Friday, March 16, 2012

Green Grows

The green pants are traveling.... (maybe Jake's co-star America's something to do with this )

Let's see green cargo pants ....checkDark hoodie....check
Handy Dandy backpack... damn it ..I forgot the handy dandy backpack.... and the hat, I forgot the hat.

Happy Austin Friday


  1. I've only been around here since Jake began to film End of Watch, but I have to say I do see the trend of someone(s) always lurking here and the moment someone posts, boom, they swoop in and essentially make the same argument. Or, discount what anyone says. Very obvious that someone has an agenda.

    My take: Of course PR uses places like Just Jared and People to get their "version" of events out there. Particularly with someone like Jake who has been using every tool at his disposal to present a false image to the public for years.

    Maggie is manipulating the due dates of her pregnancy. There's no doubt in my mind about that. That Yom Kippur photo from October proves that as well as that other one where Jake and Peter are hiding her stomach. The fact that no celebrity site or magazine has pointed that out, tells you how they are all in the pocket of WME and CAA. No one questions that photo of the family outing on October 8. Not one. Even though Maggie who was to supposed to be nearly 4.5 months pregnant.

    Sure there could be problems with Maggie's marriage. What's so odd about that? Divorce is a common occurence. I also can imagine all this lying about Jake and his kids puts a huge strain on any family. I don't feel sorry for them though. They have created this mess.

  2. some background info on the beardMarch 16, 2012 at 10:01 AM

    A bit of background information on why Lea Seydoux needs Jake for publicity at the moment. She is trying to make herself known in Hollywood and got an American agent (CAA source:Variety). She had small roles in two American movies with very good box office in 2011: Midnight in Paris and Mision Impossible 4, so she is trying now to make the most of this momentum.

    Nobody knows her in the US but a “romance” with an American actor could suddenly make her known by name. She has two French Films coming out now (the ones she presented in Berlin). The biggest one is the one about Marie Antoinette with Diane Kruger . The premiere of this film that was this week in Paris is already on Just Jared (PR planted), and not a big deal in Europe but a sign that shows she is looking for as much publicity as she can get: she is there in a see-trough top (pic).

    She is in SIX French magazine covers this month (link) , has a several pages photo spread this month in American Vogue (April 2012) (link) and got a Prada fragrance deal (link) , so someone is really pushing her to be a star. She is already well known in France but nobody knows he in the USA, so a bearding deal with a Hollywood actor is what she needs to push her into the US market.

    The timing of the first pics together in NYC: the same week that Jake has the video coming out and she has the premiere of her film.

    Also, what a perfect timing that they met at the Berlin Film Festival and they later met in Paris (the only place that she can be recognised and identified by name in sightings). This is a huge distraction to the fact that Austin was in Europe with Jake. If Jake was spending time with her, he can’t possibly be spending time with his partner ;)

  3. ex beard still getting publicity with AustinMarch 16, 2012 at 10:15 AM

    Austin is mentioned today in this Daily Mail (this is the UK equivalent of People in the US: Everything published there is PR planted) article about Sophia looking sombre because she is still getting over the ‘break up’ (LOL!):

    "Working out to heal the heartbreak"
    Daily Fail

  4. Austin’s pilot Ray Donovan is filming this week. There are some pics of Liev Schreiber and John Voight filming. I think this is Austin with Liev: wenn and zimbio (March 14)

  5. Does look like Austin from the back, if it is, intrigued by what I can see of the hair and clothes, looks like a better look for him than he had on OTH.

  6. To relative Newbie:

    Sorry, not buying it. YOU don't sound like any kind of "newbie" with that rant.

    I think you need to sit down, 10:23 and stop capping & bullying at posters. This has not become your leash-free park.

    I'm not regularly posting right now but I'm also not going to sit in the background while trolls come over here thinking it's a free for all.

    And yes I agree with some who think there is something going on right now with Maggie, her expectancy and Peter Sarsgaard. It may not come out now what with the baby being due anytime, give or take 3 months it would seem, but I would not be surprised to see something leak/announced later.

    And why is Jake all of a sudden so unconcerned about his privacy while seemingly living 24/7 at SpinCycle? He doesn't care that someone is taking his picture from behind to the point of someone practically riding piggyback on his person? Ever since Special said something about him not being seen at the ol' Spin, all of a sudden we're deluged with two pictures of him at his fave hangout when we've not had a twitpic of him there since he first started attending. Jake & SpinCycle is testing the gag reflex it's being shoved so far down the throat.

    I also noticed Rachel Marrin, or Marron (does it really matter which it is? It's the same movie character) was credited with the photo. But then, I'm a huge Bodyguard fan.

  7. Maybe Jake was in LA and that is why we are getting all these photos/pics now? Anyone can see PR's fingerprints all over yesterday's Internet flood of sightings.

  8. Troll is back again, I see. The twitpic from yesterday was arranged. How convenient that her account is protected. And, she's an attorney, but still sees no problem invading Jake's privacy in the locker room of a gym.

    Jake is not going to allow himself to be photographed like that, pure and simple, without his consent. And, I agree with the observation that the "habit" of going to Soul Cycle consistently for 5 months now, does not fit his MO. Being in the closet, like he is, Jake doesn't want people to predict his patterns or whereabouts. He's using Soul Cycle as a convenient placecard whenever speculation begins that he may not be in NY.

  9. The troll just can't see all the evidence staring him in the face. It's obvious why the twitter account is protected. The pic is fake, and was probably taken in LA, where Jake is now, giving support to his Tall Texan hubby while he works on the new show.

  10. Doesn't make me feel good to know that Jake is continuing his closeted ways. It's obvious that he wasn't in NY. That's why his people had to splash that Manhattan Man BS all over the place. Someone called it overkill the other day and that is exactly what it is. Of all the people Jake should have discharged, notice how he retained Carrie Byalick as his publicist. That's why nothing's changed. Byalick is paid to lie. That's what she does. That's what Jake wants her to do. Remember that she put out the statement back in November 2009 that Jake and Reese were still very much a couple.

  11. That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

    What you want poor unsuspecting OMGers to believe is that Jake's PR have cut a wide swath through Manhattan enlisting all sorts of folks to fake Jake sightings and photos. From shopgirls, cashiers, exercise and coffee enthusiasts, to regular Joes on the street. The coverup you want to push is bigger than Watergate and the Catholic church sex abuse cases.

  12. PR seal of approvalMarch 16, 2012 at 12:19 PM

    Trolls are so cute. They actually have no idea how PR works. Everyone uses their PR team differently, but we certainly know (that means, no question at all), that Carrie Byalick is a key figure in this whole Jake in the closet cover up. That's how he gets a way with what he is doing. Agencies, websites, celebrity blogs are for the most part PR approved. Just Jared, People, Zap2it, DailyMail, Us Weekly, etc. You ignorance is either faked or you really are stupid.

  13. Ashley Ryan Knowlton ‏ @AshleyRKnowlton
    Just got worked in my first Soul Cycle class...directly next to Jake Gyllenhaal...pretty sure I'm hooked #yeehaw

  14. I see trollie is talking to themselves again.

  15. Just had dinner with jake gyllenhaal. Glad he didn't try a brokeback mountain move!!!
    11:07 PM -

    I'm at Lupa Osteria Romana (New York, NY) w/ 3 others

  16. PR is charged with making the public see Jake as heterosexual, angry with paps because they just won't leave him alone, and most importantly that he is nowhere near Austin Nichols. That's why they didn't want anyone to know that he might have been in LA.

  17. Agencies, websites, celebrity blogs are for the most part PR approved. Just Jared, People, Zap2it, DailyMail, Us Weekly, etc. You ignorance is either faked or you really are stupid

    Have you read Carrie's twitter lately? Don't think Jake is high on her list of clients at the moment. Matter of fact I don't think Carrie is even doing publicity for him anymore. Perhaps someone else at the company is, but it's not Carrie.

    So all those websites you listed...what do they have to do with the average New Yorker who is spotting, tweeting and taking pics of Jake on the sly?

  18. Jamie ‏ @jamiereynolds3
    I'm ok that Jake Gyllenhaal brushed my sweaty leg last night in the locker room @ spinning. He said sorry and I said NO PROBLEM

  19. Ah, the flood of NY tweets. So very predictable. PR is earning their keep now.

  20. and most importantly that he is nowhere near Austin Nichols.

    So why didn't J&A care about being papped together after having lunch with Adam? Too stupid for words.

  21. How come the other times Jake has been at Soul Cycle we maybe got one sighting. Now we are getting seven or eight. Whoever is doing this, you are not doing too good a job. Economy is good and more persuasive than overkill.

  22. You do know that people can set up twitter accounts and post fake sightings, don't you? That's why twitter is so easy to manipulate. I don't care if Carrie is directly overseeing Jake or not. But, he has someone who is doing the same thing she did. Apples and oranges.

  23. Like Brother, Like SisterMarch 16, 2012 at 12:39 PM

    I'm beginning to wonder if Maggie could be delivering any time judging by all of the distractions. Isn't that Jake's MO?

  24. Jake may be in NY now, you fool. The point posters are making is that Jake wasn't there before. Are you always so thick?

  25. Maybe Maggie already had the baby. There were more than 3 sets of pics of her pregnant on every PR gossip site this week (popsugar, just jared, people, etc). The sudden overload of pics is suspicious.

    Let’s say all those twitter sightings of Jake going to Soul Cycle every day and sometimes several times a day are true, then his only purpose in life is going to spinning class! What does it say about him? He is going around aimless all day having coffee and exercising and doing minimal effort to keep his name out there (some photo ops/wink and you miss bearding/2 days shot video/9 days film festival). If the movie Motor City was a real possibility and not planted, then it’s a pity he didn’t choose (or didn’t got) the part. The cast sounded interesting and he really needs to work more. Why is it that he doesn’t work for months and months? I don’t buy that he can’t get any part. I think he is choosing not to work to focus on his personal life (kid/s).

    I read that the Ray Donovan pilot has an excellent script. It’s great to see Austin working in a quality show with good actors.

  26. So why didn't J&A care about being papped together after having lunch with Adam? Too stupid for words.

    If you have been reading this blog and paying attention to Jake's standard operational procedures over these many years, you would know the answer to that question. And, that is Jake has been setting up prearranged photo ops with Austin since he's been in the closet. That last one in mid-January was probably meant to give the impression that Jake was saying goodbye to his old pals in LA and heading off to NY. Remember, he took a similar prearranged photo op with Busy Phillips in January as well.

    Jake also has a track record of having a photo taken with Austin either right before or right after they have a child. Nothing much is spontaneous any longer with Jake. He manipulates his public persona and basically lets people see only what he wants them too. I have little doubt that Austin was selected for that TV role long before March 8th. That's why he was able to go over to England and Germany with Jake. That's why Jake had to make it seem like he was moving to NY. Because we all know that Jake can't be in LA as long as Austin is believed to be there. By the way, that's another reason why you know they are together. Even more telling is that once Jake got that distribution deal for End of Watch, he and Austin can no longer been seen with one another. Even in a city of 9,830,420. Absurd, I know, but that's what Jake's been doing for years.

  27. One works while the other one doesn'tMarch 16, 2012 at 2:56 PM

    Did anyone notice that, once again, Jake is not working while Austin is? Coordinated schedules everyone. That's why Austin isn't tweeting about filming now when normally he would be. He doesn't want people to make that correlation...yet again.

  28. Finally got a chance to see that picture from the set of Ray Donovan. Thanks "Austin working"

    It does look like Austin, and it looks like they've darkened his hair up a bit.

    I think he is going to have a hell of a lot of fun playing an A-lister who gets himself in trouble.

  29. Speaking about tweeting, looks like Austin was sending out a slew of DM's to fans today.


  30. A pilot will only take a week or so to film, why would Jake turn down a job for a one week overlap?

    Why would it be a problem for Jake to be in LA, when he supposedly lives there? I actually think he doesn't live there anymore, and probably only keeps the house for when he has to be out there.

  31. Sending a lot of DMs is probably due to the fact that he's filming and has a lot of down time between scenes. Seems to be one of his ways of building a fan base.

  32. Ali Feller
    ‏ @AliOnTheRun1 nyc
    Dining at Friend of a Farmer & spotted Jake Gyllenhall walking down the street with a lady friend. Hi Jake!

  33. Rhamier Auguste ‏ @Rhamier_A
    When I'm down, I think about that time Lea Seydoux introduced me to Jake Gyllenhaal & said I have a passion for fashion & I feel better ;)

  34. and give times to the tweets

  35. Ali Feller
    ‏ @AliOnTheRun1 nyc
    Dining at Friend of a Farmer & spotted Jake Gyllenhall walking down the street with a lady friend. Hi Jake!

    around 1 h ago

    Rhamier Auguste ‏ @Rhamier_A
    When I'm down, I think about that time Lea Seydoux introduced me to Jake Gyllenhaal & said I have a passion for fashion & I feel better ;)

    around 8 h ago

  36. Sightings . . .

    Last Updated: 12:12 AM, March 13, 2012

    Posted: 12:06 AM, March 13, 2012
    | More Print

    AOL’s Tim Armstrong, Charles Grodin and Richard Belzer approaching the table of “Fashion Star” exec-producer Ben Silverman and Barry Diller during lunch at Michael’s . . . JAKE Gyllenhaal stopping at Soft Serve Fruit Co. on East 17th Street alone and ordering a sundae . . . “BAD Lieutenant” director Abel Ferrara in the middle of a “heavy” phone call on Mulberry Street . . . DANIEL Radcliffe, preparing to play Beat poet Allen Ginsberg, having his hair permed and dyed darker by Louis Licari at his Fifth Avenue salon.

  37. You know what I will put up the times for those tweets, since some asked.

    Rhamier Auguste ‏ @Rhamier_A


    When I'm down, I think about that time Lea Seydoux introduced me to Jake Gyllenhaal & said I have a passion for fashion & I feel better ;)
    1:26 PM - 16 Mar 12


    AliOnTheRun1 (@AliOnTheRun1)
    3/16/12 7:04 PM
    Dining at Friend of a Farmer & spotted Jake Gyllenhall walking down the street with a lady friend. Hi Jake!

    See it's not that hard to do.

  38. So, Jake is really in NYC .

  39. He is in NY now. Doesn't mean he's been there the whole time.

  40. Jake might be in NY now. I think OMG posters have been trying to make that point since yesterday. The point that was being made was that Jake wasn't in NY before yesterday. And, I agree with the person who said that the whole "I'm leaving" *sheds tears* of Jake with Levine, Austin and Busy was staged to make the point that he's moving to NY. Now, why would Jake move to NY when Austin lives in LA? That's how you know PR is all over this.

  41. Yes he was, yes he is.
    Sice Paris,

  42. The point that was being made was that Jake wasn't in NY before yesterday.

    ^ Why do you think only since yesterday? Because of tweets and pics? But there were tweets and pics before yesterday of Jake in NYC. What changed yesterday? Nothing.

  43. But Everything is Possible.

  44. do the math! said...
    November 28, 2011

    Maggie Gyllenhaal and husband Peter Sarsgaard are expecting their second child, her rep confirms to Us Weekly. According to one pal, the actress, 34, is about four months along. The Crazy Heart actress told another pal she'll "be laying low for a little bit now."

    March 16, 2012 9:06 AM

    Anonymous said...

    End of April.

  45. Sad trolls nothing to do on a Friday night?

  46. Hold on a second

    Here is the Maggie's pregnant story in the Huffington Post via Life & Style

    Maggie Gyllenhaal is pregnant! The actress and her fellow silver screen star husband, Peter Sarsgaard are expecting their second child, according to Life & Style.

    Gyllenhaal must have been in hiding for the past few months because a friend of Gyllenhaal told the magazine that she's six months along -- "Her bump is so big!"

    The 33-year-old actress' forthcoming bundle of joy will be greeted by big sister, 5-year-old Ramona. And what about Maggie's little brother? Jake Gyllenhaal is reportedly "so happy that she's pregnant again because he loves kids."

    Maggie and Peter tied the knot in 2009 after the birth of Ramona and are "thrilled" to be adding another child to their family.

    Huffington Post

    And they were saying 6 months.

    So why is all the play with the dates?

  47. And they were saying 6 months.

    So why is all the play with the dates?

    Well for the simple fact that unless Maggie told these publications herself, which I doubt very much, they're just pulling dates out of the air. Why are you so hung up on this anyway?

  48. Why are you dragging stuff over here from WFT2 to argue about it then?

  49. Brooke Johnson ‏ @bjjourney


    Just ate dinner 5 feet from Jake Gyllenhaal. #NewYork #NoBig #HOTT
    11:02 PM - 16 Mar 12 via Twitter for iPhone · Details

  50. Remember Yom KippurMarch 16, 2012 at 11:27 PM

    Why are you so hung up on this anyway?

    Because Maggie's people are lying and jacking around with dates and it has to be done with her knowledge and approval. I don't know about you, but it makes me question "Why?"

  51. Seriously, why does it matter when her child is due. Why in the heck would they play games with the dates. I would like to hear just one reason why they would do this.

    Again, magazines makes things up. A "friend" is often just code for "we're making this up or guessing".

    Why would Maggie care whether people know when her child is really due to be born, or make it up??????

    Let me guess, it has something to do with Jake.

    The world does not revolve around Jake.

  52. Actually I think it is more about Maggie and Peter. Something is off in the relationship.
    They aren't seen together that much, it seems like they are leading separate lives, when you would think this is a time they would be closer than ever.

  53. Biting their tonguesMarch 16, 2012 at 11:43 PM

    Destiny, I'm surprised you haven't been called a troll yet LOL

  54. Destiny, why are you so mad about this? No one said it had everything to do with Jake, all right?

    I think this actually has something to do with Maggie & Peter. Several posters have mentioned on the blog, myself included, that we have suspicions there is something going on.

    Let people discuss this if they want to. It's a free blog. There is no personal attacking going on. Posters are using published writing to back up their concerns and questions, not pulling things out of their ass. And there is not name calling going on. So I'm still not sure just what the big beef is.

    If nothing comes of it, we're the ones with egg on our faces. NBD.

    I'm sorry but who needs trolls when we have you on here constantly arguing and questioning every little thing that is said by OMGers? Whether you realize it or not, this constant arguing is becoming a troll magnet for this blog.

  55. Let me guess, it has something to do with Jake

    I'm sorry but that was a really smart aleck remark in my book and the people who have been discussing the Maggie/Peter/baby topic today didn't deserve it.

  56. That Yom Kippur photoshopped mess on October 8, where Maggie is visibly not pregnant with the family, yet covered up by Peter and Jake in another "convenient" photo that we were told was taken from earlier that morning, was done for a reason because just two weeks later she is seen in all her pregnant glory in Rome.

    Austin was in Los Angeles editing his OTH episode so it is quite possible that Jake flew there to be with him. For those who believe that Jake was hiding the birth of another baby, that would be a big reason for the Gyllenhaal clan to come out in force and make a huge production of them all being in NY together. And yes, Maggie has a substantial history of covering up for Jake...starting with "introducing" Kirsten to her brother in 2002 and Taylor Swift in 2010, and the US Weekly Thanksgiving cover spread with Ramona.

  57. I can always tell something is up by the quantity of comments. Trolls would not be in a defense tizzy unless there was something worth defending. The biggest clue there is. And as for twitter, too easy to make up comments. Even easier than back in the old live journal days when they were caught creating accounts for future use.

    To yesterdays comment about the keying. Ent lawyer had a blind about a famous brother and a famous brother in law getting into an argument over a ping pong game, And we know Peter is way into ping pong. Upset brother keyed brother in laws car. Maybe not Jake, but there are not a lot of famous brothers and brothers in law out there. Just like every actor but Jake has been notted for toothy.

  58. I agree with Destiny.

    Who cares about Maggies due date and it can't always be about Jake.

    Prairie Girl you should calm down.

  59. Actually I think it is more about Maggie and Peter. Something is off in the relationship.
    They aren't seen together that much, it seems like they are leading separate lives, when you would think this is a time they would be closer than ever.

    They were just out - together - at Death of a Salesman the other night. There were pictures all over the place of them and all the other celebs there that night.

  60. ♪ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♫March 17, 2012 at 1:08 AM

    Destiny is entitled to her opinion. I don't see Destiny saying things like "Jake may be in NY now, you fool" or "Are you always so thick?". Maybe the vitriol should be directed at other posters. Or is it a matter of not singing along with your tune, prairiegirl?

  61. trying to shut down discussionMarch 17, 2012 at 1:23 AM

    This is a blog that's supposed to discuss a variety of topics related to Jake and Austin. Since that post in January that pointed out all those red arrow problems with that family photo op where Maggie doesn't look pregnant at all I think the conversation about why the public is now getting different dates for the birth of her baby is a fascinating conversation. Why shut down the speculation down, particularly in light of that Blind Item about the brother and brother-in-law? And, yeah Maggie has lied before on topics related to Jake. Many times.

  62. Differing opinionsMarch 17, 2012 at 1:28 AM

    The only one trying to shut down the discussion is PG. OMG discussion means you have the same opinion as PG, otherwise you are a troll. WOW, fancy Destiny expressing a differing opinion and copping that response from PG.

  63. No one is shutting down the discussionMarch 17, 2012 at 1:32 AM

    Why shut down the speculation down, particularly in light of that Blind Item about the brother and brother-in-law?

    No one is shutting it down. In fact, what is actually happening is that posters are being asked to explain what Maggie's motive would be for lying. No one has brought forth any evidence that Maggie has lied about her due date and no one has given a motive for why Maggie would lie.

    So can someone answer Destiny's question from earlier

    Seriously, why does it matter when her child is due. Why in the heck would they play games with the dates. I would like to hear just one reason why they would do this.

    Why would Maggie care whether people know when her child is really due to be born, or make it up??????

  64. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  65. As Destiny and others have tried pointing out, magazines and websites make up stuff. Whether Maggie is 6 months pregnant or 8 months pregnant what has that to do with, well, anything?

    I suppose the point some people are trying to make is that the Gyllenhalls are lying sacks of shit and are pathetic puppets in the game of life, their every move being scripted by a higher power including Maggie's pregnancy? Cuz that's what I'm getting out of this discussion. And to that I just have to say: If you feel you're being manipulated by them personally in some odd way perhaps now is the to step back and question your reasons for following them so closely, too closely.

  66. Actually the point of the post with photoshop was point out that it was photoshopped and that Jake was actually not there but was in LA at the end of week. And it also did give Maggie some cover too. But the main point of the post was that it was around that time of Jake and Austin's latest child. But of course you will ignore that point and divert attention to something else. What else is new.

    And yes people can have differing opinions. I know not everyone agrees with me or with each other.

    But that does not mean that trolls coming in and stomping all over this place will be tolerated either.

  67. Prairie Girl you should calm down

    Do you really think I'm going to listen to you? Seriously?

    See, this was exactly my point. Why is it okay to speak down to those who were questioning and discussing, trying to shut down the conversation and speak as if people were pulling thoughts out of the sky but I can't talk back? How does that make me the bad person here? That's bull crap. My comment was not directed towards you, was it? Yet here came the troll (s) overnight when they knew people were asleep. How predictable.

    And step back? You would love that, wouldn't you? That's what all of the condemnation directed towards those who are questioning is intended to do, isn't it? To stop the talk. To stop the questions and speculation. Because you don't like it. Two words: too bad.

    And to the one saying no one was answering Destiny's question, M&M gave a possible reason, I gave my idea why and so did Special. If you would take time to read.

    Anything beyond that is of a personal nature and won't be brought to the blog. Not everything is always laid out here on the table.

  68. "And to that I just have to say: If you feel you're being manipulated by them personally in some odd way perhaps now is the to step back and question your reasons for following them so closely, too closely."

    This one is so hilarious it needs to be brought up as Exhibit A once again considering who it most likely is from. Someone who thinks they are the ultimate source of reason and tries to take over blogs and threads as though they are guarding over the DC Forum or Gyllenbabble.

    This isn't your blog, it's not your territory.

  69. I just think Maggie doesn't want the paps to know when she is due. She was furious about the things that happened when Ramona was born. Seems simple to me.

  70. The trolls wanted everyone to ignore that Jake wasn't in New York this whole week, and everybody did.

  71. Brooke Johnson ‏ @bjjourney

    Just ate dinner 5 feet from Jake Gyllenhaal. #NewYork #NoBig #HOTT
    11:02 PM - 16 Mar 12 via Twitter for iPhone

    Charlotte Couzens ‏ @CharCouz

    jake gyllenhaal is here
    4 h ago
    Actress/model NY

  72. Put real times on tweets. Not just 4 hours.

  73. Too much idler for a simple calculation?March 17, 2012 at 8:40 AM

    Jake gyllenhaal is here
    3:25 AM

    Not family man at all uh?

  74. Charlotte Couzens wannabe actress trying to get noticed.

  75. Which better way then hanging in cool clubs trying to approach hot celebrities?

  76. Ah, the flood of NY tweets. So very predictable. PR is earning their keep now.

    ^^ are you Serious???
    There have been many comments that where NOT directed towards YOU and if you did not agree with it, Somehow you always have a NEED to attack the commenter, and with attitude, as if you're the big bad sister who will kick ass if they don't follow your script (way of thinking). You do this all the time. Then at times when the same thing happens, you tell commeters to calm down as if you're some therapist.

    And Yes, Sometimes Stepping back can get ones perspective of their "MOTIVES" in order and see things as they are, not as one wants them. It also helps with insight of whether the subject is "really important" or not, and sometimes it's NOT.

    I'll say it again, everyone is not a troll simply because they don't see things the way you see them Ms Prairie Girl.

    One last thing, the attitude that you thought was in Destiny's comment last night, are YOU serious about that too?
    You give attitude all the time.

    I guess only you can give attitude any others you will rush to put them back in thier place if the step out of line.

  77. Don't agree with youMarch 17, 2012 at 10:46 AM

    My comment was not directed towards you, was it?

    Are you serious? How many times have you commented, and with Anger and attitude towards a commenter who did not make a comment towards you? You do this all the time.

    You often rush to chastise a commenter as if you're the big bad sister who will kick ass if someone steps out of line and don't agree with you.

    And yes, stepping back taking a true assestment of one's motives does give a better perscpective of things and questions whether it's worth it or important and Why if it is important to you.

  78. not the blue haired girlMarch 17, 2012 at 10:52 AM

    Lea in Paris Thurs and no blue hair.

  79. First of all, that was not me who made that comment, Don.

    I am finished with discussion over last night; if you wish to dissect it, repeat it, repost it and roast me over a campfire, take it back to WFT2 where trashing PG and OMG occurs 24/7. You'll get no further rise out of me here.

    It's time to get OMG back to discussing Jake & Austin. This is Special K's blog and yes, Special, I absolutely totally apologize to you for my anger last night. I'm sincerely sorry.

    You, like all the rest of us, work all day and don't need to come home for R & R on your personal blog and have to monitor it, moderate it, and look at all the anger, hatred and venom.

    We are all guests here on your personal blog and I take responsibility for my visible lapse last night.

    That's all I have to say about it.

  80. I don't remember stories of Maggie being furious during her first pregnancy. She was out and about, was open about her due date, there were stories about Peter and her getting engaged, she was interviewed on talks shows and chatted freely about the joys of motherhood. The only "furious" story I ever heard was when her father leaked the name of her child. So this pregnancy is being handled completely differently. This time there is much more secrecy, due dates that don't jive, the Yom Kippur photoshopped publicity stunt, and now Jake hanging out for weeks/months waiting for her to give birth.


    The Girl in NY W/ jake was lea Seydox, no doubt.

  82. Seriously, why does it matter when her child is due. Why in the heck would they play games with the dates. I would like to hear just one reason why they would do this.

    Again, magazines makes things up. A "friend" is often just code for "we're making this up or guessing".

    But, they do appear to be playing with dates, aren't they? The original story that went out of the Thanksgiving reveal was a PR release because of the timing. In other words, it was an official statement that was meant to circulate after the holidays. So, yes, Maggie and Peter wanted the story out there that she was six months pregnant. Now, we get stories that she may be pregnant another two months. That is all kinds of strange. Because her first pregancy was a straightforward announcement.

  83. So no-one knows when the baby is due. We all agree. Let's all be friends now!!

  84. That site can be used to upload any photo by anyone. That picture has already be posted on Iheartjake and is labeled Jake with a friend, not Lea Seydoux. Apparently, she didn't even know who the blue-haired woman is. But, this poster does? Sure that makes sense. And who cares anyway. Jake is a closeted mess who is wasting his life playing games with fans. I hardly recognize him any more.

  85. Tweeters can post 100s of pictures of Jake with a woman. That does not change the fact that he is gay and with Austin. He is free to wander the streets with occasional females.
