Monday, April 23, 2012

Country Cousins

Last night on Finding Your Roots,

we found a bit more about Jake's lineage and who he is related to, and think a few of them he wishes he wasn't.

Yes his family comes from a noble line that stretches back to Henry I (1068) and the crusades on his dad's side. But he is also related to Rev. John Lonthrop who came to Massachusetts to escape religious
persecution in England. The founder of the town of Barnstable, on Cape Cod, it is that connection that gives Jake his some of crazy (but distant) cousin connections.

How about Ulysses S. Grant?
Hey that beard looks familiar.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt?
Shirley Temple?or how about

George Bush? And George W?

Who knew that Austin's faux would say she wasn't related to them, when in fact the real deal of his life was.

And not sure how this would go over at with the Cuz.You used me as chew toy for your dog?


    Paid my respects to the man ---- Willie Nelson

    2 h ago

  2. It's becoming apparent the troll at 6:45pm is a refugee kicked out from other blogs because they insist on hanging around OMG, doing exactly what got them kicked out of previous perches - baiting, name calling, monopolizing comments and being basically undesirable.

    4/23/12 6:47 PM

    I heard today Wal-Mart got in trouble for doing something illegal in Mexico. C'mon!! Haven't we all done something illegal in Mexico??

    4/23/12 3:40 PM

    Paid my respects to the man ---- Willie Nelson

  5. I just put up the episode of Finding Your Roots for those for those who missed it.

  6. I watched the episode today. Interesting show. I got a kick out of seeing those family pictures of Naomi and Stephen when they were young and still in love.

  7. Re Destiny's comment, I Think Atticus might have died. I used go dog sit, and German Shepherds seem to live a short life compared to other breeds because they can be plagued with hip dysplasia. Seems the lifespan of the sheps I knew was 7-8 years. Atticus would be 8 or 9 by now, I'd think. Does anyone know what happened to Boo?

  8. Austin has been flooded with Birthday wishes since yesterday on Twitter and they're still going. These girls are making signs for him, pin boards, singing to him, videos.

    It is a wonderful, overwhelming display of unabashed love. His lady fans are quite, er...besotted.

    Austin, at some point today, hopefully will acknowledge all of those fans, thank them for their wishes. That is an honor. That is heartwarming to see and what a joy to have people from all over the world heap their adoration on you.

    Happy birthday, Austin. You old man, you!! LOL.

    I'll give a better greeting on Special's post.

  9. This is just one of the birthday tributes and really worth a look. Great unseen before pictures of Austin with fans. They love their Austin. I don't even have time to read them all yet but will later today.

    Really a wonderful display of fans' love. You'll see what I mean.
