Thursday, May 31, 2012


Jake was seen on set in Toronto, in and out of wardrobe or is it?  just add or subtract a shirt and jacket and you can go from work to play.  Was he breaking in the Grey Goose sneakers for the movie, or did he convince them to let him wear his own shoes?

As M pointed out it does look like there is something under that t-shirt that has a familiar ring to it.

And if the props in the movie (Anthony's married) are actually yours what a better way of keeping track of them. ; )

And yes that is Jake's ass. Some have thought it has disappeared never to be seen again. But  I guess all that Soul Cycle  has boosted his  ahem... confidence.

Jake has got the harried  history professor down pat, although it looks more like a pooped Pop.   

And a little crazy eyes for the road.


  1. This is so worth a re-post. From yesterday's thread this afternoon:

    Jason said...

    Since I have nothing new to offer about Jake and Austin, I thought I would chime in about the One Direction boys. My youngest niece adores this new boy band and there is no doubt that the homoeroticism is not lost on their young fans. Many are very upset with what they see as the Music Industry trying to kill off any hint that they are lovers. Just like with Jake and Austin, Management would rather their clients be considered shallow serial daters, sluts, promiscuous cads, and immoral reprobates than, heaven forbid, GAY! I love how the handlers are trying to suggest that kissing, sleeping in the same bed while cuddling up to one another, spending Valentine’s Day together, and holding hands while out in public are all just “bromance” things that British guys do. *Rolls eyes twice* These young fans are not stupid and I hope they can keep the pressure on to prevent this band’s blood sucking entourage from turning them into something unnatural and wrong. They are beautiful to watch and like my niece says, “I’ll never have a chance with them anyway so who cares?" She went on to say that just knowing this kind of love is possible, is partly why she thinks this group is so great.

    Like some have suggested this is déjà vu all over again and I hope this younger generation refuses to buckle like Jake and Austin crumbled. My niece told me that One Direction’s Management is trying to buy up photos and videos as well as try to edit compromising interviews that appear out of nowhere on the Internet, but they can’t keep up with social media, the great video capability of cell phones, and YouTube. As we might suspect, so many of their female fans simple don’t care and, in fact are actually turned on by Larry Stylinson, thinking that the boys are a breath of fresh air in a pretty stale and manufactured world.

    Just for fun, here’s a quick video I thought I would share with everyone. It brought a smile to my face when I saw it. Unlike with Jake, where fans and the press are unable to ask him any kind of meaningful questions, these guys are still able to truly interact with their supporters in an honest way. The young girl simply asks Harry, “Are you and Louis dating.” The look and answer is beautiful to see.

  2. Thank you, Jason. They are a total breath of fresh air. I look at Harry and Louis' eyes and they are bright and wide and full of sparkling life.

    They have joy and love and it's wonderful to see the fan support that Larry Stylinson has. I am rooting for them.

    I look at Jake now and I see someone who looks cynical and downbeaten. He looks old. There's a picture today on the internet of him with 3 young female fans on the set and he looks like their father, he looks that much older than them.

    I just am not drawn at all to Jake and Austin right now. Their lies and the disrespect they show towards their fans and the general public with their lies and manipulation has perhaps irreparably changed them in my eyes.

    But I look at these 2 boys from One Direction and their love story is just the freshest thing I've seen in a long time. They're still unblemished from the Power Brokers of the Entertainment System and I love their lovestruck eyes and their unabashed demonstrations of feelings for one another.

    It is about one of the most beautiful things I've seen in awhile. There's another great video, I'll go get the link and bring it here.

  3. This video has a lot of love in it, that is for sure. It's seeping with love. lol

    What is funny to me is to see people denying what they see with Louis and Harry just like how they denied what they saw in the Jake and Austin Laker pictures. You get every other explanation under the sun except what it is.

    Here's a great video:

    Larry Stylinson

    Here's to love!

  4. Jake does look incredibly worn and old. Living in the closet is not a pretty thing. Never mind the complexities of raising a family in secret.

  5. Well it actually looks like Louis denied it all in and intervire they just did in Toronto.

    I still think there is a lot they are not saying...

  6. I look forward to watching the video later this evening, PG. Off to dinner. Thanks!

  7. I still think there is a lot they are not saying...

    A lot of pressure for these lads. I'm not surprised if they stumble while they learn to walk. Okay, I'm off now for sure.

  8. Exactly. And you know, no I don't expect to see a ton of Larry moments between Jake and Austin at this point in their lives as they are significantly older now.

    But what makes me sad when I watch that video up above is to realize that Jake and Austin's visible love was squashed, it was smashed, it was stifled from public view.

    I imagine it may have been very similar to what I'm seeing with Larry. We've all been wildly, irretrievably in love before and oh my gosh, it is the best feeling in the world, isn't it?

    I think that's why watching Harry and Louis makes me feel so happy. It's just so wonderful to see.

    And I look at what has happened with J&A and while they have the family they wanted, what a terrible price they have paid. It is adding so many years to Jake's face and his posture. I'm not exactly sure why Austin has escaped the physical wear and tear but he has. It doesn't seem quite fair.

  9. You bet, Jason!! Thanks for bringing your video and it was great to see you. Always an enlightenment.

    One Direction, there is so much material out there, it isn't funny. Just a plethura of endless enjoyment. I wish Louis and Harry strength and family support. I think they already have an incredible amount of fan support.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Good points Jason and PG about the boys from New Direction.

    Agree that Jake does look much older than his years, a lot of it is the beard. Stress, hiding, and smoking all age people too.

  12. That is a great photo of Colin. I think he's very sexy, and a really good actor.

  13. Did you notice the Austin Nichols shoved down his pants?

  14. Jason said...

    Is this Jason Bring/Gyllengod?

  15. Just Can't Stay AwayMay 31, 2012 at 10:28 PM

    wondering said...

    I thought you were thru wondering and were gone?

  16. 10:28's comment is totally undecipherable but it would be safe to say the content was 100% jealousy.

  17. No, I'm slow (slapping forehead).

  18. Okay, I've caught up on the stuff on Louis and Harry; no way is it just a straight bromance. Straight guys in a bromance do not look at each other that way. It's kind of amazing to see the naked, unguarded emotions, I really hope it doesn't get squelched and destroyed. It is truly beautiful to see.

  19. The font Quentin Tarantino uses is called Friz Quadrata Bold. Yes, I know things like this.

    Wes Anderson uses the font Futura. But Stanley Kubrick got to it first.

  20. Dear Ted:

    I'm excited you'd accept my dinner invite! Yay! Has Harriet Talons ever spoken about meeting Toothy Tile in the press? Thanks!

    Dear Blabbermouth:

    What a very specific question, Nic! I'm curious who you think each Vice moniker belongs to. But either way the answer is no. If Harriet and T2 have even met it was only for a second at some industry event.

  21. Gay Green Lantern may be seen in a different light

    Alan Scott, the Green Lantern of the parallel-world Earth 2, is revealed as a gay man in the newest issue of DC Comics' Earth 2 series. The second issue of DC's Earth 2 series (in comic shops and online Wednesday) begins the new origin of the character, who first appeared in a 1940 issue of All-American Comics. The longtime Justice Society of America member is now a young media mogul and important figure in the creation of a group of heroes to replace the seemingly deceased Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman of his world. (Click on link for more.)

  22. Wow, I didn't think it would be Green Lantern. I read a lot people were thinking it was going to Capt. Marvel.

  23. Just ahead of Father’s Day, new dads Neil Patrick Harris and partner David Burtka joined Oprah Winfrey to talk about the challenges and rewards of having children as a same-sex couple and of raising twins.

    In this television exclusive, Oprah visits the home of actor Neil Patrick Harris; his fiancé, David Burtka; and their 18-month-old twins, Harper and Gideon. Neil and David talk candidly about coming out, their decision to have children, and the pressures of life in Hollywood. Tune in Sunday, June 3, at 9/8c!
