Saturday, January 28, 2012

Family 'Shoppin' for who?

With all the talk about Jake in New York now, a little look back to Jake in NYC in the fall.

Remember when those pictures of Jake on Yom Kippur?

Jake threw a curve ball being see in his glasses, but is that the only curve he threw?It seemed odd at the time that Jake was snapped jogging in Central Park. Something he was never seen doing the weeks before Oct 8 or even since.

And many commented that that it was uncharacteristic that the G's were wearing leather shoes and leather purses going to services on Yon Kippur.And then there were the pictures. The first set anyone saw where the ones by the brick wall.And then almost a day later appear additional pictures that looked like there were so over exposed that the entire background seemed burned out.So was Jake throwing more than just curve? Where the glasses a distraction for something else like him getting out of town?

Some could say it was all about Maggie keeping her pregnancy under wraps a bit longer. That seems like part of it. Look how she is blocked in all photos.
And Jake and Peter were almost abreast in creating a walking wall.Or the fact that Peter is looking like a bird doing a mating ritual or an extra for Maroon 5's Moves Like Jagger.

But it is way beyond just strategic walking. There are so many things out of place and shopped in the big family photo shot that you have to arrow them to keep track.

The legs are there but where the person's head ? Is Jake walking up the back of his mom's leg?How does an arm in front of Peter be out of focus but his arm behind it be clear as a bell? Why does it look like Maggie & Mama G's hands are almost overlapping?What is that oddly solid blue thing between Naomi's knees?

And more:How blurry is it between Jake's arm and the pole?
Another headless person and where did the dude in the hat pop up from? Why are the bikes in focus but street signs that can be seen for blocks not?

So the question is, was the picture to cover for Maggie or to cover for Jake?

The Photo Op/Photo Shop, the picture of him out jogging, and the barrage of tweets trying to put him in NYC look like it could have been cover for him. Making it look like he was in New York when he wasn't? If he wasn't there, where could he be?


Interesting that Austin was tweeted he was editing his episode that weekend. And from the season before we know that editing takes place in LA. And Austin was so busy he even forgot that FIVE was premiering.

Crazy day editing. I finished my cut. I hope you all enjoy it when it airs.
10 Oct

Such a busy day I forgot that had it's premiere. How was it? Isn't great? And is a great director!
10 Oct

Austin in LA, and after the photoshopop and the all the tweets, and not a picture of Jake in NY for over a week later. Hmmmm.


  1. Bwwwahhhh.

    You know, I'll never forget that one of the first things I found strange about the pictures was the way Peter was walking. I mean, wth?

    And the pecking order on the sidewalk so, so out of whack with Maggie relegated back in the corner, so to speak. To hide what had to be an obvious belly by that point in time of her pregnancy.

    What overly extravagant measures this family (and I include Austin in this) takes to protect and hide. Such wasted time. Such wasted effort and energy.

    One day.

    One day, should they all reach 70-80 years old, they will look back on efforts such as this and they will shake their head and wonder why. Why they ran the hamster wheel like they did. I just hope they won't be 70-80 and still running it.

  2. @danchiz NY New York
    Dan Chizzoniti Just passed Jake Gyllenhaal in union square. A lot shorter than I imagined. #swoon
    8 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

  3. Not to forget though that indeed the guys have made tremendous strides since this photo(sh)op was done.

    But at the same time, it is important to see what these celebrities are capable of doing and you cannot always believe what you are fed by them or the media. And boy, you sure can't always buy a picture at face value, can you?

  4. It is all about the ears.January 28, 2012 at 4:30 PM

    Go back to work Troll. Try to convince yourself that those were not Austin's ears we saw in LA a couple weeks ago.

  5. Ain't working Mr. TrollJanuary 28, 2012 at 4:31 PM

    Why is the troll trying to convince us he is not of English decent and speaking in a foriegn tongue.

  6. LexEvan
    Lex Evan
    lunch date with @danchiz @jonathan_bender @drcorton #nomnomnom ps we spotted Jake Gyllenhaal. #scruffmcgruff
    1 minute ago

  7. RoyalFuckDeluxe
    Jeremy N.
    Just saw Jake Gyllenhaal but did not yell "Bubble Boy!" quick enough...
    5 minutes ago

  8. As usual, I tried to give Jake and fam the benefit of the doubt that day in October, but it didn't take me long to notice several peculiarities with that splashy photo op. Many of which you have pointed out, Special. This has got to be the sloppiest "editing" job I've ever seen. And for what purpose? So Jake could slip back to LA to be with his man in secret? Or, perhaps make a few doctor's appointments before another child was about to be born in November?

    Notice too that Maggie has a completely different purse as well. And, my all time favorite part of this nonsense is how Jake has his mouth opened in one of the pics, going for the Academy Award of faked outrage when knowing all along this whole thing was staged from the beginning.

    Just one more reason, in a long line of them, of why I question every tweet and image that places Jake somewhere. Manipulation is the game and sometimes what is thought to be clever and successfully executed only comes back to bite you in the ass. Like the Maggie, Ramona, and Taylor Swift fiasco. A complete waste of time and energy. Lies beget more lies. And, then everyone becomes part of the fraud. When people ask how can Jake hide all these years. This is how. Family, friends, acquaintances trying to help out in the hopes of being paid back later with a favor or two, and lots of people on the payroll who only care about making a buck.

    Of all the positive signs I've seen lately, I sure hope this public trickery ceases in the very near future. Live your life guys. Don't be so scared to be who you are. Too many masks and you might forget who is really supposed to be underneath the facade you present to the world.

    Excellent post.

  9. Maybe some of this might be about Maggie's due date appraoching. She was really upset with what happened last time and might be doing things to avoid that those things happen this time.

  10. BWAHHHHHH!!!

    Look at that.

    Maggie has a denim purse in the sidewalk pictures and then in the walking pictures, she has a big black bag.

    You have got to be kidding me.

    Oh my dog. I never noticed that before.

    That is awesome. This now ranks right up there with the frozen leaf, you guys.

  11. I gave Maggie's purse an arrow, and there are more plenty of more anomalies in these that didn't get arrows. It's like a game.

  12. Ain't working Mr. Troll said...
    Why is the troll trying to convince us he is not of English decent and speaking in a foriegn tongue

    Too STUPID for words, I am not a troll, and my English is not good enough , because English is not my first language, but I don't bother you because I speak badly English, but because I think with my head and I don't buy your fables

  13. All Maggie would have had to do was avoid answering questions which is what Jessica Simpson did until she decided to announce her pending bundle of joy in October. Maggie had other pictures taken with loose clothing on in September and October, when she was out and about in NY so obviously she was not hiding her pregnancy. People had commented on other blogs at the time that maybe she was pregnant because she looked heavier.

    This is not about Maggie. You wouldn't need a picture of Jake jogging in Central Park that morning to place him in NY all day or the whole family photo op that afternoon to hide Maggie being pregnant. In fact, now it makes her look like she intentionally wanted to lie to the public because she knew she was going to be announcing her pregnancy the following month.

  14. It looks to me like a troll is impersonating an OMGer under another name and taunting/heckling the trolls on here.

    I'm speaking of you, 16:30, 16:31 and 16:36.

    This tactic is reminding me exactly of what I have witnessed at WFT2. I think trolls impersonated friendly WFT2'ers and used that as a foothold to bash OMG.

    Now trolls are coming here and impersonating OMG friendly posters and using that to stir up shit.

    I see it for what it is. And it's not going to work.

  15. OMG regulars, be very cautious right now.

    We have got deception and evil intent to bring down OMG right now in our midst.

  16. The focus should be on this tremendous post of Special's.

    This is ba**-busting, you guys. It's awesome ba**busting.

    And there will be some who will try to detract from it.

  17. Oh man, I am clapping and whistling and hooting and hollering. This is brilliant stuff. Jake, Jake, Jake. Austin, Austin, Austin. Please guys, stop this ridiculous charade. We will love and support you no matter what. I sure hope they are beginning to make that transition away from the CAA "business plan."

  18. We will love and support you no matter what.

    Hear, hear!!

  19. I think you mean, ball busting, PG. LOL!

  20. You may be right, Prairie Girl. I remember similar tactics on the Dave Cullen Forum many a year ago too.

  21. I think the timing of these photos are interesting for another reason. It was before Jake left Evelyn and before Jake and Maggie each left CAA.

  22. You can see how much the picture is overexposed at the top and Peter and G's are completely balance and not washed out or overexposed.

  23. Right. You're exactly right.

    And someone like myself normally isn't going to notice this because I'm focusing on the people in the picture.

    But now that you point this out, I'm thinking why is it all white in the background of some of the pictures but yet Peter and the G's are clearly in focus.

    And why can you not read the street signs at all? Like Special says, street signs are produced to be able to be read from distances and yet you can't read these at all.

    Just really, really sloppy.

  24. Very interesting Special.

    One thing that really strikes me about these photos is that looking at the four of them, you get no sense from Petter, Maggie and Naomi's body language and gazes that Jake is even with them.

    Also, Jake's body looks slightly bigger in proportion to everyone else. Shouldn't it be the opposite since he's slightly behind?

  25. Great catch Dest and you're right he would be smaller since he is behind them.

  26. Destiny's contribution from October 9:

    destiny said...
    Something doesn't compute. For those who don't know, if you observe Yom Kippur you are supposed to fast and not drink any liquids, not even water, in this case from sundown yesterday to sundown today. People go to services after dinner, and then again early the next morning, with the services lasting until mid-afternoon. After a break of a few hours, you return to services and go until after sundown.

    You certainly don't go jogging first, and if he was doing it before services, which start around 9:30, he'd have to be out there pretty early, or else they just dropped in somewhere very late.

    I guess they could have just gone to a service for a few hours, but somehow I am really doubting they went to services.
    October 9, 2011 12:38 AM

    destiny said...
    And yeah, you're not supposed to wear or carry anything that came from an animal--so no leather shoes, and no leather bags. It would really be disrespectful to wear leather shoes and take leather handbags into a synagogue on Yom Kippur.

  27. The other anomalie was that not one tweet appeared about seeing the Gyllenhaal clan walking together down the streets of NY. What would be the likelihood of that? Looks like PR got so caught up in their photographic endeavors that they forgot about planting a tweet or two which would have, at least, made the so-called Yom Kippur story line a little more believable.

  28. ScarletPaigeXO Paige Manley
    Just spotted jake gyllenhall in Chelsea. He is so dam sexy. #starstruck
    48 minutes ago

  29. ecams
    Thank god for sunglasses. Just stood staring at Jake Gylenhaal who was walking right past me.
    2 hours ago

  30. cramminganii Ana Gabriela
    "Jake Gyllenhaal dumped Taylor Swift for being 'too young.' Haha! Gays. You say the darndest things"
    7 minutes ago

  31. Pebbles430 Bethany S.
    just found out Jake gyllenhaal's daughter was at the daycare center I work at during the summer because he was filming a movie here. Damn
    29 minutes ago via web

  32. I am very proud to be at The Director's Guild Awards. Mom, I made it.
    7 minutes ago

  33. Tom called it! Austin is in L.A. with the kids and Jake is in NYC.

    We can now sleep tonight. Thanks, Austy.

    Hey Austy, you forgot to get your thumb in the pic! LOL


  34. Congratulations to Austin on getting to go to the DGA's. That's awesome, buddy - hope we get some pictures of you in your suit.

    Now here's a question. Hmm. Gee.

    Is someone going to tell me that Ms. Sophia preferred to be at an Escape to Squaw Mountain summit than be at the Directors Guild Awards, schmoozing and going to an after-party????

    Is someone really going to try and sell that one?

  35. Boy, lots of excitement so late on Saturday night.

    Quite a bombshell of a tweet, isn't it, about the daycare center visitor? I sure hope that gal doesn't get in trouble or loses her job for disclosing customer information.

    Because - WOW. It's something else to actually see it in print, isn't it?

  36. Looks like Jake preferred to be in NYC than be at the DGA's

  37. Poor trolly's head has just imploded!

  38. Is someone going to tell me that Ms. Sophia preferred to be at an Escape to Squaw Mountain summit than be at the Directors Guild Awards, schmoozing and going to an after-party????


  39. Jake is with his pregnant sister being a good brother while Peter is filming in LA.

  40. Austin went to DGA's because FIVE was nominated. All five of FIVE's directors were nominated together for a DGA.

  41. But it does say a lot that Sophia is away when Austin went to the awards show. In the past she would have been all over an event like the DGA's,

  42. So Look like Austin calls his mother Mom and not " MY GIRLFRIEND"
    Thanks Austin, you always succeed in clarifying the things

  43. I'd like to put in a request for moderation, please? Is that possible?

  44. Looks more and more like the loonies may be correct.

  45. Eagle eyes to spot those inconsitencies in the photos. The placement of his feet in a couple is just totally off.

    The troll has melted down so much their sentances are not even comrehensible. English must not be their primary language for the latest troll.

    Busy day running errands today and I walked my ass off. I'll have to study those pics some more again tomorrow, but its fun to have these. Its been a long time since we had some good photoshop to tear apart. The beach walk, McConnaughy's house and now these. Those T Swift ones with the family looked off as well.

  46. From FB:

    A series of unfortunate fucked up train lines led me to getting on the train with Jake Gyllenhall ...I'll take it.

    6 hours ago near New York, NY ·

    6 hours ago

    6 hours ago

    6 hours ago

    Omg you're so lucky!!
    6 hours ago

    Victoria Stern He was was with a really pretty brunette
    6 hours ago

    Yeah but for the life of me I couldn't figure out who it was for like three or four stops but I was like I KNOW YOU lol
    6 hours ago

    I recently rode the train with Jake too. He was with his parents.
    5 hours ago

  47. There are no anomalies in those pictures.


    Look at that.

    Maggie has a denim purse in the sidewalk pictures and then in the walking pictures, she has a big black bag.

    You have got to be kidding me.

    Oh my dog. I never noticed that before.

    That is awesome. This now ranks right up there with the frozen leaf, you guys.


    I gave Maggie's purse an arrow, and there are more plenty of more anomalies in these that didn't get arrows.

    BWAHHHHHH, in the very first picture Special K posted, you can clearly see that Maggie is carrying a blue bag with white spots AND a black purse. You can see the corner of the black purse by looking to the right of Jake's left wrist. The blue bag looks like the kind moms carry all the time to put things in for their children, like wet wipes, a favorite toy, etc. Obviously at some point both Ramona, her scooter and the bag were dropped off somewhere.

    The "oddly solid thing between Naomi's knees" are the legs of the woman in the blue jeans with the pink purse walking behind her. You can even see the top of her head in the very same picture! She can also be seen in the other pictures Special K posted.

    The reason the street signs are blurry, and I can't believe I'm having to explain this, is because the camera is sharply focused on the people in the foreground, and the street signs are way in the background. That's why the bikes are slightly more in focus too, because they are closer to the subjects than the street signs, although even the bikes are blurring (compare how sharply we can see the wrinkles on Naomi's knees to the blurry handlebars on the bike).

    There are no "headless" people. The person behind Peter is being obscured because...they are behind Peter!

    "Why does it look like Maggie & Mama G's hands are almost overlapping?" The same reason Naomi's other hand overlaps with Jake's thigh; because Naomi is in front. That's how perspective works!

    The pictures of these four people together are incredibly sharp and clear. The light levels match perfectly, there are no artifacts, no smudging when Jake, Maggie, Peter or Naomi are overlapping each other; in short there are no signs that these pictures have been photoshopped at all.

  48. The bag: If you look at the black flap near Maggie's legs, it does not look like that purse it is too flat, and the corner hardware that is on the bag is not there.

    And sorry if you blow up the pictures you will see it's not just the object the between Naomi's knees you will see the line between her leg and the color of the jeans and how the color is solid and different than in all the other pictures that tells you it is photoshopped . And how it can their legs be so close that they are right between her legs and she have no head? In the other pictures you can see her head behind Naomi, even the top of it. Is it like a hat, that she can take on and off in the matter of seconds it takes a camera snap pictures?

    If you had ever developed pictures you know what overexposure looks like. It's a burn out, and you can burn away the things in the background even in certain sections of the picture. It was one of the first darkroom tricks I learned. And if you play with Photoshop you would know when someone plays with the brightness and creates the overexposure. They overexposed a picture of a street, and then dropped Peter & the G's on top of it via layering.

    You didn't bring up how object in the foreground be out of focus and objects in the back be focus out of focus too, but Peter and the G's be in perfect focus. While you can cameras that give a multiple field to focus on, but I have never seen a camera that than do in and out of focus like you see with Peter's arm and the person in front of him.

  49. The commercial that Austin's friend made is already getting talked about on TV and it hasn't even aired yet. Good Morning America highlighted it this morning as one of the best ads in their sneak peek of Superbowl ads.

  50. The bag: If you look at the black flap near Maggie's legs, it does not look like that purse it is too flat, and the corner hardware that is on the bag is not there.

    It's the same purse. You can see the strap for the purse going over Maggie's shoulder in the first picture, bisecting the strap of the blue bag. Obviously the purse looks flat in the first picture because it doesn't have much stuff in it, probably because Maggie transferred some of the things from the blue bag into the black bag. And the corner hardware isn't as clear, because Maggie and the purse are further in the background (thus more blurry) in the first picture but you can still some metallic flashes on the corner of the purse.

    And sorry if you blow up the pictures you will see it's not just the object the between Naomi's knees you will see the line between her leg and the color of the jeans and how the color is solid and different than in all the other pictures that tells you it is photoshopped .

    The color isn't solid, it is lighter in the middle. If you look directly between Naomi's knees there is a jagged line in the jeans which is a slightly lighter shade of blue than the rest of the jeans, consistent with the folds in the fabric catching the light differently.

    And how it can their legs be so close that they are right between her legs and she have no head? In the other pictures you can see her head behind Naomi, even the top of it.

    What? In every picture the woman in the blue jean's head is lower than Naomi's head in the foreground, so obviously in the one picture where Naomi is directly in front and in line with her the woman's head will be obscured.

    If you had ever developed pictures you know what overexposure looks like.

    And if you've ever taken a picture you know what perspective is. The background appears bright and blurry because the background is bright and out of focus. Jake and company are bright and sharp because they are in focus.

    You didn't bring up how object in the foreground be out of focus and objects in the back be focus out of focus too, but Peter and the G's be in perfect focus.

    The focus of the picture is Peter, Maggie, Jake and Naomi. Anything that is closer or further away from them is going to be out of focus, so of course the black arm in front of Peter is going to be blurry because the person is obviously much closer to the camera!

  51. I have taken thousand and thousands of pictures not just for photo albums but for publishing, and I to see that arm trick that is happening to that extent, to be that out of focus in the picture the person in the black shirt would have walked into the photographer or the photographer would have had to changed their position, because the arm would fill the whole third of the frame.

    And if you have taken pictures you would know if this happened it would have been just seconds to fire off these pictures, hard to get peoples heads to pop and disappear. And not just with Naomi, but all the heads in the background.

    And how did Maggie's bag get so thick so fast? Is it pregnant too? And who needs all the stuff for Ramona? She is 5 and Maggie is never seen toting a Ramona bag for her around town since she was a baby. Ramona has her own backpacks for her stuff. didn't say anything about how Naomi and Maggie's hands overlap in an odd way. Or how Maggie and Peter look like they are from one picture, Naomi from another and the second layer layered over of them, and how Jake is just slightly larger and from a third picture and how he feet look like they are walking up Naomi's leg in one picture.

  52. arctictony Tony Haile
    I'm still waiting for @funnyordie to get Jake Gyllenhaal, Joe Jonas and John Mayer together to sing a song about Taylor Swift
    11 minutes ago

  53. I completely forgot that not only that Austin was at the DGA's because of FIVE, but he is a DGA member now.

    Austin received his DGA card after he directed his first episode for OTH. He is a member of both SAG and DGA.

  54. All right, that is terrific news about Austin. Maybe that's what he means by making it.

    Wonderful. **tip of the glass** to Austin.

  55. OTHlove4ever OTH love
    I miss seeing @SophiaBush and @AUS10NICHOLS at events together:'( now theyre doing different thungs in different places:'(
    4 hours ago

  56. Digital manipulationJanuary 29, 2012 at 9:31 AM

    OMGers are correct. I am an advertising photographer and I use photoshop all the time in the course of my business. That is the worse assemblage I have ever seen in my life. Overexposure is a common trick to apply to drop in other elements. And, it is a different purse. Never mind legs with no heads and the inabiity to read the street signs. Seeing some things out of focus, which should be clear as day is another major hint too. Feet don't quite touch the ground, if you closely look at Jake's forward progress.

    The point about no tweets, even though the whole family is walking down a supposedly busy street in NY, carries implausibility to new heights. Just as the point about the leather products for Yom Kippur. It just wouldn't happen. Jake looks like he was dropped in and that's why he wore those glasses to give more credibility to the photo. Would also explain the earlier photo in the day to increase the notion that the family was strolling about in the same clothes and Jake wearing those glasses in public for the first time. I have to laugh. Because Maggie's pregnancy is being hidden in that first distributed photo op. No doubt about it.

  57. Thank you for your contribution, Digital Manipulation. Very impressive, obviously you also know what you're talking about as does Special.

    So what I am thinking now is that Jake played people by wearing his glasses.

    And it's really hard not to get p'd off about it right now. I have to keep telling myself that this was last fall and Austin was still under contract at that time. So I'm not going to waste time fussing over it.

    It's too sweet to catch them at this photoshop debaucle as well as the promise of the Jake's daughter daycare tweet which sounds very plausible.

  58. Pebbles430 Bethany S.
    just found out Jake gyllenhaal's daughter was at the daycare center I work at during the summer because he was filming a movie here. Damn
    29 minutes ago via web

    Since Bethany is from PA, I would think she is referring to the filming of LaOD in the Fall of 2009. She evidently works at the daycare during the summers and that's why she has no first hand knoweldge and can freely speak because she wasn't directly involved in the service provided. But, evidently someone told her that when Jake was filming there (i.e. Pittsburg) his daughter was enrolled in the facility. Makes sense to me.

  59. Pebbles430 Bethany S.
    just found out Jake gyllenhaal's daughter was at the daycare center I work at during the summer because he was filming a movie here. Damn

    What I think makes this tweet so powerful is that Bethany S. is a huge Adam Lambert fan. So are her friends who tweet her. It's like she has no idea how big her statement is. She probably just thinks Jake has kids. That's why there was nothing controversial in her mind about posting the information. Her friends are also completely uninterested and don't even pay much attention to the tweet. Bethany seems just to be disappointed that she wasn't working at the daycare center during the time he was filming in PA. Being that she works there during the summer that would coincide with her inference that she never saw him. Someone had to tell her that Jake's daughter was there. Very interesting. It's only a matter of time before all of this comes out.

  60. I have taken thousand and thousands of pictures not just for photo albums but for publishing, and I to see that arm trick that is happening to that extent, to be that out of focus in the picture the person in the black shirt would have walked into the photographer or the photographer would have had to changed their position, because the arm would fill the whole third of the frame.

    That's nonsense. All that is required is that the arm be a few feet or more in front of Peter. In the first picture you posted Maggie is slightly blurred in comparison to Peter and she is only a few feet behind him, so an arm that was six or seven feet in front of him would be even more blurred.

    And if you have taken pictures you would know if this happened it would have been just seconds to fire off these pictures, hard to get peoples heads to pop and disappear. And not just with Naomi, but all the heads in the background.

    The heads aren't popping in and disappearing, they're just being obscured by the people walking in front of them. Again, this is something I can't believe you're even trying to dispute. The people in the background are further away, thus appear smaller and thus there heads will not be seen when someone is standing in a direct line between them and the camera. Perspective.

    And how did Maggie's bag get so thick so fast? Is it pregnant too?

    Because Maggie put things in it! There is obviously a passage of time between the picture of Maggie against the brick wall and Maggie walking down the street because of little things like...oh, the complete absence of Ramona and the scooter and the blue bag and the fact that they are in a different place.

    So I reiterate, you can see Maggie carrying the black purse in the first picture and you can see the strap on her shoulder. It's right there. You can even see the small metal stud set into the black strap and then see the chain leading down from it. didn't say anything about how Naomi and Maggie's hands overlap in an odd way.

    One hand is in front of the other. Not odd at all

    Or how Maggie and Peter look like they are from one picture, Naomi from another and the second layer layered over of them

    They all look like they are in the same place at the same time. The light levels match perfectly, there is no blurring when their body parts overlap and no artifacts in the picture which would show up if any of them were layered in.

    how Jake is just slightly larger and from a third picture and how he feet look like they are walking up Naomi's leg in one picture.

    He is walking behind her and his foot is coming down. Again, perspective.

  61. TABATHA_MCGURR tabatha mcgurr
    fyi i just knocked on the bathroom door @ sol moscot and jake gyllenhaal came out
    11 minutes ago

    @WWoman27 Janessa Gursky
    Jake Gyllenhaal siting!! (@ The Fat Radish w/ @eye4style) [pic]:
    38 minutes ago

    eye4style Dina Fierro
    Um, yeah, that's Jake Gyllenhaal leaving brunch at The Fat Radish, with someone who clearly resembles a model.
    50 minutes ago

  62. Your right Jas if true only a matter of time. I am certainly more open to it being true than I was a couple months ago. I will say I aint happy about it if it is true. Nasty thing to deceive the world that you brought children into the world. What a slap in the face to other Gay parents. I hope Jake and Austin can make it right though.

  63. Obviously you disregard everything the professional photographer said that agreed with OMG. How predictable. You have to be always right and even professionals don't know what they are talking about.

  64. Just focus on MaggieJanuary 29, 2012 at 2:20 PM

    Another photoshop PR attempt to fool the public about Jake's life. The one thing that really stands out is how Maggie is not pregnant at all in that October 8 Yom Kippur pic That's all I need to know that the whole thing was faked and staged because by the end of the month she was in Rome and obviously very much with baby. Trolls can argue all they want with their nonsensical arguments, but her flat stomach says all that needs to be said. This picture of her is from an earlier time.

  65. venture capitalist hereJanuary 29, 2012 at 2:21 PM

    Obviously you disregard everything the professional photographer said that agreed with OMG.

    How do you even know they're a professional photographer. Because they said so on OMG?

  66. Obviously you disregard everything the professional photographer said that agreed with OMG.

    I went through everything Special K said and rebutted it point by point. Someone else who claims to be an advertising photographer (without displaying any knowledge that backs up that claim) appeared from nowhere and rebutted none of my points; not my points about the light levels, the lack of artifacts, the lack of blurring when people in similar depth overlap, the fact that the strap and chain on Maggie's black purse is visible in the first picture etc.

    I can't believe anyone is arguing about the black purse. I mean, really, it's right there. What a weird thing to dig your heels in over.

  67. Eye Check is using the same tactic that was used over and over on Dave Cullen and other Jake blogs. You aren't fooling anybody. We all know who you are.

    I think Jason's right she has no idea what a big deal that tweet is and she's not phased by Jake having a kid.

  68. When all else fails, simplify or dumb down the point being made. Thank you, Just Focus on Maggie. That one fact alone tells you the photo was tampered with because she is so not pregnant in that pic. Then when you look at the earlier foursome walking down the sidewalk, you can easily see that Peter and Jake are hiding Maggie's stomach from the shot.

    If you factor in the leather shoes and purses there is no arguing that the Yom Kippur headline was made up to further the reason why Sarsgaard-Gyllenhaal family would be strolling around NY on a Saturday afternoon.

    Just like with that July 2010 episode when the paps caught Jake at that store, when he was still supposed to be in MV, we have another illustration of how this all works. I believe we thought that he flew back to LA that time because of another BT all the way too.

  69. No you cannot see Maggie carrying a leather purse in the earlier photo. She has a different purse when she's with Ramona. Never mind the fact that she's 5 months pregnant and suddenly has no belly. That's why the fellas are forming a virtual phalanx in front of her.
