Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Up to Date (night)?

Last night designer Zac Posen saw Jake at his (Zac's) favorite sushi place.Now was Jake really out alone eating sushi way past 10? Or was he sharing a little late sushi and sashimi with someone who came over hill and over dale?Austin's talked about a favorite sushi place of his in Cali in interviews, and has been seen in Wilmy at the Bento Box getting his sushi on just a couple weeks ago.

The beginning of last week Jake was seen out for upscale Mexican, another of Austin's fav foods.

Is Tuesdays more than for Two Wheels, lately?

A little flash back:

Back in 2007 Austin named some of his favorite restaurants in LA in an interview with LAist.

One he mentioned was Hungry Cat. Two things to know about Hungry Cat beside the great reviews.

Jake's been noted as frequent customer and "it's across/behind a Borders book store...."


  1. The beginning of last week Jake was seen out for upscale Mexican, another of Austin's fav foods.

    Chances are he was as the "upscale Mexican" because it's directly across the street from his go-to spin class.

    So do you think he only eats at restaurants that have the same food Austin likes? Okay then.

  2. No what I am saying is that there is a pattern of Jake going out to place that serve Austin's favorites on certain nights of the week. As well as the fact that he is going out later that usual on those nights. There is a pattern. It is also interesting that Jake was seen very very little either Monday or Tuesday.

  3. tront tront
    Just saw Jake Gyllenhall rapping into his iPhone
    1 hour ago

  4. Austin also was enjoying sushi at that February, 2006 Lakers game too! :-)

    Jake and Austin have a long history of eating out late at night. Early in their relationship they often would go out during Awards shows too when the paps would be preoccupied with a high profile event like the Oscars or the Emmys. Remember the very first Toothy Tile blind item spoke to this pattern:

    March 10, 2005

    One Adorable Blind Vice

    Mere days ago, while everyone was hooting and complaining about this gown and that host from the Oscars, Tile was right out in the open holding hands with his man in a West Hollywood restaurant--which shall remain nameless...because I love going there and they probably won't serve me anymore if I start outing their customers, ca-friggin'-peesh?

    Not that I'd be outting anybody, anyway. Mr. Tile took care of that himself. Covertly, but he did it.

    It was late in the afternoon; everybody had cleared out. Save Tile and his man-amigo, who extended his hands flat on the marble table (yes, that's a hint) until they were intertwined with Tile's. Massive smiles then appeared on both daring dudes.

  5. it was late at night in the middle of the afternoonNovember 2, 2011 at 7:57 PM

    Jake and Austin have a long history of eating out late at night.

    Can you spot the difference?

    It was late in the afternoon

  6. I wish trolls would read more carefully. A long history of eating late at night is one separate "self contained" thought. That's why the next sentence has "too" in it because it is an "also" statement. Too="additionally" or "moreover". Like they also avoided the paps by dining when the paps were away.

    Now, go off and play, and quit pestering the adults.

  7. TDAT is on... Austin just got bitten by the wolves.

    I never realized how many times Roland blocked Jake and Austin in the frame together.

  8. While we're handing out much needed lessons in grammar, can I join in on the fun and point out that neither SK or M&M have used the word 'pattern' correctly? Citing two examples of someone doing something isn't anywhere near enough to establish a pattern. Here's a pattern: Jake has been spotted and photographed numerous times in NY over the last few weeks. On none of these occasions was he spotted or photographed with Austin or within one hundred miles of Austin. One might suspect that this was because he wasn't actually with Austin, but I'm sure M&M or SK have some theory as to how Austin's complete absence from the twitter sightings of Jake eating at these restaurants or candid pictures taken by members of the public actually prove that he was there.

  9. Your observation has nothing to do with grammar. It has to do with having an agenda. How many times have we've seen Jake mysteriously show up in a city yet not one word of him being on a plane or even at an airport? How many times have there been pictures of Austin cut out of pictures that only surfaced later to find he was there all along? How many years were Jake and Austin together...that's right a couple, yet we only saw them for the first time physically together at the Casanova premiere in November 2005. Being in the closet means exactly that. There are hundreds of actors in Hollywood that you never see them with their boyfriend, but they go to parties together. Eat at restaurants together. Go to movies together. Otherwise, you wouldn't have the continued situation in Tinsel Town where middle American still thinks all of their leading men are straight as an arrow.

  10. Austin was hanging out in West Hollywood and Los Angeles with Jake before Jake went into his full blown bearding campaign with Reese in late 2007. Don't remember any pictures by fans or anyone else for that matter being taken during that time period either. There was the accidental photo that leaked at Borders, but then there was Leadville last year too.

  11. Jake and Austin are experts at staying beneath the radar. There are restaurants in big cities like NY and LA that serve their special clients by supplying uber private settings. Celebrities can enter through side and backdoors, or other kinds of special entrances and exits, and not ever be noticed/seen. There are ultra private rooms to dine in as well. It's done all the time by dignitaries and other famous types. Another method both Jake and Austin have used in the past is to eat late at night or on Sundays like they use to do at JAR. That's the reality of being in the closet as Jason has very correctly outlined.

  12. The guys also hang out in groups or sometimes Jake takes another celebrity with him like Adam Levine to focus the attention on them when entering movie theaters or restaurants. Jake has lots of contacts with chefs, foodies and restaurateurs to take care of his special needs. He's not the only actor who utilizes these personalized privileges or "accommodations." Just one pampered film star among many.

  13. Just started watching TDAT. Have to say, I always love seeing Jake in that Michigan T-shirt.

    Agree with several of the points made above. That is how the closeted game is played alright.

  14. @juanjocastanonJuanjo Castañón

    Desayunando en westvillage con Jake Gyllenhaal #fb

    6 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone

  15. IreneRogers Irene Rogers
    God rewarded me attending a @physique57 class with a Jake Gyllenhaal sighting on the way to the studio. #workoutperks
    8 minutes ago

  16. Hey, this Juanjo Castañón's tagline on his twitter account sounds familiar. Soy Guybrush Threepwood, ¡y quiero ser un pirata!

    English Translation: I'm Guybrush Threepwood, and I want to be a pirate!

    Didn't Austin just state this past Sunday on that OTH Q&A that he wanted to be a pirate? Also, the big guy's fluent in Spanish and Mr. Castañón is from Oviedo (Asturias, Spain) .

  17. Your observation has nothing to do with grammar. It has to do with having an agenda.

    No, your post is the one with an agenda. SK said that Jake eating certain foods on a certain day was a pattern. I said you need to cite more than two examples of something for it to be considered a pattern. Was I incorrect? No.

    Being in the closet means exactly that.

    It means exactly nothing when it comes to members of the public seeing you and tweeting about seeing you and taking pictures of you. And you can save all the talk about flying under the radar and eating in private rooms because I was talking about the times when Jake isn't doing that, like the times when someone tweets about him being in a restaurant. Like the one this post is about.

    So this is what you're left with. A bunch of times when Jake is seen by himself, with his family, or with his friends, and not with Austin. That's a pattern.

  18. aznJaime
    Jaime Nguyen
    Woah, woah. @AUS10NICHOLS & Jake Gyllenhaal in the same movie? WTH am I watching? #randomlyleavingthetvatachannel
    1 hour ago

  19. So nice to see that Borders picture again. Notice how the guys looked like they dressed together, out of the same closet in the same house. Like most couples do, they match up.

    I see the naysayer is so busy saying nay they lose sight of the topic.

    What we have a clear pattern of is Jake rarely if ever being seen in the company of a woman, except when its for a movie promo, an industry event where some woman just happens to be standing along side him or its a married woman. We've also established that his relationship with Austin goes back so far that Kirsten was indeed the original beard.

    I have not watched TDAT in a long time but believe we discussed Roland's framing before. The directors eye saw it all.

  20. heavilyblunted Connie
    Jake Gyllenhaal at @FranksChopShop!!!!
    16 hours ago

    heavilyblunted Connie
    Jake Gyllenhaal at @FranksChopShop, getting cut by @OGKcutYou
    15 hours ago


  21. Perhaps the troll didn't see the pattern because they don't bother to read posts over time. It's ridiculous to have to keep repeating obvious patterns of behavior when it comes to Jacob Gyllenhaal. There are many. Some of them mentioned again yesterday. And, the closeted examples are known techniques in Hollyweird. Maybe the troll should get out of the house more often. Or, at least, remember what they read here, from week to week, because they hang on people's every word from morning to night. This person actually sounds like the loon from Iheartjake, but I gotta tell you they lurk at WFT2 too.

    That's an interesting point about Austin just mentioning that he wanted to be a pirate and then Jake having breakfast with someone who has that exact same line on their twitter account.

  22. SK said that Jake eating certain foods on a certain day was a pattern. I said you need to cite more than two examples

    She has, on many occasions. Learn to read.
