Friday, April 27, 2012

Twigs and Sticks

Three hours in the chair, and 2 curling iron burns but I am bringing back the flip dammit.

Double epaulets, double pockets...I can work all of this, headphones and the hat... and that's why..... I'm the director, people.

You think your left is your best side... some might think otherwise. ; )

A reporter from the Star News (Wilmington's newspaper) tweeted during the series finale that Austin asked the TPTB at OTH if he could wear the hat withNorth Carolina on it, for the last episode. No doubt to thank the city of Wilmington and the state. Makes you wonder what else he specifically asked to wear over his time at the Tree. That JG sweater doesn't seem so far fetched now does it. Or the ring, or the lavender shirt or....

With Austin wanting to be a pirate, you think he might catch 'The Pirates! Band of Misfits' movie with his own band of misfits? And Adam doesn't count, he has his own band.

Wait, is that Jake? Beard, hat..... and a bird.


  1. Hollywood Helper ‏ @HollywoodHelper

    Print out FREE tickets to End of Watch 5/1 in Los Angeles! Stars Jake Gyllenhaal, America Ferrera & Anna Kendrick.

  2. So thoughtful of Austin to wear the NC hat. No wonder he is liked by all he works with.

    Sad day for me today. I packed up my desk to bring all my stuff home. Yeah, I'm still employed and will work from home, but it marks a transition as we've had an office in this city for 12 years and now we dont. I did hear though that one of the layed off got a great job and a salary increase, so I am happy about that. I'm just glad I am nearing the end of my career, not in the middle of it.

  3. ((( real m ))) that's really hard, especially after being at a place for so long. It was so hard to pack up all my stuff at my last job. All the things I had there, my space and the memories. I am glad that you will get continue to work though.

  4. m, I'm really sorry to hear about your day. You're right - at least you still have a job and it would be nice to be at home while working but I tell you what. You guys know me. I have to have people to talk to!!!! LOL. I would die of boredom if I didn't have all my co-workers around. That would be so sad to pack up your stuff and take it home.

    Anyway, I hope the adjustment comes for you and guess where I'm at right now but at my desk. Working on a Saturday. BLEH!!

    Back to work.

  5. Sorry M, that's tough having to pack up like that and have your office close.

  6. I agree with you M. I am so happy that I am closer to the end of my career than the beginning. I wont miss the work force at all. It is nasty out there

    What scares me most is that I see the middle class slowly dissapearing. Big business is successfully squeezing every dollar they can out of the middle class. I doubt our homes will ever be worth what they were 5 years ago. So where are the jobs that paid 25 to 40 bucks an hour. They are gone. The ballot box sure doesnt help. Politicans are lock stock and barrell indebted to big business and would never double cross them. Good luck to the young kids coming out of school. I am not as well prepared for retirement as I was 5 years ago. The housing market has seen to that but I am still ready to pack up my bags and head South to warm beaches and warm weather:-)

  7. ITA Tom and real M. It's not the same world out there - I'm fast approaching a different phase of my life too, and I won't miss the ratrace at all, proper planning when I was younger has given me freedom and independence. I'm surprised! :)

  8. m...

    Really feeling for you and the new work situation you're facing. Nothing like this kind of change to stir things up, but this also will provide you with some interesting new challenges, and although I personally don't know you all that well, I'd be ready to bet you'll slay whatever dragons are put in your path and will enjoy the fresh new flowers you're also bound to encounter.

    Aren't I just a fu*cing ray of sunshine !!!! LOL

    Enjoyed my Austin Friday but instead of twigs and sticks have to admit I had "Twings and Berries" on my mind... Austin looks very, very, very good.

    Tom... you hang in there too. I'm sure you'll have time and ability to plan for a comfortable, secure life down south.

  9. Now Seaweed you know my first title was Twigs and Berries but thought it was a little too cheeky. But then a again Austin is a whole lotta cheeky! :D

  10. Damn where the heck did that come from. Had a nap after that. I guess working on Sat will do that to you.

    Next weekend should be more fun. I will be headed down to spend a long weekend with Wicked and family. Got tickets for the Phillies vs. Nats on Sat.

    Go Flyers!

  11. Cloud 9 said...
    ITA Tom and real M. It's not the same world out there - I'm fast approaching a different phase of my life too, and I won't miss the ratrace at all, proper planning when I was younger has given me freedom and independence. I'm surprised! :)

    That is awesome Cloud 9. If ever in Clearwater Beach lets hang out :-)

  12. Seaweed said:

    Tom... you hang in there too. I'm sure you'll have time and ability to plan for a comfortable, secure life down south.

    Probably better off than most Seaweed. Gotta tell ya though the house market crash has hurt.

  13. Sophia Bush ‏ @SophiaBush
    Hot damn! Welcome to twitter ya radical lady! RT @AUS10NICHOLS: Follow my friend @iamrashidajones She is a brilliant actress and writer

  14. Again Sophia is doing what she always has done, using Austin's tweet for herself. AFTER he tweets.

    You wonder why he didn't tweet so much during the last season of OTH. There's one reason.
