Thursday, October 20, 2011

Jean Mapping

Subconsciously Jake points it out.
While Austin let's speak for itself.
But that's not the ironic part is it?


  1. LOL - that's funny that his finger happens to be pointing to the label on his pocket. You have got a sharp eye, Special.

  2. Poor Carson Kressley got booted off of DWTS. He wasn't the best dancer but he had fun and he was hilarious to listen to. These are a few things he said about his stay on DWTS and I thought they were really good. The comments after this article were all about the people loving him on the show. Someone had never even heard of him before and asked DWTS to find a way to keep him involved on the show. I think that's a great idea! Kick that Brooke girl off and keep Carson.

    Carson Kressley may not have always earned the highest scores, but he certainly delivered the biggest laughs on Dancing with the Stars this fall. Too bad the guy who kept the judges and his fellow celebrities in stitches didn’t last to see another day under the mirror ball: Kressley, whose jive with Anna Trebunskaya: was called “a crowning achievement in madness” on Monday, became the latest contestant to leave Dancing with the Stars.

    “At the end when they played the montage, it was like, oh my god I died!” Kressley told reporters after Tuesday’s results show. “I even started to well up a bit. Am I going to fade out and is there going to be a date [of death]? And then there was Careless Whisper and we were dancing our final dance … you’re never gonna dance again…and I am going to dance again, dammit! This process has made me so much more aware of my body, my posture, the ways your clothes fit, the way people move.”

    Having earned the lowest score on Monday (19 out of 30 for their jive), the duo knew they were toast. “You don’t want to see anybody go home,” Kressley said. “Everybody has been really trying their heart out. I wish I could have nailed the dance, then we might still be here. Anna has worked so hard, she’s so patient, so kind. She’s like a hot Mother Teresa. She’s probably going to name her first baby after me. Boy or girl, it kinda works either way.”

    Joking aside, Kressley spoke fondly of the other bonds he made while dancing on the show — namely with Chaz Bono. ” He and I have a lot in common,” said Kressley, who is gay. “We’re used to feeling like outsiders and not great about ourselves. That’s what was so gratifying about this entire experience. From the moment I met Anna to the moment they said you guys have to go home and everyone surrounded us and hugged us, we felt like we belonged. And that’s something really special for me. It’s not something I always felt…um and um, I almost got emotional for a bit! “

    “You did!” Trebunskaya said, nodding.

    “Stuff it down! Stuff it down!” Kressley shouted to himself, shaking off the heavy moment. ” That’s what been so phenomenal about this show, this experience. You get so much support from the cast. And fans, people who are tweeting and sending you emails saying, just be you! We love you for who you are! That’s really positive stuff. This show did exactly what I hoped it would do for me…challenge me. Have the courage to jump off into the deep end and learn to swim, even if it messes up your hair.”

    Kressley didn’t want to predict whether the show would ever feature two men dancing together. (He joked before the season began that he hoped his partner would be Maksim Chmerkovskiy). “Anything could happen, though if you come to West Hollywood on a Saturday night, you may see some,” Kressley said, laughing. “But I couldn’t have gotten a better partner.”

    Now that he’s hidden all of his costumes in hopes the show doesn’t notice they’re gone, Kressley is now looking forward to going back to his old life of personal makeovers. He has a clothing line coming out on Shop NBC plus his continued work for OWN. And if that doesn’t work out, there’s always his budding relationship with Nancy Grace, who interrupted his press interviews by planting a big one on his lips.

    “I kissed an HLN reporter and I liked it!” he exclaimed afterwards. “Now, let’s talk about Nancy Grace.”

    Carson Kressley Gains a lot of fans

  3. LOL, funny post.

    You're making me sorry I never watch DWTS PG.

  4. And another LOLLLLLL, Matt Bomer talking about getting into a thong for Magic Mike.

    Matt describes thong usage

  5. HA! That was funny. He's very charming and that was hilarious when he talked about putting his legs into the wrong holes of the thong. LOLLL!

    I tell you what, I will go watch this movie, you bet. Man, I cannot wait.

  6. Hey, Dustin Lance Black is on Ted's column today. This is kind of interesting.

    Looks like Dustin Lance Black is Team Jacob.

    Or at least Team Taylor, that is, as the out-and-proud Oscar-winning writer took to his blog to sound off on Taylor's interview for his recent GQ Australia cover.

    You know, the celeb chat where Tay was asked if openly gay Hollywood tycoons Gus Van Sant and Dustin Lance Black made a pass at the hunky Twilight star when they were all spotted dining together.

    Let's just say DLB was not amused.

    "Really Mr. GQ writer? I'm curious, will you be asking all of the handsome actors I've ever had the privilege of working with or meeting if I made passes at them as well? I'd love to be there when you ask Sean Penn that same question," refuted Black.

    So would we! Ya know Tay's response to the question was très boring ("they know I'm straight"); perhaps Penn would have something a bit more entertaining to say?

    And while Dustin may question if the GQ writer is a homophobe himself, GQ fought back, insisting they were only poking fun at how friggin' hot Taylor is: "It certainly wasn't our intention to paint anyone in the story as a sexual predator. The point we were actually trying to push was that Taylor is irresistible to virtually everyone—regardless of sexuality or gender."

    Couldn't agree more, Mr. GQ writer. Those Twilight-toned biceps have us dreaming about Taylor for days. Although let's be clear here: This is a total last-minute save on GQ's part—because, of course, Dustin is correct in what he's bitchin' about.

    Also, since Tay-Tay hasn't responded to the controversy, we're hoping for a grand gesture to prove our fave celeb is straight as a nail.

    Like, say, a double date with Robsten? Taylor is due for a GF after his split with Lily Collins. Hey, what about Demi Lovato?


    And until then, Taylor? Give us a werewolf stare, a shirtless shot and stay irresistible as ever.

    Please. Taylor Lautner is not that hot or unbearably irresistible. Plus, he doesn't sound all that likeable to me either and that really undoes the un-hot factor.

  7. ^^^From the Awful Truth.

    I just love Twitter. It feeds me the news in a way that I can pick & choose what I want to read and don't need to weed through all of the other garbo in someone's column.

  8. daniokeefe Danielle O'Keefe
    Jake gyllenhaal spotted on 21st about to take spin class no big deal
    8 minutes ago

  9. Oh, that's excellent. Even a picture of him, lol. Poor guy. Hey, like the black tank.

  10. Looks like Jake was spinning with his EoW co-star.

    EleanorLangston Eleanor Langston
    I got so excited that Jake Gyllenhaal and America Ferrera were two bikes down that I got my highest score ever @flywheelsports. #motivation
    8 minutes ago

  11. Ironic, indeed, Special. Too funny. Jake's wearing the top, and Austin the bottom. Still, I'm sure they can be versatile (switch off), when the mood "suits" them.

  12. Good catch, M&M. lol, it went over my head, as usual. **scratches head**

    You're too clever, Special!! Lookit my real "sharp" comment up there about Jake's finger "pointing" at the label on his shirt. LOLLLLL!!!! What a duncehead.

  13. Hmmmm, Austie being awfully quiet after a TweetSurge yesterday. Was he stocking up or something?

  14. Natalie Portman looks awkward carrying her baby - almost like she's about to drop him or something. Surely she has the hang of it by now, you would think? Then she goes and throws a jacket over his head. Now I have to ask myself, if she's visiting a friend at their house as the caption says, how on earth would a pap just happen to be hanging around there, thus the tossing of a jacket over that poor kid's head?

    Poor little kid - he's hanging on, isn't he? lol

    Somebody help my momma!

  15. Cute little boy, though. Look at his little bare feet - he's very healthy looking! Just adorable. She gets a better grip on him by the time the jacket is put over his head but before that, it looks like the poor little guy is almost slipping.

  16. daniokeefe Danielle O'Keefe
    @jasoid yeah ugh! We could have stared at Jake gylenhaal coming out of flight wheel together .. Boooo
    1 hour ago

  17. MendiolaTodd Todd Mendiola
    Jake Gyllenhaal and America Ferrera riding on the new @flywheelsports bikes tonight in Flatiron. All jocks and athletes try this new bike!!
    1 hour ago

  18. mattahertz Matthew Hertz
    Was jake gyllenhaal on bike in front of me during grant's 630 class?
    43 minutes ago

  19. DukieDrea Andrea Galambos
    Just (almost literally) ran into Jake Gyllenhall in the locker room. And burned 750 calories tonight. Heart Fwheel
    14 minutes ago

  20. I can't wait for Magic Mike to come out, but it'll be a long wait as they just finished filming it. Matt was talking about the film while doing publicity for another movie that comes out next week, In Time, in which he just has a small but pivotal role.

    Have to agree the way Natalie is carrying her baby is kind of strange, looks like he's about to slide right down to the ground.

  21. thank you destiny. i cant yet see me to speak too you in chat. too poore of an englesh languishe, i am afraid. i love too though... just dont know how i should dare to start...and you might not know a word i try to say, though i might try to sound englesh,,,yes, i am that bad when i am anxious:(

  22. That whole thing about Taylor and Dustin is very interesting, and interesting that Ted wrote about it.

    I don't get his appeal, but he sure has his followers.

    And I don't know what to think of the whole thing. GQ wasn't asking anything that wasn't being speculated about around the internet, especially about Van Sant, who is widely rumored to be into very young men/boys. And people speculate about actors seen with women, and nobody complains about that. Seems like maybe the "crime" here was daring to ask questions you're not supposed to ask a closeted gay actor.

  23. Don't worry about your English NG, I don't think I've ever had a problem understanding what you were saying. But if you want to email me instead of chatting, so you won't feel so anxious, that would be okay too.

  24. Yeah, I don't get Taylor's appeal at all. But meh, he's a teen heart throb. I'm sure there were a lot of people who wondered what the appeal of Donny Osmond was, too. LOLLL

    Hey ng!! Great to see you. Your English is fine, girl.

  25. Hey all.waiting for my flight home. I am totally behind on jakes news. No blogging or even tv in 3 days.

  26. Just saw this link on Datalounge of embarrassing photos of stars like Lautner, Crawford, Ian S. and Pattinson when they were young--funny and scary. They also have the Jake/Grace Jones photo

    Embarrassing celeb photos

  27. Wow m, you've been roughing it, haven't you? Missed your comments! You can sum up Jake lately with all the Spin Cycle tweets.

    I saw those pictures, Destiny. Aren't those something? I think Chace Crawford is too pretty for his own good. And I was really surprised at the pic of Robert Pat.

  28. They sure are something.

    Funny how the look that seems to appeal to teens is a softer, more androgenous look, but darn it, they better not be gay.

    Personally I think most girls and women don't care.

  29. I don't think women care either. It's the straight guys who have most of the hang ups.

    LOL, there are a few comments on JJ asking if Natalie knows how to hold her baby and bam! Several people come on saying she does so, she's supporting his head, blah blah blah.

    Someone said "she's holding him weird". lol. Then someone else said she was going Jacko by throwing the jacket over his head.

    lol, people's comments sometimes crack me up. They can be entertaining to read.

  30. Sounds like Austin would be quiet because he is working. lol. Makes sense.

    Really interesting reading this interview involving the girl who alleges to have had a one-night stand with Ashton Kutcher. All the details that she gives makes me believe it to be true. Plus, the fact that a moving van has been seen at the house and that he didn't show up at her side for a movie premiere. Plus, her dramatic weight loss and the tweets sent to her showing support.

    I don't even want to comment about him - he sounds like a total dipwad. I mean, she spills every detail about the entire night. She quotes him, quotes the bodyguard. It's too many details for me to believe she's lying. I bet she got paid for this interview. But one thing I found pretty interesting in her account was the fact that her phone was confiscated at some point.

    Here's an excerpt:

    Probably like 8 A.M. he woke up and asked where my phone was. I was like, "It's in my purse right there." He grabbed it and I saw him click on my text-messages in-box.

    Your in-box? Had you sent any texts about him?

    No, of my best girlfriends who doesn't live in California texted me when I first got to the place and asked what I was doing. I was like, "I'm partying with Ashton Kutcher!" She and some other random friends texted me "Where are you?"

    And Ashton read them.

    Yes, I was like, "No, no, no," and was laughing. We were fighting for my phone. But he wasn't mad. He just said flat out, "See this stuff I can't have happen." I offered to delete them. Then the bodyguard, the guy in the priest outfit, I guess heard us being loud and he came in and took my phone out of my hand.

    And he kept it?
    Yes. He said, "You can have this when you leave," I was kind of sketched out.

  31. ^^^ US Stinkley.

    Wait, it gets better.

    The bodyguard was outside and he said, "Yeah, your phone is right there." He had gone through all my messages.

    That's so weird.

    Yeah, he was just sitting on the couch like he hadn't slept a wink. He was like, "You need to leave before Ashton. You can't walk out together." I was like, "I wasn't planning on it. I was looking for my shoes." He shook my hand, told me his name was Luke, and I thought, OK, weirdo, and left. I got in the first cab that I saw.

    It's a long interview and Ashton comes off as a real stoop. But it certainly was interesting. You hear about phones being checked in at certain ceremonies and parties. So now these celebs have the night's entertainment's phones gone through and confiscated. I'm sure pictures are deleted. This is how it works.

    I don't think she's quite as naive as she tries to come off sounding but it's still interesting. It's a new age. These celebs can confiscate phones all they want but I wonder if A.K. was counting on her blabbing everything?

    Confidentiality agreements, anyone? I wonder how they get people to be quiet, say over a handjob or something? Surely they don't pay for quiet. Is a signed silence agreement enough to keep them quiet? I don't get about that part of it.

  32. Dear Ted:
    With Zachary Quinto coming out, I gotta ask, is he Toothy? And if not, does Toothy have the same hair color as Zach?

    Dear The Boys Club:
    Where've you been, babe? I already told ya that Zachary is our hunky Kirk Dogmatic. But Toothy has a similar hair color to Z.Q. most days.

    Afternoon Mail

  33. Interesting about the phones.

    I'm sorry to see all this happen, I've always had a soft spot for Ashton, loved him on That 70s Show.

    I've also read gossip to the effect that they had an open relationship, and that the problem was that Ashton wasn't discreet. No way of knowing the truth on this one.

  34. I'm sad about them, too. I was pulling for them. I liked Demi ever since she used to be on General Hospital. I didn't know a lot about Ashton but I saw a couple of movies of his and he really made me laugh. Dude, Where's My Car and the other one where he's on a honeymoon. He's got great comedy skills.

    But you just had a feeling. You could just foresee it happening with the age difference and once she turned over 40, I'm sorry but it was going to take a miracle for him to stay with an older woman when you knew he was going to have 20-something's hanging all over him. Sorry but what woman did not see it coming? It would have been too good to be true.

    And sure enough.

  35. justataste
    Kelly Senyei
    by VirgoBlue
    @virgoblue so great seeing you (and Jake Gyllenhaal) today. So excited for your new addition and to stay in touch. Safe travels!
    2 hours ago

    Gr8 lunch @ Prune w/ @justataste 2day. Didn't hurt that #JakeGyllenhaal was sitting 2 seats away from us. I almost lost my cool. ;)
    43 minutes ago

  36. Baby Flynn alert!! Now Orlando has him, lol. They dress him in the cutest little matching outfits and his feet are always bare. I hope there is a car seat in that vehicle that Orlando is ducking into.

  37. KVarnell Katie
    Pretty bummed @AUS10NICHOLS never came over to meet the fans that waited 8.5 hrs to meet him the freezing cold...
    7 hours ago

    dana_corse Dana Corse
    standing outside and can no longer feel my fingers and toes waitiing for a chance to meet @AUS10NICHOLS
    10 hours ago

    xonomesxo Nomes
    @KVarnell @AUS10NICHOLS It was so cold! Can't blame him though - I'd go straight home to my warm bed too after a big day/night at work!
    7 hours ago

  38. DJLips
    Lauren Lipsay
    Jake Gyllenhaal was just in my spin class. That is all.
    56 minutes ago

  39. glamglobetrtr
    Sarah Evans
    Jake Gyllenhaal is sitting next to us at brunch. Second time I've seen him this month in the west vill. @thorpe_erin eat your heart out!
    3 hours ago

  40. theDiamondStar Lindy Zamora
    This morning, I was on the train sitting across and standing next to JAKE GYLLENHAAL, and I didn't say a damn thing to him. BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!
    34 minutes ago
