Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Past, Present and Future?

NEW: Jake Leaves Longtime Manager By NIKKI FINKE | Wednesday December 7, 2011 @ 10:32am EXCLUSIVE: Management 360′s Evelyn O’Neill tells me it’s a “very amicable parting” and she hopes he comes back since she and Jake Gyllenhaal go back such a long time — 8 years. “Sometimes people like change in their life. I think he’s amazing, I’m very proud of the work he did together, he was nominated for an Oscar, I want him back, and the door is always open. It is what it is.” I understand Gyllenhaal is not leaving for another manager and he’s not leaving his talent agency CAA. I have a feeling this may be the start of a trend as the movie biz is so muddled with the box office slump that stars who can’t put people in theater seats will see projects falling apart one after another. Rough sledding for the rep business.

It's been full days for Austin as he finishes up his third day in Israel with the big guns from his Jeep tour near the Golan Heights today.

I found a tank on the Syrian Border. Hit this- - Aus10

The group traveled to the northern part of Israel on Tuesday, starting with briefing by Editor in Chief of Israel’s daily newspaper “Ha’aretz”.

Then it was Austin making new friends in music class at the Rogozin Bialik School in South Tel Aviv.

Tuesday afternoon they traveled to Sderot, we they got briefed on the geo-political situation, visited with residents and went to an overview of the Gaza strip. Then they met and talk with a group of film students at local college.

It was then northward and spent the evening at Bayit BaGalil Spa Hotel in the mountains near Safad.

Today it was a visit to the famous Ari Synagogue in Safad and a chance for the guys (no ladies allowed) to spiritually purifying in the Ari Mikveh at Safat. Located in the side of a is a climb up or a descent from the top to get to the spring and " plunge back 800 years into the mystical, ritual-immersion pool fed by pure cold waters from the spring directly underneath." Important places in the mystic tradition of Judaism. And how cold was the water ? Check out what fellow traveler Justin's tweeted.

And while it doesn't seem like fans find Austin in the US, they can easily spot him when he's traveling.

And if that isn't enough Nichols to fill up the bank today. How about this new picture from a shoot Austin did earlier with photographer Davis Factor?

Austin of the past? The coat, the suspenders.Nice grey...scarf there mister.

The pic we've seen earlier from that shoot.


  1. Charity Begins At HomeDecember 7, 2011 at 4:52 PM

    Yes, we know what Hillary's does, M&M. There are other issues is all some are saying. Whatever the plans are for this 'foreign policy shift', they also haven't been revealed yet.

  2. Jack there are plenty of other places you can go talk about policy in depth.

  3. Charity Begins At HomeDecember 7, 2011 at 4:58 PM

    Also, I should say since some of you usually criticize President Obama's policies on LGBT rights up one side and down the other, your sudden show of support is touching.

  4. Charity Begins At HomeDecember 7, 2011 at 5:00 PM

    Ok, I'll leave you to your little utopia. Buh-bye! Make sure you have a politically correct number of BT's tho.

  5. Wow, can't believe the news about Evelyn. I always thought she did a lot of damage to his career with her advice, I'm sure she was the one who came up with the whole strategy to make him a Big Star and the POP/bearding debacle. I wonder if he waited a "respectable" amount of time after the end of Reeke to dump her.

    Tom, Evelyn is not his mother's friend, that's his publicist Carrie. Wonder if she'll be the next to go? Don't know if he's ready to cut that apron string yet.

  6. So it was our resident freeper carrying on about Hilary and gay rights? Ha ha ha.....

  7. WOW!! was all I was thinking reading about Jake leaving 360.

    It should be interesting to see what happens from here on out.

  8. Good riddance to Charity FReeper. Facts just irritate those types to no end, don't they?

    Interesting about Jake leaving Evelyn. Maybe a new authentic phase in his life is beginning. In this case leaving the past behind is a good thing.

  9. Just heard that Dobbie Gray passed away, I always loved Drift Away. :-(

  10. So sad about Dobie Gray.

    And blues legend and rock influence guitarist Hurbert Sumlin passed away on Sunday.

    Just read Harry Morgan from Dragnet and MASH fame passed away today at the age of 96.

  11. The CW Teams With J.J. Abrams & ‘OTH’ Creator Mark Schwahn For Hotel Drama

    EXCLUSIVE: J.J. Abrams is headed to the CW. In his first stint at the 5-year-old network, the top writer-producer-director has teamed up with Mark Schwahn, creator/executive producer/showrunner of the CW’s long-running drama One Tree Hill. The power pair has sold a hotel drama to the CW, which will instantly become one of the the network’s highest-profile projects this development season. Schwahn will write the show, tentatively titled Maine, which is set at an inn in Maine and revolves around the staff and the inn’s guests. Abrams and Schwahn will executive produce with Bryan Burk for Warner Bros TV, Abrams’ studio-based Bad Robot and Schwahn’s Mastermind Laboratories. In scope, the character-based drama, which has received a script commitment, harkens to Schwahn’s OTH, which will end its nine-year run early next year, and Abrams’ Felicity. This also marks a homecoming of sorts for Abrams, who started his TV career on the CW predecessor the WB with Felicity. For Schwahn, the project stems from a script deal with WBTV.

  12. Very gutsy move by Jake to part ways with someone he has worked with for 8 years. While I'm never happy about someone losing a job, I'm excited for and very proud of Jake.

    And exciting reading so far on all that Austin is experiencing over in Israel. I know I wrongfully had a bad attitude about it at first but I see where it is indeed a business trip and splendid opportunity for him to network. And just as importantly, it is a wonderful cultural experience for him. He is going to learn so much.

    And wow, I'm taken aback by the dark, sultry pictures of him from the photoshoot.

  13. lol. I have to say that seeing Jake take charge and make such a big move like he did made me have a Clark Griswold moment.

    You know in European Vacation where Clark sees the Eiffel Tower in Paris (is that right?) and then when he sees the Statue of Liberty upon their return home and he takes a deep breath because he is just so charged up and then he has to go take a moment. LOLLLLL!!! NOOOOO, I did not have to excuse myself but it certainly was rather exciting to hear of Jake making such a commanding action.

    **big sigh**. Er, excuse me a moment.

    LOLLLLLL!!! Nooooo, I'm going to go eat dinner. Pizza is here!!!!

  14. Remember when all the journalists went down to do media for OTH when Austin was directing

    This is a tweet today from the reporter from Zap2it who is going back over the interview:

    cadlymack Carina MacKenzie
    Listening to our Austin Nichols interview from Wilmington... thunder cracked really loud at one point & he yells "I'LL SAVE YOU ALL!" Love.
    3 hours ago

  15. Sad to read about Colonel Potter passing away. 96 yrs old - he lived a long time, didn't he?

    Watching Home Alone 2 right now. I never get tired of watching it and it is funny every single time.

  16. As usual Destiny, you have proven that you process information through your own limited filters. Anyone who disagrees with you isn't a freeper. You have no facts about anything - it took the US decades to come to equal rights realizations for race, gender ane sexuality after atrocious records on it, and we still aren't there ourselves yet. But yet we are going to dictate to other nations how to behave and tie it in with foreign aid, other nations who don't even have democracy yet and are in poverty. Poorly thought out, border-line imperialist and could even backlash. You behave like a troll.

  17. Oh get a fucking clue. Why should the U.S. give foreign aid to countries that are trying to pass legislation making it a crime punishable by death to be gay? Because that is what we are talking about here, the U.S. considering a country's record on gay rights when deciding whether to give them money.

  18. And I suppose you say the same thing about terrorists. I mean, if a country wants to support terrorists, why shouldn't we keep on giving them money, right? We don't have any right to tell them how to run their country, or how to treat their own citizens, right?

    And don't even get me started on the evangelical Christians from America who went to Uganda and helped politicians over there to see the errors of their way of not seeing that people "chose" to be gay, and can just live a straight life damn it. And this attitude in turn led politicians to draft the "kill the gays' legislation.

    There comes a time when everyone has to decide whether they're going to be on the side of doing the right thing, or turn a blind eye, and that includes our government. The fact that we've done some horrible things in the past is no reason to not do the right thing now.

  19. I mean, if a country wants to support terrorists, why shouldn't we keep on giving them money, right? We don't have any right to tell them how to run their country, or how to treat their own citizens, right?

    LOL! US gives massive military "aid" to Pakistan.

  20. Lohan once called Heath the love of her life? Radar

  21. Did anyone see this thing in Radar. Seriously? WTH!

  22. Interesting that Jake wasn't seen at all today.

  23. I'm wondering what purpose this serves for Lohan at this point. Can't see where she was ever linked with Heath in any way.

    Many people who were fans and felt a great affinity for Heath and his acting talents, have written at great lengths on their sense of loss after his passing...

  24. Poor FReeper. Looks like you took a wrong turn. The Donald is waiting for you to participate in that upcoming gathering of intellectual consistency on December 27th. You'd probably feel more at home there since apparently you have a problem with those political leaders who dare to make positive steps toward human rights.

  25. Interesting that Jake wasn't seen at all today.

    I thought the same thing. He must have stayed inside.

    And actually cooked his own meals!!! LOLLLL!!! Huh, do ya think?

    Well, watched parts of Home Alone 2 yet again tonight. Then it was bits and pieces of Christmas Vacation while I continued some decorating around the apartment. I'm most pleased with my newest attempt, a mixture of fresh evergreens and Christmas flowers in my two pots that hang on the wall.

    I love it when Clark Griswold cuts into the roast beast, I mean the Christmas Turkey and it is so dry, it just explodes open in a fume of dust. LOLLLL!!! While they're all eating, all you hear is crunching and crackling as they all chew on that tough, way overcooked turkey. And Eddie with his dark colored dickey underneath his light colored sweater.

    Hey Seaweed, what's going on? Done any decorating yet? lol. I added more lights to the balcony tonight - a strand of icicle lights to the balcony railing. The patio continues to take's a 4 week plan.

    Rollin', rollin', rollin'

  26. Lohan is desperate for attention.

    Last night we watched Christmas Story on TCM. Earliest I've ever watched it, but it it was nice to catch it without all the commercials. Got to see that one at least once, if not several times during the holidays.

  27. Good news on two fronts. Support of gay rights and Jake leaving his manager. Hopefully the latter is just the start of reclaiming his life.

    I had to laugh at how Austin towers over all the others in that group picture. A tall drink of water for sure.

  28. Lindsay Lohan is one desperate mess. Remember, she has that Playboy mag cover to pimp so the floating of this ridiculous story about Heath is perfect timing to get her name back into the headlines. Pathetic.

  29. In all the (furor) yesterday, I didn't mention how interesting Special's post was - I loved reading about the mystical waters of the Ari Synagogue (even tho no ladies allowed). Ah, someday. :)

    No Destiny, I have no problem with doing the right thing. I have gotten all the clues I need. Of course, we'd never want to support something like the laws being proposed or that have passed in Uganda. It's a terrible thing. Of course making the world safer and protecting human rights is a top priority. I don't separate LGBT rights from race, religion or woman's oppression. It's only since 2003 that gay sex was decriminized in the US, and we've finally joined the rest of the civilized world in acknowledging the right of gay men and women to serve openly in our military, what, two weeks ago? ;)

    I'm only saying that it's not as simple as it appears on the surface. It's naive. We're going to have to see how they implement this "newly found awareness" when it conflicts with our interests in places like the Middle East.

    The UK has proposed this measure also, and I find it especially appalling considering the misery Western oppression has caused in the Third World over the centuries.

    We've stolen and exploited their resources and land, enslaved them. There's even an argument to be made that Western colonialists brought their homophobia to countries that had more open views of same sex love, such as the Middle East and Africa, Asia.

    Now that they have adopted the ways we have imposed upon them, we penalize them. Yes, I agree that the US needs to get American religious groups out of foreign countries to stop pushing an agenda contrary to what the speech was about. It's all rather hypocritical is all I'm saying.

    Some of you need to consult the urban dictionary again)for the correct definitions. :)

  30. You truly don't think you are the only one who has "clarity" and realizes that Western countries can be hypocrites about any number of issues, do you? I think that's the point of various people's comments. You act like we are all so naive and ignorant. You're the one who needs to get a clue and get off your high horse of superiority.

  31. ^ Oh give it a rest. Not everyone sings to the choirs daily tune LOL!!

  32. Don't hold your breath waiting for that. Or better yet...

  33. Some of you need to consult the urban dictionary again)for the correct definitions

    What does this mean and who is it directed towards?

  34. Don't hold your breath waiting for that. Or better yet...

    Hey, there is no need for rudeness about telling someone to hold their breath. What in the heck kind of statement is that?

    Charity, maybe you need to move along and find a political blog for more involved discussion.

  35. Trolly, time to buzz off now. Facts just irritate types like you.

  36. The troll is here 24/7 and is obsessed with OMG.

  37. @GeorgeTakei George Takei
    This is just too delicious. Perry, why can't you just quit us?

  38. How can you have missed them?December 8, 2011 at 12:33 PM

    Over on WFT2, there are tweets of Jake back in NY as of yesterday.

  39. I saw them but I only saw two and I don't always react to tweet sightings in a case like this. It's called waiting patiently.
