Wednesday, April 25, 2012

It's a Small World After All

Usually when OMG plays 6 degrees it's with Jake's connections, but this time, it's Austin's that connect to Jake.
And crazy enough it comes straight from the Crazy Tree.

Who knew that a friend and co-star would have a connect to Austin's blue-eyed boy... well more like his beards. And no not the one currently growing on Jake's chinny chinny chin.

....It seems like Mr. Hilton aka Chris Keller has on screen connections to 2 of Jake's go-to fauxs.
Tyler played a young Elvis in "Walk The Line" with Reese and was Taylor Swift's love interest in the video for her 2007 hit "Teardrops on My Guitar. (Source)

Wow, if he gets a cameo in a Kirsten project he will achieve the Full Gyllenfauxfectta!

Wonder if there's a prize for that?


  1. curious said...
    And, I do believe he has more than one kid because Ted has had occasion to answer direct questions about that and refuses to do so.

    I guess I don't remember that. What did Ted say?

    August 29, 2008

    Dear Ted:
    Ted, I love your wit, and the new retina-burning format is starting to grow on me. You said there's a Baby Tile — is there another one on the way? Is it Ben Affleck?

    Dear Baby Q:
    Such the good guess, babes, so right in so many brunet directions, alas, it's the wrong two-timing type.

    January 9, 2010
    "Dear Ted:
    Is there a second Baby Tile in the Tile-Goose family?
    —Little Sibling

    Dear Bundle of Joy:
    Their family is constantly expanding, in many ways."
    There have been lots of other clues including the clever use of a singular/plural irregular noun like “offspring” which can be interpreted as being plural or singular. Except back on July 17, 2010, Ted specifically wrote: “Maybe by the time his offspring reach college age.

    (Note: “offspring” is definitely being used as a plural noun form by Ted because the verb “reach” is singular).

  2. Don't get me wrong, I don't think Jake or Austin were so naive not to think that they wouldn't be photographed together and like Tom suggests I think they thought it would be better if they didn't try to hide. But, you can tell in that one photo where Austin is running up the stairs away from Jake and then the Jana Salon pics, the guys did not want to be papped together if they could avoid it.

  3. Thanks M&M. I only vaguely remembered that there had to be at least two times Ted addressed the topic of "are there more than one Baby Tiles?" Couldn't remember when they occurred, of course. LOL! That offspring point is interesting though. Didn't remember that one at all.

  4. And it hasn't been the same for Jake & Austin since Berlinale.

    I think I've said it before; both men have gone so far underground, Harriet Tubman couldn't find them.

    Jake brunching in the company of Liev Schrieber in L.A. during the filming of Ray Donovan? The neon lights on Broadway sometimes aren't even that bright.

  5. curious said...

    Thanks M&M. I only vaguely remembered that there had to be at least two times Ted addressed the topic of "are there more than one Baby Tiles?" Couldn't remember when they occurred, of course. LOL! That offspring point is interesting though. Didn't remember that one at all.

    Most of us wouldn't and don't, curious.

    But M&M? Wellllllllll.....she's on an entirely upper echelon when it comes to these 2. Both her and Special. But M&M, this girl knows her dates and can utterly rattle off a month (and often a date, too) if you wonder when such-and-such happened. Right
    off the top of her head!! I bet she could tell Austin or Jake when they did something faster than they could. LOLLLLLL. It's truly amazing.

    Like I've said before to those who like to test - don't mess with her. You will not win.

    Now she's going to get mad at me. I'll hear about this. But I just like to brag on these 2 sometimes. :)

  6. Lately, Zac Efron has been reminding me of Jake in several ways. Now, on the red carpet he created a flurry of chatter because he had a mysterious bandage on his left hand and joked that he was bitten by a fan. It's not just a band aid, it's an Ace bandage! Wonder what happened there? lol. He was looking quite striking in a cranberry suit over in Germany. I mean, a maroon/cranberry suit. When did you ever see a guy wearing a suit that color? But he looks fantastic. His eyes are incredible.

    After spending quite a long time looking at the sizable Tumblr HBday post dedicated to Austin yesterday, I was just so impressed and blown away. There were so many pictures on there of Austin with various fans plus some of them made personal signs and held them up in pictures for him. These girls are just enamored and many relayed stories of personal encounters and reasons why they liked him. I really hope Austin takes the time to look at all of them because it really is a tribute.

    Anyway, it got me to thinking this morning. I was reminded of this Christmas movie, called Trapped in Paradise with Nicolas Cage, Dana Carney and Jon - oh, I can't remember his name right now, Jon Something. He was in City Slickers 2, played a very annoying character. Anyway, in Trapped in Paradise, these robbers find themselves stranded in a small town at Christmas. They deceive the town by hiding the fact that they're robbers and they become attached to the townspeople and they in turn come to really like the 3 men.

    And as time goes on, the men become more guilt ridden because they're hiding this secret that they tried to rob this town's bank. And eventually, they confessed. Also similar in story is While You Were Sleeping where Sandra Bullock's character allows herself to pretend she's engaged to Peter, who is in a coma. She becomes attached to his family and in the end, must confess that she is not who they thought she was.

    And I see Austin having become transfixed in this exact same scenario. These OTH girls think he's available for the snatching. They are falling all over themselves for him ever since the Sophin breakup and he's DM'ing all these personal messages to many of them. Great relationship between he and his OTH fans.

    But the thing is, lol......The thing is.......they are under a reeeeeeaaaal different impression of him. And I know that at this point? He has got to be wondering what's going to happen when things are revealed.

    Ahhh, what a tangled web we weave......what a fix. What. A. Huge. Fix. What a weight to carry.

    Just a musing I had.

  7. hiding in plain sightApril 25, 2012 at 10:11 PM

    Kathryn Heigl and her husband Josh Kelley adopted another little girl.

    Look how they sneaked back to LA with their new daughter according to the National Enquirer.

    “As soon as they got the word the baby was born, Katherine and Josh flew from California to Loui­siana to pick up their new daughter. But they didn’t want to let the cat out of the bag too soon about their new little girl. Katherine wanted the infant to have a chance to get acclimated to her new family and surroundings before she introduced her to the world.

    To keep the whole thing under wraps, a friend sat with their baby five rows in back of them on the plane trip back to Los Angeles. Only a select few people even know their newborn baby’s name!”

  8. I wish it were trueApril 25, 2012 at 10:24 PM

    At much as I would like to believe it I don't think there is any way possible that Jake and Austin could be together for ten years and have 5 or 6 kids and not have it come out in the press. I just don't think it is possible in today's world. Doesn't look like it was possible for Kathryn Hiegl to keep an adopted infant quiet for too long.

  9. hiding in plain sightApril 25, 2012 at 10:27 PM

    Heigl announced herself it to Just Jared.

  10. I wish it were trueApril 25, 2012 at 10:30 PM

    The kid is still an infant.. BT 1 has got to be 5.

  11. i wish it were trueApril 25, 2012 at 10:32 PM

    If Jake and Austin have multiple children many people must know. It is not human for someone to have not blabbered.

  12. i wish it were trueApril 25, 2012 at 10:36 PM

    Give me any solid proof and I might believe. I have certainly seen enough to believe that Jake and Austin very well may be together.

  13. Just look at the pattern of Jake's working and you can see he has had a major life change. He has cut way back on working and time and time again he and Austin have planned their project to overlap as little as possible so that there is always one of them able to be with their kids.

    His behavior supports what Ted has said all these years, that they have a family.

    And to the people who say you can't have a child without people finding out. Remember Sean Maher who not only came out this past fall, but said that he had two children.

  14. Bummed that the Bruins are out of the Stanley Cup race. Stunned more like it.

  15. But Sean Maher's partner isn't an actor and free from the scrutiny actors find themselves under, ergo he could go here there and everywhere with the kids and nobody was the wiser.

    I just find it so so odd that after all these years not a single person or fan has ever once spotted either Jake or Austin out with their brood.

  16. Jake has been spotted with little kids who people assume are a niece or nephew. There was the Getty museum in LA. The movie theater in Canada, and the restaurant on the Upper West Side in NY. Let's not forget the daycare working in Pittsburgh who tweeted about Jake's daughter at the daycare. And then there's that picture that Austin boast from Wilmington of the Greenpeace boat with a guy who looked an awful lot like Jake from behind and little boy talking to another little kid. Then of course there is the baby in the park in Paris, the one that Ava went right up to, who would have been the right age for BT1. Or how about the pictures sent to OMG of Jake and RDJ in London having dinner and the little kid's coat on the seat next to Jake?

  17. i wish it were true said...
    If Jake and Austin have multiple children many people must know. It is not human for someone to have not blabbered.

    Sure, it is. Jake and Austin's family and friends know and they protect them. All kinds of secrets are kept in Hollywood that never leak. Other's like nannies and chefs sign confidentiality agreements. On the other hand, people have mentioned Jake with children over the years, but invariably the conclusion is that the child is either Ramona or someone else's. A girl, for instance, wrote on twitter recently that she had just found out that Jake Gyllenhaal's daughter was at her daycare when he was filming a movie in Pittsburg. Also, a guy tweeted that he met Jake who was with a baby stroller in January. Jake was seen with a child at an LA Museum back in 2010 and at a children's park in June 2009. The clues go on and on. Including all those Medical Building visits that only started in 2007.

    Moreover, Ted would not continue to confirm that there is a Family Tile if there wasn't. This aspect of the story is far more controversial that Jake being gay. He could have dropped it, but he continues to write about Jake as a father and has even referred to him recently as being on "Papa Patrol" and changing diapers.

    August 13, 2008

    Dear Ted:
    What describes Toothy Tiles's situation better: "Single Tile," "Mr. and Mr. Tile" or "Family Tile"? Please, could you include clues and hints more often about him? What happened to that great idea to dedicate one day a month to only Toothy questions?

    Dear Multiple Choice:
    Family Tile. Don’t remember committing to one day a month trying to ferret out T.T.’s identity. Still, don’t think that’s enough for my taste.

    Sat., Jan. 16, 2010

    Dear Ted:
    Do Toothy and Gray Goose's close circle of family and friends know about Baby Tile?

    Dear Family Fun:

  18. Thanks, Gossiip Center. Another private party that we hear all about with Jake involved. He sure is being associated with Jay-Z and Kanye West lately. Both rumored to be closeted gay men for years. Kim Kardasian, anyone?

    We know all about Beyonce's fake pregnancy too and now the PR campaign of how quickly she "bounced" back to her gorgeous form. People, in fact, just did a cover of her Being the Most Beautiful Woman in the World. I hate how Jake has become such a phony. Never would have thought that he would go in this direction. But, his years of lying places him with some pretty seedy compatriots. And, yeah you can hide big stuff. Look at Beyonce and that whole "I'm pregnant" crapola.

  19. The surrogancy gameApril 26, 2012 at 10:11 AM

    The very plausible gossip about Beyonce's fake pregnancy and the use of a surrogate has been circulating since last year when her tummy "collapsed" during an interview. She is as fake as they come. The rumor back then was that she didn't want to ruin her body and that within 2-3 months she was going to appear all sexy again to show just how an extraordinary she was to comeback so quickly. So wonder young women have so many body image problems these days. It's celebrities like this who try to make everyone else feel inferior to them.

  20. Most young mothers' bodies do, in fact, snap back soon after giving birth. More elasticity to the skin when younger. Also, breastfeeding takes the weight off quickly.

    What are your opinions on the illuminati?

  21. Jake Gyllenhaal leaves party, takes subway home


  22. Awww, now we get a video too. Thanks, Jake. Since you don't work, this is the best you can do in terms of performances these days, I guess.

    Psssst. People don't believe you anymore, kiddo. You lost your credibility a long time ago. This last deep closeted mess is as pathetic as it gets. Geeeee, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West. They aren't manufactured at all are they? WME anyone?

    I can't wait until your kid(s) grow up and start lying to you. See you see absolutely nothing wrong with what you're doing.

  23. LCS ‏ @LCStroh
    Oh hey Jake Gyllenhaal, thanks for teaching my @soulcycle class today! Nice perk to a day off!

  24. Oopsie. I meant to type: "Since you see absolutely nothing wrong with what you're doing."

  25. Pregnant bellies do not "bend". They don't "fold". They surely don't "collapse". One has to get past that before even proceeding on to the wonders of breastfeeding and "snapping back".

  26. The old Soul Cycle instruction bit. I agree with fake, fake, fake. Jake is just too darn predictable. Just like Austin. You do have to wonder, what kind of values they are teaching these children of theirs. It boggles the mind how dysfunctional those kids will be because they will see nothing wrong with not telling the truth when they grow up. There may even be a DSM IV category designed just for them.

  27. Boy, that Jake sure is a party animal, isn't he? lol

    That Gortex coat acting as a sumo-type insulator against crowding party bodies.

    And leaving the party alone??? That's all kinds of wrong.

    And so subdued.

    Headed on down to the trains so he can get home by a decent hour, I reckon.

    Wow. Wild times, Jake, wild times.


  28. Where's my Christmas Story Randy avatar when I need it?

  29. Why do people with such disdain for Jake waste their time following him? These are things I never understood. If he angers you to the point where you seem to be seething in text isn't it time to step back and reevaluate?

  30. 3:23,
    You don't have to read. Either scroll on by or there are other options.

    I don't see "Maura" exactly filling up the comments here today. Looks like this is your first one.

    When you can contribute to the conversation with a lot of uplifting news and comments about Jake, then maybe I'll listen to you.

  31. Were you on here two days ago when people were wishing Austin a Happy Birthday?

    Were you on here during the Sushi outing with Jake & Austin?

    Were you here when news came of Jake doing an off-Broadway play?

    Didn't think so.

    Let people have their say.

  32. Were you here during the early days of Berlinale?

    Were you here when Jake left CAA?

    Were you here when Jake parted ties with Evelyn?

    Didn't think so.

  33. I would love to talk to the girl who tweeted about Jakes kid in daycare.

  34. The only thing is, Tom that she wasn't there when Jake's daughter was attending. Her tweet mentioned that she had just found out that his daughter went to the daycare that she worked at during the summer.

    So it sounded like she was not there at the time Jake's daughter attended. But still a very interesting tweet nonetheless - that one came right out of the blue.

  35. Film Screening of Brokeback Mountain followed by Q & A at the NY Museum of Modern Art:

    Film Screenings & Events

    Brokeback Mountain

    2005. USA. Ang Lee. 134 min.

    Followed by a Q&A with James Schamus, Focus Features CEO and Brokeback Mountain producer

    Thursday, May 3, 2012, 7:00 p.m.

    Theater 1 (The Roy and Niuta Titus Theater 1), T1

    This screening will also occur on:

    Sunday, May 6, 2012, 4:00 p.m.

  36. Let people have their say.

    I wasn't squelching ANYONE'S right to free speech. I merely said I don't understand the disdain. The disdain I've seen here by certain posters over the last couple of days. That's all. Now if someone can explain it to me I'll entertain changing my opinion.

  37. Kristy ‏ @heylovelyyou

    Also, how long before Jake Gyllenhaal's sentient beard detaches itself from his face and attempts to take over the world?
    3:07 PM - 26 Apr 12 via web
