Monday, October 31, 2011

Shiver My Timbers!

Last night at the Evening with OTH, there was talk about Austin not being handsome enough for the network, but handsome enough to make Joe Davola go gay for him. Of course in the season 9 highlights they show that handsome mug getting the beat down.

Later they asked what would you be if you weren't an actor. Austin's answer?
A pirate.

And on this day of make believe and hijinks you have to wonder what kind of pirate would he be?

Maybe he's talking the Hollywood pretty pirate?
Hey his long wig and Jake's hair accessories from PoP he's half way there.Yes, that is a hornpipe in my pocket and I am happy to see you.

Or it could be The 1979 Pittsburgh PiratesWe are Family!

Maybe he's a little nostalgic with childhood memories of the Princess Bride's Dread Pirate Roberts. Now who could his real life Buttercup be?

Or the Spongebob's Painty the Priate impressions that Jake does got to him. (Halloween M&M's to M&M)

Or the buck he keeps talking about being is a Buccaneer?Maybe he just loves the clothesWell blow me down.

Or like Black Bart the jewels and jewelry.
Or maybe he wants to be a literary pirate and little Treasure Island"They don’t call me Long John because my head is so big."

You know it's all about the Pirate booty and when you got it you got it.
This oneor this one?
And for a guy with a bourbon for a name, and a vodka for a "nic name" you have go for the trifecta of alcohol personae..... Captain Morgan.Avast, me proud beauty! Wanna know why my Roger is so Jolly?

But just could be that he loves
Jake and the Pirates

Here's to lots of sweets and not too many screams.
And if they ask, tell 'em Frank sent you.

photo credit: OTH-twitpic


  1. This is what it looked like last night from my chair. Great night. Thanks everyone for coming.
    2 hours ago

  2. Oh!!! I forgot one pirate.

    The Pirates of Penzance!

    Here is a different version of Pirates of Penzance you've never seen.

    Baby Got Back

  3. True. But, how unfair was it that Jake was made to choose at all?

    Please stop embellishing. It's called taking responsibility for your actions/choices.

  4. Of course Jake and Austin must assume responsibility for the choices they make in life. Who said they didn't? The guys should not have been made to choose between their careers and having a family, however. That's all I'm saying. That kind of oppressive system needs to go! Who's to say what any of us would have done under similar circumstances. Of course, heterosexuals don't have to make those kinds of choices, do they?

  5. Of course hetero celebs face the same types of decisions when it come to the safety and privacy of their children. They learn to work it out.. I think the paps know how far they go when it comes to celebs personal lives.

  6. I think we all treat Jake like he is a bigger star than he actually is.

    ITA 100 percent Tom. There is nothing special about Jake that would make him any more of a target for paps, etc. than any other star, and less so than most. Fans can be just as crazy about television actors, just look at the OTH fans, so I don't think saying Jake is somehow worthy of and would get more attention than Elton John, Ricky Martin or NPH is just not accurate.

    Straight people make choices between their family life and jobs all the time. Parents who work in another city and only come home on weekends. Parents who turn down promotions because of the hours or travel involved. Or parents who don't and just see less of their kids. People who sacrifice their career or put it on hold to stay home with the children--and in my circle of friends, I've seen plenty dads stay home, not the mother. Parents who give up beloved activities because they can't squeeze them in anymore.

    Yes, it may be a harder choice if you're a closeted gay actor who wants to be a big A list star, but like most closeted stars in HW, Jake and Austin have decided that their work matters more than honesty, integrity, and their family.

  7. Acting is profession, it's more than a job. It comes from a calling something inside a person who just drawn to acting and performing and compelled to do it. And you can't just turn that off.

    Acting has to be a passion to be able to the rejection and the competition. It is not a easy road to hoe.

    Hollywood has created an environment over the years that make people choose. Where else do you see people forced to make choices like that? And HW knows that have a power over people who are following their calling.

    But we are seeing more change in the media. Who would have predicted in 2005 that today in the US, that half the daytime talk shows hosts are gay and half are straight? These things are happening around us all the time.

    Traditionally in media, the first change happens on television, specifically daytime TV, then to it moves to primetime, and then the movie industry.

    We are seeing more actors and entertainers who are coming out. And we are seeing more positive reactions to them coming out. A difference than you saw 10 years ago, even 5 years ago.

    Changes are happening in the industry and the public and I can see that encouraging Jake and Austin even more than before about coming out.

  8. Great post today Special.

    But what is up with Austin in that first picture. It looks so odd, like his body is squashed, or his head is on someone else's body.

  9. Ah, c'mon. Get real. Straight actors don't have to choose between having a family and working in the movie industry. In fact, they're encouraged to have children. Family friendly and all that. I'm with Jason on this one.

  10. destiny said...
    Great post today Special.

    But what is up with Austin in that first picture. It looks so odd, like his body is squashed, or his head is on someone else's body.

    I thought the same thing. I think it is just a really cheap chair.

  11. my opinion said...
    Ah, c'mon. Get real. Straight actors don't have to choose between having a family and working in the movie industry. In fact, they're encouraged to have children. Family friendly and all that. I'm with Jason on this one.

    You and Jason are the same person.

  12. Destiny

    Austin was sitting on loveseat that was on the stage. First he and Jackson shared the couch and then he and March Schwahn.

    I think he was a little fidgety with a crowd that big, and I don't think that couch is made for a tall guy like Mr. Nichols.

    But I think his hair looks great. You can see his still have his curl, they must just flat iron it out for the show.

  13. I agree that being an actor in HW is different from other professions.

    The way I look at, there were three routes Jake could have gone if he wanted to have a family:

    Marry a woman like Hugh Jackman and too many other stars to mention;

    Live in a glass closet like Jodie Foster, Matt Bomer and be seen with your kids and your partner;

    Come out.

    Instead, Jake did something I can't comprehend. I will just never ever ever understand why anyone would chose to have a child, and then hide it away like the child is some monster that can't see the light of day.

  14. My Opinion, they can have both a career and family. And I'm sorry, but it is just my personal opinion that if you are going to have a child, the child comes first, otherwise don't have one.

  15. Instead, Jake did something I can't comprehend. I will just never ever ever understand why anyone would chose to have a child, and then hide it away like the child is some monster that can't see the light of day.

    Harsh reality for sure.

  16. If you are interested in what happened at last night's Evening with OTH, here's a play by play that Wilmington's StarNews newspaper put together.

    An Evening with One Tree Hill

    And here's a picture of the cast on stage.
    OTH cast

  17. Now, why would Jason and I be the same person? The mentality of some people around here is awfuly juvenile , isn't it? So if two people agree they must be the same poster. Unf*ckingbelievable!

  18. You and Jason are the same person.

    LOL! Right.

  19. Acting is profession, it's more than a job.

    ^ So is medicine, dentistry, law, blah, blah, blah. Why the excuses?

  20. But dentist, lawyers, doctors are not told to make a choice like actors are if they want to continue to practice their profession.

  21. I'm sure there are closeted dentists, lawyers and doctors too. Many of whom are in loveless marriages and living double lives. Jake and Austin are not the first closeted cases.

  22. So gay actors have a harder time than the rest hey? Oh well, I'm sure the big pay checks buy plenty of tissues when they cry themselves to sleep at night LOL!

  23. Yes, I've read that "single" men don't tend to rise up the corporate ladder, so I'd imagine there are a lot of double lives among company big wigs.

    Maybe I wouldn't be so hard on Jake if he was doing anything to help change things. Ditto for Austin. Yes it's great that they did BBM and Prayers for Bobby, but that is not enough. They haven't supported any gay related organizations, spoken up on issues like bullying, gay marriage, the horrendous amendment winding its way through the legislature in NC to ban gay marriages, etc.

    In a day and age when tons of stars speak out and appear at fundraisers for gay rights, their complete silence is truly glaring.

  24. It is outright weird Destiny. From the biggest supporters the Gay community could ask for to nothing. Like the bulb suddenly blew out.

  25. I think it started when Jake sold his soul to Disney and his people picked up that first check..

  26. I don't doubt that economics was one factor in Jake's decision to beard. Particularly, if he wanted to have a family and support them. Never mind the added costs associated with surrogancy. I just don't think economics was the only consideration that factored into the final equation.

    Who knows maybe Jake stopped speaking up on gay issues because he feels it would be hypocritical for him to do so given the current lie he is selling to the public.

    The unemployment rate for SAG members is something like 90% and maybe only 6% get to work regularly. I believe I read somewhere that of the nearly 100,000 dues paying SAG actors, only about fifty (50) of them even fall into the higher salary ranges. The median annual salary is actually only $30,000. Competition is fierce and that's why the powers that be have so much control over movie actors, particularly leading men. Look at George Clooney. He's 50 years old and has more than enough money, power and status in the Hollywood community, but instead of him inching his way out of the closet he's acting like a fool with his "daughter" Stacy Keibler.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Over the hills and through the woods. To Grandmother's House we go.
    2 hours ago

  30. liamobrien Liam O'Brien
    Aidan is going as Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger's love child.
    1 hour ago

  31. I can't be pacified by clever messages while lies and deception are carried on for the benefit of corporate television and fans who believe and cheer a falsehood while the perpetrators continue to carry it out so that the truth can continue to be hidden.

    I'll support the guys going about minding their own business but I cannot support the encouragement and feeding of a lie.

    I'm really disappointed in Austin and that pic was enough to send me on a hiatus for awhile.

    Off to write!

  32. I blog here because it is where I feel like I can be passionate about people coming out and things changing. Plus Jake is the person I still want to come out the most. I felt he once was and I can't let that go. I still like Jake and Austin but I just hate that they so stubbornly hide who they are.

  33. Want to star gaze?

    There’s always something fabulous going on at Chateau Marmont‘s poolside bar. The Crown Bar in West Hollywood is another popular celebrity hangout. And if you have a thing for Jake Gyllenhaal, he likes to hike shirtless through Runyon Canyon. If your group would rather see real stars, events at the Griffith Observatory in Griffith Park never disappoint.

  34. Austin's tweet brings up some observations

    If the picture was at a party, most adult Halloween parties were held on the weekend not a Monday night. So it makes me think that the picture was not taken today just posted today.

    Sophia tweeted throughout the evening. Who would be answering fans if you were at a party or out on Halloween?

    Again it makes me thing that the picture was posted today for a reason.

    What reason?

    Well I think Austin gave us the reason in his tweet.

    Over the hills and through the woods. To Grandmother's House we go.

    Where's grandma? Well she's in NYC.

    Who else is NYC? Jake and the not so talls who call like to hang out grandma.

    How do you get there? Over the hills (North Carolina) and through woods (Pennsylvania)

  35. Sad to say but there was a time, back in the BBM days and shortly thereafter that Jake was on his way to being A list. You could also see that he loved acting and the spotlight. But things have changed. Jakes star quotient fell and he's obviously lost his love for acting. Right now he is B+ and barely hanging on to that. Personal sacrifices, the toll they took and his own children made a difference. Yes it would be awkward to come out now. But really, does anyone think Reese is A list anymore. Her last 5 movies have been barely successful. Give her another 12 months and no one will care if she is pissed or not if jake comes out. Jake could have been on the forefront, a leader by coming out, but he's not. He's a follower. There is nothing wrong with that. Just a statement of fact. And for that reason I think he will come out, sooner rather than later.

  36. You know, I can see that, Special. Fully agree.

    But that caving was it for me. What happened to the big quote about burning bridges?

    I look at JetBlue this morning and how they're now apologizing for what happened to that plane on the tarmac for 7 hours. The only reason they're apologizing is because people raised enough of an uproar.

    Jake and Austin will continue to do this kind of thing like caving in to what the CW or Hollywood want but I know that I don't have to sit here and say, Well, I understand. It's okay, guys, because I know what is really going on and it's okay. No - that is not me. It's like an abusive relationship where 1/2 of the abused pair says, "Okay, I know you're sorry for what you did. I forgive you for the 1000th time and I will stay with you. Because I'm faithful and I'm good."

    I'm out of turned cheeks and tired of chihuahua-sized Milkbones.

    The HW PR machines win.

    The Jack, Ultraviolets and Profit Girls win.

    Jake and Austin win.

    Gee, the Trolls won't have ol' PG to quote anymore over next door, will they? Aw, too bad.

    I don't know when or if I'll be back commenting, you guys because I have given up on Jake and Austin. I'm just out of patience and fight and it's really sad to me.

    Talk to y'all later.

  37. With the events of the weekend wtih OTH, and last year them doing a picture, it would have looked extremely odd if there wasn't something for Halloween.

    The last time you saw them in picture was another planned event. The play in LA before OTH started filming. It is almost like the pictures are bookending filming.

    Austin is still under the The CW's contract. Not too much longer. But still is. And it maybe that reason that there was a picture.

  38. Theres a Grandma in TX too SK, you always seems to forget that Austin has parents.

  39. Yes there are grandparents in TX, but with Jake in NYC and that would mean kids too. And with the last episode having start filming now, don't think Austin could get all the way to TX.

    But I do think they do go to TX. Just like I did when Jake was in town to do SXSW and during the spring, when Austin wasn't filming in NC.

  40. Jake could have been on the forefront, a leader by coming out, but he's not. He's a follower. There is nothing wrong with that. Just a statement of fact. And for that reason I think he will come out, sooner rather than later.

    Certainly, true. Jake made a decision back in 2007 that he did not want to be in the forefront of the gay civil rights movement. I think he fought the good fight in 2005-06, but failed abysmally. Very quickly, he opted instead to start a family which is something he has spoken about since he was a young man and, for a variety of reasons, he apparently felt that he could not do/have both.

    Things have changed for the better since Brokeback Mountain, yet no actor, of the romantic lead variety, has come out. I would suspect this means that homophobia is still very much alive and well in Hollywood boardrooms and among investors. With films like Source Code and End of Watch Jake appears to have returned to smaller films and Independents, figuring out that he is not going to become the next big thing or blockbuster performer. He goes for long stretches of time without working because his priorities have shifted. Jake is a pleaser, definitely not a leader or trailblazer. That, however, doesn't mean that he will not do the right thing eventually. Jake can't change the past. He can only demonstrate what kind of man he can be from here on. That's what I'm anticipating and hoping to see. Frankly, I think Jake still has a great opportunity to be a tremendous role model as a father and family man, which would be a different kind of contribution toward social change, but a big step forward when it comes to eliminating stereotypes about gay men.

  41. Over the hills and through the woods. To Grandmother's House we go.

    I think you are exactly right in your interpretation of Austin's message from yesterday, Special. Mr. English major knows that the phrase is "over the river" and through the woods, but NC is known for their hills and PA represents the woods. Moreover, one of Jake's favorite plays is Sondheim's, Into the Woods...about Little Red Riding Hood.

  42. Mr. English major knows that the phrase is "over the river" and through the woods

    He simply misremembered the words, or changed them to fit with the picture (you know, the picture of him and Sophia dressed as the wolf and little Red Riding Hood, who travel through the woods to get to Grandma). Mr English major would also know that it's "Grandmother's house", not "Grandmother's House", but that didn't stop him from screwing that up.

  43. merib
    Has everyone seen Jake Gyllenhaal at Soul Cycle besides me? Coworker informed me he takes shirt off in class? #areyoukiddingme #motivating
    26 minutes ago

  44. If the picture was at a party, most adult Halloween parties were held on the weekend not a Monday night. So it makes me think that the picture was not taken today just posted today.

    Except not. Hollywood, weHo, NYC all have Halloween parties on Halloween. And judging by what I read on ESPN this morning, looks like your city of Boston has Halloween parties on Halloween.

  45. Over the hills and through the woods. To Grandmother's House we go.

    To change a whole phrase is something is active, a conscious effort.
    But the capitalization of a letter seems incidental and not as significant as he did with changing the wording.

  46. Yes there were parties last night, but most parties were over the weekend, because you really can't go out and party up on a Monday night and show up in the office Tuesday morning good to go.

    Also Sophia was directing yesterday and today,I don't think she as a director would go out partying the night before her last day directing, or wanting her cast to be out late partying when she has to finish up shooting today.

    And it looks like no one else from the OTH crew was out at a party last night.

  47. That's a new argument. The wording he used is "misremembered"???? Probably not. That is a famous lyric. Austin seems very careful with what he types and sends out into the cyberworld.

  48. Austin may have capitalized “House” to emphasize that he is referring to his own home away from home when he uses the word Grandmother. Essentially, the rule is to capitalize a word whenever that word is being used as a proper noun. By capitalizing “Grandmother,” he is more than likely communicating that he is talking about his own relative, which Naomi would be.

  49. He goes for long stretches of time without working because his priorities have shifted........ uhm no , he goes for long stretches of time without working because his acting sucks and there are lots of actors with more talent out there

  50. Also Sophia was directing yesterday and today,I don't think she as a director would go out partying the night before her last day directing, or wanting her cast to be out late partying when she has to finish up shooting today.

    Oh why, what time did they arrive to that Halloween party? How much did they drink? What time did they leave? What's that? You don't know? Uh huh.

  51. I was out both Saturday night and last night. Saturday I saw tons of adults dressed up and on their way to parties, clubs, bars, etc.

    Last night there was only a smattering of adults dressed up, and most of them were with kids.

    Of course adults are mostly going to go out on Saturday night, not a Monday. When the holiday is later in the week, like a Wednesday or Thursday, then you see the adults out in full force.

    I have no idea where Austin was on Monday, and it very well could have been NC, but I am pretty certain he was not out at a Halloween party last night.

  52. Oh, and one other thing. Just Jared was loaded with pictures from Halloween parties, and they were all over the weekend.

  53. Jake could easily have done theater, indy films or TV and continued to act as glass closet or out actor. He wouldn't have been taken out and shot. Don't over dramatize his choice. He had many choices. He chose to stay on the A list actor track.

    Face it there are no children.

    If he did have children he would be a monster for treating him the way you speculate he treats them.

  54. Destiny have you ever gone down to the Halloween parade in The Village?

  55. Face it there are no children.

    I disagree. And, Jake is not a monster. No one is overdramatizing anything, except perhaps you.

  56. I went to the parade one year, but it was such a madhouse that I could hardly see anything. The route is pretty short considering the crowds it gets. I don't like to stand for hours, so I'm not the get there hours early to get a good spot kind of person.

  57. jamiebeckman Jamie Beckman
    Jake Gyllenhaal was in my Soul Cycle class!
    1 hour ago

    SeriouslySerio Anthony Serio
    Just saw Jake Gyllenhaal go to his spinning class at @soulcycle
    2 hours ago
