Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fashionating Friends

Besides coffee and smoothies, Jake's catching up with friends while in NY, and getting a little fashion on.

Jake was out Sunday night at the NY Film Festival for the premiere of Descandents with friend designer Sophie Buhai.Jake's known Sophie since they were kids. She grew up across the street from the G's in LA and Maggie has worn her clothing collection, she co-designs with Lisa Mayock,Vena Cava.

Also earlier in the week, Jake was seen hanging with a friend in Tribeca, handy dandy backpack in tow. And then it was off to grab a cab, doesn't look like he got a chance to grab some of those ties that were 3 for $10 in the background.

Jake was tweeted being seen shopping in a menswear store over the weekend and looks like he grabbed something new, a shirt/jacket two for one he's now sporting.
Is it the newest piece to the everyday Jake in the City uniform?

He wore the heck out of the chambray in Source Code, and it's now become the on point trend for guys in 2011.
What will be the next thing he will wear into the next trend? The shirt, the pants, the backpack?

Now could he pull off the challenge of big rubba boots like the tall Texan and make them a trend? Even if he might not, he still needs them for today's rainy day in the city.

Now, there is one way everyone can do more than just be fashionable tomorrow.

Go Purple.

Grab a purple shirt, tie, top, sweater, or scarf and join Spirit Day, tomorrow Oct 20th, to show support for LGBT youth and others who have been bullied.


  1. I just heard that BEAUTIFUL BOY is on DVD. I'm very proud to be a part of this one. Hit this ---> ...
    2 hours ago

    Great version of Coldplay's "The Scientist" By Willie Nelson. This company is reshaping our world. Great short film....
    18 minutes ago

    You Gotta See This ----->
    3 minutes ago

  2. I just heard that BEAUTIFUL BOY is on DVD.

    Aust, think your people are dropping the ball on ya. They're supposed to remind you of these kinds of things. lol

    Or maybe Austin has moved to an uncharted desert isle somewhere. He forgot that his Live movie was on. Now he's unaware of when one of his movies comes out on dvd.

    Either that or it's old age already creeping up on him. LOLLLLL!!

  3. Got to love it when Ted sticks it to Jake. Coward. Oh my.

    I sure wish I knew why Ted has any hope for Jake coming out.

  4. I sure wish I knew why Ted has any hope for Jake coming out.

    Hope does not build on certainty. To hope means we cannot be completely sure. There are no guarantees.

    by Mary Lou Redding

    There are no guarantees in the future, are there? None of us can predict what any of us are doing tomorrow. 30 days from now. 6 months from now. One year from now. In the blink of an eye, one life can change forever. Hope can never be a bad thing - seems to me to be a good thing. I bet some people hope that I become a lot less volatile, lol. A lot more patient. I hope that Jake and Austin will soon put the interests of their children first once they are done building their family.

    "Coward" is an extremely harsh word to call anyone. It's a schoolyard name used to humiliate and degrade. I think I really would think twice before ever calling another human being such a denigrating name.

  5. I found Ted's last letter kind of interesting where he chose to italicize the words "lots" and "complete".

    Toothy has "lots" to lose. Really? Wonder what all Ted is referring to there? Hmm.

  6. Just exactly what would he lose? Jake has to prove that his soul and his lfe is more important than fame and money.

  7. And isn't this interesting on ol' Jakey poo. What was he up to later this afternoon?

    fiwi Fi McIndoe
    Jake Gyllenhaal at @soulcycle tonight. Bam!
    2 hours ago

    The ol' Spin Cycle class!!!

    LOLLLL!! Oh, it came so easily, I couldn't resist.

  8. Now here's a question that's already buggin'.

    What happened to the outdoor bike? What happened to the ol' Schwinn? I dunno. Maybe it only runs well in the rain.

    Seriously though, why is Jake taking a Spin Cycle class inside when he must have an outdoor bike there in NYC?

    **scratches head and squints**

  9. The Soul Cycle class is a really tough workout. That will definitely keep
    Jake in tip top shape.

    I don't think Austin would be against TwoWheeling indoors. ; )

    Today was no day to be outside on a bike. Rain Rain Rain.

  10. Yeah, but don't you remember, Special? When he was tweeted being on his bike in the rain? Who could forget the big discussion that one rang up, lol.

  11. I just read a story about Soul Cycle in the Wall Street Journal. It's sort of a combination of cycling and yoga, and the class uses candles for light. It's supposed to be an intense workout for your stomach and other parts that don't get worked just from regular cycling

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. and the class uses candles for light

    Guess candles aren't really going to help with sights like this, then:

    Not only was @JennyGaither on fire tonight but Jake Gyllenhaal had the pleasure at staring at my a$$ for 45 min! @soulcycle #icingonthecake
    12 minutes ago

    LOLLL! Aw, you guys know I'm just having fun. Glad Jake is enjoying his Spin Cycle class. It sounds like he even has a favorite teacher, as does typically happen in your workout/aerobic classes. I know I always used to have my favorite aerobic teachers in the programs where you were able to choose a particular teacher on their designated night/time. Nothing worse than to show up for class and your favorite teacher isn't there and you're either not sure how the sub is or you know already that you don't have as much fun in that sub's class.

    Although candles for light? I withhold any further comment on that one! Sounds like a possible safety issue for me. How do they climb off of their bikes safely? Don't need any sprained ankles! Always safety first!!!

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Just a really horrendous story on Wake Up With Al! this morning.

    Some guy who had a wild animal sanctuary freed his animals and then committed suicide. The authorities had to shoot & kill every single one of the animals because they were aggressive. The list of animals was just atrocious. Lion, mountain lion, monkey, bear, and something like 8 Bengal tigers, a species that is near extinction.

    Now my question is why couldn't they have sedated some of them? Was it because of time? They didn't have time to round up enough people to help transport the animals to a safe cage or something?

    What a tragedy. Poor animals.

  17. Did you post something un-Christian

    I re-did my own comment, Troll. The LOL is on you.

    Go back to your sanctuary next door. This is the last time I'm addressing you so you'll get no further attention from me. SEE YA.

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. Way to go GMA!

    Good Morning America has gone purple - are you?

  20. Holy Cow, I forgot! I'm off to change, Special! lol - I had chosen my black Royals T-shirt. Where's the K-State stuff when you need it?

  21. I was not aware who Trevor Donovan is (he's on 90210 according to Just Jared) but these pictures are great. They involve:

    an attractive, 33 yr old man

    an attractive, 33 yr old man who is shirtless

    an attractive, 33 yr old shirtless man cuddling and kissing on his new little puppy

    I want to squeeze that little puppy's paws!!!!

    Too Cute Pic 1

    Too Cute Pic 2

    Too cute Pic 3

  22. That is a horrible story about the wild animals, I can't believe they couldn't have saved some of them.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. mynameisreb
    Reb Carlson
    Holy crap Jake gyllenhaal is in this coffee shop and he's reading a book. I can't breathe
    5 minutes ago

  25. Zachary Quinto on Just Jared:

    Zachary Quinto leaves an apartment building with some luggage on Tuesday (October 18) in New York City.

    The 34-year-old actor recently chatted with Access Hollywood about his decision to come out.

    “I just felt like it was my time, you know? I felt like it was a week of declarations for me. I’m declaring that I’m gay, I’m declaring that I want to be a serious contributor to the dialogues that are happening in the world right now. The way that I can do that is creatively,” he shared.

    Zach added that he wasn’t thinking about whether his announcement might inspire other actors to come out, too.

    “That’s their life and that’s their journey. Everybody has to get to a point in their own time in their own way. The thing that I’m most proud of in this entire situation is that’s exactly how I did this. It was on my terms, in my own words, and I’m really grateful for that,” he explained.

  26. You know, where I work at, safety is just huge. Not just big. It's huge. As in HUGE. lol
    It's like an obsession. And rightfully so. I know that it has certainly changed my life. So stairs are a real focus. You don't go up or down stairs (even two steps) without one hand on a railing. You just don't. In fact, it's become such a habit with myself that I remember when Destiny, m, her husband and I were at Ground Zero and we had to walk down this wide staircase and there was no railing anywhere. I was freaking out!!! It was like walking the plank! lol

    Anyway, a high up person at the plant fell down some stairs with his dog and he did not have a 3-point contact. 3-point contact is both feet on the steps and one hand on a railing. His injuries were minor but I guess he looked pretty bad, black eye and whatnot. And it was used as a Safety Moment in meetings - kind of embarrassing. He took it like a champ, though. I mean, what could you say?

    So anyway, guys, don't go down stairs without having at least one hand on a railing. Make it a habit. If you have too much in your hands, put something down and come back for it or ask someone to help carry your stuff. It's so easy to trip on stairs, especially the first and last couple. You'd be surprised how safety practices like that become habit until you notice stairs that don't have a railing and you freak out! lol. But when it reaches that point, that's when you know something good and safe has been instilled into your brain.

  27. DARN squirrel!!! That is the 4th time he has been in the balcony in the flowers and plants. He is really making me mad now.

    Hey guess what?!! Bob Seger is on I-Tunes!!! I have waited and waited for that. It's not all of his library but it's like two albums. Fantastic!!!

    It's great to be home today after dogsitting earlier this week. I'm just enjoying being in my home today, all day. Not going anywhere, sleeping in a little, staying up late guilt-free. Things're going to pot. After the past hellacious couple of months, it's great to have one full week off. Just relishing it. I thought I'd really miss my big buddy but LOL - haven't really yet.

  28. Anyway, a high up person at the plant fell down some stairs with his dog and he did not have a 3-point contact.

    You left out the most important part. What happened to the doggie?!!!

  29. LOLL! Doggie was okay, I do believe. I had heard how bad the guy looked, though, as if he had done battle. He's a big man, too. I can't imagine falling down stairs.

    And we have little pointy-finger stickers on all handrails pointing to hold onto them. Got posters mounted at the top of staircases of some guy in a heap with his briefcase at the bottom of the stairs. I mean, there's just no getting away from it anywhere in the building. Then you hear about something like this happening and you're thinking, 'Boy, I don't want that happening to me! lol. That would be really bad!

  30. I have to say, I always use railings, even on an escalator. Of course, since we're having a brief interlude of helpful hints, it's also important to wash your hands or use a hand santitizer when you're out and about because railings are also full of germs.

    Back to the guys! LOL!


    Great version of Coldplay's "The Scientist" By Willie Nelson. This company is reshaping our world. Great short film....

    Hmm. Kind of interesting. Yesterday I was at the site based on Austin's above tweet and I noticed that at the top of Chipotle's list of Sustainable and Healthful Food Partners was "Edible Schoolyard." An obvious Jake connection. Today, that prominently displayed hyperlink has been removed and replaced with Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution.
