Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Clothing Option(and)all

The jokes always been that Austin seems to take some of the clothes with him after he's done a project to fill out his wardrobe.Looking at what's left of Julian wardrobe that's going to be up for sale when the massive OTH lock stock and barrel auction happens in the beginning of December, seems like old times.
No doubt this went home with him. And come on you know he had to take this one, even if just to torment.
Wanna bet this went home to entertain, maybe some not so talls?But you think some of these others found their way home to entertain someone not so small?

And for Two Wheel Tuesday a bike that would be a challenge even for Austin to "bring" home.


  1. FYI Chinatown Brasserie is actually an upscale restaurant in the NYU area just south of Union Square; despite the name it's not in Chinatown. Probably the kind of place that has private rooms.

  2. If dinner was in a private dining area, it makes the story sound even more concocted.

    Interesting to note who is the lead name in the story and the headline. Olivia. That tells you who's camp is more likely the one who put it out there.

  3. Wilde finalized her divorce last month.

    Wilde finalized her divorce from Tao Ruspoli in October, but she's been linked to several actors including Justin Timberlake, Bradley Cooper and Ryan Gosling, since she and Ruspoli split in February.

  4. adeeLeeda
    Adeel Mallick
    Just bumped into Jake Gyllenhaal in Union Square #nbd
    31 minutes ago

    Breeana Flynn
    I just walked by Jake Gyllenhaal.. #dying
    54 minutes ago

  5. Audition time.

    Why would it be audition time? They already know each other; have been seen out together several times since the spring.

  6. The headlines are all over the Internet about Wilde and Bateman filming, The Longest Week in NYC starting on Nov 19th so I think the timing of this story is pretty convenient. I truly think there is some kind of computer app for beards that famewhores like Wilde search to see what eligible gay men are within a certain mile radius so they can have their PR machine go to work.

  7. Olivia Wilde and Jake Gyllenhaal seemed to be “very cozy” over dinner at Chinatown Brasserie. The stars, both single, were seated next to each other at a table of eight at the Lafayette Street eatery Saturday night. A spy said, “They were in a group but were very cozy with their chairs pulled in closely together.” They were also spotted one night in June at LA’s Chateau Marmont, but at the time her rep said they were “just friends.” Their reps didn’t get back to us last night.

    I think what I particularly like about this obvious PR release, is that the dinner supposedly took place on Saturday night, yet for some reason, the NY Post didn't bother to try to verify the "recollection" until "last night." That's some pretty lazy reporting, don't you think? Sort of like writing a term paper in your dorm room at 12 midnight and then going to the library at 7 a.m. to verify sources, but the library doesn't open until 8 a.m. As a consequence, I can't be held accountable for the accuracy of the conclusions I've drawn.

  8. I truly think there is some kind of computer app for beards that famewhores like Wilde search...

    Never thought of that, Jason. Good point. Or, maybe old Ollie just contacted her bud, Soapy, for a referral!

  9. Looks like Samantha has a whole different story to tell about Olivia and Jake (scroll all the way down). LOL!

    samantharaemSamantha Muñoz
    just spoke w/ people mag about when Jake Gyllenhaal & Olivia Wilde came into the restaurant. it was pretty cool. their fate was in my hands
    3 hours ago
    in reply to ↑

    @paigerohlederPaige Rohleder
    @samantharaem what?! You did not tell me this!!!
    2 hours agovia Twitter for iPhone
    replies ↓

    samantharaemSamantha Muñoz
    @paigerohleder haha, oh! by the way... Jake & Olivia came into my restaurant this past Saturday!
    1 hour ago

    paigerohlederPaige Rohleder
    @samantharaem that's awesome. Did you seat them?!
    1 hour ago

    samantharaemSamantha Muñoz
    @paigerohleder unfortunately, no! :(
    1 hour ago

    paigerohlederPaige Rohleder
    @samantharaem lame! Did you spy on them a lot?!
    1 hour ago

    samantharaemSamantha Muñoz
    @paigerohleder it's frowned upon. ha plus they were pretty boring. lol
    1 hour ago

    paigerohlederPaige Rohleder
    @samantharaem haha I know. Still pretty cool though.
    1 hour ago

    samantharaemSamantha Muñoz
    @paigerohleder no it is!! I'm gonna miss not seeing a celebrity at least once a week. haha
    1 hour ago

  10. So M and M, which is it? PR release or someone at the restaurant dropped a dime? Seems that way since Samantha obliged People. And I guess it was Saturday night after all. Don't you hate it when you spend all that time poking holes in a theory only for it to be true? Ha!

  11. Oh calm down, Ha. There's nothing wrong with being wrong. We're all speculating on here and yeah, sometimes something is going to come up to validate. We're all in the same boat, aren't we?

  12. It is a PR release, but from Wilde's people. She has every motivation to pump up the story to make an innocent dinner seem like a steamy rendevous. That's why it took so long for the story to appear.

  13. I don't think M&M was wrong. This is obviously a press release from someone's camp. Probably, Olivia's people.

  14. And I will say how obvious is it that Austin is done with his bearding gig and whose time is it to take the baton?

    It's Jake's. Taking up with the Kate Hudson of beards, Olivia Wilde. Take a number, Jake. She's like the Department of Motor Vehicle now serving the next closeted actor. Got a revolving door taking them in, booting them out. Taking them in, booting them out.

    I mean, for crying out loud. Is this all there is to choose from on the bearding buffet? There's like this small group of Recyclable Beards that get passed around and around like the 24 hr flu in an elementary school.

    Wonder if the interview was held at Starbucks afterwards? Oh wait, no it's that Colombo House o' Coffee for him in NYC, isn't it? Gotta have that brick wall to lean against.

    Pencil behind the ear, get the clipboard out, request the interviewee to pass a physical, check the references, tell her you'll get back to her after all possible candidates have been interviewed.

  15. The Jake story that is really getting the buzz if the one about people sleeping next to him when he's on the train.

    BuzzFeed: People Sleeping on the Subway Next to Jake Gyllenhaal

    One site said he is Human Ambien, Apparently

  16. Yeah, but you know what? So you think Jake is that brainless to not suspect that O'Wilde wouldn't take advantage? If she's done it before, why risk getting bit again?

    Is O'Wilde really a "friend" if she has her people concoct a story where there isn't one out of an innocent dinner?

    We all know that Jake can hide when he needs to hide. He can do it if he really wants to. If he didn't want any pens scribbling or fingers tapping the keys and he really wanted to have dinner with a friend, hey - have everyone over to the house.

    Does he not like to cook? I keep reading and being told that he loves to cook but I have yet to really see signs that the guy can even cook a cup of oatmeal in the microwave. He eats out all the time.

    Nope, sorry, I'm not buying that this one is the girl's fault. Jake doesn't get a pass on this one. He's not a little innocent fool. He's a 31 year old man who is married to another man with a new baby in the house and they don't have a safety net right now. I'm betting that is what this is about.

  17. Great find M&M.

    As day goes on it seems more and more likely it's coming from Wilde's camp, which is like the last time.

    Hey, like I said this morning, just be careful of how your chairs mingle on Thursday. You could find out you're dating a Uncle Bob or one of you cousins.

    Jason, LOL,I am totally picturing an app for that. Either that or them just hacking Grindr.

  18. May I say that I hope I'm wrong. I'm just not going to immediately point a finger at the woman.

    Geez. Boy, it always has to happen around Thanksgiving, doesn't it? What is it about October/November for Jake?

    Him & the fam are probably getting ready to go underground for the holidays. Keep the 4 year old's eyes away from the rag stands, fellas.

    I hope these 2 guys realize that their kids are getting old enough to recognize their parents' faces on magazine covers. And in another couple of years, BT1 will be able to read those same covers.

  19. This dining out story reminds me of one of those ridiculous ice cream stories from the Tay Tay days. The story was more than embellished. It was a scripted release that fit the fairy tale, wholesome coupling that was being portrayed at the time. Six months later someone posted on Blind Items Exposed and identified herself as the one who actually served the pair over that "Halloween" frolicsome "fun and sun" weekend. First, there was the PR version, and then much later there was the boring account of actually what happened. Talk about worlds apart:

    Taylor Swift & Jake Gyllenhaal's Sweet Ice Cream Date!
    The flirty duo was seen playing by the pool and and enjoying a sweet treat in California

    Rumored new couple Jake Gyllenhaal and Taylor Swift may actually be as wholesome as we imagine. The two have reportedly taken their budding romance from New York to California, as they were seen enjoying some fun in the sun together over the Halloween weekend.

    ...Then on Monday (November 1), the sweet twosome hit up McConnell's in Santa Barbara for an ice cream treat.

    "They looked at all the flavors and couldn't decide, so they asked the counter girls for help," a staffer says of the couple, who were described as "happy" and "friendly." Finally deciding on Swiss chocolate chip for him, yogurt with rainbow sprinkles for her, Gyllenhaal paid their tab -- but not before Swift took a sneak peek in the back of the ice cream shop.

    "Taylor was very interested in what I was doing in the back making ice cream and said,

    'Wow, you guys are legit!'" the employee revealed.

    After finishing their treats, the singer and her new beau happily posed for photos with some excited fans.

    Says the witness: "They smiled a ton!"


    Hello, long time reader, first time commenter. Pretty obsessed with this site!! :) Just wanted to throw it out there, I'm the girl who served Jake and Taylor Swift ice cream on their "date". It definitely wasn't a romantic visit. They came in, Taylor went to the restroom, Jake ordered both of their ice creams, he paid, she came back out of the restroom, and they snapped a picture in the parking lot with a few girls and drove off in his car. It wasn't a big deal and definitely not a sexy ice cream date. Jake was very soft spoken and sweet. They never touched or even talked. They are both gorgeous in person.. I don't want to believe Jake would be so scandalous!
    May 2, 2011 4:46 PM

  20. Enjoyed your post today, Special. I do love Austin in that letter man's jacket, lol.

    Man, we are are biting at the bit at work until the end of the work day tomorrow, whatever time that will be. It has been a rotten week and it's only been a 2-day work week so far. LOLL!!

    I'm afraid I can already see the entire 4 days going up in smoke Pfffft!!! Gone. Poof! We have family coming in and I am looking forward to seeing one of our cousins who is coming to Thanksgiving dinner. He's right around my age and the nicest guy. He had a heart transplant several years ago and continues to do well.

    Then another cousin, our Vegas cousin, she called today and left a message on the phone for us to get ahold of her mom because she needs to push back her flight home by a week. And she says "Mom needs for one of you girls to get on your computer..." LOLLLL. They both act like our laptops are these big Star Trek starship contraptions and they always want one of us to "get on our computers". Uh, it's not that hard, cous....

  21. That ice cream account cracks me up, M&M. Talk about blowing holes through a story. LOLLLLLL!!!


    Actually, it's not hilarious because this is Jake's life. It's sad, that's what it really is that he does these things because someone is telling him he needs to do it.

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. Don't think Jake is an innocent fool. But, this NY Post article benefits Olivia at the moment. We all know Jake's in the closet so she knows his people aren't going to make a big deal out of it. That's why she exploits closeted gay men and gets away with it. Remember, Rachel Bilson from last year? Even when Jake's people discounted the story of them as a couple, her people continued to push out the story for weeks. Then, of course, she "reconciled" with Hayden Christensen and Jake was dumped like a hot potato.

  24. I can be a little stubborn, Jason. But I take your words to heart. I'll sit on my hands for the moment.

    I just can't believe people treat each other like this, though. To me, that isn't a friend at all.

  25. Aw gee whiz, missed the troll's comment. Too bad!!

    LOL - this is the first and only comment thus far on that subway sleeping story:

    Jen 4 hours ago Report Abuse

    Jake is gay - like some other guys Taylor Swift "dated" for publicity.


  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. prtyungthangPYT Chandra
    @AUS10NICHOLS "beautiful boy" so freaking AMAZING you were brilliant. loved seeing you on screen!
    1 hour ago

  28. He's a 31 year old man who is married to another man with a new baby in the house

    So Jake and Austin have had ANOTHER invisible baby? I've lost count, is this baby #4 or 5? And you are all so clueless when it comes to the press. You do know that they embellish stories by sometimes, right? That gossip writers spice things up themselves? You all act as if they just sit around all day waiting for PR people to drop them a story which they just print verbatim. But of course a single woman has dared to have dinner with Jake so she must be a beard and a famewhore and whatever other misogynistic buzzword you can throw at her.

    This blog has become so nasty that I'm actually enjoying watching it burn down. Seeing you all become more and more frantic in your search for anything that suggests that Jake is a married man with children might have been depressing if you all weren't such thoroughly horrible people.

    The best part is that on some level you know that those Baby Tiles don't exist. You know that it would be impossible to hide all these kids for this long. You know that they'd be snapped, that they'd be tweeted, that Michael Musto would have said SOMETHING about Jake's little army by now. So you come here to shore up your beliefs, keep yourselves in denial and lash out at anyone who threatens your fantasy world.

    Meanwhile Jake will continue to have fun doing things that annoy you without even knowing you exist. I guess you and those baby tiles have something in common...

  29. Its so obvious that the Wilde story is PR pablum, its not worth commenting on. Speaking from personal experience, you all know my work partner is gorgeous, sexy as all get out, but gay. We sit close together at dinners out, and even at the office - way closer than I would ever allow a straight male other than my husband. We giggle together, chat and gossip about everything. To an observer, it might look like we were overly familiar with each other. But its really that since he's gay, the rules and boundaries are different. So when reading about Jake's behavior while around a woman, the usual rules don't apply. Chairs pulled close together just means they were dishing, not flirting.

  30. Are Olivia Wilde And Jake Gyllenhaal Hollywood's New Power Couple?!

    Olivia Wilde and Jake Gyllenhaal were described as getting "very cozy" together while eating in NYC's Brasserie in Chinatown.

    A source said the stars "were seen together in a group with their chairs very close together."

    This is the second time Olivia and Jake were spotted together.

    In June, the two (just) "friends" were seen in L.A.'s Chateau Marmont.

    Smells like something fishy might be developing between the two.

    2 comments to “Are Olivia Wilde And Jake Gyllenhaal Hollywood's New Power Couple?!”

    1.Oh gawd, she's so eager to be famous but so terribly unfascinating.

    2 The latest fab…The gay/lesbian couple. PERFECT : )

  31. Hey thanks 23:33! I noticed my error when you re-quoted me. I think Jake's 30 right now, not quite 31.

  32. So Jake and Austin have had ANOTHER invisible baby? I've lost count, is this baby #4 or 5?

    Uh yeah, most likely they have. And according to all of the research M&M has done, it points to this being number 5-arino. Invisible to you and the rest of us, but not invisible to those closest in Jake & Austin's circle.

    Clueless? No, you're the one who's clueless because you have blinders on to what you don't want to see.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. This blog has become so nasty that I'm actually enjoying watching it burn down. Seeing you all become more and more frantic in your search for anything that suggests that Jake is a married man with children might have been depressing if you all weren't such thoroughly horrible people.

    Nasty? Thoroughly horrible?

    For stating that Jake is married? Or is it because some of us state that he's married to another man? Is that what is making this blog the big Nasty to you? You know, I think I'm hearing Alma in the room.

    And a baby? Children? Jake being a father? Statements of belief about a little baby is nasty? Thoroughly horrible? Why? Your chosen words speak for themselves.

    The fear is just radiating off of you, 23:33, I can feel it through my screen and your homophobia is what's scary, not the views expressed here.

  35. **sniff sniff**

    Does anyone smell smoke? We've been told we're burning down.

    I guess you and those baby tiles have something in common

    I thought you said the baby tiles didn't exist.

    **shakes head**. Notice this person speaks once they know everyone has gone to sleep, akin to that someone who dings your car in the parking lot while you're inside the store and then runs.

    Hey m, good point made. I just found the timing of this story incredibly curious. So we'll see.

    Well, time to get going. Talk about smells, I am smelling the scent of a 4-day weekend and it is killing me.
    Big, busy day to get through first, though.

  36. Baby Flynn!!!!

    I was going through baby Flynn withdrawal but just took a gander at JJ and there he is! And baby Flynn is in NYC right now, imagine that.

    He's wearing the cutest little grey sweater and striped pants with matching grey socks. I mean, Miranda Kerr's fashion sense is showing with this kid, lol. He is one stylish little baby. Well, he's not so little anymore - baby Flynn looks to be quite a handful now.

    I miss his smiles though. I wonder if the paps are starting to scare him. I hope not.

    Even that sweater hood can't hide those chubby cheeks. Okay, I can go forth with my day now that I've had a Just Jared baby Flynn post!!

  37. Aliarrr97 Nur Alia Shariffudin
    It is amazing how jake gyllenhaal can wear a dress and still look pretty sexy.....
    39 minutes ago


  39. I agree with Twilight Zone also.

  40. I don't agree with Twilight. The fact that people think there is something "nasty" about a man loving another man and having a family together, that somehow this behavior is repugnant and loathsome, they are the people I worry about. I had been wondering if they were having another kid so I wouldn't be surprised if that's why Jake was just hanging around NY all this time. He probably got a place on the other side of the bridge to make it seem not so creepy (hanging around his sister and mom all this time).

    Don't know why Jake thinks he still needs to be in the closet like this. Having children is a whole other responsibility and I hope he figures out a way to be free from this kind of dishonesty and just live true. Live's too short for all this BS.

  41. Jason, nobodys upset or think it's nasty about the idea of Jake being gay or involved with a man.
    Where did you get that idea?

    It's the idea that he has a children or children and married to a man who he is never with.

    All things point to the reality that Jake being married to a man and both are raising children together while bearding seems to be looming and quirky thinking.

    Austin wants the world to know he loves Sophia and is with her all the time. Where does this leave time for husband Jake and their family?

  42. How is Austin wanting the world to know that he loves Sophia and is with her all the time?

    Has he said it? Have you seen him with her all the time?

  43. The word up there that was used was nasty. That's all I need to know about the homophobes hanging around here.

    "Looming and quirky thinking?" Well, that's an interesting choice of words, but I've been a fan of Jake's since October Sky. Like he said one time about Kirsten "we know what's real." You can choose to believe the lie. I don't.

    Let's see, what's a synonym for quirky. Oh, yeah...queer. Once again, I see where you're coming from and I'm not interested in what you're trying to sell. Funny, how you hang on every word over here. Nice to know you like hanging out with such peculiar folks.

  44. WillMeKid Will
    Sitting in the airport... plane is late and I'm hungry..
    3 hours ago

    WillMeKid Will
    Went to a random terminal.... Turns out its the right one. I'm too good!
    1 hour ago

    WillMeKid Will
    I swear jake gyllenhaal is standing right in front if me.
    13 minutes ago

  45. I think Jake & Austin have been hooking up more often than people realize. You have to look hard at the signs we're given. Plus, you don't take ALL tweets at their word.

    Tweets can be manipulated; you can go in and change the dates and times on them. I found that out.

    One misgiven that people have is that Austin & Jake have to hook up on weekends. Not true. I used to think that, too. But Austin's been going up at the beginning of the week most likely; thus explaining his Wilmington sightings on weekends.

  46. And Jason is right. Twilight Zone used the word nasty.

    As I said before, it sounded like we had Alma Beers in the room.

  47. "May the bridges I burn light the way."

    Let's see I think Austin wrote that back in late May right after he stopped even acknowledging Sophia's presence. Yeah, they can't get enough of each other. That's why they were hardly ever together for the past 5 months.

  48. The most specific information packed into one tweet award goes to:

    aleimmagazine ALEIM
    Great to see old friends, Naomi and Jake Gyllenhaal in Whole Foods at the Bowery in NYC!
    4 minutes ago

  49. someone else saw him shoppingNovember 23, 2011 at 1:21 PM

    Eeeeeeeeeekkkkkk!!!!!!! I am so not one to get excited about these things but OMFG I walked past Jake Gyllenhall at the supermarket!!!!
    45 minutes ago

  50. Jason, who are you really? because you're surely not some random gay man who just happened upon this blog, lol.

  51. lowereastnyc Lower East Side NYC
    Just spotted: Jake Gyllenhaal on the corner of Orchard and Grand! #lowereastside
    53 minutes ago

    DeeRuby Andrea De Rubeis
    He also frequents @wholefoodsnyc Columbus Circle RT @refinery29: Jake Gyllenhaal braves the subway while others snooze. r29.co/sddmIu
    45 minutes ago

  52. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
