Tuesday, November 1, 2011

One last nut to crack

This week The Crazy Tree starts to film the last episode evah.
ScreenGems Studio has tweeted that next week is the last week for OTH tours. And the call is out for extras age 9 and up for the final episode, including a crowd scene shooting Saturday.

So on such an auspicious occasion there must be a top ten list.

Top Ten Reasons We Know The Crazy Tree is finally done.
10. When U2 gives permission to use the song One Tree Hill if they promise there will be no more shows or season.
9.Swamp Loggers took the one tree holding the whole show together.

8.Clothes Over Bros/Karen's Cafe vies to become the new temporary home of Gwyneth's GOOP.

7. Austin's hair is starting go back to its natural shape, color and texture.6.Davola and Schwahn pitch a new show, a combination of One Tree Hill and Saved by the Bell, called Saved by the Hill. Sophia and Screech are rumored to be in talks to play the conjoined twins with different dads.5. They've stopped ordering Austin's bronzer in bulk.
4. Nick Lachey is no longer being told to stay out of it.
3. The Soup has been force to up their stories meetings x2 to fill the slot OTH filled in their show.

2.All of Julian's epaulets from season 6 are ceremoniously buried at sea.
and the number one way We Know the Crazy Tree is Finally Done.

High Times has exclusive cover story/beside scenes profile of "The Dog Who ate Dan's Heart: My How I Marked the Tree"

For Two Wheel Tuesday a little celebrity two-wheeling.


  1. Austin's movie LOL:The Movie kind of has release date.

    It is finally getting a release date! Well almost a release date, rumor has it that Lionsgate the studio that is distributing the movie to theaters has said they are expecting the film to come out in the Spring of 2012.


    I am trying to ignore the second part of the article that says Miley Cryus is going to cover a Bob Dylan song for new benefit album for Amnesty International.

  2. Ended up stumbling on to Love and Other Drugs this evening and watched more than half of it. Jake and Anne are very good in it. It is definitely a good small-screen film. They definitely have real screen chemistry and despite a very intrusive soundtrack and some unrealistic secondary stories involving his brother I think Jake and Anne did a great job. A better director could have knocked it out of the park as they are really solid together as a team.

  3. Zac_Posen
    Zac Posen
    My favorite Japanese restaurant in NYC was filled with familiar faces from @TheRealDaphne to Jake Gyllenhaal! Full house tonight! Xoxo Zp
    7 minutes ago

  4. There are children all right. Thats why they take turns working. One on, one off when they can swing it.

    Good catch about Austins hair retuning to its natural beauty. Both he and Jake have gorgeous hair. Its a shame they have to mess with it for the sake of a movie role.

    So glad OTH days are numbered. Last year was pure drivel.

    I am finally caught up at work and had time to take a walk yesterday for the first time in months. I had been walking 1 - 2 miles every day and I miss it so much. The only thing that kept me from repeating that today was heavy winds. Fingers crossed that this holds.

  5. Fingers crossed for you too M, you've had such a crazy schedule.

    NPH posted the most adorable photo of his family dressed up for Halloween as characters from Peter Pan.

    NPH and family

  6. Very cute, Destiny!

    You're right, m. The guys have been coordinating their schedules for years. Austin working in television has allowed for more routine and predictability, which then gives Jake more latitude regarding projects. With a growing family, Jake's options have become more restricted as it is.

  7. It's not only when Jake schedules his projects its where too. Jake was finishing up PoP when Austin started on OTH, but since then Jake has been involved in projects that filmed in the eastern part of the US and Canada. EoW was the first project Jake has filmed in LA or in the West since Brothers and he was signed to it before OTH was renewed for a half season. The overlap of them both working was just over 4 weeks. When it was over he headed back East for extended visit again this fall.
