Friday, January 27, 2012

Rough around the edgy

He started out with an edge and agenda and found himself searching for his pair that BrookeDavis and the writers took, but is Julian getting roughed up again?

This past episode not only had the quirky lovable Julian that has been seen for the past two seasons, but revealed some cracks to him as well.

Julian distracted by the potential of clients coming to rent out his soundstage forgets his son Davis, who he is supposed to take to daycare, is in the car as he gets runs errands before the meeting, a story that is taken from the headlines.It looks like Austin was pushing for Julian to get a little less puppy and a little more real.

Speaking to Zap2It, Austin told them "that after several seasons of playing the harmless, doting, occasionally coddled Julian, he was excited to explore a crack in Julian's foundation."

"This year, there's a major flaw, or, not so much a flaw as an accident. It could happen with any parent. Julian really puts a lot of blame on himself for this thing that happens. As an actor it's been great. I've really gotten to go to a different place that I haven't gone to before on this show. I'm always pushing and begging [executive producer Mark Schwahn] for stuff like this, just trying to keep exploring. I want him to challenge me, and hopefully I can challenge him in some way, and I think that makes the best artwork."Could it not just for the artwork, but maybe creating distance away from the concept Brulian image, and setting the seeds for a No Sophin future?

Just one question, did they have to make Julian in a liquor store buying a bottle of scotch? Forgetting the baby is bad enough, did they have to add that kicker?


  1. Special note: Special, don't forget to disable comments on yesterday's post!!

    Did you purchase the Budget, Grocery, Impulse, Jumbo, Organic or Tiny Tote? With such a variety of product to choose from, I would have thought there would be at least one Kale Green design.! What a rip off.

    I bought the Impulse tote because I need BIG!! I haul a lot of stuff every day back & forth to work.

    No sign of kale green anywhere, thank goodness. It's very nice, got the ol' #TwoWheelTuesday logo on there and the bottom is black. Perfectamundo because I toss my tote bags all over the place; very hard on them.

    It's canvas and I'm quite pleased. Maybe Austin will get a percentage of the $ and it can go towards a few boxes of pencils for the kiddies' school needs in the future.

    I'll take a pic later and show it to you guys.

    3 MORE HOURS and Fred is sliding down Dino's back!!!!

  2. Taylor Swift has a history of writing songs about her exes (See: Mayer, John “Douchecanoe”), but she’s never written an entire concept album about one which is how I chose to read this Us Weekly article about Jake Gyllenhaal who dumped her for being “too young.” Haha! Gays. You say the darndest things....

  3. You know, if she were a true musician, she would be able to write a song about anything. Anything. She wouldn't have to keep drawing from fictional romances.

    If she is indeed going to rake in millions of dollars from the release of a cd based on a totally fake 48 day (or however many days it was) romance, it will be a huge consumer fraud.

    She has absolutely no shame.

  4. @LENIS_Jenjen shen

    WOW...lots of loud noises over Jake Gyllenhaal
    4 hours ago via web

  5. Ugh! Swift and her "earth-shattering" heartbreak again. Supposedly, she's already recorded 25 songs and the album is set to be released in October. I hope more articles like this one in The Superficial keep a-comin'. Already, there have been a lot of brutal comments left at a number of sites regarding her penchant to, once again, exploit celebrities to advance her career.

    Matthew Shepard's father spoke out against Tennessee's "Don't Say Gay" Bill in Nashville yesterday, saying that legislators were encouraging the bullying of gay, lesbian and transgendered people with this type of so-called "law-making". What I want to know is where's Ms. Swift and the Nashville music community when it comes to knuckle dragging, despicable posturing from their own Tennessean politicians? Why aren't they speaking up and out against this disgusting anti-LGBT proposal which would curb discussons about homosexuality in schools, restrict transgender people from using public facilities and actually amend anti-bullying laws to protect controversial statements about homosexuality?

    Why not write a song about this, Swifty? Now, that would be earth-shattering. Instead of writing pretend break up songs about heartache while "dating" a gay man for a little over a month and a half to advance your career.

  6. I saved all these Wonderful Austin pics!! Austin has grown up to be one handsome man.

    Love your explanation Jersey Tom. I've been watching Jake amble about on red carpets, on the beach, and other sites, with an almost soldier like walk, similar to his Source Code walk, but never ever have I seen his sexy stroll.
    And it's all GOOD!

    Help? How long does it take to make all the changes with agent and management that Jake made and get back to work?

    I don't know what to say about TS's album, but she should be careful. The blowback isn't good this week about her upcoming album.
    I think she should consider chilling about this well respected highly acclaimed "A" list actor, who so far has never mentioned her name, in a positive or negative manner.
    Her belly aching and whining about their interlude via song or album will do her career no good.

  7. Help? How long does it take to make all the changes with agent and management that Jake made and get back to work?

    Hi, sass. That's a tough question because Jake's situation was so much more complicated than most actors. He may have had a five year plan that went into effect in 2006 and expired late last year, but I'm sure he was negotiating leaving Evelyn and cutting his ties with CAA long before that.

    I wouldn't be surprised if he may already have a movie lined up like The Way Way Back, which he has been associated with since last October, and the project just hasn't been announced yet since he is going to be overseas for a few weeks.

  8. Oops! I meant that Jake has been associated with The Way Way Back since November.

  9. Business is businessJanuary 27, 2012 at 5:39 PM

    Yeah, I think the Nashville Music Industry is pretty darn backwards. Of course, Hollywood is too, but at least many have spoken out on a number of issues and raised awareness through various causes and film projects, activities and initiatives which Nashville crooners wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole. Remember that Blake Shelton and Reba McEntire mocking of Jake dating Swift with that "joke" about Brokeback Mountain last year at the CMAs? Enough said.

    Funny, how Adam Levine failed to speak up against his "The Voice" colleague back then yet he wants us to believe he's such a gay friendly guy now? Hyprocrisy comes in all shapes and sizes. Even with heinous tatoos. Levine didn't speak up because he makes a shitload of money on The Voice and he likes the newfound fame that it brings. Maybe he thinks his bromance with Jake gives him some sort of protective shield, but it's easy to speak up when it doesn't cost you anything.

  10. Remember that Blake Shelton and Reba McEntire mocking of Jake dating Swift with that "joke" about Brokeback Mountain last year at the CMAs?

    Two things of note. First, the joking about Jake Taylor and BBM wasn't ad libbed, it was written by that show's writers, thrown on the Teleprompter and read by Blake and Reba.

    Second, devils advocate for a minute, how was that joke any different than what MichaelK or The Superficial say all the time about Jake and any female he's associated with? Is it okay if gay men (and the women that love them) joke about Jake like that but not okay if "southern redneck" straight folk do?

  11. Remember that Blake Shelton and Reba McEntire mocking of Jake dating Swift with that "joke" about Brokeback Mountain last year at the CMAs?

    Two things of note. First, the joking about Jake Taylor and BBM wasn't ad libbed, it was written by that show's writers, thrown on the Teleprompter and read by Blake and Reba.

    Second, devils advocate for a minute, how was that joke any different than what MichaelK or The Superficial say all the time about Jake and any female he's associated with? Is it okay if gay men (and the women that love them) joke about Jake like that but not okay if "southern redneck" straight folk do?

  12. Second, devils advocate for a minute, how was that joke any different than what MichaelK or The Superficial say all the time about Jake and any female he's associated with? Is it okay if gay men (and the women that love them) joke about Jake like that but not okay if "southern redneck" straight folk do?

    Yes, it's different. Context is everything. Michael K and The Superficial are celebrity sites whose purpose is to expose celebrities and their lies. Both are known for their wicked wit and lampooning of celebrities. People who go there, go there for that purpose. The CMA is a nationally syndicated awards show. Not a forum to make homophobic cracks about celebrities.

  13. @KeithyBangBangEvil Keith

    Casting alongside some dude named Jake Gyllenhall on Monday. #HighFive

    5 hours ago via Twitter for iPad

  14. Well it could be called a bump or a poof take your pick.

    Snooki aka Nicole Polizzi

  15. A Brazilian girl has seen Jake to NY this morning, She went out of school he turned the angle

  16. last night my friend told me he met jake gyllenhaal while he was working at the airport. i almost cried. i could see the jealousy in my boyfriend’s face

  17. @barrbbie
    Barbara Komendera That AMAZING moment when austin nichols aka julian baker from OTH DIRECT MESSAGES YOU OH MY GOD !!!!!!!!
    1 hour ago

  18. Austin his buddy and HOT WILD GIRLSJanuary 27, 2012 at 8:36 PM

    My buddy's commercial has a chance to make it on during the super bowl if you guys all VOTE Click here ----> …

    His commercial is called HOT, WILD GIRLS. It's really funny. Vote for it here ------->

  19. "So my theory that if Jake Gyllenhaal just actually MET me we'd totally date? Not actually true. He totally snubbed me @soulcycle tonight

  20. That commercial that Austin tweeted is funny. Hot Wild Woman HA! Check it out.

    Here is the hot link for it.

    Hot Wild Girls

  21. One question for the soulcycle tweet just post-

    No name? No date? No time?

    Please fill in the blanks

  22. not the other twitterJanuary 27, 2012 at 9:07 PM

    MartaTopran Marta Topran
    So my theory that if Jake Gyllenhaal just actually MET me we'd totally date? Not actually true. He totally snubbed me @soulcycle tonight :(
    59 minutes ago

  23. 19:48, please reference where you got your information. It sounds like you're re-translating something. Is it from Facebook, Twitter, Tumbler, Blogger? What does it mean he went at an angle?

    I just don't have a feeling that the guys are in NYC any longer. I think they've bailed.

    I mean, if you are a JIS person or you're JIG but believe he's free as a bird, then you have to wonder why Jake is spending his Friday night after the dinner hour, on a bike sweating his brains out.

    No clubbing? No nice dinner with a bud or girl? No movie or charity ball? He'd rather sweat on a spin cycle. On a Friday night and then go straight home after a stop at a yogurt place.

    Wheweeeeee, that's a high time for a 31 year old stud like Jake. lol

  24. @lovebscott #LoveMuffinRollCall Name, location and who's your biggest celebrity crush?”

    mikepalmi Michael A. Palmieri
    @lovebscott - Michael,West Hollywood, Jake Gyllenhaal
    7 minutes ago

  25. Friday night Soul Cycling is for people who work all day. Not for someone who can go and execise anytime. If I recall correctly from last year, Jake did not Soul Cycle on Friday nights. In fact, he had early afternoon sessions.

    Just like with his former yoga habit and visits to the gym, Soul Cycle has become a very convenient location to place Jake, even if he's nowhere in sight because we all know Jake has been established to frequent the trendy fitness center.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. You know, this Spin Cycle business has really become quite the crutch for Jake's need to be placed out and about in NYC.

    It's convenient. We've seen a picture of him there and when he first started going there, the flurry of tweets were very believable.

    But now it's like an obligatory visit. Jake? Stop in NYC? Got Spin?

    What also puzzles me is that when Jake is in L.A. now, we no longer get the Pilates, the Yoga, the Gym pics. Sounds like he jogs in Runyan a lot. But whatever happened to his obsession with yoga and pilates?

    But unless he's got one of these Spin bikes down in his basement, I wonder why we never get a photo op of him coming out with his yoga mat anymore?

    Now, Jake is as fit as anybody around. But this Spin cycle is very intense. As someone who did high and low impact aerobics for years and now walks, I know that it takes only two weeks to get out of cardiovascularly shape. That's how long it takes to start losing your muscle mass and lose some of your cardio fitness. Although I've never done a Spin Cycle, I've read about it and it doesn't sound like a recreational workout to me. It sounds like exercise that you probably ought to do weekly or else your classmates are going to leave you in the dust.

    So to hear of Jake flying into NYC and one of the first things he does is pop into a Spin Cycle class at the drop of a hat, I have to say, I just kind of wonder how much he huffed and puffed on that thing.

    Show me the money, Jake!

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. You know, I'm not sure why all this subterfuge all of a sudden. Is he in NYC? Is he in London? Are they? Are they still? Whaaa Whaaa...

    I mean, WTH? Why do the guys think every move of theirs needs to be camouflaged and secret-coded? What's wrong with them being in London by now? What's the big deal?

    Stop the hopping, skipping and spinning and live your life with your family. Enjoy yourselves, relax and enjoy those kids. They are only little for so long and before you know it? They're approaching those teen years and they don't want to be seen near you anymore. I speak from experience, fellas.

    So just stop with all of this nonsense. It's such a waste of needless energy.

  30. Hey PG, I had to laugh about your comment about tracking your package. I buy a lot on line and feel like such an idiot watching it make its away across the US, but thats half the fun.

    Swift better watch it. Her speil is getting old and she is on the verge of sounding silly. The backlash at entlawyer was pretty bad. Now if she had been in a relationship with someone for years, that would be one thing. But a handful of dates, most of which included an entourage is a needy, empty headed idiot. I cant imagine her in Les Miserables either. What a joke.

  31. Sounds pretty simple to me. Austin is in LA. No Sophia. Jake went to London to do some work and on the way visited family in NYC for a couple days. Maggie is probably getting close to due dtae.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. A lot has happened the last few months and I am excited. Our first clue that changes were coming was that Jake stayed on the East Coast the whole last season of OTH shooting. Right after the season was over both Jake and Austin were back in LA.

    Jake fired Evelyn and CAA.

    OTH filming was over and Sophin was kaput. Over and done. He wont even tweet her.

    I also think Austins tweet about who he loved was direted at Jake.

    Jake and Austin appear together for a photo op with good friend Adam Levine. Not only do Austin and Jake leave in same pick up but Jake is driving Austins pick up.

    Jake going to the Dr over and over again. The same Medical building. Maybe there is a pediatric Dr that has his office in that building. Would be interesting to know.

    Some of this is conjecture but most is fact. Yeah it is a nice day on the East Coast of the USA and I am feeling good about J and A.

    January 28, 2012 9:36 AM

  34. Another thing of note is that Jake did not work the whole time Austin was working. Sorry but Jake could have got work. His last two movies did very well. He got a Golden Globe nom for LAOD and Source Code was well received. There was a reason he choose not to work. Then when Austin is finished working Jake annouces that he has made some major changes. He fires CAA and Evelyn. I dont think he fired them because they couldnt find work for him.
    He fired them because he wants to make a fresh new start with a completely diffent approach. Firt sign of that Jake and Austin stage a photo op to be seen together for the first time in a very long time. Then Jake gets back in the public eye and is a presenter at the Golden Globes and then goes off to London to work. Seems pretty clear to me. We will see what the future brings.

  35. Agree Tom, there is a lot to be excited about.

    Hey PG, I had to laugh about your comment about tracking your package. I buy a lot on line and feel like such an idiot watching it make its away across the US, but thats half the fun.

    lol. I know, I love to watch where the package goes, what terminal it just left, when it's "out for delivery". That's the best one - when it is "OUT FOR DELIVERY". Sooooo cool.

    Fedex and UPS are about as high tech as you can get. I prefer dealing with Fedex at work - everything can be done electronically and it sure makes shipping easier.

  36. Jake in New York photoJanuary 28, 2012 at 12:41 PM

    Jake having good time far, far away from his "husband and kids":

    @xoamelia New York City
    STYLISH CHAMPAGNE JESUS I have a love/hate relationship with the way I behave on Twitter. I am a manic spinster with a dog, which is way sexier than it sounds.

    xoamelia Amelia
    Photo: Jake Gyllenhaal! (Taken with instagram)
    16 hours ago

  37. I agree, Tom. Jake did not hesitate to let everyone know he was headed back to LA once Austin had arrived there. Then there was Austin missing both West Coast OTH-related events, backing off and letting Soapy have center stage...alone. Unabashedly, placing space and time between them, like that Sesame Street video of Jake demonstrating the word for "Separate."

    Since the Lakers game in early May last year, Sophin has not been seen on the kind of staged PR dates they were churning out, especially in 2010. All this activity finally leading up to the New Year rollout, mid-month showing Jake and Austin together, leaving in the same vehicle from a lunch date. There's definitely change in the wind and it's been a long time coming.

  38. He wont even tweet her.

    Yeah, right!

    Hit this link and vote for @SophiaBush for Most Inspirational Woman of 2011 or I will hunt you down!! ------->
    2 Jan 2012

  39. Looking that picture and then the most recent ones of Jake in LA, that picture is not recent. Jake is thinner in the pictures from LA than he is seen that picture. And his beard has not come back in that full yet.

  40. bugger it! I'm soovermyselfJanuary 28, 2012 at 12:52 PM

    Waving at the the OTH girls lurking at OMG.

  41. Jake is in New York - there is no info about Jake being in LA + there are many tweets about Jake being in New York since Thusday.

    Jake doesn't care about being in LA "with Austin" before going to Europe because there is no husband and no BTs.

  42. No way of knowing when photo was taken or whereJanuary 28, 2012 at 12:58 PM

    Yeah, I saw that photo last night. Definitely, taken probably last year because look how plumpy Jake is in the belly and his thighs. I'm sorry Jake.

    Never mind his muscular arms. Jake is very slender right now. Probably, too much SoulCycling. He is as slender as I've ever seen him, in fact, which makes me think he does have a film lined up and he is sporting a different look.

  43. Who said Jake is in L.A.? I haven't seen anyone on OMG say Jake is in L.A.

    It makes total sense, as Tom said, that Jake stopped in NYC for a few days.

  44. Jake might have been in NY this week, where he is at the few days or so, that is where there is a mystery. There seems to be a lot of people saying he's in NY, while there are a lot of tweets placing him in London.

  45. Trolls need to pay attentionJanuary 28, 2012 at 1:02 PM

    Who are these trolls? Don't think anyone here said Jake was in LA. He probably stopped off in NY on his way to England and Germany. Catch up, please.

  46. And, who's to say where Austin is?

  47. The date and time stamp on that picture looks to me like the date and time stamp of her Tumblr post.

    It is not on the picture itself. And I'm sorry but Jake looks a little "loose and soft" around the middle. You look at him right now and he is as skinny as I've ever seen him since I started following him.

    He's even lost his chest. **sniff**

  48. I wonder how Sophia is making out on that skiing trip she took by herself.

  49. LOL! Poor Jake. Now, his plumpy, loose and soft. But, I have to agree with everyone. He does look, ahem, a little Pillsbury Doughboyie. Hehehehe.

  50. The link to the picture was taken down. Why? Because that child is neither of theirs. And it doesn't make any point to the conversation.

  51. Looks like Matt Bomer is going to be doing a guest appearance on Glee in April, playing Blaine/Darren Criss' brother. Fingers crossed, and can't wait to see him sing!!!!

  52. It takes what, a minute to tweet about getting votes out for Sophia. Seems like that's about all the time she's worth to Austin as he has not been seen at one event with her or for OTH.

    Yesterday Prime Minister Netanyahu wanted to meet me but I couldn't be found. I was Christmas shopping for my girlfriend. @IsraeliPM
    13 Dic

    13 December OTH was already a memory, but Austin called Sophia my girlfriend

  54. 13 December OTH was already a memory, but Austin called Sophia my girlfriend

    Do you see the word "Sophia" in that tweet?

  55. Do you see other girls so near to him in the life of Austin?

  56. The tweet was obviously meant to be absurd. No way did Austin miss an official State meeting with the Israeli Head of State when he was an invited guest and an ambassador for the US. That's why when he added the sentence that he was too busy because he had to go Christmas shopping for this unnamed girlfriend, you could almost see the tongue in cheek of the statement.

  57. The answer, my friend
    is blowin' in the wind.

    If someone's looking for an ember to take to flame here based on the Weber Ashes that are now what remains of Sophin, keep on furiously fanning.

    It's almost sadder than it was watching Borders go out of business.

  58. Nice try said...

    Do you see other girls so near to him in the life of Austin?

    Go back to WFT2.

  59. Girlfriend, GirlfriendJanuary 28, 2012 at 2:33 PM

    Girl friend could be a term used for your Mom, a very good friend, or daughter or a neice. Gay men call other gay male firends girlfriend all the time.

  60. The focal point of the sentence is that Austin has a girlfriend, it is obvious that the Prime Minister didn't have to meet Austin. It is a joke on the fact that nothing is more important thanf the shopping for his girlfriend

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Are you saying that Austin calls Jake or even worse his mother "My girlfriend? "

  63. No, the vocal point is the absurdist humor. Which apparently escaped you.

  64. Want to See said...

    Read somewhere there is a picture of Sophia and Austin with Austin's small Niece or Nephew. Is this true? If so, where can I find this photo? anybody know?

    Knock it off, Jack. Go back to your bridge at WFT2 where you know darn well that's where you can get it.

    It has been stated by the Owner of this Blog why the picture has no place here.

  65. Girl:


    Ms, adolescent, damsel, daughter, lady, lassie, mademoiselle, schoolgirl, she, teenager, young lady, young woman,
    woman, Miss/Mrs./Ms., daughter, femme, gal, gentlewoman, girl , grandmother, lady, madam, matron, mother, she, sister...

    slang: gay male friend

  66. Okay well, I'm off. It is gorgeous here and I'm going to go breathe some brisk fall-like January air.

    Our weather here has just been crazy. 50's and 40's. And it is January, so hard to believe.

  67. Lots of professional athletes call their Mom their baby girl or girlfriend all the time. Watch some sports Jack. You sure need a hobby.

  68. SK, did you delete the pic of Austin's nephew that was linked here a few years back? It was from Austin's parents hunting site and some here were trying to say that he wasBT, LOL!! Anyway it was up long enough for people to spin.

    But now you delete a pic with Sophia and his new niece? Funny I remember Austin tweeting a onsie in 2010 and you and the rest thought that another BT was born and others said his sister had another baby.

    If I recall proof was demanded and posters said that they saw a pic on OTH, the pic you posted, don't know if was posted then but it appears that his sister did have another child.

  69. Ms, adolescent, damsel, daughter, lady, lassie, mademoiselle, schoolgirl, she, teenager, young lady, young woman,
    woman, Miss/Mrs./Ms., daughter, femme, gal, gentlewoman, girl , grandmother, lady, madam, matron, mother, she, sister...

    slang: gay male friend

    Very . and what mean Austin when he calls Sophia " My Lady?"

  70. Lots of professional athletes call their Mom their baby girl or girlfriend all the time. Watch some sports Jack. You sure need a hobby.

    Well, then perhaps that tweets it was of Austin Nichols the player of Basketball

  71. Trolls, pack up all of your crap and take it back to WFT2.

    YOU WILL NOT destroy this blog as well.

  72. Does to freely discuss with different opinions, mean to destroy the blog?

  73. Open your eyes, 3:08. You're not welcome here.

  74. I notice the troll has to try a new tack since the Jake and Austin are no longer friends, never see each other anymore argument he worked for years vanished in a milisecond. Thank you Jake and Austin for sending us a clear signal you are still together. No purchase here, troll, best to try elsewhere.

  75. How long was that link to Austins nephew up a few years ago before it was deleted, if it was deleted.

    If it was up long enough for posters to "debate" if he was BT, then it sure wasn't deleted quickly.
