Thursday, October 6, 2011

Sexy sexy

Jake's been named to Glamour (UK) Sexiest Men of 2011.
Jake is in the top 20 at number 18, and is in good looking company with David Beckham, Johnny Depp, Prince Harry, Zac Efron, Alexander Sarsgaard, Taylor Lautner with Robert Pattinson leading at #1.Could it be those eyes?
Those dimples?That smile?Or because he, according to Cosmopolitan, "dresses just the way we like our guys: business up top, party below the belt. His dark jeans and roughed-up shoes look modern with a classic black jacket and blue button-down."But make no mistake he can work the suit.

And the tux.And the tee.And the bike.

...what ....the backpack...what were you thinking? ; )


  1. SashaHalima
    Sasha H. Muradali
    I just saw Jake Gyllenhaal at my coffee place... pretty eyes, nice hair, he's tall, good taste in coffee.... *le sigh* ah, he's beautiful :D
    43 minutes ago

  2. HI Sass, good to hear from you, nice sentiments in your post.

    RP #1 on the poll?????

  3. Hi Sass, Great to see you again.

    Yup Dest, he was number one on the UK's list. I have a hard time agreeing with that one. But hey to each their own.

  4. I find him appealing in the Twilight films, but in RL he often looks greasy and disheveled. I can see him being on the list, but #1. But of course his place on the list is probably tied to the new installment coming out soon.

  5. Check out this great movie FIVE. October 10th on Lifetime. 9/8c. Five short films. I'm in the first one. @mrskutcher directed mine.
    3 minutes ago

  6. Bitch Back: Where Does Jake Gyllenhaal Go Now?

    Dear Ted:
    I am beginning to think that Jake Gyllenhaal's PR team is pretty smart! If Taylor Swift does indeed write a song about him, people will be talking about that short-lived relationship for years to come! That would tend to reduce any rumors about his sexuality. Honestly, I think that is why John Mayer got involved with her, too. You know he couldn't wait to hear people gossiping about his song!

    Dear Foxy:
    I was with ya till the John Mayer thing. That dude befriended Swift for only one reason: He's a total slut-bag, regardless how far (or not) he got with Taylor. And yes, Jake's team is on a par with Tom Cruise's team—the one before couch-gate, that is.

  7. Huh. Signed kchesney?? That's interesting.

    I hope Jake blows the impact of a Tay song, whether it's before or after she puts it out. That would be a way of having the last laugh on her.

  8. Boomerang is showing episodes of The Munsters and Adamms Family back to back at 1800CT right now, probably for October.

    It's just the best. Two of my favorite sitcoms; just love them both - they're vintage TV and they beat that nonsense they show on Disney for young people hands down.

  9. It teacher Jake today.

    PassionPitiful Paulette
    @kirrwin Jake gyllenhaal was at my school for the drama department and I saw him randomly as I was trying to get some papers done
    29 minutes ago

    PassionPitiful Paulette
    4 hours ago

  10. gailsaywhattt Gail Andeza Quintos
    so Jake Gyllenhaal visited my school and had a q&a with us. nbd.
    13 minutes ago

  11. First of all, I found it unusual that of all the students tweeting about this, that there wasn't a single cellphone pic today. There could still be one come up, but I would've thought they would've appeared today along with the tweets.

    It sounds like he was at the LaGuardia School for Performing Arts, after doing some internet searching. Wonder if it was done as a favor to someone? I was kind of disappointed to see it wasn't a regular public school.

  12. Not sure how many regular schools have acting classes or programs anymore, so it probably makes sense for him to go to LaGuardia. Wouldn't be surprised if they don't have a program where they bring in professional artists.

  13. Yeah, I doubt they do either, Destiny. Today's public schools are really feeling the crunch of cutbacks on programs like the arts. I know they're cutting regular art departments from the curriculum but I don't know about drama depts.

    It's nbd; I'm more excited about that coffee trip tweet mentioned up there as it fits right into the Jake NY tweet schedule. Note the time on it: 11:20ET. It makes a nice addition.

  14. npez
    nicole pezzolla
    Oh yea, I met Jake Gyllenhaal today... He came into the shop and stuff, you know, no biggie.
    5 hours ago

  15. Well those first tweeters don't sound blown away.

    Ted doesn't do many letters specifically about Jake so that was a surprise. Jake and Swift were not together long enough to warrant a song. It barely even counts as a romance. When I think back on how badly PR botched that, its just hilarious.

    Yes, I am up at an ungodly hour. Just for a second, then its back to bed for me. I think I am tuned to Paris time while my work buddy is there.
