sorry Austin, the one thing they can't do like they did in the movie is lace themselves.

Nike will release 1,500 pairs of the 2011 Nike Mag sneaker for auction on eBay and donate all proceeds to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's disease research.

Bid Big Austin. 2011 Nike Mag

Now we know that Austin likes ice cream, remember this?

i have an addiction to ice cream. this is serious. i am pacing the room right now. trying not to eat it.

its all i want. its all i care about in life. without it, there is no reason to go on!!!!!! i need an intervention. i need rehab.

And OMG even helped him out and Linksuggested some Ben & Jerry's flavors that might fit the bill. Well Ben & Jerry's has done it again.
Yup Ben & Jerry's is making "Schweddy Balls" ice cream. Based on the classic SNL skit with Pete Schweddy (Alec Baldwin) on The Delicious Dish.

It's "vanilla ice cream with a hint of rum and is loaded with fudge covered rum balls and milk chocolate malt balls."

While it's no Hubby Hubbythink Jake will be grabbing some too?


  1. Spent the day on a general overview sightseeing tour of London. Just took the tube back to the hotel and a young woman offered me her seat . Shit! Do I look that old? Pretty wiped out I guess.

    I am just starting to surf so no comment re Jake yet.

  2. Directing is bad ass. I get to shoot stuff like this.
    9 minutes ago

  3. With all the rumors about a kid, and the rampant rumors about him being gay, there was no way a big tent movie was going to cast him without assurances that he wouldn't come out and would sell the straight image.

    I don't deny that after Jake officially started bearding he took full advantage of his newfound status and went for the gold ring. He made a lot of money with that film (around $8 million), which a new father, interested in having more children, would be interested in doing. There's no doubt that surrogancy services and raising children is an expensive proposition. Remember, Jake never was really motivated by money prior to PoP and even now he often takes money on the backend with deals. The only movie Jake had done for money, prior to PoP, was Jarhead (for $3 million in 2004). With Brokeback Mountain, he worked for scale.

    The bearding timeline suggests a direct correlation with fatherhood and domesticity, not PoP, because Reeke was set into motion in chronological relationship with the birth of BT. After, Reeke began, I'm sure he figured that he might as well go for a blockbuster film too. His name had been floated with several of them prior to 2007 (Superman, Green Hornet, Spiderman) so there was no surprise he would continue to go for a big action film leading role. Remember, one of his heroes when he was a boy was Harrison Ford.

  4. Actually I think the timeline of POP also fits as a reason for bearding; Jake probably had to prove to the powers that be that he wasn't going to come out

    Fascinating discussion and information. What the heck! Is this M&M a walking encyclopedia or what? I'm impressed. I guess, I see the dates, if accurate, as in line with Baby Tile. Not Prince of Persia. The latter came afterwards, probably early 2008. Since Jake started bearding in October 2007. Guess once he was in Reeke hell he probably thought I might as well go for the big money too.

  5. When Jake started to beard with Reese I said that he had to go big to cover something big. And that big was a child.

    He needed the biggest distraction ever to direct the eyes of everyone away from what was really going on his own home, the new baby. What would be bigger than Reese?

  6. Great to see Austin tweeting.

    Looking at the picture and reading tweets from OTH fans - the graffiti says Serbia, which would fit into the storyline of the Eastern European hitman coming to Tree Hill.

  7. homieholmes Stephanie Holmes

    Reese Witherspoon hit by a car & Taylor Swift is having money problems. Is God targeting thin blondes that have f$#%ed Jake Gyllenhaal?!
    22 minutes ago

  8. What would be bigger than Reese?

    Are you talking about the bearding, or her ego? LOL!

    Seriously, though, I have no doubt that Disney would not have selected Jake to do PoP, if he wasn't bearding. I agree with you there, Destiny. Look at Henry Cavill, as you stated. Once Cavill was selected for the Superman role, the headlines hit about 4 months later that there was a surprise engagement to Ellen Whitaker. Then in July a convenient production delay was announced and the release date was pushed back six months. Sound familiar. Like when the Prince of Persia release date was delayed by nearly a year. I think once the bottom feeders have you in their clutches they figure out ways to extend their hold on you.

    All I'm suggesting is that the primary motivation for the bearding and the coming out in Rome had to do with BT1, not getting the lead role in PoP. Once Jake was bearding, however, why not go for a blockbuster type part. I'm sure CAA wanted the big cut that would come with the deal too. Jake has wanted to do a big action film like that forever.

  9. the graffiti says Serbia, which would fit into the storyline of the Eastern European hitman coming to Tree Hill.

    Are you kidding me? An Eastern European hitman storyline on OTH? Oh, vey! Talk about Austin having to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. Good luck, Austin!

  10. That "Schweddy Balls" ice cream sounds delish and wickedly good.

  11. With movie franchises (like Spiderman) bearding is mandatory. You agree to the girl and the public appearance before you get the movie deal. With the Twilight Series, it was even trumped up after the first movie release. AKA this is how much MORE money you make if you keep it going.

    Andrew Garfield was an eager beaver to sign up in advance, as part of his agents bid for the role of Spiderman. Robert Pattison, not so much and it got worse as the franchise progressed and he became apathetic to it.

    How Does Bearding Work in Hollywood

  12. With movie franchises (like Spiderman) bearding is mandatory. You agree to the girl and the public appearance before you get the movie deal

    I agree with this statement. But, Jake started to be linked with Reese actually in November, 2006. Which, without a doubt, had to do with issues related to surrogacy, not for obtaining A-list movie roles. BT1 came into being in mid-January, 2007. But, there was a whole lot of months of planning before then. (e.g., locating a surrogate, working with lawyers and fertility specialists, compatibility matching, contracts, financial arrangements, etc.)

    Then there was this cat and mouse game that was really ramped up in March, 2007. There was no way Jake was auditioning for a Disney role. He was too focused on Austin and the whole process of becoming a father. The baby was due in mid- October and that's when Reeke became official. I don't believe that was a coincidence.

  13. M&M said...
    But, Jake started to be linked with Reese actually in November, 2006.

    Then there was this cat and mouse game that was really ramped up in March, 2007.

    The first stories of Reese being seen with Jake anywhere than that picture on the set of Rendition was in March of 2007 when she was said to have seen him in NYC.

    Why is March so significant? Because by March they would know if the IVF procedure was successful and they were going to be parents.

    The next ramp up was after the baby was born when they were seen in Rome.

    So when you look at their "fauxmance" it was dictated by the pregnancy and the birth not by Jake's movie deals.

  14. If that is so SK no wonder Jake has to go to the Dr. every week. How could he bare the stress. It is so much easier to believe that all this is about greed, career and money.

  15. If it was just about the birth then it would have all ended long before it did; Ted was pretty adamant that Reese pulled the plug, probably because of Toth and Jake making her look bad. Reese was probably supposed to stay with Jake until POP came out--and don't forget POP got delayed a year, and we have that angry dinner in London with Bruckheimer.

    Of course these are just all my beliefs.

    Hopefully we will all live to see a tell-all bio on Jake. :-D

  16. Sophia in NYC for Fashion Week has given her a chance to talk to some press, which of course main emphasis is on her, bit there is a little sprinkle of Austin in couple of them.

    The first one is Eonline's Party Girl, and wonder if she takes styling advice from Austin.

    Fashionista Sophia Bush dresses for herself, but she still gets the seal of approval on her style from her boyfriend Austin Nichols.

    "I dress for me," the One Tree Hill starlet told me backstage Thursday at the BCBG Max Azria show. "I don't dress for men and I don't dress for other women. But there's a certain head nod [that he does] and I'm like 'OK, I nailed it!"

    The actress jetted to NYC sans her costar beau straight from the show's set in North Carolina and managed to look very fresh-faced despite the fact that she'd just landed in the city at 5:30 a.m.

    Her Fashion Week trip will be a short one, as she also shared that she's off to a weekend wedding...

    Sophia said she has a wedding to attend before she's due back on set. Hmmm, could she be referring to her friend Amy Smart, who's set to tie the knot this Saturday?


    Notice she never says Austin in her quote, the reporter put that in there. And the quote really doesn't sound like she doesn't have anything to do with him about fashion.

    Well come on who can compete? There is only one person who can pull off big white rubba' boots.

  17. There is another article that has an Austin mention.

    One Tree Hill Star Sophia Bush in No Rush to Have Babies

    This is all about her working iwth the kids on set.

    Here are some of the "highlights"

    But despite her motherhood storyline, Bush is in no rush to have babies in her real life.

    During the Rebecca Taylor show during New York Fashion Week, Bush told Hollybaby that working with her on-set twins can get pretty exhausting. ”It’s certainly the world’s best birth control to work with two eight-month-olds,” she said. “There’s no part of me that wants to be a mom anytime soon.”

    But, just because it’s a lot of work doesn’t mean Sophia isn’t having fun with the twins. “They’re amazing! One of the babies is played by our first AD’s son, who I’ve known his whole life. He just started walking last week, and it felt like one of my kids was walking. The other baby is the cutest little potato, I love him.”

    She continued: “I’m a very maternal person, and I really try to be the one taking care of the babies on set. That way, I’m the one they reach for when we’re filming and they’re not distracted by the camera equipment.”

    And Sophia’s on-screen and real-life love Austin Nichols is taking on the dad role with ease. “Austin’s sister has two kids, so he’s got two nieces and a nephew,” Sophia explained. “He’s used to it. He’s been dealing with babies for six years now with his sister. He’s A-OK.”

    Ok. #1 Every minor child on set has a parent or guardian who is mandated to be there. And you know they are the ones taking care of those kids.

    #2 And 8 monthold who is already walking? Wait a minute they might hold on and cruise at step or two at 8 months but they are not walking.

    #3 "Austin's sister has two kids, so he's got two nieces and a nephew." - Well how does that work? How does two end up to be 3 by the end of the sentence.

    Austin taking on the dad role with ease. Well maybe that's because he is a dad.

    You can read the whole thing here:


  18. Matt Damon loves Jake Gyllnehaal's head game - Towleroad

  19. Joycee188 Joyce
    @AUS10NICHOLS Just seen you at the airport. Wanted to say HI but decided to leave you alone. Atleast I know your real now. ;)
    20 minutes ago

  20. Can't leave Sophia out!September 10, 2011 at 1:57 AM

    @sophiabush Just seen you at the airport. Wanted to say HI but decided to leave you alone. Atleast I know your real. ;)

  21. Well let's look at the rest of the story about these tweets, shall we? Because you "can't forget the other tweet about Austin."

    So what airport was Joycee188 at? Because Sophia said she was heading back to NC.

    SophiaBush Sophia Bush
    In my 2nd of 3 airports tonight heading back to NC. Exhausting, but #WorthIt . Back to NYC again next week. Anything for #nyfw
    10:26pm Sept 9

    Now the person who posted it is listfrom Nashville.

    If it was the Nashville airport why would Austin be there? Because Sophia said "In my 2nd of 3 airports tonight heading back to NC."

    Why would Austin meet Sophia in the Nashville if she is traveling through to NC and hasn't gotten to her 3rd airport?

    And Austin wasn't in NYC and traveling with he because he was directing.

    Could it be that Austin was traveling in the opposite direction leaving NC as Sophia was traveling to NC?

    Or was Joycee188 in NC?

    Joycee188 made THREE tweets

    @AUS10NICHOLS Well screw you! Didn't wonna see you either. :( #lame
    11:02pm Sept 9th

    @AUS10NICHOLS Just seen you at the airport. Wanted to say HI but decided to leave you alone. Atleast I know your real now. ;)
    12:12am Sept 10

    Joycee188 Joyce
    @sophiabush Just seen you at the airport. Wanted to say HI but decided to leave you alone. Atleast I know your real. ;)
    12:36am Sept 10

    She had "just seen" Austin an hour and half before she tweeted about "just" seeing Sophia?

    You'd think if she saw them together she would have tweet them in closer succession.

    And even if she saw them in the Wilmington airport why would Austin be there at 11:02pm if Sophia was in her 2nd airport only at 10:26pm. And then why was Austin still there at 12:12. Because if he was waiting for Sophia and didn't want to be seen and why wait IN the airport? But still being there an hour later is about the length of time you have to be there BEFORE you take a flight.

    Then Joycee188 doesn't tweet about Sophia for another 34 minutes and no mention of Austin.

    And it looks likes Austin didn't want to be recognized from what she said in her first tweet.

  22. If it was just about the birth then it would have all ended long before it did; Ted was pretty adamant that Reese pulled the plug, probably because of Toth and Jake making her look bad.

    Hey, Destiny. For me, the primary initial cause for the bearding, given the 2006-07 timeline, was surrogacy and the subsequent birth of BT1. I believe, however, that Jake and Austin did not plan to just have one child…ever. Reeke was supposed to have been a multi-year contract as we all know, from the very beginning. (Ted certainly made that fact clear, you are right). But, a multi-year contract for what purpose? My personal opinion was that it provided the cover for Family Tile to “expand in many ways.” Jake was already set to film Source Code early in 2010, so Ted wouldn’t have been upset that Reese left him right before he was going to Canada to film a small budgeted, independent movie. Moreover, almost at the exact same time as the “breakup” (December 11, 2009) Ted writes about all of Toothy’s straight dudes standing up for him by insisting that Toothy and Goose were the real thing, more in love than ever. Wonder why he ran that blind item so quickly after the announcement of the demise of Reeke?

    But, when asked in early 2010, which breakup Ted was most surprised about he clearly wrote, Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal. What is most telling was obviously how angry Ted still was over a year later when he wrote the following:

    January 14, 2011

    Dear Ted:
    I've been a loyal reader for years, have tuned numerous friends onto your genius, and have two wonderful rescue dogs that also adore you. You've got to tell me, because I'm dying to know: What is Shafterella up to these days? You've updated us on Toothy, so how about a little news on his former beard.

    Dear Given The Shaft:
    I'm still totally pissed at Shafty for how she treated Toothy, so screw her and the new dude that she has. Of course she thinks she's totally in love with him, though, if that's what you're curious about.

    We know Ted did not like the bearding and consistently snarked and ran columns about it, yet over a year later he was still very angry that Reese shafted Jake. That leads me to think that she was supposed to stay longer for a reason unrelated to the movie biz. The question would be, “What was that reason?” Surely, it was not for the Red Carpet premiere of PoP in May 2010. We already know Jake never showed up on the Red Carpet with RW and he wouldn’t have done so this time either. That was one of his rules of engagement. The obvious inference is that Jake was left without the cover he needed for something. If it was just about having a beard for his movie career, Jake could have easily had Evelyn pick out another one easy enough. Even more interesting was that subsequent to Jake filming PoP (after, December 2009) he went right back to smaller films, like LaOD and Source Code. In other words, he did not go out for the larger budgeted, better compensated projects when he easily had the chance to do so. Or, maybe there were complications at home that prevented him from having the freedom of a footloose, bachelor with no children.

    (Continued in next post)

  23. We also learned in February 2010 that he had turned down the part of Jake in Avatar. Now, if he was just interested in the money, career and fame, wouldn’t he have jumped at the chance to work with James Cameron in a hugely budgeted, innovative, time travel genre, cutting edge work? The shooting dates, however, were from April 2007-December 2007 and would have required Jake to be overseas for critical chunks of time. So what does Jake do instead? Well, he accepts another small budgeted film like Brothers and gets to film stateside in New Mexico close to home because Jake and Austin had other priorities during that time period. Basically, I think Jake subsequently went for PoP because it fit his personal timeline. Family, rather than fame, was the primary motivator and that’s why Ted was so angry when Shafty left Toothy without cover and no fallback plan in December 2009.

  24. We'll just have to agree to disagree M and M.

    However, I do want to address your last point. I especially don't think Ted was mad because of cover for Toothy's family--Ted has always been a big advocate of Jake not bearding and being true to himself. I see zero evidence of anything in Ted's writings that would show his support for Jake hiding his family and relationship.

    But that being said, Ted also knows how tentpole movies work, especially at Disney, where they are obsessed with making sure their stars are linked to a person of the opposite sex. Besides cutting down on the publicity without a relationship, she left Jake at risk for "the gay" being blamed for any failure of the movie. So once Jake signed up for a movie like POP, Jake was stuck with the bargain he had struck, and Ted knew that, and knew that TPTB would not be happy about Jake losing his beard before POP opened.

    Ted has always advocated for Jake doing smaller movies, and said good things about his doing something like SC. Part of that is because selling a heterosexual relationship is not part of the marketing of a film like that.

    Finally, I personally don't think Jake turned down Avatar because of family priorities. Nobody would turn down a film with Cameron if they could help it. I think either he was forced to because of other commitments like POP, or else that story was floated even though it had no basis in reality. Didn't Cameron deliberately go with a relatively unknown actor? That's what I recall reading. I think Jake was never seriously in the running, or investors balked at Jake starring in such an expensive film.

  25. That BI was from Oct 2010, not Jan 2011 :)

    It is also interesting that Ted directly links Shafty with Toothy for the first time in this BI. Previous to this, Ted never referred to Shafty's "boyfriend" by name.

  26. ^

  27. Dear Given The Shaft:
    I'm still totally pissed at Shafty for how she treated Toothy, so screw her and the new dude that she has. Of course she thinks she's totally in love with him, though, if that's what you're curious about.

    Oops! I meant October 11, 2010. Thanks, just sayin'!

  28. Well, I just don't see why Ted would be upset that Reese broke up with Jake, if he wants Jake to come out of the closet, more than anything else in the world. What the heck would he care whether or not Disney was upset that Jake no longer had a beard. Moreover, if that was the case, then Disney with all of its power and influence would have had Jake with another woman by May. Would have been easy to do.

  29. So once Jake signed up for a movie like POP, Jake was stuck with the bargain he had struck, and Ted knew that, and knew that TPTB would not be happy about Jake losing his beard before POP opened..

    I guess I dont get your line of thinking. Ted hated PoP and Jake's participation in it. If anything he would be jumping for joy that the whole film would go down in flames. He also hated Jake bearding so again he would be jumping for joy that she dumped Jake.

  30. Didn't Cameron deliberately go with a relatively unknown actor?

    JC didn't deliberately go with an unknown, he just kept going back to Sam Worthington and in the end he got the role.

    I guess I never thought about it, but Jake was doing low-budgeted films right after he completed Prince of Persia, wasn't he? If he were interested in becoming the next big box office idol why did he pick Source Code? I mean he was still being a "good" boy. Playing the game with Reeke. Why didn't he continue to leverage his clout in 2008 and go after bigger roles in 2009?

  31. The following is video taken of Jake at Gratitude. The relevant part starts around 1:41

    The guy sitting across from Jake looks a bit like Austin. He doesn't exit with Jake/Rashida/Other guy when they leave. Here is a screen grab:

    Is this Austin?

  32. Shrugs shoulders said:

    I guess I dont get your line of thinking. Ted hated PoP and Jake's participation in it. If anything he would be jumping for joy that the whole film would go down in flames. He also hated Jake bearding so again he would be jumping for joy that she dumped Jake.

    Wow Ted and I think alike:-)

  33. Agree. Not my kinda film. It was one big mess. Hate whenever Jake beards too.

  34. Thanks for the video and the screencap "Could it be".

    Well the guy is definitely tall, but don't think it's Austin.

    Look at this picture of them leaving the guy is talking to the other guy Jake and Rashida left with.

    Leaving Cafe Gratitude

    What the video does show is that Jake's body language which all about friendship and nothing more sitting with Rashida.

    One thing to remember is People magazine said that Jake and Rashida had lunch with 3 friend there, we only see two.

    Makes you wonder if Jake walked out with front with two of them, and the other guy walked out with Austin.

    What's so funny is that Jake and the guy he walked out with are the same height. What would be funnier, if the tall guy is the same height as Austin.

    Or would that be, you could say, more interesting.

  35. Who doesn't love a plate of fatty tuna and California rolls every now and then?
    On Friday photographers caught Jake Gyllenhaal leaving lunch at Murakami Sushi in Hollywood, and the handsome actor is still rocking the buzz cut for his upcoming cop drama movie, End of Watch. Sigh ... we're def counting down the days until he starts growing his hair out!

    We miss his luscious locks! With a shaved head, he's just another B roaming the streets of LA!

  36. I think Jake still had a lot of trouble getting movies after filming POP, and I think Reeke ultimately hurt him, not helped--don't think Jake's apathy and anger helped any in that department. Fans lost interest, Brothers didn't do well at the box office, there was no excitement for seeing Jake in POP. And let's not forget LAOD. While it was not a big budget film, it was a romcom and Jake's doing both a big tent movie and a romcom is exactly what actors his age are doing to try and get on the A-list, look at Ryan Reynolds.

  37. That's Entertainment—Somewhere Else

    Foreigners are the ones who are keeping the cataleptic Sylvester Stallone's career alive. Foreigners are the ones who buy Adrien Brody and Jake Gyllenhaal as action heroes. Don't blame Americans. Americans won't pay to see either of the Gyllenhaals.


  38. I think Jake still had a lot of trouble getting movies after filming POP
    Yes LoaD bombed, but Source Code has done really well.
