Friday, June 22, 2012

Hot Fun in the Summertime

Austin rumored with Tall Hot Blonde?
Earlier in the Spring  Austin had a brief twit convo with former co-start Garrett Delahunt about the chance to work together again, and then later Austin sent out a tweet about Courtney Cox. Piecing it together we figured out that this was related to the Lifetime TV movie Tall Hot Blonde starring Delahunt and directed by Cox. Laura San Giacomo plays Delahunt's wife. 

 If you remember   "Talhotblond", Barbara Schroeder's documentary and the inspiration for the Lifetime Movie,  is about the true life story of "an older man and a young girl who start an online chatting session that leads to a year of sexually-charged deceit and lies and ends in murder." It sounds simple in its premise but it's not -- far from it.
 Not sure who Austin will be playing but keep on the lookout. He might be one of 
Montgomery's (Delahunt)  co-workers, one of the investigators, or another online gamer.
The movie has it's World Premiere on Lifetime Television tomorrow night Saturday June 23 at 8pm EDT/ 7 Central. 
  While he might be with Tall Hot Blonde this Saturday night, everyone here would   agree he looks even better with a Hunky Hot Brunette.


  1. I hear ya on that smile comment SK. Irresistable.

  2. Martha Stewart said...

    You probably already know but I was surprised looking at it this morning. Jake's chef friend Chris Fischer is in this month (July 2012) Martha Stewart Living magazine. Its about his Martha Vineyard garden and cooking called "The Good Earth" pages 104-109. Recipes and photos.

    20 June 2012 18:53

  3. I haven't had a chance to read the Observer article yet, but I agree with what you said PG in the other thread. I have real mixed feelings about the media continuing to play this little game with closeted celebrities.

  4. Entertainment Weekly’s excellent article “The New Art of Coming Out.” (credit scans: eserei27 tumblr)


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  5. Interesting article about the soft way to come out these days. Just more evidence of the publics acceptance now. And I think jake and austin did indeed take a few practice baby steps around the trip to Berlin.

    Jake has a special smile reserved only for Austin and its his most beautiful of all his smiles.

    Back home and dealing with jet lag, opening 2 wks worth of mail, laundry. Had a spectcular time but I dont want to see the inside of a plane for a while. I dont know how Jake handes all those those flights home to see his family. But then again Austin and the babies Tile would make it all worthwhile.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Well 7:14 you name and you previous comments only point to you trolling, and I don't do trolls. So away with you.

  8. EW Scans

    Thanks for the article! Everyone should read it.

  9. I dont know how Jake handes all those those flights home to see his family. But then again Austin and the babies Tile would make it all worthwhile.

    Which "home" would that be? His NYC two bedroom apartment that he's rarely in? And the 90 minute flight it takes to get there?

  10. I am hugely blown away by this Entertainment Weekly article. HUGELY blown away.

    This article, you guys, is for me, historical for a Hollywood publication.

    We are living in history-in-the-making right now.

    These are times that especially Tom, Dest, Seaweed, and Wicked have been waiting for. But they're also very exciting for someone like myself who came into the community pretty green & uneducated but now because of Jake and Austin, and I do mean all because of Jake & Austin, this movement is just so important to me now and has grown to involve the entire LGBT community.

    Just an incredible article. I can't endorse it enough.

    Thank you EW scans for your hard work in bringing it to the blog. It is so appreciated.

  11. Wow, that was really exciting. The article, with the help of a timeline, really shows how times have changed and most of us here have witnessed all of it. What a great job that writer did.

    And so you read this article and while it is extremely encouraging, there's still a lot of work to be done in the United States. Prime example is what has been done to One Direction since they came over to our country.

    Their management has introduced "the beard", they've altered Louis and Harry's behavior and their American management has now taken other ridiculous steps.

    This subject is a real sore spot because I think it also applies to Austin Nichols and his twitter account. One Direction's management has access to Louis & Harry's twitter accounts and they have blocked as many twitter accounts which endorse Larry Stylinson as they can.

    Can you believe that? That is utterly outrageous to me. As if that's going to stop these fans from loving Larry. What utter fools. I hate to say this, but I am so ashamed of my own country when I read about something like this because it seems like all of this controversy started as soon as the boys came over here.

  12. Larry Video TimeoutJune 23, 2012 at 11:57 AM

    Save My Heart For You

    More Than This

    Interviewer: So, Harry and Louis, you two have a special relationship. So you must get competitive when playing things like Mario Kart. Who usually goes in front, and who usually is behind? ... When you play Mario Kart.

    Louis: *smirk*

    Harry: So between me and Louis, who is in front, and who is behind?

    Louis: I think we kind of share that, really.

    Niall: *huge smile*

    Louis: Sometimes Harry takes the front.

    Harry: Yeah, sometimes I take the front. But if he's feeling a little tired I'll get behind him and push him along.

    Louis: We're very generous towards each other.

    Interviewer: So it's very give-and-take

    Niall: *cracking up*

    Zayn: *Laughing so hard he put his helmet on and put his head in his lap*

    Liam: *doesn't get it*

    Louis: Like, I'll let Harry do what he wants to do. I'll let him start first so he can be in front if he wants.

    Harry: Yeah.

    Larry Stylinson

  13. Hi, I'm the entertainment guy who put up part of one of his contracts and am responding to a question I was asked in pt 3 of this thread.

    You asked: "David. I read about their contract supposedly saying that a relationship within the band is basically not allowed, and goes against the agreement in the contract, and in addition to this they are supposed to keep up "straight appearances". There's rumors that Louis loves Harry so much that he asked for an amendment to the contract, so that he could be with him, and they apparently granted him that, but he still had to comply with the straight appearance policy, so they got him a beard, and asked him to keep it a secret, and that's probably when the photo ban started too. And basically.. if they don't comply to the straight appearance policy, then they might get sued and forced to break up, to comply with the original agreement. Do you think this is likely, from your experience with issues like this?"

    Is this likely? Everything you described is certainly POSSIBLE. Whether it went down exactly like that or not, we may never know.

    Most contracts have a clause regarding appearance and regarding relationships. Even local McDonald's manager and employee aren't technically supposed to be in relationship from what I understand.

    This isn't because a producer wants to be a dickwad. This is business, and a break up is bad for business.

    At the same time, people are people and people fall in love. Sookie and Bill of TrueBlood are married in real life (Though IDK the stipulations of their contract) Actors, while members of SAG, are often treated as independent contractors. They are responsible for their own insurance, etc.

    An appearance clause is very likely. Simon Cowell would have to be an idiot not to have one in every talent contract. Simon may be a lot of things... but he is NOT an idiot.

    Appearance contracts are why Emma Watson finally cut her hair once the Potter movies were over.

    Appearance contracts even extend to Disney World employees specifying that the male employees cannot have facial hair.

    How specific the contract is, regarding appearance, varies with the need of the contract, and the individual. It could be as simple as requiring that they always comport themselves with a professional appearance by the standards of the company. That wording is vague enough to cover A LOT of ground.

    Given the importance of appearance for a group like One Direction... I imagine their contract is quite harsh.

    And yes, performers OFTEN get permission for special situations. I recently had a performer meet with me for something she wanted to do and I said yes. It wouldn't really hurt my little (and I do mean little) production company.

    Happy talent performs better. A&R likes to keep talent happy. So if their is a way to compromise without hurting the business... they will do their best.

    But business comes first.

    It takes a lot of C & C (compromise and compliance)

    Sometimes contracts are altered and sometimes the head honcho just agrees to "over look" things.

    So I say it is POSSIBLE, but I am hesitant to say it is absolute because there are so many factors we would have to assume.

    We would have to assume Harry and Louis ARE in love. We would have to assume they decided NOT to hide it. We would have to assume that management decided to amend their contracts rather than turn a blind eye. AND we would have to assume that in response to this management felt a need to add a "straight acting clause" to what is likely a "general appearance and image" clause that would have already tacitly covered this.


  14. Cont.

    Such a clause covers many things. Management could decide tomorrow that Zayn should be blonde, or could never get another tattoo and they wouldn't need an amendment.

    They truly have full control over them. You sign away your life.

    BUT that doesn't mean all of their tweets are fake, or that they are fake people. No one can live a fake life all of the time.

    I'm sure a lot of tweets (maybe most) are genuinely and from them... they are teenage boys after all.

    (part 2)

    If you look close at their twitters, you can tell the difference.

    @onedirection says: The new album is coming soon!! x

    And then @real_Liam_whatever says: Just finished recording. So excited!! x

    The similar x's give a lot away. Plus the fact that the example post from Liam was basically a hype plug for the new record.

    If Niall says: Shhhhh! I'm trying to sleep please.

    Which he said recently... you can be pretty sure that is Niall.

    Basically they just have to share their passwords with management and deal with whatever is said or done in their name.

    And yes, they could force, or at least have major influence to coerce Louis into getting a beard.

    But know that bearding is more complex that people think. Eleanor may not even know she is a beard. (That would be evil in my eyes, but I know for a fact this abusive route has been taken before.) OR Eleanor could be set up between mutual agreement with a modeling or high profile/very discrete escort company.

    There are many options. None of them make Eleanor a bad person. I doubt she thinks she is a bad person. If she knows Louis is gay, she probably feels bad for him to be honest. She is a person after all. But if she knows she is a beard then she obviously has to do her job, no matter how much that might hurt Louis self esteem or relationships.

    Having dealt with closeted actors... yes, they will lash out at you like a BITCH. It's very touchy. They are terrified. They would cut off their right hand for their jobs, but they can't cut off their sexuality... and that scares them. It is a sad and lonely place.

    I hope, if Louis is gay, and I am pretty sure he is, that he is out to a close circle of friends and that those friends fully support him. They need to. Living with Harry, I am sure he is out to Harry even if they are not in a relationship.

    That might have explained the painful double take when Harry saw him kiss Eleanor. It may not have been jealous, but twinge of guilt and pity for his best friend.

  15. Cont.

    This I can tell you 100%

    1.) Management/A&R have access to their twitters.

    2.) They have an appearance clause

    3.) They have a clause regarding information/behavior that might portray 1D or management in a bad light.

    4.) Louis is gay

    5.) Eleanor is a beard

    6.) The boys are not entirely the images they portray to the public.

    7.) Nobody in the world is entirely the image they portray to the public.

    Things I am at least 75% sure of:

    1.) Harry is like gay or at least bi-curious. He is 100% certainly not the homophobic type in the least.

    2.) Harry and Louis have had sexual encounters.

    3.) The boys are frustrated and wish they had more freedoms... often leading to subtle teenage rebellion.

    4.) Harry and Louis probably don't mind Larry fans at all and are flattered/amused by it. They probably even skim over the fiction or message boards from time to time for entertainment purposes.

    Things I am at least 50% sure of:

    1.) Harry and Louis are in love

    2.) Harry and Louis have had in the past, or may still have a relationship

    3.) Harry suffers from bouts of depression.

    Things I am about 30% sure of:

    1.) Harry has some self image issues. (That's just my psychology degree talking there. Not really related to this thread.)

    So, that was long, but there you have it. I do think the boys all seem like fundamentally good people though.

    Regardless of whether Larry exists, I think this bad will, in the long run, be a good thing for the gay community.

    by: David reply 4 06/23/2012 @ 05:19AM

  16. Only thing I might disagree with in that list is this:

    Things I am at least 50% sure of:

    1.) Harry and Louis are in love

    From what I've seen I would say it's 110% certain that Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson are in love.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Quite a comment. I can understand why these young men are scared to death and would conform. I have to say though that the guys are the stars and without them no one makes money. Can you imagine if Paul McCarthy had been Gay. The bigger One Direction gets the sooner they can cut off the losers who fill their heads with BS. Go Larry:-)

  20. From what I've seen I would say it's 110% certain that Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson are in love.

    I totally agree on that one.

    I don't think I have ever seen as beautiful of a smile as Harry Styles has.

  21. I had to go back and check the tweet that said chillin with Jake in Newark, NJ. Who the heck would make that up. Aint no one in hell gonna tweet they saw Jake there if it wasnt true. They would look like fools to their friends. Plus seeing the connection from Newark to Austin made a hell of a lot of sense. PR must have loved that one.

  22. I also agree that the EW article posted above contains some excellent and insightful observations. History is definitely being made every single day regarding the concept of love being equal and current celebrities no longer willing to lie about who they are so not to "offend" anyone's delicate sensibilities. This is especially important, in terms of people in the spotlight beginning to live true by not making a big deal out of being fully human. One of the points being made that stood out was the more "sophisticated" argument manager's now try to make to those they represent when they issue "some self righteous misdirection as an invisibility cloak, ("You should have a right to a private life.") Boy, does that sound eerily familiar regarding Jake and Austin.

    For me, that’s just another specious and disingenuous argument to hide the greed behind the words. No one denies that everyone has a right to a private life. However, most people do not define the person they love as being off limits to the world around them because such deception about someone so fundamental in your life quickly becomes a dirty little secret. Living deep in the closet and lying to people about it, is about dishonesty shame and fear. Nothing more. Nothing less. It's not about privacy. Everyone has a private side to their lives, but living true is what living in the moment is all about. It's also about not relinquishing power to others who may very well disapprove. And, I agree that popular culture has been a huge catalyst in this change, including, the popularity of Brokeback Mountain.

    Speaking of which, thanks for sharing that delightful interview of Louis and Harry having fun talking about "being in front," or "behind." LOLLL! I loved it when Louis said, "We're very generous towards each other....Like, I'll let Harry do what he wants to do. I'll let him start first so he can be in front if he wants." I know they are talking about a go-cart video game, but that is all kinds of clever.

  23. Basically they just have to share their passwords with management and deal with whatever is said or done in their name.

    I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I think someone else is tweeting from Austin's account.

    I think PR is playing around from Austin's account again and I'm sure Jake would just be thrilled to know that a girl is calling his guy her "hubby to be" for all the world to see.

    The timing of this resumption is clear as a bell and it's also a dead giveaway the way that this tweeter puts up the DM's for allllll to see.

    Thanks to those who are spilling the beans on blogs like Datalounge and confirming that there are nimrods behind a lot of this nonsense.

    PR, you're not fooling everyone. And as the internet continues to spread this kind of information, your job is only going to get harder and harder.

    ; )

  24. Let me clarify that of course I think Austin is also tweeting. But after reading what that DL thread commenter had to say, I know that the concept of management sharing control of the twitter accounts can't be a new one. Why should Austin be any different?

    I cannot believe that is Austin DM'ing some of these things.

    Yeah, talk about signing your life away. I cannot imagine letting someone tweet from my Twitter account something that wasn't true or was misleading or inappropriate.

  25. I had to go back and check the tweet that said chillin with Jake in Newark, NJ.

    That tweet rang true to me as well, Tom. The connecting flights to Austin, TX from Newark, is very telling. Not just because it was Father's Day weekend but, yes, as someone mentioned earlier in the week, because it was probably the guy's Fourth Wedding Anniversary, as well.

    I wouldn't be surprised at all that PR is at work with many of those Ć¼ber heterosexual and often downright creepy tweets coming out of Austin's account over the past several months. Many of them sent to 16 and 17 year old girls.

  26. That tweet rang true to me as well, Tom. The connecting flights to Austin, TX from Newark, is very telling. Not just because it was Father's Day weekend but, yes, as someone mentioned earlier in the week, because it was probably the guy's Fourth Wedding Anniversary, as well.

    Why use a connecting flight when you can fly direct?

  27. Well one reason to use a connecting is to avoid giving a tip off where you are actually heading.

    Because if someone would have seen Jake in Toronto boarding a flight to TX, it would have been out there before they finished taxiing the runway.

  28. Hey Jersey Tom check also this tweetsJune 23, 2012 at 4:40 PM

    sue smith ‏@suesmith666
    Of course I wait on Jake Gyllenhaal on the day my weave looks a mess. #weavetweets
    8:05 PM - 15 Jun 12

    Elizabeth Turner ‏@lizTduke
    Can't believe we just saw Jake Gyllenhaal on the subway #firstcelebrityspotting #tourists #yolo @Weinburglar16

    1:36PM 16 june New York

    My Last Supper ‏@mylastsupper
    I proclaim Parm as the perfect place for a late lunch.Eggplant+tuna+cauliflower+meatballs=delic. Now cake, later coma

    16:13PM 16 J

    My Last Supper ‏@mylastsupper
    @pavianyc would have been cool to see you but I was a happy bunny sitting at the counter next to Jake Gyllenhaal.

    16:19PM 16 J

    Samantha Garcia ‏@SamanthaGrc
    Just shared a restaurant with Jake Gyllenhall.

    16:50 16 J at Parm restaurant NYC

    Michael Beck ‏@MichaelCBeck
    Standing on a corner in #NYC and heard a familiar voice. I look over and Jake Gyllenhaal was standing next to me. I about fainted. #perfect

    17:54PM 16 J

    Celebrity sighting! Jake Gyllenhaal at Cafe Gitane in Nolita today. theADVOCATEgroup was sitting right behind him...

    June 17 NYC

    Jordan Lloyd ‏@jordanlloyd
    Just had a beard-off with Jake Gyllenhaal. I think it was a draw. @ Terroni
    9:23 PM 17 J

    Joy Johnston ‏@joyfuljohnston
    Jake Gyllenhaal @ Terroni again!
    20:44 PM 17 J

    MiCHAEL ‏@sgams97
    I met Jake Gyllenhaal at terronis tonight. He's actually the funniest guy

    11:45 PM 17 Jun

  29. mmm and why Jake cannot take a private flight? Or why he cannot stay in any other place between Toronto and Austin? Why NY? Oh waits it is because it is where Jake live and where he was going!

  30. mmm and why Jake cannot take a private flight? Or why he cannot stay in any other place between Toronto and Austin? Why NY? Oh waits it is because it is where Jake live and where he was going!

    Because it was Father's Day and even closeted husbands tend to want to be together with their family on special days like that.

  31. Standing on a corner in #NYC and heard a familiar voice. I look over and Jake Gyllenhaal was standing next to me

    LOLLLLLLLLLL! Yeah. Jake's voice is sooooo familiar and distinct that, of course, this stranger could recognize it with his eyes closed.

  32. How fake! I'm sure the Newark one is just as fake!!

  33. Trolls are getting nervous. The truth is staring them in the face but all they can do is post fake tweets.

  34. special flight for special dayJune 23, 2012 at 5:19 PM

    And this desire to be with his own children in special days like Father's day would be worth the use of a private flight, away from looks indiscreet and uncomfortable questions, but no Jake has taken a normal flight of an aerial company that notoriously doesn't land at LaGuardia Airport.Not too much cunning or discreet I would say.

  35. trolls are desperateJune 23, 2012 at 5:20 PM

    How fake! I'm sure the Newark one is just as fake!!

    Ah, I love with the trolls come out of the woodwork and post within seconds. Tells me all I need to know. By the way...Jake is so gay and so much a daddy that I know you can't stand it. Kirsten didn't work out. Reese crashed and burned. Old Taylor Swift went bye bye and tried to be recently shipped with Harry Styles, but that young man of 1Direction ran away as far as he could. Smart lad, indeed. If only Jake had half his brains and as Prairie Girl stated, half his smile.

  36. You could tweet seeing Jake in NYC or LA and anyone might believe you. Say you are chillin with him in Newark and it is not true ur friends know ur nuts or a liar.

  37. And this desire to be with his own children in special days like Father's day would be worth the use of a private flight.

    Jake knows the score. He knew PR would cover up his mess. He also needs that extra cash for multiple BTs college fund.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Trolls are getting nervous. The truth is staring them in the face but all they can do is post fake tweets.

    LOL! Also the photos are fake? Please also to the ridicule there is a limit!

  40. Socrates said...
    mmm and why Jake cannot take a private flight?

    Because he is not the f ing Queen of England and reeke inc is not owned by Disney anymore.

  41. special flight for special day said...
    And this desire to be with his own children in special days like Father's day would be worth the use of a private flight, away from looks indiscreet and uncomfortable questions, but no Jake has taken a normal flight of an aerial company that notoriously doesn't land at LaGuardia Airport.Not too much cunning or discreet I would say.

    Not to be redundant but he aint the Pope and he aint that rich.

  42. I believe Special showed not too long ago that there is a pic file in PR's arsenal and they post photos as needed. Too bad you're so gullible.

  43. By the way, that's my response to Mr. Kodak!

  44. Socrates said...
    mmm and why Jake cannot take a private flight? Or why he cannot stay in any other place between Toronto and Austin? Why NY? Oh waits it is because it is where Jake live and where he was going!

    Did you ever think he may have got a better connection time wise or a cheaper flight. Aint rocket science.

  45. I don't think it's a coincidence that Jake made sure the character(s) he's playing in An Enemy has a beard too. Make's it easier to post old photos.

  46. When is Ted going to drop his bombshell?

  47. Oops! Meant: Makes it easier.

  48. Because he is not the f ing Queen of England and reeke inc is not owned by Disney anymore

    Just a couple of weeks ago you were sure that Jake regularly used private flights.What is changed in few weeks? If he can afford to produce a movie he can also afford a private flight in a special day.

  49. Ted has backed offJune 23, 2012 at 5:37 PM

    Jake is not bearding so Ted has backed off. By the way, this is another indication that Jake is Toothy Tile. Ted only went after him when he was pimping fake relationships and trying to sell himself as being heterosexual.

  50. Life is complicatedJune 23, 2012 at 5:39 PM

    Jake also uses private flights. But, not exclusively. Depends on the circumstances.

  51. I don't think it's a coincidence that Jake made sure the character(s) he's playing in An Enemy has a beard too. Make's it easier to post old photos.

    How clever! Poor Jake, no wonder he does so few films...he's been waiting all that time to find a character that has facial hair. The lengths closeted gays go to are amazing!

  52. Nope. Jake didn't need to find a character with facial hair. He just made sure that the characters would have to both have a beard. How very convenient. In the book, that is not the case.

  53. if you say that you have just shared a restaurant with Jake Gyllenhaal it is not true ur friends know ur nuts or a liar too even worse.

    Please learn to write coherently. You're a nuisance on your own, but your grammar makes you even more obnoxious. And...hysterically funny.

  54. life is surely complicated and to try to sell such a great lie is complicated even more, therefore you should try to be more careful less scatterbrains and not to change mind with the frequency with which change suits

  55. Trolls are nervous indeed.

    Articles from outside sources such as have been brought to OMG in the past 24 hours or so lend incredible credence to some of the claims that have been made by a number of us here on OMG regarding Jake and/or Austin. Claims that many used to laugh and scoff at but now explain so much about both mens' behavior and actions in the last 10 years.

    Not so funny anymore, is it? More like pretty nerve wracking, apparently.

  56. I think a certain Troll needs to go back to Twitter before I call them out.

    Their writing style betrays them.

  57. Jake is what he isJune 23, 2012 at 5:53 PM

    Ah, the greatest lie of all is put out by PR. And you crazy people continue to perpetuate it. Because you can't stand to think that you lovely Jake is in love with a man. And, just think, you're not even on the payroll.

  58. Please learn to write coherently. You're a nuisance on your own, but your grammar makes you even more obnoxious. And...hysterically funny.

    Yes I know my grammar is very lame, but what it misses me in grammar I compensate with the logic, quality that together with the gentleness it seems you totally miss, but nobody is perfect, if only you were not so frightened from the sense of my sentences, you would not attach yourself to the grammar that I admit it is indeed bad, but I can always learn, and I wish you to reach the logical sense.

  59. Speaking of lovely Jake, love some of the new photos from that just revealed shoot from 2010, like the one that Special posted of him sitting on the box.

    Just brilliant.

  60. It's all the same opinion no matter the languageJune 23, 2012 at 6:05 PM

    if only you were not so frightened from the sense of my sentences,

    Don't make some of us laugh. You don't make sense and your opinion is to spread JIS which is totally a waste of your time here.

    Be off with you.

  61. It's true that English may not be your first language. I apologize if that's the case. But, I make my living in the world of media manipulation. So please understand that I'm just trying to bring you down gently. Marketing is not about logic it's about $$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

    Btw: I have a degree in Philosophy so I think I know something about logic.

  62. Ted has backed off said...
    Jake is not bearding so Ted has backed off. By the way, this is another indication that Jake is Toothy Tile. Ted only went after him when he was pimping fake relationships and trying to sell himself as being heterosexual.

    And then how come Ted doesn't say anything about Minka story?

  63. Be off with you.

    I have never had intention to talk with you

  64. Ted has backed offJune 23, 2012 at 6:11 PM

    And then how come Ted doesn't say anything about Minka story?

    Maybe because it was so lame even he did not feel the need to respond. Ted likes Jake. If you have followed the Toothy story that is more that apparent. He wants Jake to live his life fully. I'm sure he is one of Jake's main supporters.

  65. There will be no convincing this Troll. It is a total waste of time.

    She is here purely to disrupt, engage, monopolize and try to sully this blog into another WFT2.

  66. "English Not My First Language" Troll = Jack the Troll.

    They are the same person; notice how when one appears, here comes the other.

  67. EOW Producer said...
    Because he is not the f ing Queen of England and reeke inc is not owned by Disney anymore

    Just a couple of weeks ago you were sure that Jake regularly used private flights.What is changed in few weeks? If he can afford to produce a movie he can also afford a private flight in a special day.

    NNever said that. Sorry Charly.

  68. Life is complicated said...
    Jake also uses private flights. But, not exclusively. Depends on the circumstances

    Yeah when ur paying.

  69. Speaking of logic, then how much logic is in to affirm there that those photos of Jake are old? Those photos have been takings in more than a restaurant, to the light of the sun, with random people around . also this all forgery? done reconstruct in some studios, or in the wine cellar of Jake? all actors? and if Jake is not the fucking queen as he can afford to face these enormous expenses?

  70. NNever said that. Sorry Charly.

    perhaps not you, but has been said.

  71. Another fangirl said...
    if you say that you have just shared a restaurant with Jake Gyllenhaal it is not true ur friends know ur nuts or a liar too even worse.

    Please learn to write coherently. You're a nuisance on your own, but your grammar makes you even more obnoxious. And...hysterically funny.

    I will claim a part of that sentence but i have no clue where you came up with the other crap. But yeah my grammar aint not ever too very good. Did mucn more better in mathamatictistics. Oh spelling aint so hot anyways also.

  72. two weights two measuresJune 23, 2012 at 6:30 PM

    Maybe because it was so lame even he did not feel the need to respond. Ted likes Jake. If you have followed the Toothy story that is more that apparent. He wants Jake to live his life fully. I'm sure he is one of Jake's main supporters

    Not more lame than Taylor Swift story,

    and if Ted loves Jake so much,maybe he should not say that he had the herpes , or that it goes looking for sex in some alley of Los Angeles. I don't have doubts that Ted likes Jake but I fears that with "likes" we intend very different things


  74. Sometines simplicity is blissJune 23, 2012 at 6:33 PM

    Jake is in love with Austin Nichols.

  75. will claim a part of that sentence but i have no clue where you came up with the other crap. But yeah my grammar aint not ever too very good. Did mucn more better in mathamatictistics. Oh spelling aint so hot anyways also.

    I try again trying to be more comprehensible

    If you say to have shared a restaurant with him and it are not true, it is not different or less stupid to be said to have chillin with him, if it is not true

  76. How expensive is it to post fake tweets and photos on the internet. Hi Mrs. Gyllenhaal :-)

  77. so late and and indeed uselessJune 23, 2012 at 6:40 PM

    Jake is in love with Austin Nichols

    if this lie makes you feel better for me it is all right good night

  78. Not more lame than Taylor Swift story,

    Nothing is more lame than the Taylor Swift fabrication, and the very convenient album that will now be filled with songs about her undying love for Jake Gyllenhaal.

    I believe in December 2010, Jake's PR had not even decided upon who had introduced the two "lovebirds", although it seemed they wanted to settle upon Gwyneth. Gee, I wonder if Jake has any "special" relationship with Goopy?

  79. Sometimes simplicity is blissJune 23, 2012 at 7:11 PM

    if this lie makes you feel better for me it is all right good night

    Not a lie. The question is whether Jake and Austin will have the guts to come out. I'm sure they have beautiful children together. Will they have the guts to acknowledge what they have created out of love. I sure hope so.

  80. So much has happened in the past five-six years not just for them but as we see in the article in society and entertainment, that coming out now would be a different experience than what it would have been back then.

  81. I agree, Special K. I was introduced to the whole Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson love story here. Times they are A'changin' without a doubt.

    I hope Jake and Austin realize that, because surely they are proud of one another and who they are, and the children they have brought into this world. Jake has always been someone who, to me, has been very gay friendly. So has Austin.

    Someone on the The Ass of Louis Tomlinson thread on Data Lounge thread mentioned how not to beard - the name of Jake Gyllenhaal the example given. Please Jake, be what we always thought you had to courage to be. Because when you were in love and trying to come out you were the most beautiful creature in the world.

  82. Tall Hot Blonde is starting now on Lifetime for those in the East and Central timezones.

  83. To Mars:

    Because that's what bearding is all about. Like I am supposed to believe that a hot 18 young man like Harry can't have anyone else he wants, but he chooses a very unattractive married woman.

    It was the start of a romance which lasted just a few weeks but almost wrecked 32-year-old Lucy’s marriage.

    The fling fizzled out after One Direction singer Harry, then 17, started dating TV host Caroline Flack, 32 – causing ­controversy because of their 15-year age gap.

    Today we can reveal the full story of his first ­encounter with an attractive older woman, Lucy.

    A source said: “Harry’s got a record for pulling some of the most beautiful women in showbiz and couldn’t resist Lucy’s beautiful looks. He found her ­really witty and very sexy.

    “Lucy was going through a rocky patch with her husband. After only a year of marriage she had doubts over ­whether she had done the right thing. She had requested taking time out in their relationship and they were virtually ­leading separate lives.

    Now, this is just insulting.
