Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Puppy Love

I knew Nic's dancing would lead to trouble. Who can resist the power of the tail!

He's tall. And a very good dancer.And he has the cutest ears!
His name? .... Why...I don't know....I just call him mine.Nowwww.... stay.

J better take the part after all this.


  1. So with all this grocery shopping the last couple days, think Jake is the Head Chef for tomorrow? Hope everyone likes kale.

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  4. Happy to be back in Austin, Texas. Best city on Earth.
    38 minutes ago

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  8. It's been a while, but I'll do it again.

    People that impersonating another person on the blog will get you reported to Blogger.

  9. Hey, if we're lucky Austin and Sophia might get an US Weekly spread this year. I really would love to see another photoshopped sideshow. Hope Ramona's available? Or maybe he can exploit one of his own nieces or nephews. Didn't Austin say once that Jake had taught him alot?

  10. The comments are going to be moderated for a bit.

    If I deleted someone by mistake my apologies.

  11. Hey, Special. You accidently just deleted my post, but that's okay. I just asked that you delete the impersonator from the previous post who was trying to say that I was Prophecy Girl.

    I still want to make a snarky comment about Austin's lame effort to tell us he's in Austin though. He and Jake can be such tools of the PR machine.

    Everyone have a good Thanksgiving. I'm off to celebrate with the family and kids. Hope Jake and Austin are smart enough to do the same.

  12. Happy Thanksgiving, Jason. Be safe!!

    I am doing the same. Got family coming in and then should be a rip roaring time with some friends up near the Plaza tomorrow night where we'll watch the lights come on.

    And could not have said it better. Thanksgiving is a time for fun, friends and family and these 2 guys' minds and time are busy playing childish games. Don't have the desire nor patience to spend time on their nonsense.

  13. Sorry I deleted your comment by mistake Jason.

    And to the other poster earlier. Got your message.

    PG, I love going to see them turn the lights on the Plaza or just driving around the neighborhoods and seeing the lights already up.

    No cooking for me this year. My job is having the annex refrigerator all the stuff for tomorrow's dinner.

    Up early to be on bird watch while most of the family goes to the football game. Then dinner, games and hanging out.

    I also hope that the guys are celebrating it with their family and be thankful for those they love.

  14. Austin's lame effort to tell us he's in Austin though

    Why is it "lame"? Because you don't like the fact Austin is not in NYC?

    Austin has never been caught out lying where he is - tweets and photos usually follow to corroborate where he says he is. Of course the choir then screams that the tweets and pics are fake (lol).

  15. Austin has admitted he's lied through his whole career.

    I can play tennis.

    Sure, I can play basketball.

    Don't tell them I broke my ankle skateboarding when I was under contract.

    That boy should invest in asbestos underoos.

  16. Wow, I haven't heard this song in a million years.

    Exhausted from running around and cooking all day, and I still have another day to go with still more cooking, and entertaining family and friends. It's going to be a "small" crowd this year, only 10 people in total.

  17. I don't know which is sadder, Austin going to Austin for Thanksgiving, or lying about where he is.

  18. Anyone notice that Sophia posted this morning within a twenty-five minute span that she was enjoying JuiceLand Austin holding up her juice with just her hand showing. Yet, Austin doesn't inform us that he's arrived in Austin, TX until 5.5 hours later. Ain't "love" grand.

    I think Austin is trying to tell us something.

  19. ^^ That he's NOT with Jake?

  20. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Enjoy your day.

  21. Happy Thanksgiving, Tom. And to everyone else at OMG. Have a super day!

    I have to roll my eyes at Jake and Austin. Conveniently, posted tweets to share with the world exactly where they are spending the holiday. Wonder why Soapy arrived in Austin long before Austin? Hmm. Maybe that JuiceLand photo was taken when she was supposedly on that Austin trip in the Fall (October 1) You know the Sushi, queso at Guero's or Maudie's grand tour. That time she was caught out misrepresenting where Austin was because he was sighted in NC.

  22. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone at OMG!!
