Friday, April 13, 2012

Not as easy as it looks...

Ok, got my coffee. Hoodie on. Something to read. Dammit I forgot my Ipod!

How does Jake do this?

Happy Austin Friday!


  1. Jake will be presenting at the LA Conservation Corps Awards next Friday!

    The LA Conservation Corps will award $200,000 in scholarships to 188 participants at its luncheon April 20 from 11:30AM to 2PM at Los Angeles State Historic Park

    Always caring for young adults, our Jake. Not only for the Edible Schoolyard Project and the New Eyes for the Needy, but also for the LA Conservation Corps, whose

    [Its] primary mission is to provide at-risk young adults and school-aged youth with opportunities for success through job skills training, education and work experience with an emphasis on conservation and service projects that benefit the community. The Corps is a national leader in workforce development and alternative education for inner-city youth and is currently the largest urban conservation corps in the nation with a full-time staff of over 150 employees serving 17,000 young people each year.

    Jake’s care for the environment is not a secret either and I bet he’ll be thrilled about this

    The Los Angeles Conservation Corps is proud to acknowledge that the next generation of environmentalists are among the youth who will be recognized with scholarships at the annual luncheon.

    …and I bet you guys and I are thrilled about THIS

    The true stars of this event are the scholars, a few of whom will share their story of triumph at this year’s luncheon. In addition, actor Jake Gyllenhaal is scheduled to attend for a third year to help present the scholarships.

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  4. It's not a surprise that Jake's pale skin has been ageing prematurely as he grew up in Southern California:

    "Sun exposure causes a whopping 80% of the changes that we characterize as "aging" in our skin: crows-feet, wrinkles, loss of firmness, age-spots, uneven color or texture, hyperpigmentation (redness), broken capillaries, and a rough, leathery look are all the result of years spent in the sun. More bad news: Most of us get half our lifetime exposure to sun before we've reached voting age - 18. The reason we don't notice it, is that much of the damage to our skin will only appear decades later."

    It's a bit of a stretch to relate his rapid ageing process to his status a closeted bisexual (or gay) actor.

  5. Opening Day at Fenway!!

    Even if it's virtual it's still a great day!

  6. I love that Jake continues to support the LA Conservation Corps. They do great work, and help so many kids as well as the city.

  7. Jake on Broadway? Facebook (via WDW)

  8. lindsc34: Just ran into a hottie. Jake gyllenhaal. Told him he was beautiful. @laur3nwack instagram

  9. Cowardly post: I didn't want to acknowledge the circumstances of the photo, and hoped for a that's his cousin, good friend answer etc. NOT cool.

    Therefore,I am posting it again and asking the same question.

    Is the below photo why Jake might be a sad sack, unhappy looking, no longer walking the streets with a smile on his face person?

    Austin Happy
    above from a tumblr site

    I forgot about your anon policy, which has been in place for a long time, though I am not nearly as vitriolic or anti Jake/Austin in my post as some folks are who've post here today and yesterday, I do understand your eradicating my post.

    Frankly,if this photo is what looks like, I am not unhappy. Austin deserves to be happy...just as much as I do as do all of us.

    If the photo is not what it looks like,although one can hardly put a piece of floss between the two of them, I think it's a wake up call for Austin’s best friend.

    I have felt like I could post here among people I’ve chatted with all over. Actually, I Only post here now; I am sick and tired of not saying what I want to say about anything concerning them as a couple, when I damned sure saw the BB pics and the 2W Tuesday pics and even the post change agency pics with Adam, and want to happily comment all over though I probably shouldn't.

    I don't like being chastised, sometimes not so nicely, about what I say, or post about Jake even though I've been gone from most Jake/Austin sites for a while.

    Kindly cut me some slack...if you don't like what I post remember the source:) I love them both, always have and I always will. If they are not out, well, I have family not out except we KNOW all about them and will allow them to do this under their own steam!

    The world still sucks and sucks...I understand why J&A are not out...I also saw the love between them...and hoped for a while for more than I should have...

    Spent the morning writing an upset letter to The Catholic League for the insults they posted about Rachel Maddow… They attempted to discredit her new book “Drift” because she is Gay. What they said about her and her book hurt me, so it had to hurt her…

    If I could get down to St. Patrick’s, what I wouldn’t say to his worship with the red hat…arrr

  10. Calm down fool above, stop stirring and go play somewhere else!

    We all know that Special, of all people, uses her delete button very sparingly, and only when it is justified.

    As a moderator she has displayed the highest standard of effort on her blog and is fair minded and also communicates with her subscribers in a fair and reasoned manner.

    Please blow you fog, smoke, and foul smells elsewhere. Go back under the bridge and talk to yourself, that should be punishment enough for now.


  11. For Once I Can Answer a QuestionApril 13, 2012 at 1:51 PM

    Sass at 1:45 pm, that is Matthew K Frost with Austin, no cause to worry. Matt is a mutual friend of both Jake and Austin. It wouldn't surprise me if Jake is at that same table.

  12. Pic of Jake with Emily Blunt and John Krazinski from April 6


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  15. Sass,

    It looks like your anonymous post got yanked as they all do unless you can jump right in and attach a name.

    My comments above were not directed to your earlier post, it was aimed at the one who was trying to hold Special up to ridicule. There are so many stirring the pot lately that it's hard to keep track. Knowing now that it was you who brought up the picture of Austin with a friend, I'd simply say my take on it would be to store it away, not react by flying off the handle and creating an entire scenario around it. But that's just me.

    It could be the indication of something that might be going on in between these two to pull them apart, but I'd rather err in paying more attention to the other clues we've seen over the years, that place Jake and Austin in a long term relationship that has proven rocky at times, but for the most part rock solid.

    So, in fairness to your question, I'd say let it ride and let's just keep our eyes and ears open and watch and see what we can... as we've always done.


  16. Well, that is really good news...I thought you were talking to me; my heart tripped into triple digits. :lol

    Again, I say GOOD news all round! And will leave my Tumblr addy. so you can read the fun article...

    tumblr me

  17. Sass, that guy with Austin in the pic is Matthew K Frost, a photographer who is a long term mutual friend of both Jake and Austin. No need to worry about him. Here’s one of the many pics of Jake with this same guy Jake with Matthew Frost

  18. Thanks to all my friends...I love those two guys too much for my heart...If they did come out I would probably die from happiness...especially knowing how much they really love each other all these past years! love you all. I know it and can still hope they have some modicum of happiness.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Sass, I can see why you said what you did about the picture of Austin. Even if nothing is going on between the two, he looks so happy, and there's just something about the body language. Bromance for sure.

    I'd never heard that Goyt song until the past week or so, it's one of the songs Matt Bomer sang with Darren Criss on Glee this week. Beautiful song.

  21. Austin grin is not for Matt. Look where hiz eyes are looking acrozz the table. And you know that Matt was Jake assistant on TDAT when he and Austin met.

    Matt has been a friend to both from the beginning.

    That tells me that the person Austin has that smile for is Jake.

  22. And since I am not turning this car around while the game is on - moderated it shall be.

  23. I don't know where the photo came from, but it would be pretty unusual for someone to recognize Austin but not Jake. It also looks to me like Austin is looking sideways as much as he's looking across the table, like he's trying to communicate with several people at once.

  24. Matthew Katz-Frost is another longtime Jake friend

    Matt Frost and Jake go way back. ?They are very close friends. Matt worked as Jake’s personal assistant on several movies, including Bubble Boy, Donnie Darko, Moonlight Mile and, finally, The Day After Tomorrow. Just like with Levine, Katz is now Austin’s good friend too. Remember the three of them did that IFC "CHAAAAD" Commercial Spot during TDAT days?

    Jake, Austin and Matt production

  25. Nice to see Matt with Austin. Thanks for the pic Sass.

  26. They found the picture on Tumblr, so it could have been lifted from a friends account. Which could be the reason Jake is not in the picture.

  27. Headline today:

    "Jada Pinkett Smith on her marriage: 'Will and I know the truth'"

    Hmm. Sounds eerily similar to what Jake said about he and Kirsen back in the day:

    "Kirsten and I know what's real and what isn't."

  28. They found the picture on Tumblr, so it could have been lifted from a friends account. Which could be the reason Jake is not in the picture

    no, the photo has been taken by dan keyes 's instagram, he is the frontman of the band LY, and the photo has been made to "il covo" restaurant of Los Angeles

  29. I would not be surprised that Jake is sitting on the other side of that table. I also remember that other photo of Austin with Matt in NY back in 2008. They may have been sitting right next to each other there too, but Big Blue was prominently displayed. You know like an engagement ring. I agree with those who believe Jake and Austin are married. Put Big Blue with the Black Diamond engagement ring and then the ability to marry in California from June-November 4 2008 and that's the makings of a commitment.

  30. Sorry I thought it came from Tumblr. But if was from someone who knew Austin and knew who Austin is with, he would have made sure you couldn't see you was sitting on the other side of the table. (And probably next to Dan too, just playing the angles of the picture)

  31. The Sox beat The Rays, 12-2 but Jacoby Elsbury is hurt. Not really the way you wanted the Sox to open up the 100th Anniversary of Fenway.

  32. Sorry I thought it came from Tumblr. But if was from someone who knew Austin and knew who Austin is with, he would have made sure you couldn't see you was sitting on the other side of the table. (And probably next to Dan too, just playing the angles of the picture)

    Well, all it took is not taking any photo, it is obviously a dinner among friends and it doesn't seem there is nothing to hide to me

  33. When Serious Actors Become Action Stars: A Guide

    Full size
    Star: Jake Gyllenhaal

    Before he was an action hero: At the turn of the century, Gyllenhaal was the go-to sensitive kid you'd put in your hip indie: Donnie Darko, Lovely & Amazing, The Good Girl. And then out of the blue, he ended up in a Roland Emmerich movie. Of course, one of the central jokes of The Day After Tomorrow was that Gyllenhaal was still the sensitive, nerdy kid. (The whole movie seemed to consist of his character running away from things or freaking out.) Naturally, the movie did really well—Emmerich movies tend to do that unless they're exposing the horrible truth that Shakespeare was a fraud—but it didn't exactly cement Gyllenhaal's status as the action star for the emo set.

    Since becoming an action hero: Perhaps wisely, Gyllenhaal has stuck to serious dramas, having a pretty great run with Jarhead, Brokeback Mountain, and Zodiac. But still, the action-hero siren keeps luring him back to the blockbusters, which is probably the only conceivable explanation for his appearance in Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, which, true story, Hollywood thought you'd pay money to see.

    Action hero rating (out of 10): 1. On screen, Gyllenhaal is funny and charming. But, sorry, I have a hard time picturing him as particularly buff. (Even in Source Code, I mostly just wanted to pinch his cheeks.) And, to think, there was a moment there when he almost took over for Tobey Maguire in Spider-Man 2.

  34. I too would like to "pinch his cheeks"... so Tom, please get in line behind me, OK!

    *big grin*

  35. which cheeks are you wanting to pinch?

  36. I am really excited about the potential of Jake being on Broadway!

  37. Don't know how many people have seen this cover of Gotye's Somebody That I Use to Know.

    You Tube

    It is too cool.

  38. Seaweed sometimes I want to pinch those cheeks but other times I really wanna kick him the butt.

    I am still hurting that Jake didnt take avantage of any press he could have gotten from the Advocate honor that he received but takes full advantage of the PR he gets from other things he is involved in. Although I think he does do some very good things I think its is pretty obvious he deliberately avoids anything that could give support to the Gay community. He advoids it like the plague. Pretty sad statement that he avoids helping old fans and friends for the sake of his career. Pretty sad that HW puts him in that position. I do think he struggles with it though and I want to believe it makes him sad and someday soon he will change his mind. Im hoping.

  39. I think its cool that Jake and Austin have so many mutual friends. It sures makes a statement about how close they are and have been for so long.

  40. Deja Vu All Over AgainApril 13, 2012 at 8:22 PM

    Wow Special - this version of STIUTK is gorgeous. I feel like I have heard this song version before somewhere.

    What a way to start off Red Sox season - I hope my Jacobster will be ok! :)

  41. I am not surprised that Sophia still tweets Austin. Most likely that would not have happened if they had just broken up. Just shows that they have been friends and will continue to be.

  42. That Gotye cover was very interesting musically, and pretty good, though the singer could not hit the notes they way Gotye does. The harmony and instruments in the original by Gotye are incredible. I just cant stop listening to it. Totally fixated.

    Personally, I thought Jake and Mat Katz were a couple before Jake met Austin. Listen to the Darko commentary and how many times Jakes says his name or mentions him. Like a high schooler in love. Obviously they all stayed friends once Jake met Austin.

    As for Austin and Sophia, the relationship hit the skids while bearding, but if they were friends before, it could easily be torqued back once the charade was over. Faking creates a strain, but truth allows a return to normal.

    If Jake does suit up for a Broadway stint, we must get tickets and all go together. As usual, I wont get excited until it is real.

  43. The picture of Austin and Matt Frost was also tweeted by an OTH fan who is a big Austin fan. Matt was a roommate of Jake's at one time. Matt has taken photos of Austin, including the legs around the neck picture. Not much else is needed to see that he is a shared friend of both men.

  44. m that would be so awesome if we all could get together to see Jake on Broadway. We "ALL" would be there and that would be great

  45. Thanks for the pic Subway.

    Jake's beard looks a little bit darker, maybe he's keeping it a little less wooly. I mean how can he compete with the Duck Dynasty guys? :D

  46. I think both versions hit the notes just fine. There's an urgency to the song that's wonderful. I like the rhythms on the cover version.

    I was just remarking to Special that I had heard the cover version before. :)

  47. All the music I've never heard...Thanks to you and my boy...Naomi's age here :lol...Babyboomers love music...good music that is... and I find it here..

    I pray the look of pure happiness on Austin's face is because Jake is sitting there with them.
    Those two keep everything so low key's awful. No walking together, no more running outside, no bike riding...jeez… and all the women...arrr.
    Jake’s last PR stunt made me sick, after I pondered it for a takes me a while :lol...Jake walking down the street, looking ecstatic and over the top giddy, both of them, Taylor photographed with Maggie and RAMONA; a huge Maggie NONO.
    Notice how Maggie made Ramona look at her to avoid the paps in their last photos except one did snap her dtr . Keeping her baby out of the news seems to be a normal thing for Maggie except in the TS instance . Damn Hollywood and Politics do mix. HA!

    I did feel for that kid, but she's got to grow up like the rest of us. I saw pics taken of the last time Jake went to visit her; she looked nauseous…it was nice of him to try and explain whatever the hell went on to her.
    Off to shop a bit

  48. Check out Ted today. Confirmation that Austin has a blind vice that he expertly keeps under wraps and that he shares with another vicer. Gee, toothy Tile, I wonder who that could be?

  49. Dear Ted:
    I was shocked to read somewhere that Austin Nichols has a Blind Vice. It seems like everyone who has worked with him, from fellow actors to directors, has nothing but kind words about him. And he seems to keep himself well out of the tabloids. Can I get a hint as to what Austin is keeping from us? And does his Vice have a costar or is it solo? Mucho thanks!

    Dear Talk of the Tabloids:
    Well, of course the rag mags don't write about sweet Austin (who, yes, is as nice as he appears and as his costars say). He's an expert at keeping his Vice under wraps—one of the best, actually. Regarding your last question: Yes.
