Tuesday, March 27, 2012

In Vesting

While tweets had place Jake in LA on Sunday, including brunch with Ray Donovan star Liev, yesterday it was confirmed that Jake was back in LA by snaps.
Paps snapped Jake after lunch at an old fav of Jake's Urth cafe and heading back to the big black family truckster.Back on the West Coast he is mixing up his look (even for a day) by ditching the khakis for dark washed jeans and throwing on a Carhartt vest on top.
Bringing a little ranch ( via Bass Pro)to Rodeo? Or just a peek at what you wear with outdoorsy ranchers?

Gas prices too high? Go Two Wheeling. Happy Two Wheel Tuesday.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think that person who was trying to separate himself from Jake in those photos posted on the Just Jared site yesterday, is someone who is very familiar with the pap game. Because the guy looks like David Modigliani to me.

    Jake uses friends for all occasions (male and female) and we know that David is one of his go-to guys for attending gay-related ceremonies (e.g. BAFTAs in 2006). So if Jake is going to attend the Advocate Awards event, I bet he plans to "officially" take David as his "date" in case there are any photos/video from the occasion that might leak out. Wouldn't want to have another Berlinale on his hands.

  3. and we know that David is one of his go-to guys for attending gay-related ceremonies (e.g. BAFTAs in 2006).

    What are some of the other gay-related caremonies David M. has attended with Jake?

  4. I said he was one of his go-to guys. Not the only one.

  5. goose pushed to the backgroundMarch 27, 2012 at 2:59 PM

    Yeah, Jake made a point of taking different guy friends and female staff to his Brokeback Mountain stuff back in 2006. There was no doubt he was hot and heavy with Austin back then, but you never saw him attend one show/event/ceremony.

  6. That does look like David M. Wasn't he just at the SXSW last week in Austin, TX? Just speculation, but there was a tweet that placed Jake there on Congress Street early on. I don't know, maybe March 10th or so. He and Austin could very well have been visiting the family and I can see him bringing David to the Advocate thingie that supposedly is recognizing heroes. Jake certainly won't bring Austin. Too gay!

  7. Jake was not in TX that day because it is the same day of the photos with Lea, but Tobey.M with Leo Dicaprio were in Tx so..

  8. You never can be sure with Jake. I've always found the blue-haired photos very stange. What were there, maybe 100 of them. LOL! Even on Iheartjake they said it was Jake with a "friend". Who knows when they were taken. Destiny said there was no way you could get such unpopulated pics at that time of day in Soho. Again, no tweets or anything. That was a PR distributed/timed release to place Jake in NY. Can't prove it, but that's how Jake works these days. Notice we didn't see him fly in to LA either.

  9. We have had at least 7 different tweets, that that Sundays signalled Jake in NY, two that signalled himt with a woman w blue hair.

  10. That is totally David Modigliani

  11. We have had at least 7 different tweets, that that Sundays signalled Jake in NY, two that signalled himt with a woman w blue hair.

    I know this may seem radical, but here's an equation that will make Twitter worshippers' head spin.

    # of tweets ≠ reality

  12. More the testimonies are numerous most believable it is the fact, not just for me, also in the courts they think in this way :)

  13. More the testimonies are numerous most believable it is the fact, not just for me, also in the courts they think in this way :)

    Not if there is an organized effort to lie about where Jake is. And, actually you are incorrect about the law. The substance and veracity of testimony far outweighs how many perpetuate a lie. Twitter has become nothing more than a publicist's low cost wet dream. I work at a marketing firm and I can tell you right now we use it every day to manipulate the public or fudge the numbers and, yes, lie if we have to. It's all about profit. We count on black and white thinkers like you to make the assumption you just did. No smiley face needed. Just the cold hard truth.

  14. Everything is possible, but as it happens in the courts, you have to analyze the quality of the witnesses, in this case they were the most disparate and distant among them, among which a Brazilian boy for few days in NY, a Chinese girl, that still goes to school and a girl from NJ, also with the whole good wish it is difficult if not impossible to coordinate all these so different and distant people among them.

  15. Oh, there are plenty of techniques, including dummy twitter accounts, but the main point is that Jake has been lying for years and years. His credibility is worthless. So is his PR teams. And, they have a vested interested in continuing to lie to the public. LOL! No courtroom would give Jakey's testimony the time of day. He would incriminate himself after the first question which would ask him to swear to tell the truth, and the whole truth. Hey, continue to believe tweets. That's your prerogative. Jake's people love you for it.

  16. Well, I try to have a free mind when I look at the things, and I don't generally believe in anything without first to analyze it, but you speak of Jake as if is a dangerous terrorist that has to hide his traces not to be killed, while he is simply an actor, the point is that Twitter and also Facebooks are the most democratic tools and w a not controllable power, and as I believe in the tweet of the girl of Los Angeles that has served pop-corn and coke to Jake I also believe in the girl from NJ that has seen him walk for Soho.JMO

  17. Ah, relying on hyperbole to make your point. I was wondering when that was going to happen.

    Jake is not a terrorist. Nor, would anyone in their right mind think that I even implied that in any of my points. But, he is a liar.

    And, Twitter and Facebook are democratic tools? Ha! That's a new twist on media that is so easy to manipulate and exploit. That's a good one. I'll have to use it during my next presentation.

  18. # of tweets ≠ reality

    I like this equation. Great for a bumper sticker in Hollywood. I think they would get that inside joke better than anyone.

  19. Perhaps Jake is a liar, but he is not the cia, you give to Jakes, and to his PR too credit and power, a thing is to pay a site of gossip to embellish or to change the reality, a completely different thing is to recruit the whole NY to make to believe that an actor (and I say an actor, not the President) it was in the city while in reality it was not there. I find this frankly unattainable.

  20. No one needs to recruit all of NY to do anything. I agree with Simple Math. Twitter is easy to manipulate much more so than Facebook and I'm sure publicists do it all the time. That blue-haired woman nonsense only had to be spiced up with less than five tweets and voila, people assume Jake was in NY. It's easy to do.

  21. initially we have had the tweets then the photos, and the tweets exactly signalled where Jake and Lea were, to the Colombe Torrefaction, if they were false they would be due to be vague, while to point out a specific place seems me naïve and self-defeating, whoever could go to that cafes and to ask if Jake G were really there that day.Not a great job I would say.

  22. How about Jake leaving for Texas after he was seen at Colombe T knowing the fake photos would be planted later in the day. I remember that Yom Kippur monstrosity. A pic was planted of Jake jogging in Central Park then the staged photo hiding Maggie behind Peter and Jake and then the happy family out in NY going to services. There's a 1,000 ways to manipulate his whereabouts. They've used everyone of them since 2007.

  23. Blue is the New BlackMarch 27, 2012 at 8:15 PM

    What I would like to know is why does everyone think the blue-haired woman is Lea Seydoux? Because she's supposed to be in a movie with that title that hasn't even started filming yet? Why would she be wearing a blue wig, when the film isn't even in production?

    Someone(s) wants to plant the idea that Jake was with her that day. They knew no one would recognize her or care, for that matter, so they did that lame blue hair touch. Jake has no use for Seydoux except to fool the public about his sexuality. End of story.

  24. As I have already said everything it is possible, however, the tweet of the guy that says to have seen Jake in TX and those that signal himt with Lea, at the CT, are almost contemporary, with a distance of about 20 minutes the one from the others, therefore I would say that it is no probable, also because it was afternoon not morning.

  25. I wish Jake's fans would wake up and smell the coffee.

    This guy is trying to pull the wool over everybody's eyes. I know people don't want to believe it of him. They want those once-doe eyes to still reflect that 22 year old kid but the truth is the closet is destroying that guy.

    Everything he & Austin do now is pre-calculated, full of smokescreens, fabricated tweets, date-playing and photo ops.

    He doesn't make sense anymore and fans see it but they just want to ignore all of the head scratching, puzzling things about him that aren't adding up anymore. They keep waiting and waiting for the old Jake to reappear and reappear for good, not just for some brief, glimmering mirage that appeared at the opening of the Berlinale only to disappear before the stinkin' festival had even wrapped up.

  26. Hiblue is the new Black, you are wrong , the film has been being in workmanship for the first days of March, and Lea doesn't wear a wig, if you go to see the photos of the Premiere of the film with D Kruger, you will see that she still has the blue reflexes.

  27. Twitter Marketing Services cont.

    Some companies out there charge you for 'invites', meaning that if you pay for 1,000 followers, it means you're paying for them to simply send out follow-invites to your account. In most cases this means you'll end up with only a small fraction of the followers you actually paid for being delivered to your page.

    This is definitely not the case when you buy Twitter followers with us!

    When you buy followers on Twitter with uSocial.net, you're guaranteed to get the number of targeted, high-quality followers actually delivered to your page. Hey, in most cases we actually over-deliver by about 10% to make certain we make up for the small majority of Twitter followers that may not have been targeted correctly.

    We know you want quality results and you want them fast. We couple all orders with our 'No Deliver, No Pay' guarantee, so you know that we'll deliver exactly what we say we will, or we'll provide you with a full refund. And when you buy Twitter followers with us, you're only going to be getting what you paid for delivered to your profile. Real, targeted followers and nothing less!

    Here's Why You Should Invest In Our
    Twitter Follower Services:

    * Targeted, 100% real followers.
    * Delivered to any Twitter account you choose.
    * We can target based on industry, country or both.
    * Once we deliver, followers are yours forever!
    * 'No Deliver, No Pay' guarantee.
    * Fast delivery. We created this industry, so we know it best.
    * Over-delivery: We usually deliver 10% above your order.
    * We deliver results. Guaranteed!
    * Buy targeted followers now!

    1,000 Twitter Followers
    For a minimal investment of only $57, we'll deliver 1,000 highly-targeted and real followers to any Twitter account of your choice. And if you don't have one, we'll even set one up for you! Place your order right now -- just $57!
    NOTE: Please ensure you email us upon plaing your order with details of your Twitter account so that we can begin delivery. Orders usually commence within 48 hours.

    And it goes on and on and on. They have a package that suits any financial pocketbook.

    Twitter Corruption

  28. ^^^^ Do you see that?!!!

    In short, when you buy followers with us, you're only going to end up with several thousand highly-targeted, real and interested people following you. Nothing more. Now that's the kind of Twitter marketing every business needs!

    So PR companies can not only use friends and buddies to post a false tweet, they are going out there and buying people who will tweet whatever they want them to tweet.

    This is how it is done. Is that not sad or what?

    Twitter, something that started out as a fun social medium. But as usual, get business involved and ill-intentioned celebrities and their PR representatives and they will corrupt it every doggone time.

  29. prairiegirl,
    I don't care to sell or to buy this thing Lea / Jake, also because for me it doesn't proof anything except that in one day of spring Jake walked for NY with someone that could be whoever for him, But if the point is to seek the truth, it needs to look indeed for it and not to close the eyes when it is not pleasant, however this is just my opinion and I doesn't want to quarrel or to bother anybody.

  30. me, are you the me who wrote one of my favorite all time stories or are you another me?

  31. No unfortunately I don't have the talent to write Fanfiction, but I read a lot of it and certain they are marvelous indeed and worthy of to be published:)

  32. Here's another excerpt expose on the business of buying Twitter followers from another article.

    An Experiment in Social Media Marketing: Buying Twitter Followers
    An Entrepreneur contributor gets his social media followers the old-fashioned way: He buys them.

    BY Jonathan Blum | June 1, 2011

    The vast majority of my new followers have only tweeted 5 to 10 times. They have limited followings--usually around 50, and some far less. These are not the active followers who drive real traffic or revenue. Goldberg says that's the reality of Twitter. Most users are not active and don't tweet much.

    And as far as those followers being interested in my Twitter feed?

    "We only can geotarget our follows. We are not able to optimize for age or topic or anything like that," Goldberg says. "We go out and find people who legitimately follow you. What you do with them is up to you."

    So far, I have not been able to turn this amorphous group of new Twitter followers into a real audience. Traffic at my blog is not up dramatically. So there is no firm way to measure the return on my investment just yet.

    Tell me it ain't so

    Anyway, these articles convinced me that there are fake accounts out there, fake tweets and people can be bought to put out a fake tweet.

  33. Ah okay, thanks me for answering. There used to be another "me" who used to post on here long ago and she wrote one of the most fantastic fanfiction stories I've read. **sigh**. I loved her Jack Twist. I think I fell in love with him, in fact. lol

    Good to see you here, appreciate your interesting input. Welcome!

  34. Thanks it is always nice to discuss and to compare opinions:), I believe to have read, almost all, the fanfictions on Jack and Ennis, however I have lost this of mine homonym, unfortunately a lot of beautiful histories are been cancelled and it are almost impossible to recover them:(

  35. Oh, I know. It's tragic, isn't it? LOL - you may have read mine and not know it. My latest is a WIP.

    You know, I have a couple of stories out there, me......


  36. And you may not want to know who I am! LOL!! Or worse yet, you may have read my stories but not liked them. LOLLLL!!!

    We better act like we never had this conversation. Best not to spoil things.

    : )

  37. oh no now I absolutely have to know who you are!!! :)give me at least a sign! one of mine prefer is that w Jack cop and Ennis Amish.
    Is it yours?:)

  38. Oh, I wish, me. Oh my gosh, you're talking about Disorderly Conduct? And In Plain Sight?

    Those 2 are two of my absolute, all time favorites!!

    No, my story is about the rich spoiled Jack Twist and the ranch hand. Fantasy Week???? Hobson??? Mrs. Poxley?????

  39. HA HA! This would be funny if you've not read my story. Or if you did and you didn't like it. lol.

    But if you did, email Special K at the Email OMG link on this home page and I'll connect with you without you having to give away your identity.

    Everybody here already knows who I am so I could care less. I think a lot of people in the LJ-dom and DC Forum community know who I am already too.

  40. Well, this is exciting. I love meeting people on here. It is a small world, isn't it?

  41. OMG! be one of mine prefer and you have a great talent, cannot believe it, your Ennis is JUST marvelous and when Jack has stolen Skyroket and is filled with thorns of cactus was just fantastic!!!!

    I love everything of that history and you you are so amusingend talented in the dialogues. do you have in project a sequel? I pray you tell me of yes!

  42. And in all the chapters I always find so many beautiful photos that make me dream, omg it is unbelievable that I have known you even if only by internet.

  43. Yes, I am planning a sequel. Jack will return to Wyoming to go to Wyoming U. and he & Ennis will go through a trial in their relationship.

    Thank you so much for reading. I won't go on anymore on the blog; sorry, everyone for the non-relevancy but this was just quite a coincidence.

  44. Ok thanks, I am happy to have talked to you indeed thanks, please not to let Jack to suffer too much I ll tell you again , your histories are very beautiful:)

  45. Yes, thank you. I enjoyed our conversation.

    Now, just be prepared though. Here on this blog, I am quite vocal, to say the least. You may not like me anymore, lol.

  46. PG, stop pimping your LJ stories and get back to Jake and Austin! LOL!

  47. Ok, prairiegirl , will discuss then and will reach the point, but your histories will be always marvelous and I cannot believe that the person that has written them is not as many marvelous, therefore even if at times we won't share the same opinion we will surely find a way to remain friends, at least I hope:)

  48. Oh, of course, of course!!! ((me)). I just kind of wanted to warn you that you will and may have already seen quite surprising things from my typing fingers. lol

    But you bet we are friends. I am so glad to meet you.

  49. I am happy to meet me with you too, indeed has been a beautiful surprise, today I was a few sad and instead a beautiful and unexpected thing has happened, you never know as the things they go to change:)

  50. How about Jake leaving for Texas after he was seen at Colombe T knowing the fake photos would be planted later in the day

    Very possible. Maybe he hooked up with Texas David while there and they then flew to LA together. But notice that apparently Jake doesn't want to be seen near the Lonestar State because why? Because Texas=Austin=AustinNichols=Baaaaaad.

    I bet a lot of people were expecting to see Jake perhaps make an appearance at the SXSW Film Festival. Didn't it make total sense? Here you had Mumford & Sons who were performing the last day of the filmfest and their Railroad Tour film was being shown which Jake most likely is featured in because he was on practically the whole dad gummed tour. Jake going to pass up a Mumford & Sons performance? In Texas?

    But no such mention. Texas was off limits. That tweet of Jake in Austin on S. Congress Street was not supposed to happen. And we were sure to see Jake back in NYC soon thereafter.

  51. When Twitter first started, it was probably trustworthy. But at this stage its become a total marketing tool. Very revealing article, PG. And when I see someone who believes so thooughly, I just assume they are young and very naive. Probably little exposure to the business world. Pretty hard to stay naive over the long haul though. Sooner or later deception is revealed and they will never look at things the same again.

    Glad to hear you plan to continue your story PG. The Brokeback fan fic is barely there these days. If 2 stories update, its a big day.

  52. Beautiful day at the ballgame in Clearwater. Now in Fort lauderdale. Headed south to meet up with Destiny and her partner tomorrow. Should be fun.

  53. I would not be real shocked if Jake didnt go Thrurday. Not at all. At this point I dont believe he has the courage to do the right thing any more. What an honor Advocate has bestowed upon him. I am sure he wished they had not. I will admit I am wrong if he goes and displays the class and courage I thought he once had.

  54. Our Hall of Fame
    Any celebration of the The Advocate's founding in 1967 must honor the heroes for LGBT rights that we've covered for 45 years. With one honoree named per year, this is the final installment before a celebration Thursday in Los Angeles.

    The gay romance told in Brokeback Mountain was so intimate it almost never got made. Agents pushed their actors away from the script. Common wisdom in Hollywood was homophobic and had always assumed roles like these could derail promising careers. That's why two up-and-coming young actors willing to play the roles of cowboys Ennis Del Mar and Jack Twist, who were locked in a secret affair in the Wyoming mountains, were repeatedly called "brave."

    The late Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal were both nominated for Academy Awards for their performances. The movie was a Best Picture nominee. All of them lost while Ang Lee won for Best Director and the screenplay and music took home Oscars.

    It's a testament to what they accomplished, though, that the next time a gay romance comes along with two buzzed about young actors in the lead roles, it's unlikely the actors will be commended for their courage.
    -Lucas Grindley

  55. Have a great time, Tom and Destiny!

  56. Baby do you know what you did today?

    Baby do you know what you took away?

    You took the blue out of the sky
    My whole life changed when you said goodbye
    And I keep cryin'...cryin'
    Oooh baby, oooh baby I wish I never saw the sunshine
    I wish I never saw the sunshine
    And if I never saw the sunshine baby
    Then maybe...I wouldn't mind the rain
    Every day is just like the day before
    All alone, a million miles from shore
    All of my dreams, I dream with you
    Now they will die and never come true
    And I keep cryin'...cryin'
    Oooh baby, oooh baby I wish I never saw the sunshine
    I wish I never saw the sunshine
    And if I never saw the sunshine baby
    Then maybe...I wouldn't mind the rain
    This pain...
    And I know there would not be
    This cloud that's over me...everywhere I go
    Oooh baby, oooh baby I wish I never saw the sunshine
    I wish I never saw the sunshine
    And if I never saw the sunshine baby
    Then maybe...I wouldn't mind the rain
    This pain...I wouldn't mind the rain
    There wouldn't be this pain
    I wouldn't mind the rain
    wouldn't mind the rain

    I Wish I Never Saw the Sunshine by Beth Orton
    Songwriters: Jeff Barry, Ellie Greenwich, Philip Spector

  57. The full funny article about Jake not being over Reese. I like the product placement at the end mentioning her movie, it clearly shows it comes from Reese’s camp:

    national enquirer

  58. Jake shopping at Gelson's Supermarket


  59. "We need a Salvation Army bell ringer at Register 6! A Salvation Army Bell Ringer at Register 6, please."

  60. "And please bring your little red kettle."

  61. lol.

    Seems to me all that's missing is the artificial tears, Jake.

    Poor guy. Broken up over Ted calling him out on his lusty indiscretion. tsk, tsk.

    Too bad Austin isn't hounded by the paps. He is missing out on the chance of a lifetime to play the part of the spiritually downtrodden, always cheated upon, overly patient BF/spouse.

    Tip to Jake: The brand-name clothing kind of negates the Festus look. Might want to work on that next time.


  62. Who says Jake hasn't been working? While waiting for whatever his new shoot will be he's, making sure he gets papped shedding his old image. Where this is headed, it's hard to tell, but I've got my popcorn and am enoying the show!

    Repackaging Jake

  63. Too bad Austin isn't hounded by the paps. He is missing out on the chance of a lifetime to play the part of the spiritually downtrodden, always cheated upon, overly patient BF/spouse.

    Unfortunately, just as always, it's Jake who has to step to the forefront and take all the hits while Austin loafs in the background.

    Seems like Austin, Ted Casablanca and WME are taking a page out of Maggie's childhood antics.

    All they need is the bowl of milk.

    Right, fellas? Tell Jake how high to jump and he'll do it for you, is that how it works?

  64. Had to tell you that some company or other sent me email--I think--cognition problems here or so they tell me:)--or it could have been from a twitterer-- telling me how much and how many twitter followers I could buy, how I would benefit for adding these paid for twitter persons and how I could buy more as needed. Of course I laughed.
    I see mentioned some of my favorite Jack/Ennis LJ fics...Disorderly Conduct being one of my all time favs.
    I envy you guys meeting and making real friendships. 12 years ago, I lived in TX and made close personal friends with members of our Russell Crowe online group and though I moved home we still chat...via phone and FB...we still love each other. I have not had that experience again. You are so lucky. I tried to connect like that again and was turned down...oops.
    Hope we see Jake soon, I'm almost afraid to say more in case they both disappear forever :lol

  65. Tip to Jake: The brand-name clothing kind of negates the Festus look. Might want to work on that next time.

    Aw, don't be too hard on Jake. He's probably getting compensated by Gelson's, Bass Pro's Carhartt Arctic-Quilt Lined Duck Vest, and now the Breckenridge Pro Cycling folks. Hey, a man’s got to make a living.

  66. Jake Gyllenhaal: Convenience Stop!

    Jake Gyllenhaal steps out of a convenience store while making a stop at a local gas station on Tuesday (March 27) in Los Angeles.

    The 31-year-old actor later made his way to Gelson’s supermarket to pick up some groceries...

    Just Jared

  67. Hey Sass!! great to see you, I was worried.

    Disorderly Conduct was one of my all-time favorites. I read it time and time again.

  68. So it was around 66 degrees yesterday in Los Angeles and the JJ photos show how sunny it was, Jake wearing a T-shirt to reflect the comfortable conditions and then he goes to Gelson's and wears a heavy sweatshirt with the hoodie pulled up over his hat. That makes sense.

  69. If you want to connect, I'm available!! I'd love to talk to you especially since I know you're also a slash reader. I love to chat about that.

    If you want, you can email Special at that link on the HomePage that says "email OMG" and she'll hook us up together. If you don't want to, that's fine, too. I'm always up for a friendly email.


  70. Was this always on Jake’s IMDB page? I think it’s the first time I see it. It must have been added recently (see last sentence on ‘Trivia’):

    “Childhood friend of Austin Nichols.”


  71. ^^^ uh, that was for Sass. lol.

    OMG has just become a real social net, hasn't it? It's awesome.

  72. Common technique used when actors want to be followed and papped. Jake shows up at a high profile Mobile Gas Station on Sunset Blvd knowing someone will tip off the paps and then they follow him to the grocery store. He gets to play his homeless man routine because paps just won't leave him alone when he's in LA. Poor Jake. It's hard to be him.

  73. Childhood friend? Boy, that sandbox will start somethin' every time, won't it?


  74. So it was around 66 degrees yesterday in Los Angeles and the JJ photos show how sunny it was, Jake wearing a T-shirt to reflect the comfortable conditions and then he goes to Gelson's and wears a heavy sweatshirt with the hoodie pulled up over his hat. That makes sense.

    Indeed it is not a very logical behavior.

  75. “Childhood friend of Austin Nichols.”

    That lie coincides with the April 11, 2006 official statement from Jake's publicist that he and Austin had been friends since high school. Must have been pen pals then since Jake lived in LA and Austin resided in his namesake hometown in Texas.

    By the way, the link to the New York Daily News publication that published the deception back in 2006 now has a broken link. Scrubbing of the record is beginning to take place. Kind of bizarre when there are tons of articles out there, starting with publicity for the The Day After Tomorrow, which indicates that's when the two met.

  76. According to you Jake will go to this event of The Advocate? I don't know very well this magazine, however seems to me a great honor , correct me if I am wrong.

    PS Prairiegirl I don't succeed in connecting me with E-mail OMG to chat of Fanfiction, the pages it tells me that my mail is not correctly planned. What I have to do?

  77. I just realized the ceremony is tonight! Is it televised on LOGO and when EST? TY. I sent you an email and thank you for asking me:)


  78. I feel good today; I just may spam you unmercifully...Not. However, I do remember Jake, meeting Austin on TDAT and having another childhood friend, Chris a chef, whom he grew up with on Martha's Vineyard. One of my fav bloggers calls it his beard face pet. Perhaps he will get rid of it for the honor ceremony tonight. fingers xed.

  79. PS Prairiegirl I don't succeed in connecting me with E-mail OMG to chat of Fanfiction, the pages it tells me that my mail is not correctly planned. What I have to do?

    If you go up to the top of the Homepage, me, you'll see the long disclaimer towards the upper right. Then right below that, you will see a hyperlink that says "Email OMG". Click on that and it should open up an Outlook message page with the address already filled in. If you don't have Outlook, here is the address:


    That's the general mailbox, nothing secretive about it. But Special will take it from there.
