Friday, June 1, 2012

Font of Knowledge

Austin's chatty about fonts but is he telling more about connecting the dots than dotting the i's?

The font Quentin Tarantino uses is called Friz Quadrata Bold. Yes, I know things like this. - AUS10

Wes Anderson uses the font Futura. But Stanley Kubrick got to it first. - AUS10

Why comment about Tarrintino?  Could be that he's made the acquaintance of someone who was in one of Quentin's movie?  Like a blonde co-star of certain fav fella?

Did he think he needed to give other examples just in case he didn't want it to stick out too much , is he trying out for Movie Jeopardy or is he excited about Moonrise Kingdom too? 

Looks like some friends signed up for the Scouting this time with Wes. Moonrise has both Ed Norton and Jason Schwartzman as Khaki Scouts. 

Funny both Jake and Austin could have no problems, just shorten the pants and they would be good to go.

 Of course Austin would want them in corduroy.

We could see that...

Back to those fonts.... Going pretty strong yourself big guy...

care to share what that is...


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  2. Empire

    7:29 PM - 1 Jun 12 via WhoSay · Embed this Tweet

  3. Matthew Frost ‏@matthewkfrost

    BROS @aus10nichols @dankeyes

    10:28 PM - 1 Jun 12 via Instagram · Details

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  5. lol. Someone at it already?

    You know, today's celeb and their publicity agent really need to stay on their toes and realize that these are just different times. The savviness of many fans due to the availability of the internet and Twitter have totally changed and evened out the playing field.

    Take for instance this quote from Jessica Biel on Just Jared this morning on what she loves about her fiance, Justin Timberlake.

    The 31-year-old entertainer’s fiancee, Jessica Biel, recently gushed about his admirable qualities.

    “The ability to communicate well … to be able to express his feelings. Then, loyalty. And, finally, honesty,” she told the French magazine Gala (via People).

    “For me, getting married doesn’t mean we should limit ourselves to some pre-defined idea,” Jessica said about tying the knot. “Rather, it’s an opportunity to explore new things in life … I don’t think our marriage will change anything [but] it will be a challenge finding a balance between my private life, family, and work, and I’m ready.”

    Wait. I thought family was included in "private life"?? Wow, where did I go to school?

    Anyway, here's two of the 6 comments that seemed entertaining to me.

    luke @ 06/02/2012 at 5:50 am

    oh please sell it to your mother

    # 6
    briana @ 06/02/2012 at 7:32 am

    HMMM then why did you break up with hime before if he was “loyal and honest’??? I’D ADVICE YOU TO STAY MUM ABOUT YOUR RELATIONSHIP LIKE MOST CELEBS


    Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake

  6. Looks like Mr. Styles is fighting back.

    This is going the rounds this morning about last night's show.

    Harry actually sang "blow a kiss.. blow a job" and "different dick every night" at the concert yesterday!

  7. Mr. Nichols in New York!!
    And so is Jakey.

    Can NYC handle it? LOL

  8. Nice of Austin to let us know he is in NY . He does keep us informed in his own way.

  9. Nice of Matthew to let everyone know that Austin is in NY with Danny Keyes, he does keep us informed in his own way! Can't wait for Danny keye's tweet!!

  10. they never do anything we want so lets ignore, LOL!June 2, 2012 at 12:50 PM

    Hi SK @ 12:38

    Anthony is married in The Enemy, Andy the theacher isn't. I guess that is one way to keep in track, LOL!!!

    Jake alaways looks like a deer caught in lights, plus he looks like he is at least forty, hot no more. Oh well.

    Also there seems to be too many set pics with fans hanging around.

  11. Thanks ring! I was looking at that picture and I wondered if it was tan line from wearing his ring or it was his ring.

  12. Sorry trolly that was not me at 12:38. But we all know who you are and that you posted the comment at 12:28.


  13. Special, thanks for the 'heads up' on Mr. Styles independent streak. Hope he gets his wish over and over again.

    Makes watching this young combo that much more interesting.

  14. Go Harry, go Harry. Don't let them beat you down.

    It broke my heart to see Louis walking down the street with the beard Eleanor but hopefully they won't have to do this too long. I love that there is so much online support for them, people blogging, tumblr'ing, and tweeting in support and love for Louis and Harry.

  15. That is you Sk @ 12:53, you ain't fooling anyone.

    Read the book which this movie is based on if you are capable of reading a book like that.

    Everytime Jakey-poop pises you off you go for the photoshopped, fake tweets, PR stunts, forgetting to take of rings to hiding the ring around his neck.

    I guess you don't like Matthew and Danny either, LOL!!

    Jeters leftovers, LOL!!!

    And I thought his switching of agencies would end all of the above??

    Let's go to the red arrows, no actor forgets to take off his "props", only Jake would and look he is posing and wearing his own clothes and the big goof forgot to take it off, it's a shot out!!!

  16. I tell you what, you just have to love Harry Styles' incredibly feisty, fiery nature.

    In that video that I posted last night, there's a moment where the boys are all being interviewed and the interviewer puts a hand on Louis' knee. Harry just stops and stares at his hand and then seriously stares down that interviewer. The interviewer moves his hand and Harry immediately puts his hand on Louis' knee where the interviewer's had just been. He gives Louis' knee a pat and then leaves his hand there for a moment.

    I mean, talk about showcasing your possessiveness. Wow. The kid has bite.

  17. So sorry 1:14 that was not me. I have been a little busy hanging with my Pops.

    And sorry you are upset that no one is taking the bait.


  18. Interesting article on paparazzi. The article is about LeeAnn Rimes but the pap details can apply to any celebrity.

    Is LeAnn Rimes in cahoots with paparazzi who take all of those beach bikini pics? By Jo Piazza
    Published May 02, 2012

    LeAnn Rimes has had enough photos taken of her on beaches in bikinis to star in her own calendar.

    The country music singer, much maligned for her scandalous marriage to her co-star Eddie Cibrian (they hooked up on the set of a Lifetime movie while they were married to others), may not be making much music these days, but she sure is a professional at staying in the press.

    Like clockwork new shots of Rimes frolicking on a new beach in a new bikini appear in celebrities weeklies and web sites.

    Here she is in Maui; there she is in Mexico; here she is in Malibu.

    If there's a beach, there's a good likelihood Rimes will be on it in a teeny weeny bikini.

    Now some industry insiders are speculating that these pics aren’t paparazzi shots at all, but that Rimes is tipping off the photographers to stage the shots, and maybe even getting a piece of the action for herself.

    The most recent pictures of Rimes and husband Eddie Cibrian looking picture perfect on a beach in Cabo San Lucas raised the eyebrows of one skeptical photo editor.

    “Those photographs came into all the magazines and websites fully captioned and saying, ‘LeeAnn Rimes on a trip to renew her vows.’ There is no vow renewing in those pictures,” the industry insider told us. “There is no way the paps would have known she was doing that unless she specifically told them.”

    “Plus the paps just don’t get access like that in Cabo,” the editor added. “They can’t get close enough to the celebrities without permission to get the quality of those photos. They were right next to her. There was no long lens. This was not intrusive in any way. This was a photo shoot.”

    Pics like these demonstrate a truth long known in the magazine industry but hidden from consumers—celebrities are often in cahoots with the paparazzi.

    “There are many celebrities who do everything possible to stay out of the paparazzi's range yet many others use these photographers as their one-way ticket into glossy magazines. More behind the scenes deals are brokered between photographers and stars than most people think,” explained Dorothy Cascerceri, Senior Editor and television correspondent for In Touch Weekly magazine. “Sometimes celebs allow photo agencies to license their personal photos and other times they contact photo agencies before leaving the house so shutterbugs can snap them taking a 'casual afternoon stroll.' Attention-starved C- and D-listers are most well known for tipping off agencies. The paparazzi are as much puppets to some celebs as they are nuisances to others.”

    Indeed the reasons celebrities hook up with the paps are many. One is to control the kinds of pictures released to the press. Some celebs believe that if they give just a little they can avoid the paparazzi snapping them unaware in an embarrassing situation.

    Another reason to hook up with the paps is to get cash, one of the dirtier little secrets of Hollywood moneymaking. Celebrities often share the proceeds from the sales of their photographs to magazines and websites with the agency that contracts the photographer taking the pictures.


  19. continued:

    Insiders said there is a possibility that Rimes is making money off her photos, even though it wouldn’t be big time cash.

    “We see her in a bikini all the time. There is nothing news worthy about LeAnn Rimes frolicking on the beach so it isn’t a big money shot,” an editor told us.“It is the equivalent of Jennifer Garner walking down the street with a coffee or maybe just a little bit more. I would say they sell to magazines for $1,000 and to websites for $100 a piece.”

    But if those pictures are purchased by 10 magazines around the world and a hundred websites, that is still a nice chunk of change.

    But perhaps more than the money, such shots help to bolster Rimes’ somewhat tarnished brand which took a hit when she first hooked up with Cibrian while he was married to ‘Beverly Hills Real Housewife’ Brandi Glanville.

    “Her story is defined as being the girl who hooked up with her co-star when they were both married and and she stole this woman’s husband. When you see her frolicking around in the sun it sends the signal this is real relationship just like yours. Maybe it was weird how they got together but now they are just like you,” an editor told us. “There is nothing news worthy about LeeAnn Rimes frolicking on the beach but it is another reminder to anyone who will pay attention that she is happy and skinny and still married."

    Rimes did not respond to our request for comment.

    Those darn paparazzi

  20. LOL, renewing her vows. Thanks for that article PG. I can't believe people really that desperate for money and attention, and it sure hasn't helped those two's careers.

    That's great about Harry. Love it. Glad to see someone with some courage.

    Unlike Queen Latifah, who is now denying that she was talking about her personal life at that Long Beach gay pride event, saying she never talks about her private life.

  21. That doesn't look like a ring to me, more like a tan line.

  22. If it is a tan line, that means that Jake has been wearing a ring on that finger more than a couple of days on set. ; )

  23. Unlike Queen Latifah, who is now denying that she was talking about her personal life at that Long Beach gay pride event, saying she never talks about her private life.

    Oh, you're kidding me, Dest? Darn, that's disappointing, isn't it. Well - try, try again.

    I look at Adam with his very successful music career and Matt Bomer who has a motion picture coming out very soon and find great encouragement there.

    Yeah, I'm trying to look for some sign of 3D depth on that line and I am not seeing it. We need a huge magnifying glass, LOL.

  24. And who doesn't see Lee Ann Rimes and her husband Eddie and it's just so obvious. But it's great to see insiders lay it out in black and white how these photo ops work.

    Love it.
