Saturday, March 17, 2012

Green seen

Sure that guys have celebrated St. Patrick's Day many times.
Toasting. Driving Snakes. Getting kissed.

And with the way Jake can babble, he's kissed some kind of improvised Blarney Stone a few times.

They've gone Global Green.

Jake's worn enough green pants to outfit an army.They've talked about greens, going green and had those yummy(?) green drinks.

But this year?

How about a little East Coast West Coast

Muppets and
and libationsNamed after bourbon, you can handle the Irish whiskey part big guy

Although it's probably morethese days

Lá Fhéile Pádraig Sona Daoibh!
May the luck of the Irish be always at hand
And good friends
always near you
May each every coming day
Bring some special
joy to cheer you!


  1. I'm sorry but who needs trolls when we have you on here constantly arguing and questioning every little thing that is said by OMGers? Whether you realize it or not, this constant arguing is becoming a troll magnet for this blog.


    Let's see, since last Saturday there have been by my count 261 comments. Only 21 of them were mine. I talked about Sanchez, Tatum, the BBM video, OTH, Austin, and oh yeah, two, count them two about Maggie and her pregnancy.

    I said nothing during all the arguments people have been making about Jake and Austin all week long, other than that. And yes, what you are largely saying consists of your argument.

    I said nothing about the argument that the seagulls in The Shoes video was a shout-out to Austin.

    I said nothing about the argument that the purple shirt was a signal about BT.

    I said nothing about all the arguments that the dozens of tweets about Jake being in NYC are made up.

    I could have, but I didn't.

    But I make two comments about the pregnancy arguments, and suddenly I'm a troll. I didn't attack anyone personally, and I didn't tell anyone to move on or stop talking about it. All I did was express my opinion.

    By the way, there were already about 30 comments posted before I said anything, some of which also raised similar questions as I did, and none of which were trollish--they were polite expressions of a different opinion.

    Finally, some here have been hinting or saying that Maggie's pregnancy was being used somehow as a cover for Jake's being in NY and/or that he is really in LA but making look like he is here because of Maggie being pregnant. So my comment about this being turned into something about Jake was not wrong.

  2. Bari Claster ‏ @BariClaster
    Thanks @soulcycle for letting Jake Gyllenhaal co teach that ridiculous class. #topofthemornintoya
    18m ago

  3. Happy St. Patrick's Day!

    I think here in Boston it started last night and won't be over until after the parade tomorrow.

  4. Asia Ashford ‏ @AsiaAshford
    Highlight of last night: Being in close proximity to Jake Gyllenhaal

  5. You know I am going to say it this time and join in with the other who have said something.

    Please put dates and times on tweets.

    It is just a courtesy and if you look in past comments on OMG you will see other people do this. It is not hard to do.

    Please make the conscious effort to put the times and dates on this, so it keeps things clear for discussion.

  6. Asia Ashford ‏ @AsiaAshford
    Highlight of last night: Being in close proximity to Jake Gyllenhaal

    2h ago 17 Mar 12 via web

  7. Happy St. Paddy's Day everyone!

    "May the Wind at your back always be your own."


  8. brian ‏ @nairbgnilrebog

    removing every shirtless picture of jake gyllenhaal around the house in preparation for my mother's arriVAL
    3:42 PM - 17 Mar 12 via txt · Details

  9. I have to agree with Destiny about the Maggie dates theorising, I don't think there's necessarily anything sinister behind it. Still the point of OMG is free speculation without ad hominem attacks if at all possible.

    Happy St Patrick's Day to all at OMG. Not too sure about that green bagel ...

  10. I'll just chime in and say that Maggie is being really secretive this time about her due date. She wasn't when she had Ramona. Now, she is. The other part that needles me is that October 8 photoshop pimping of the Mama, Jake, and Peter and Maggie. That was weird. I don't think anyone can deny that. Maggie was not with child then. She was as skinny as a rail. So I'll go out on a limb and say something's up. Since so much of the lying over these past several years has revolved around Jake, I don't think it's absurd either to suggest this ambiguity might have something to do with him.

    There also may be problems with Maggie and Peters marriage. Those two blind items sure sounded like them. Isn't this a blog that talks about celebrity gossip? So I don't think the speculation was odd at all. Experience has taught me that where there's smoke there's fire when it comes to this family. Somebody else I might not be so suspicious.

  11. Maggie was not with child then. She was as skinny as a rail.

    1) Actually she was't. Her legs were heavier than they are when she's not pregnant. 2) Unless you had fortune of witnessing her naked belly that day I don't think you can definitively say she wasn't pregnant.

    There also may be problems with Maggie and Peters marriage.

    How so? It's been already posted they were out together Thursday night at the theatre (pics of them all there around the internet).

  12. Hey London Green bagels aren't that bad.. it's the green tinted milk that is tough to swallow.

    There is a bagel chain here in Boston that sells about 100,000 of them during the month before St. Patrick's Day.

  13. If Maggie was pregnant she wasn't showing at all. Which means she could not have blown up like she did two weeks later in that Rome pic. That is a given. The fact she was also being hidden by Jake and Peter earlier in the day so no one could see her also tells me the Yom Kippur photo was from another time.

    Who cares if they would seen out in public last night or tonight? Now, you're contradicting yourself. Unless you have access to their private conversations you have no idea. I'm just pointing out that those two blind items sounded like them. This is a site to discuss gossip. Plus, Peter and Maggie have not been seen that much for quite some time. Doesn't mean there are problems, I'm just suggesting that there could be. I have to laugh at how naive you seem to be. Pics appear and you believe all is well. Ah, if only life were so simple, stars would never need a public relations team.

  14. Jonnie McMaster ‏ @jonnielynne


    My aunt is having lunch with Jake Gyllenhaal. Excuse me while I die.

    3:52 PM - 17 Mar 12 via web ·

  15. absence makes the heart grow fonderMarch 17, 2012 at 6:20 PM

    Just one point. How come Peter and Maggie are suddenly seen out this week after hardly much of anything for about, I count about nine months? I noticed at several sites, people mentioned that they hadn't seen Peter around very much and all of a sudden they go out together. We'll have to see what happens. But, wouldn't it be nice if maybe our discussion will force them to stay together noq, because heaven forbid bloggers might have found them out. LOL!

  16. absence makes the heart grow fonderMarch 17, 2012 at 6:23 PM

    ^ stay together now

  17. Happy st pats day to all. Been raining here all day. Days actually so I am just vegging out. Man you have to watch the iPad closely. It corrected vegging to begging but I caught it in time. Not much else to add today.

  18. Imhotep‏@Kach_ache

    It's amazing how jake gyllenhaal's phone has gone from left to right hand and back three times in 5 seconds.
    8:31 PM - 17 Mar 12via Gravity! · Details

  19. Joey Nemati ‏ @joeynemati

    Had dinner next to Jake Gyllenhaal tonight at The Smile restaurant. #princeofpersia times 2 @thesmilenyc
    2:55 AM - 18 Mar 12 via web · Details

  20. I don't post here much, but I lurke sometimes. I would post more. Here's why I don't.

    I know this is "your blog" and anyone who isn't one of the six regulars is basically considered a troll, and that's a shame. The recent attack on Destiny by PG and subsequent silence by other posters (not defending Destiny) is a shame, IMO.

    This blog is a gem. SK's posts are incredible and witty and insightful, and the "detective work" here is impressive. Personally, I don't think Toothy wants to come out and I don't think he needs my support to do so, but I love this blog anyway, and hope to be proven wrong someday.

    Waiting For Toothy 2 has all but disappeared to the trolls. It's impossible to have any meaningful dialogue about Jake and his gay there anymore. That era is over. Jackie should just shut it down, IMO. It's become worthless. The two main troll sources are anti-OMG and JIS. Again, worthless. Over.

    I think this is why OMG has had an influx of non-regulars lately who are not trolling exactly, but rather looking for a spot to chat.

    OMG could be more welcoming of differing opinions and continue to be a dynamic, interesting blog. Or it could shut those diverse opinions out and label them as trolls, and basically belong to six people.

    What ya gonna do?

  21. Thanks for the support Crossroads, it really means a lot to me that you spoke up.

  22. When OMG started it was all about a place where people could come and discuss Jake and Austin, a community for them. Over the years there have been ebbs and flows to Jake and Austin and this blog.

    Many have told me time and again they don't agree with me, and make comments directly or subtly about me and what I have said, it comes with the territory of a having a blog.

    But I go back to why this blog is here, it was about people talking about Jake and Austin. You might not agree with others but making personal not what should this be about.

    Sometimes I stand back and wait it out,is not that I don't want to get involved or that it is picking some conceived side or the other, it's so that people have the time and space on their own. And yesterday we saw that how that was happening. A community.

    We are not all going to agree on everything, but this is a space about Jake and Austin, there are so many other place that people can critique and tear up about Jake and Austin, but only space about them being together.

    That is here.

    That's what OMG is started to out to be, that what it still continues to be today.

    There are many other places for people to go to talk about Jake or about Austin, but together it is only here. This is what makes OMG special.

    Everyone is welcome, and I have always said that we need to respect each other even if you don't agree with them, respect that they have the right to express it.

    I would hate to see differences of opinions turn into something more and take away from this community that all of us have contributed to making.

    I think whatever your feelings, if you come to OMG, for Jake and Austin or for the community of OMG,we need to be resolved that we all need to participate in keeping this the unique place it is, and keep those trolls (and it is obvious in their maliciousness)who want to destroy OMG out.

  23. Special, I am at my mom.'s and bless her heart she doesn't have internet. Can you do me the favor of taking down my comment please? Thanks.

  24. All I can say is it sure is funny that the JiS blogs never get attacked. Something's up here and if I were all of you, I would watch very carefully for a wolf in sheep's clothing.

  25. This matter will be dealt with privately and not for public view. This is what people like Crossroads would like. They would like to see OMG break up. Well its not going to happen. This will be resolved between the adults and friends that we have been and will continue to be.

    It's hard doing this all on my phone and tiresome so I will end it here.

    Good Pete, you would think we had a world war or something.

  26. Took down your comment PG per your request.

  27. Oh no!!!! You can't see Zac's splendid racecar suit. What a travesty.

  28. Tempers are high since Berlin. We expected change. Hasn't been looking good lately though. I sure get frustrated sometime. The group of us here who have stuck it out even though we disagree on things have always been together. We have traveled long distances to get to know each other and have stayed at each others homes. So what we agrue and tempers flare. Every family does. This is a unique blog. We all have strong opinions. None of us know the whole truth about Jake and Austins lives. We sure know they are hiding things. They work in a industry where you are blackballed if you tell the truth and probably mostly by a bunch of rich queens. We wll survive and keep watching. People have told me to be patient but of course i have a hard time. Truth is I have no choice. I guess I wll just stay tuned.

  29. The reason why WFT2 went down in flames is because no one stood up to stop it. When Destiny, Tom, PG or a few others tried to speak up, few came to their defense. All that remained were trolls everywhere, from babblers to Jake is gay, but unattached, with no kids and no sex life, lazy, and perhaps bisexual. If someone wants to start their own blog go ahead and do so. But, this blog was always a small celebration of Jake and Austin together. Some think they have one child, some two, some more. And, it certainly is not crazy to speculate that the Gyllenhaals (yes, including precious Maggie) are liars by this point in time. Austin is a liar too. So is Adam Levine, Anne Hathaway, Reese Withersoon, etc.

    I find it odd that suddenly, out of nowhere, someone is coming to a regular poster's defense because they sure didn't do it over on WFT2.

  30. There you go againMarch 18, 2012 at 4:37 PM

    Why is Crossroads being attacked NOW? They didn't post anything outrageous. Just a differing opinion (that sounds familiar).

  31. So what we agrue and tempers flare. Every family does. This is a unique blog. We all have strong opinions. None of us know the whole truth about Jake and Austins lives. We sure know they are hiding things. They work in a industry where you are blackballed if you tell the truth and probably mostly by a bunch of rich queens

    Well, said Tom.

    And, I think sage advice has just given exactly that. Some interesting points.

  32. I didn't mention any names. You did. Let's just say I've been around the block and back on various blogs over the years. Creating warring factions is a common technique used to destroy a community. Personally, I've never found the regular posters here shy or in need of support from others. Agreeing with someone's speculation is one thing but when a stranger shows up starting to "side" with someone else personally, I have to wonder why. You could have made your point without attacking PrarieGirl and praising Destiny in the first paragraph as if somehow Destiny had been unfairly victimized. Let those two work it out between themselves. They seem friends to me so mediation is hardly needed from an anonymous arbiter.

  33. Well when OMGers argue or disagree even on the blog everyone will see that things will work out. This isn't WFT or WFT2. That must really piss people off. Gotta love it:-)

  34. I can't believe someone is attacking Crossroads for doing the right thing. And how do you know they never stuck up for anyone over at WFT2? There was a time when a few people over there stood up for people like me when I'd post over there. How do you know they just didn't stop bothering posting over there, like I have?

    And I know you're probably just trying to stay out of the fray Special, but what happens when people who love this site and have posted here from the beginning feel differently about what is going on with Jake and Austin? And when it's someone who considers a lot of the people here friends? Your statement about the purpose of this site doesn't seem to leave room for those people.

  35. By the way, did anyone notice how someone posted a tweet last night then took it down this morning about Jake being in the East Village. Then they wrote that it was like 2006 all over again. Jake and Austin were known to hang out at various gay establishments/bars in the East Village back then.

  36. IMO, managing a blog community (people) requires an unique skillset. Special K has excellent literary and analytical skills but that doesnot make her an excellent "community" manager by default.

  37. And why should your comment Sage Advice be given any more weight than Crossroads--after all we have no idea who you are either.

  38. And why should your comment Sage Advice be given any more weight than Crossroads--after all we have no idea who you are either.

    Because unlike Crossroads I am not trying to pit one poster against another. Notice what you just wrote in your first sentence. Crossroads is doing the right thing. That then means what everyone else is wrong by implication.

  39. ^that means that everyone else is wrong by implication.

  40. A great skill set like Jackie over at WFT2? Seems like Special has been doing a pretty damn good job for four years. Did she suddenly get amnesia?

  41. You are pitting posters against each other, you attacked Crossroads for coming to my defense.

  42. And, who pray tell, IMHO would you point to as a great Blog Administrator. UV perhaps?

  43. Did not attack Crossroads personally just stated a warning that I've seen this technique before. The poster showed up and attacked another regular poster by name to praise you for something that happened two days ago. I would think that would make you feel uncomfortable. Surely, you can defend yourelf.

  44. And I know you're probably just trying to stay out of the fray Special, but what happens when people who love this site and have posted here from the beginning feel differently about what is going on with Jake and Austin? And when it's someone who considers a lot of the people here friends? Your statement about the purpose of this site doesn't seem to leave room for those people.

    There are many times that things are said on OMG I disagree with, but they still can be posted here on OMG.

    It is when trolls come with an agenda to divide and conquer OMG that is when it will not be tolerated.

    You and I may disagree over the years but you have always had the place to voice your opinion and it will always stay that way.

    I think sometimes that when sparks fly between people I would rather see them come together on their own first.

    And Tom you have put it well.

    So what we agrue and tempers flare.Every family does. This is a unique blog. We all have strong opinions. None of us know the whole truth about Jake and Austins lives.

    Yes we are a big family, and we will squabble and have our dust ups,but we have each other.

  45. Maybe attack is the wrong word, what you really said is mind your own business, which is just another way of saying Crossroads shouldn't have expressed their opinion.

    And no, I don't "need" defending, I'm a pretty strong person who can speak for myself. But when someone you think of as a friend calls you a troll, and everyone else here seemed to be just fine with that, it's nice to get the support.
