Sunday, April 22, 2012

Out Spotlight

Today's Out Spotlight has gone green for Earth Day. She is an author, environmental activist and journalist and has campaigned for the government of the United Kingdom to take action to avoid man-made climate change. Today's Out Spotlight is Tamsin Omond.

Tamsin Omond was born November 19, 1984 the grand-daughter of Sir Thomas Lees, a baronet, the holder of a hereditary baronetcy awarded by the British Crown. A baronetcy is the only hereditary honor which is not a peerage. A baronet is styled "Sir" like a knight, but ranks above all knighthoods except for the Order of the Garter and, in Scotland, the Order of the Thistle.

Having completed her secondary education at Westminster School, she went to study at Trinity College, Cambridge for her undergraduate degree and went on to received Masters in Ecology and Social Justice from the Open University

When she left Trinity she had one ambition - to become the first female Archbishop of Canterbury. After reading a book about climate change she rethought her goal.

One morning she left her church office to go climb the roofs of Parliament to drop banners that read: No Third Runway (at Heathrow Airport). This was the beginning of a new chapter in Osmond's life - to build a radical environmental movement in the UK. Since then ago she has organized (and been arrested for) a number of high profile protests, founded a Suffragette inspired climate action group called Climate Rush and coordinated the recent Save England's Forests campaign.

The first protests she organized against the expansion of London Heathrow Airport got Osmond arrested and May 2008, she said that she would be prepared to be imprisoned for life for her cause. In October 2008, she breached the condition of the terms of her bail by organizing a 500 person "rush" on the Parliament of the United Kingdom. This led to her being re-arrested and threatened with imprisonment due to her breach of bail. Instead she was then bailed with a strengthening of her bail conditions to ban her from going within one kilometer of Parliament. The condition was lifted and she is now free to enter Parliament.

Omond claims that her activism has been inspired by the Suffragettes, who had campaigned using direct action for Women's suffrage in the United Kingdom at the beginning of the 20th Century. An indie documentary has been made about Omond's connection to the campaigning techniques of the women's suffrage movement.

In 2009, she published her first book : "Rush - The Making of a Climate Activist". Omond has written articles about Christianity, climate change and human rights. She has been published in the Church Times, The Ecologist, The Guardian, The Evening Standard and The Mail on Sunday.

In 2009, she was included in the Sunday Times list of "Top 30 Power Players Under-30" and also listed in the Independent on Sunday's 2009 "Pink List", a list of the 101 most influential gay men and women in Britain.

She was included the Daily Mail's list of people to watch in 2010 and again was placed on the Sunday Times's Top 30 Power Players Under-30.

Omond stood in the 2010 General election in the newly created Hampstead and Kilburn constituency and created a new independent party, The Commons. The Commons' goal is to engage young people in voting and promote sustainability in the local area. She received 123 votes about 0.2% of total votes cast.

In 2011, Omond was placed in 3rd place in the Daily Mail's 50 "most powerful posh people in Britain under 30".


  1. I knew you'd have an awesome post for the Earth Day Out Spotlight! Happy Earth Day OMG! :)

  2. It's Earth Day and what's on FX? The Day After Tomorrow. A little Jake and Austin for Earth Day.

    Now which is hotter, Global Warming or Jake and Austin in Montreal for that shoot?

  3. I'll have to watch TDAT - Jake and Austin better watch the ice caps don't suddenly increase melting! The play looks interesting for Jake.

  4. More Earth Day and Gyllenhaals.

    I think these are some of the Gyllenhaal cousins.

    A rare South American bird was spotted in the Chicago area by Ethan and Aaron Gyllenhaal.

    Rare Bird Spotted in North Lawndale

    South American Bird Found in Chicago

  5. OMG, I just heard this on the news and they said the bird was spotted by two teenagers - but they didn't say names! :)

  6. Interesting Spotlight, nice to read about someone young who still has many years of activism ahead of her.

    She's also very cute. ;-)

  7. Burke predicts openly Gay professional athlete to come out soon.

    For less than a year, Philadelphia Flyers scout Patrick Burke, son of Leafs GM Brian Burke and brother of the late Brendan Burke, has been working with professional hockey players on the You Can Play Project, founded in Brendan’s memory and tasked to ensure equality, respect and safety for all athletes, without regard to sexual orientation. Yet he’s already convinced the hockey world will have its first openly gay professional player in the very near future.

    “Within the next two years, I predict we’ll have an openly gay National Hockey League player,” Patrick Burke said. “That is my personal belief and numerous people, including people within the charity, disagree with me completely. It’s my opinion only, but I think I’m right.

    “I think our athletes have made it clear they support their teammates. I think management has made it clear through their support of You Can Play. I think fans have made it clear. I think the commissioner has made it clear. I think the league office has made it clear. Everyone knows now the NHL is on board. I believe players will take a little while and make sure we’re not going anywhere, that YCP and the Burke family are here to stay, and within the next couple years they’ll know that this is a league in which they can come out and still play.”

    This would be sooooooo sweet.

  8. For someone who strongly believes that Jake is a Gay man I can't understand why it is so important for me to think that Jake will ever be brave enough to come out. But I do believe it. I believe one day he will not be able to continue to lie about who he is. I would hope the people around him like his family and friends would encourage him and support him. Jake's family if they wanted the best for him would encourage him to be true to himself and not help him bury himself deep in the closet. I did see some things that had me very excited this year but his snub of showing any public pride in his Advocate honor has brought me back down to earth. I am excited about his Broadway annoucement. Every step that Jake takes removing himself away from the demands and most likely threats that studios put on actors to stay in the closet will be good for him.

    Zach Quinto made a brave move this year. I hope it will not hurt his career. It will take more than Zach Quinto to take the power out of the studios hands. It will take more brave guys to break the cycle of homophobia that has had its way in HW for many many years.

  9. She is cute, Destiny. I like the way she piles her hair on top of her head, it reminds me of some of the 80's hairstyles. She also sounds like quite the spitfire.

    When I was at my mom's today, I was doing the ol' uppppp...dowwnnnnnn on the remote control and stopped at PBS for a minute because there was Maggie G. It was that show about genealogy. In the small clip that I saw, there she was in that dark green wool coat walking along a sidewalk with the narrator and all I could think of was photoshop, photoshop. I didn't want to watch anymore.

    Hard to believe the weekend is over already. They just go too fast.

  10. I don't care if Jake is gay or if he will come out.It doesn't matter as long as he continues to do films and remains a good actor.
    And I am really excited too see his first Broadway play.

  11. I thought it was really interesting, Maggie and RDJ have quite dramatic family trees. There were some cute pics of a very young Jake, and Naomi spoke about the family.

  12. The acting is not important to me.

    My hope for Jake is to grow independent from all of the enablers and strive to show his children a different kind of integrity and value system than what he is exhibiting right now.

    I don't think his professional life is a priority any longer for him, I think that is plain to see by his behavior for the last couple of years. His personal life has taken precedence over everything.

  13. The acting is not important to me.

    If you really feel that way why bother taking the ticket of someone who'd really like to see Jake acting on stage in the fall?

  14. prairiegirl

    So you are not a Jake fan.You are just obsessed with his personal life...I am glad we are different.I love him as an actor and I am happy with that.I am excited too see his new film and new play.

  15. If you really feel that way why bother taking the ticket of someone who'd really like to see Jake acting on stage in the fall?

    Mike, Mike, Mike.

    #1 Who says I'm going to get a ticket? I may be shut out. I may not be able to work out the vacation time. I could get hit by a bus tomorrow and my ashes scattered by this Midwest wind.

    #2 To both you and too excited, read my sentence again. Here we go:

    The acting is not important to me.

    In any word of that sentence, do you see "I hate his acting." "I hate movies, particularly Jake's movies." "I have never seen any of Jake's movies."

    No, we don't see any of those words. We see how I said his acting career is not important to me. In other words, it's not life and death to me.

    Hell, I sat through Prince of Persia and commented on OMG that I loved it. Go back and look through the archives and you will see it.

    You are just obsessed with his personal life.

    Thank you for revealing who you really are to me. That sentence right there told 1000 truths.

  16. I am so glad this is a blog where you can have a difference of opinion. This is not a movie fansite to bow at Jake's feet. Or, to only discuss his career. Unlike other sites, this blog is about Jake the man and the actor. Doesn't make anyone obsessed or demented. The site has been around since 2007. Nothing's changed in that regard. Both aspects of Jake and Austin will continue to be discussed.

  17. Career? What career?April 22, 2012 at 11:37 PM

    Jake's career is not a priority in his life right now so it seems to me Prairie Girl is just agreeing with Jake. Hard to talk about his next movie when he hasn't produced anything since Source Code back in early April, 2011. He did not even bother to show up for the Mumford documentary in SXSW. Hard to talk about a career that doesn't exist.

  18. And I am sorry but it must be painfully obvious to some. Acting and all that goes with such an ambitious career, is no longer Jake's priority.

    If it was, we would see him working non-stop like Ryan Gosling, Ryan Reynolds, Channing Tatum, Zac Efron, and Jeremy Renner, to name a few. We would have seen him at the Oscars to network, to hang with fellow actors in the Biz, this past February. But he wasn't there. He hasn't filmed/worked in nearly a year.

    What's he been doing? Teaching Spin Cycle. Drinking coffee at Colombo. Riding the trains. Wandering around. Riding with Mumford & Sons on the big Train. Eating out. Brunching. Shopping for kale.

    The proof is in the pudding.

    If I didn't want to see his acting, I wouldn't have been on the blog the other day, commenting how I wanted to join the gang in going to NYC to see him in this play. I don't think I would spend $250+ on a plane ticket, cab fares, food, gosh who knows how much this play ticket is going to cost if I didn't want to see the play.

  19. I could care less about Austin.You can discuss hi gay life if you want and I don't care.

    Well, you're at the wrong site then. This is a blog about Jake and Austin.

  20. Well hello there, me.

    And then the conversation was over.

  21. Maybe you should look at the photos on the front page of OMG. I believe half of them have to do with Austin.

    And, if you go back and read discussions you will see that this blog is about both their personal lives and careers and the political and social questions involved with living a closeted lifestyle.

  22. Since when have you seen Jake is a prlific actor other than being a supporting actor his whole career ??


    It's the troll again. I believe it's that "me". And, I believe you're the one who keeps posting a bunch of stupid tweets.

  23. Yap.I am proud of not being Austin's fan.Isn't it diffrernt opinon??

    Is that you, Austin? LOL!

  24. other than being a other than being a supporting actor his whole career ??
    Supporting actor?

    October Sky,Donnie Darko,LAOD, Source Code,Jarhead,etc..
    And say that Jake was supporting actor in BBM it is as to say that Dicaprio was supporting actor in Titanic, both called Jack both they lived for love and they prematurely died, and without them no film at all.

  25. Not sure why Jake was supporting in BBM. Of course he was co lead. Maybe they figured it guaranteed both Heath and Jake Oscar noms.

  26. I think it is great that we all have different things that interest us when it comes to Jake. We should all respect each others interest. What we do all have in common is Jake. He gives us all something to talk about almost every day.

  27. I also agree that acting doesn't seem to be the most important factor in Jake's life. He works sparingly. I do feel he works harder at keeping himself and Austin in the closet. I hope that HW sreen acting becomes so unimportant to him in time that he will be able to come out eventually.

    Does anyone know how much Jake's new managing company is involved with other aspects of the entertainment business other than screen acting? It would interesting to know.

  28. I forgot to watch that show on people's roots.

    Tom, I'm sure they put Jake in the supporting actor category so he wouldn't be competing against Heath.

    While I think Jake is not getting offered as much work as other actors, it does seem like acting is not a priority or he'd be doing more networking at HW events.

  29. Simon Cowell wants the world to know once and for all that he is not gay.

    The "American Idol" and "X Factor" personality denounced the ever-persistent rumors about his sexuality in a new biography, but also specified that he'd have no shame if they were true, according to the British tabloid The Sun.

    As Cowell told author Tom Bower, "If I was gay, why wouldn't I admit it? It wouldn't harm me, and my mother wouldn't freak out."

    Loved this.

  30. Does anyone know how much Jake's new managing company is involved with other aspects of the entertainment business other than screen acting? It would interesting to know.

    Does he even have a new manager/managing company? New agency, new agent yes, but haven't heard anything about a manager since he canned 360.

  31. From never being spotted to 3 very detailed twitter sightings this particular weekend. Suspicious? I think the boys don’t want to have someone (looking at you Dana Delany ;D) spoiling their Europe trip again!

  32. Camille Sokolosky ‏ @csokolosky
    Guys.@AnnniePaige saw Austin Nichols (Julian Baker from One Tree Hill) at dinner last night!!!Someone try to find a cooler mom, I dare you.
    12 h ago

    Rachel Mae Skrovina ‏ @skervv
    @csokolosky WHAT! That's is awesome. Where?

    Camille Sokolosky ‏ @csokolosky

    at a restaurant in Austin!! That's where he's from! I'm so jealous.

  33. Austin TX sightingsApril 23, 2012 at 12:41 PM

    Traci Barrera ‏ @TraciBLynn
    Just saw @AUS10NICHOLS from my FAVORITE show One Tree Hill at the UT baseball game. Going to work even though I'm sick was totally worth it!
    21 Apr 12

    Russell FoltzSmith ‏ @un1crom
    @AUS10NICHOLS good talking to you today, man. See ya around town.
    22 Apr 12

  34. old pic but never posted. Jake looks frightened! ;)


  35. ‘Canine custody battles’ USWeekly

  36. I wonder what happened to Atti, he's certainly not in NY. I wonder if he gave him to his dad or someone else since he is rarely in LA any more.
