Thursday, April 26, 2012

Poncho it Up!

With his flotation device jacket on Jake popped back up again in NYC after a week of speculating exactly where he was.

And it was party time. But it looks like Jake was not the bigger partier of the night. Looking more like out past bedtimes and headed home via the subway.

But speaking of that flotation device.... there's got to be some other uses for it because soon Jakey you are going to have to part with it Spring is here and Summer is coming and it will be a little too warm to swaddled in Sta-puff. Subway seat cushion? Plane pillow?

So what will be the next Never Gonna Give You fashion item Jake will be wearing in the upcoming Spring /Summer season?

The Old Grey T she aint what she used to be. And those tan summer khakis had that unfortunate bike seat accident, although Jake is keeping Mum(ford) about it.
And forget the flip flops - it's doubtful for the Great White North in May, where it still can be a little chilly to dare to bare, and for a germaphobe like Jake - flips flops on the streets of New York would drive him to curl up in s ball and slow rock at the thought of the funk that could find his feet.

Will it be the casually draped sweater around his shoulders? or tied around his waist to hide his assets?

Long gone are the days with tee with graphics and trucker hats with logos - it's solid colors and chambray now. Will the blue shirt be back? Will we see the wrinkle white again? Although he might be swayed by a Eat More Kale shirt.

And will Jake buy more than one pair of pants?

Can OMG make a fashion suggestion, something that will fake the dates by being seen in the same thing but let you change up your outfits at the same time?

Just say ... Poncho.

They've got you covered.


  1. Hmmmmm...

    Who is the handsome devil with Jake in the 3rd pic, at the Memphis Farmer's Market???

    Ping, ping, ping, ping...

    What say you Tom.


  2. BWAH!

    LOLLLL!!! Hilarious post and hilarious pictures, Special!! That was worth the wait.

    And check it out!!!!

    He is wearing formal green army pants!!! LOLLLLLLLLLL!!!

    Lookit that! They have this sheen on them!!!

    I can't believe it!! Formal green army pants!! Where did he get those from? Did Tom Ford design them special for him?

    I'm dyin'. He's killed me. That is awesome. lol. formal dress green army pants.

  3. **snicker**. formal green army pants. With the George Costanza Gortex coat.

    What was the weather in NYC yesterday, anyway? I mean, even Beyonce didn't have a coat on. And Jake has his coat all done up like he has taken to doing.

    All prim-like.

  4. In all seriousness, though.

    The Just Jared post on the party is not garnering the kind of reaction I'm sure that WME would like to see for one of their newest clients.

  5. NYCrunner102 ‏ @NYCrunner10

    Oh hello jake gyllenhaal in the theater with me!
    4:12 PM - 26 Apr 12 via Echofon

    NYCrunner102 ‏ @NYCrunner10

    @hopelovefaith30 @arpoli85 was a special screening of a movie coming out in Sept. He talked for like 5 min to intro movie

    6:17 PM - 26 Apr 12 via Echofon

    NYCrunner102 ‏ @NYCrunner10

    @arpoli85 @hopelovefaith30 yes he was in it. Really good! Intense...I was balling

    7:41 PM - 26 Apr 12 via Echofon ·

  6. Liz Bannan ‏ @LizBannan

    Jake Gyllenhaal couldn't look less thrilled to be here.
    4:19 PM - 26 Apr 12 via Twitter for iPhone

  7. Krysty Chavez ‏ @Krysty_C

    Jake Gyllenhaal yum

    4:20 PM - 26 Apr 12 via Twitter for iPhone

  8. Wow they snuck that screening in didn't they.

    Can't wait to see it.

  9. Follow my friend @iamrashidajones She is a brilliant actress and writer. HIT FOLLOW
    8:48 PM - 26 Apr 12 via WhoSay · Details

  10. The young lady who tweeted that she had just found out that Jake's daughter was at the daycare center, she currently works at, when he was filming a movie in town was actually an Adam Lambert fan who simply stated what she had just learned about that subject. She was not bragging or even interested in the information she had been given. Just thought it was interesting that a celebrity had used their facility. Aa I recall there was no sensationalism involved because not one of her friends even commented. One more clue about Jake being a father among many, many others that have taken place since 2007.

  11. He is a hottie Seaweed. The tall blonde guy in the poncho is also very fine:-)

  12. That's Ben Lovett from Mumford and Sons, boys. I believe it was taken when Jake was in Memphis on the Revival Tourat the end of April, 2011.

  13. That would definitely be a temptation M and M. Could get a guy in trouble at home:-)

  14. another shared friendApril 26, 2012 at 10:51 PM

    Let me think. Who else is good friends with Rashida Jones? It's on the tip of my tongue. Talk about a sledgehammer. Yeah, we get it, Austin!

  15. If you ask me, all of the Mumford and Sons band members ping to high heaven.

  16. That would definitely be a temptation M and M. Could get a guy in trouble at home:-)

    LOL! Yeah, I can see that. Sort of like Austin and Robert Buckley that time on the OTH set when he was flirting to high heaven with Austie. Bringing him that Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich. Don't think Jake was too appreciative of that interaction either. ;-)


    A celebration of Brokeback Mountain at MoMA

    Film Screenings & Events

    Brokeback Mountain

    2005. USA. Ang Lee. 134 min.

    Followed by a Q&A with James Schamus, Focus Features CEO and Brokeback Mountain producer

    Thursday, May 3, 2012, 7:00 p.m.

    Theater 1 (The Roy and Niuta Titus Theater 1), T1

    This screening will also occur on:

    Sunday, May 6, 2012, 4:00 p.m.

    Brokeback Mountain Celebration

  18. Why do you think Jake and Austin have so many mutual friends.. I guess it is just a coincidence since Jake and Austin never spend any time together.

  19. hate to break up the fum M and M but I think Jake will be in China on the day of those Q and A sessions on BBM :-)

  20. I was thinking further Siberia, or the Arctic Circle, maybe?

  21. Thanks for the link, M & M. I'll have go see this. James Schamus is always articulate when he talks about Brokeback Mountain. This is great!

    Does anyone else find it odd that the picture MoMA is using to advertise the Brokeback screening, cuts Jake Gyllenhaal out of the picture completely? It's like the film only has Heath Ledger in it. I sure hope that has nothing to do with Jake's people.

  22. I think it just has to do with the scaling because here is the same photo on another MoMA Events Calendar page, and Jake is not cut out of this one:

    Heath and Jake

  23. Oh good. Thanks, again.

  24. LAOD didn't even start filming until September 2009, so not summer at all. Not even for Pittsburgh.

  25. I'm going from memory here but werent there some pics of jake with one of the mumford guys that looked pretty chummy, standing too close together or arms around each other. Something that pinged at the time during that road trip.

    Saw that tweet from Austin earlier today and immediately thought here we go again. Another shared connection. Did Austin time the tweet to let us know they are still connected.

  26. the girl's tweet, despite the vagueness it was clear, the child was there this summer while she was there too, but she didn't know the child was allied with The Gyllenhaals. Why tweeted a two year-old news? Two years before she didn't work in that place,so what did she care to know who that little girl was?
    obviously if this fact is really happened, I strongly doubt that this fact is true, considering the excellent economic conditions of the Gyllenhaal family and their obsession for the privacy.

  27. Saw that tweet from Austin earlier today and immediately thought here we go again. Another shared connection. Did Austin time the tweet to let us know they are still connected

    Austin tweeted today on Rashida, because starting today Rashida is in Twitter

    Rashida Jones ‏ @iamrashidajones
    I just joined Twitter! Got convinced by my friends here at #NewFront 9 h ago

    Rashida Jones ‏ @iamrashidajones
    Looking for suggestions of who to follow on Twitter. Criteria: someone funny, someone smart, someone fascinating. #alloftheabove
    7 h ago!/iamrashidajones

  28. Tweets are ReferenceApril 27, 2012 at 6:37 AM

    It has been stated before, when posting tweets, to please use date and time.

  29. Oh here's a thought 6:37, why not go to the twitter page yourself. All the info is there for the taking.

  30. No, I think Austin saw another opportunity to associate himself with a longtime friend of Jake's. Pretty obvious. He's done it many times before. He used the excuse of her new Twitter account to make the connection.

    Austin is very selective about what he tweets. And, often times he has been proven to be strategic, as well.

  31. I have asked several times for people to give the time and date for tweets. That is the considerate thing to do. Most people here do do that.

    And Lay-zee that attitude is disrespectful and unwarranted.

  32. The problem with posting the time of the tweets is that it shows the time of the posters’ location and not the real time of the person who tweets. Perhaps it’s better to post a link to the original tweet so that each person can figure the original tweet time.

  33. Thanks M&M...

    Ben (ping)...Lovett it (ping)! (ping, ping, ping)...

    Sorry, I'm just getting a bit carrird away. And you are right, they are an attractive little bit bunch of music.

  34. The posters point from last night was that it's easy for some to believe something that supports Jake and Austin being married with children. Even if it's some random tweet that appears with nobody else in the "World" talking about the subject of Jake G with a child. Then these same people want to dismiss anything that supports the opposite, ala Jake being single with no children, then they claim it's all PR driven to detract. Been done too many times by some.

    Hey, we all do know Jake and Austin are still friends, and that's good enough for some.

    Not for others though.

  35. ^^ meant to say Jake G with a daughter at a diner.

  36. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  37. Trolls always reveal themselves

  38. Lots to catch up on. Had a crazy day yesterday.

    I'm torn about trying to go to one of the BBM screenings. It would be nice to see it on the big screen again, but I just don't know that I'm up for seeing it again right now.

  39. That's how sleuthing works. Randomness does not mean that what is uncovered is necessarily false. In fact, what is accidental can be considered fortuitous, as well.

    Being that I'm very familiar with the homophobic, orchestrated ways of Hollywood, I look beneath the glitz, manufactured images and the boy meet girl storylines that Jake and Austin's people have shoved down everyone's throats over the years. The main plot theme being that Jake and Austin are "normal" guys who would never lie to their fans about who they are and who they love.

    PR tells us that we have to believe what they are selling, no matter how absurd, curious or counterfactual to reality. I choose not to, and I'm so glad this site still exists and that there are well-informed skeptics, with a long memory, who refuse to be manipulated by narratives like how Austin had a "girlfriend for seven years, then another made up six year fauxmance with Sophia Bush. Each of which defy gravity. Of course, each fauxmance ended like clockwork. More wasted years. More lies. More hiding.

    If you choose to believe all this nonsense go right ahead. PR loves you for it. To get to the truth you have to look beneath the official party line and that's what OMG has done for years. VERY effectively. And, don't even get me started on the day in and day out Reeke fiasco that practically destroyed Jake's career and certainly a large part of his spirit.

    So yes, we all could focus on Jake and Austin loving up women, their beards, romantic dates, being devoted BFs, Jake's obsessive clinging to his sister and mother, Austin painstakingly always making sure to tweet where he is, as long as it is nowhere near Jake Gyllenhaal, etc. After all, that's the story being pushed 24/7 in fan mags, celebrity sites, the standard go-to oracles of "truth" like People or Us Weekly, Just Jared, etc.

    The truth is hard to get out in any cover-up situation. Be it politics, corrupt corporate business practices, or Hollywood cemented closets. No one here believes only a random tweet or an isolated statement or pic. It's the accumulated evidence over the years, which OMG compiles beautifully, that lends incredible support to the idea of Jake and Austin being together, and with children. A family unit.

    By the way, I remember the tweet about the Pittsburg daycare center staff member, and she made it very clear that the information she was just given about Jake's daughter happened in the past while Jake was filming in Pittsburg. Not Maggie. The key point to remember here is that this tweeter had no reason to lie, (unlike all the other official "sources" that have money and access as their key motivator to play the game, and go along to get along. No motivation to make up the information. The reason for the two year gap is easily explained too. She just found out about Jake's daughter being there when he was filming in the city. So yes, that does lend credibility to her statement.

  40. Becca ‏ @RMarshak
    I can die happy I just saw #JakeGyllenhaal #swoon ��������

  41. My heavens.

    I think I'm going to frame that comment of Jason's.

    I'm blown away.

  42. That's a great post, Jason. I agree 100%. What I will add is that the naysayers have essentially used the same argument year after year. Doesn't take much effort to write the words, "but this, but that". Nothing ever changes for them. Yet, they still hang around even though there's been a variety of evidence and clues that have been unearthed from a diversity of sources and continues to mount year after year.

    As an old timer, like you, I can remember when the ridiculers when they insisted that Reeke was real and they were going to get marry and have beautiful babies together. Same with Austin and Sophia. They said Jake couldn't possibly have children yet we continue to get info to the contrary from the baby footprint and drool on Jake's sweatshirt way back when to that recent Film Experience guy from January who said that Austin and Jake just had a daughter. Never mind Jake's bizarre behavior. Even babblers can't figure that one out. Needless to say, I'm convinced more than ever that we have been right all along and you have captured what I've wanted to say for along time, beautifully.

  43. No, I think Austin saw another opportunity to associate himself with a longtime friend of Jake's. Pretty obvious. He's done it many times before. He used the excuse of her new Twitter account to make the connection.

    Austin is very selective about what he tweets. And, often times he has been proven to be strategic, as well.

    If Austin is so selective and strategic about his twitter page , and nothing is casually done. How do I have to interpret the photo of very beautiful and intense Sophia, that still after months Austin doesn't remove?

  44. Good option you brought up Twitter Dilemma. A link would be a great another great option, if you don't want to use the time and date.

    And great comment Jason! Thanks for coming and sharing on OMG. And thanks to all of you who come and contribute to make this a great place over the years.
