Thursday, April 12, 2012

Twin Set

With it look more likely that Jake will be playing twins in An Enemy, it could be big career move for him.

Back to indie roots? Sure

A Challenge - Yup

Seeing more of him in one year, than in the past 5? Maybe

Potential niche market? Why not.

And with that there is a Top Ten List. Actually OMG could have done a Top 5 and just x2.

Top Ten Future Twin Sets Jake could take on:

10. There could be the challenge of playing conjoined twins
Chang and Eng BunkerThey were farmers which is up Jake's alley and it would fill the period piece that is still open on his acting resume.

9. Work with his old castmate from Darko and do his
interpretation of the Sprouse doing Zak and Cody of the Suite Life.
(Disney probably already has him tied to it because there is no PoP 2 or 3 to generate revenue)

8. Farrelly it up and conjoin again Fellow Vineyarders Bob and Walt TenorIt's got the Vineyard, baseball, Hollywood, and cooking. And hello CHER! Total Home run,. And he did once say he wanted to have a career like Matt's.

7. Go for the classic, Roman style and do the founders of Rome twins Romulus and Reemus
Then again he has that thing about wolves.

6.Maybe do something Eastern and pursue playing Lava and KushaThere is archery (which is hot now - thank you Hunger Games) and all his years at summer camp and PoP summer camp, he's handled a quiver. But no fear, there is always Texas ranches for practice.

5.How about Going Greek with Castor and Pollux, who you might know them as the Gemini twins. (The ones in the sky, not the boys dancing on the box)
They're stars... hey Jake could play a star.

4.And you can't forget Prince Adam and Princess Adora aka He Man and She Ra, Yup twins. Remember? Despite those disturbing glances and embraces.(when you look back at the show and WTH were TPTB thinking) they were twins.
Talk about a challenge it's a quad! Although he could ride Adora/She-Ra's Spirit/Swift Wind while yelling "I have the power" like He-Man.

3.Equally crazy, (oh you thought it was going to be the Wonder Twins... nope you gotta wait for them) he could do the feature film version of Michael and Gareth Knight.
Oh yeah, you know Jake would love to Hass it up! Bonus it has KITT.

2.Now we get to the real super powers....Zan and Jana. Jake could totally pull of the purple,the Wonder Twins rings, and hanging out with the Superfriends.
(Bonus points for monkey buddy Gleek)

And finally the number one set of twins Jake might want to play:

The Olsens... let's just say - not for their fashion empire.


  1. I classify if Hollyweird cares...according to their talent.

    Jeremy Renner was not considered "A" list unless you'd seen him act, and certainly not until he received an Oscar Nomination. Since then, since that indie movie, which won the female director an Oscar, a first in the business, he's off and running.

    All Austin needs to be considered by "them" an "A" lister...not by an award of caliber. He's having to work harder than some, but he has more talent in his little finger than some actors, whom I will not mention, have ever had or will have.
    Unequivocally, he is v.v. good actor and is in no way a D/C/B list actor: He's just waiting for his big break. Please check out his acting…he's brilliant as is Jake.

  2. First I want to say Happy Birthday M!

    You haven't gotten back to me on what song you wanted, so you just have to pick tomorrow's song. I will put something up for today.

  3. I think Austin is a very good actor, he has put in some very very good performances.
    If you watch JFC, you will notice all the subtle layers he builds into his portrayal of John. From the expression on his face, the way he tilted his head to even holding his hand out, he thought about how an innocent with a blank slate would react to the situation.

    You can tell he puts a lot of thought in how he approaches a character as well. He is not one who just shows up the day before and starts to look at the script. He had thought, plodded and prepared about the possible ways to do his role.

  4. I still think Austin is an under C-list actor.Just like Wneworth Miller.Popular as a TV actor,but a nobody as movie actor.
    I care more about movies,sorry.
    Austin may be a nice guy,but I don't think his acting is amazing.

  5. I don't want to get into a big disagreement over the matter of what caliber actor Austin is because I was mostly responding to whoever said Jake can't work steady, but Austin can. Austin is an average actor to me. Nothing special about him at all. Except for maybe his height. If Austin got a great TV project, I think he might rise to the occasion with the right cast and scripts. He does look like he works hard and cares about his craft. But, you could say that about 1,000s of performers in Hollywood. My point only is that Jake obviously can work, but chooses not too for personal reasons.

  6. Welcome back girls. We missed you.

  7. Didn't know if anyone else saw this about Duncan. is floating Duncan's name as a possible director for the next Hunger Games movies.

  8. I respect Jake Gyllenhaul. Played a gay cowboy, Prince of Persia, and STILL rides the subway incognito hat/beard
    12 April

  9. Talked to Jake Gyllenhaal on the phone for 26 minutes and 13 seconds.

    Oh, god. I’m still trying to function.
    I wasn’t even suppose to speak with him.
    At work today I was to call a rep for Jake and talk about stuff for work.
    BUT NOOOOOOOO….Jake wanted to a humble and an awesome jackass and talk to me himself. Obviously, caught off guard I could barely speak properly (how professional).
    I was saying “Uh…um.” over 20 times in the beginning.
    So, I said “Sorry I just, uh…” He goes “No, it’s totally fine. I understand.”
    Well, look at this bastard. He just HAD to be nice.

    Overall, Jake is hilarious, kind, and an absolute sweetheart.

  10. What's with all this crap about Stephen and now Jake Gyllenhaal being oh so nice. Sounds like PR has gotten wind of all the negative comments about these phonies.

  11. I think Austin was really good in Deadwood and JFC. A show like OTH and many of his movies have not really been much of a stretch for him.

    More and more of the really good actors are turning to TV, better scripts and roles in this day and age. I don't think it is fair to say that someone isn't a good actor just because they do TV. But clearly some don't like Austin as an actor, things like that are a matter of taste, and everyone is different.

  12. Overall, Jake is hilarious, kind, and an absolute sweetheart.

    And, he likes puppy dogs too! Wonder if Jake was a boy scout? LOL!

    Happy Birthday, m!

  13. I agree that there is just something about the interview story following on the heels of the parking ticket story that screams PR and changing Jake's image. I don't think the latter was made up, but I do think it is possible Jake did a humble and nice routine on purpose, ditto talking to someone lower down on the food chain.

    Speaking of nice, someone in the previous thread expressed the opinion that Jake just isn't working because he's too busy with other things, unlike Austin. Well, one thing that really strikes me as a difference between these two is that Jake doesn't seem to ever work with the same people (and I don't mean actors).

  14. I believe the parking ticket story was made up because it's much too coincidental to go with the Ryan Gosling "heroic" story and putting money in the meter for another vehicle in LA with the code enforcement officer standing right there and letting him do it, is really comical.

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. And, why would people shopping in Beverly Hills need a hand out from anybody with meter change? Consider the source: Star Magazine

    Maybe Jake should go to Compton instead then I might think he's sincere about being the good Samaritan.

  17. Ohh stop it, you don't know anything more than us

    Sorry, if that bothers you. But, this is one phony family. People who are familiar with them have known for years. Now, the general public is beginning to get it.

  18. Happy Birthday M... hope you've enjoyed a really great day!

    I've always enjoyed Austin's acting, especially in John from Cincinnati. He's done some great shows and a better than average job at his characterizations. He gets full marks from me!

  19. Keeping a Watchful EyeApril 12, 2012 at 10:40 PM

    A good actor will do good in TV or movies(ex.Glenn Close).Austin is not that case.He is average at best.
    In fact successful movie actors are much worldwide and powerful than sucsessful TV actors.
    I would rather see Jake doing one or two good movies in a year than doing Tv series month by month.

    Your point has been made. Several times over.

  20. I have enjoyed many of Austin's performances too. He was very good in Deadwood and the Informers. And, he did a fine job in JFC too. Even this past year on OTH when he was actually given a chance to be more than Soapy's lapdog, he did well. And, I enjoyed his comical interplay with other characters.

  21. Sorry, if that bothers you. But, this is one phony family. People who are familiar with them have known for years. Now, the general public is beginning to get it.

    Oh please , go out of this spiral of hate envy, plots and lies anywhere you look, is pathetic and insane, get a life.

  22. difference of opinionApril 12, 2012 at 11:23 PM

    I think Austin is a very good actor, he has put in some very very good performances.
    If you watch JFC, you will notice all the subtle layers he builds into his portrayal of John. From the expression on his face, the way he tilted his head to even holding his hand out, he thought about how an innocent with a blank slate would react to the situation.

    You can tell he puts a lot of thought in how he approaches a character as well. He is not one who just shows up the day before and starts to look at the script. He had thought, plodded and prepared about the possible ways to do his role.

    ^^ Sorry, I don't see it. We're gonna have to agree to disagre!
    Thought JFC was a wreck with bad acting and bad writing.

    Sorry, if that bothers you. But, this is one phony family. People who are familiar with them have known for years. Now, the general public is beginning to get it.

    ^^ I'm not the person who you wrote your comment about but, It really seems that you have it in for Jake and his family because Jake and Austin are not following what YOU WANT them to do. It's very obvious since you don't know any of his family on any PERSONAL Level. That goes for everyone else who jumps on the trash Jake's family because I'm upset with Jake's action because he's not doing what I want him to do.
    It's so obvious that a blind persona can see what's happening with (some) posters here.

    Now, my comment is different from most commenters here. Is it considered Troll or difference of opinion respectfully?
    Which it is.

  23. Don't hate the Gyllenhaals. And, I certainly don't envy them. I have a wonderful life. I don't live in the closet or manipulate the public. Or, scowl 24/7.

  24. I'm not the person who you wrote your comment about but, It really seems that you have it in for Jake and his family because Jake and Austin are not following what YOU WANT them to do.

    You don't know him either, do you? I've watched Jake for years. He used to be a nice guy. He's hanging around the wrong influences and it's changed him. The outside reflects what's going on inside a person. And, Jake certainly doesn't look too happy these days.

  25. Don't hate the Gyllenhaals. And, I certainly don't envy them. I have a wonderful life. I don't live in the closet or manipulate the public. Or, scowl 24/7.

    Even worse, you spend your marvelous life to malign to speculate and to check the life of other people that you don't even know, it is better perhaps that you get a hobby.

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. Longtime Jake fan tooApril 12, 2012 at 11:38 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  28. You don't know him either, do you? I've watched Jake for years. He used to be a nice guy. He's hanging around the wrong influences and it's changed him. The outside reflects what's going on inside a person. And, Jake certainly doesn't look too happy these days

    Please you are just bothered because Jake doesn't cross the path that your mind of Fan has traced for him, doesn't care how much time you have devoted him, you don't know him, you don't know its family its friends its house who he dates and who no, you have a stereotyped image of him and if reality doesn't coincide with it you going sabbatical.

  29. a Long time Jake fan tooApril 12, 2012 at 11:46 PM

    to "long time Jake fan" and "PR campiagn"

    Why not stop following Jake and his news if you think he is not the person you used to like and if you hate the Gyllenhaal family.
    Do yourself a favor.

  30. Thanks to all of you who wished me a happy birthday, With everything going on at the office, I am having trouble keeping up with the blogs. HR is already packing stuff up and tossing out stuff from empty desks. My birthday seems unimportant at the moment but I appreciate the thought. Hubby and I will celebrate with dinner out Friday night. Special, at the moment I am hooked on Gotyes Just somebody I used to know. I love his voice and the way its sounds mixed with the female voice. I just keep listening to it over and over. I've been married many years at this stage of my life but the lyrics also hit some chords from my 20s.

    I think austin is a terrific actor, but has not been lucky enought to get any truly great parts. He knocked the Earp brother out of the park and had Deadwood continued, he would have a whole different career. He also made a huge impression in his 2 part Six Feet Under role. The right script counts for a lot. Look at Jake with Brokeback versus Prince of Persia. If he had done Prince first, he would have been written off already as a lightweight.

  31. Austin and Sophia are still so coordinatedApril 13, 2012 at 12:46 AM

    Sophia Bush ‏ @SophiaBush
    Since you're all missing OTH, try falling in love with #CougarTown - @Busyphilipps25 is one of the funniest gals on TV! Watch 'em!

    Busy Philipps ‏ @Busyphilipps25
    @SophiaBush you are SERIOUSLY the sweetest lady around!!

    Sophia Bush ‏ @SophiaBush
    @Busyphilipps25 ugh I miss your face!! xoxox

    9 h ago

  32. Jake has been well-known of Donnie Darko before BBM.He can do big budget films like TDAT or POP,he can do DD,BBM,Jarhead or SC,too.Even he can't be casted in big budget films in the future, he can still choose really good and interesting indie projects.He always shines in indie films.He is popular steadily worldwide even though he is not a big name movie star yet.

  33. If you notice it is Sophia who is doing what she has always done, jump on something Austin's tweeted AFTER he does.

  34. "Jake Gyllenhaal Neighborhood Robin Hood"

    Star scan

  35. north korea epic failApril 13, 2012 at 4:22 AM

    Bryan Jacoutot ‏ @BJacoutot

    This just in.. The rocket that Jake Gyllenhaal built in October Sky went further than North Korea's.

    John Walters ‏ @jdubs88

    North Korea enlists the expertise of Jake Gyllenhaal to help with its next rocket launch... #OctoberSky

  36. I hope you had a good Birthday M. Many more.

  37. If you notice it is Sophia who is doing what she has always done, jump on something Austin's tweeted AFTER he does.

    No, I'm sorry I have mistaken the time, the tweet is of April 10, exactly as that of Austin.You can easily check.

  38. Sorry go back and look at times posted.

    Austin posted at 1:59 PM EDT on the 10th.

    When did Sophia - 5:06PM EDT that day.

    That would AFTER.

    Austin has a reason to tweet since he was working with Courtney. It was another way for him to drop a hint about a project.
