Thursday, June 21, 2012

It still wows...

While Jake is shopping at Whole Foods and Austin is making a sandwich, just thinking way way back to the beginning

Who couldn't fall for a smile like that

And who couldn't fall for those eyes and those dimples

And then you think ten years and they still have that smile and those eyes for each other.


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  2. I know it is redundant but when you look at so many couples after years being together, not many still have that same sparkle when they did when first got together. Jake and Austin do.

    Small step? I think out together in Jan, Berlin, Austin's new role on Showtime, pretty much faux free for both in 2012, there's a few.

  3. Couldn't agree more Special!

    There is magic in those smiles.

  4. Blind from Thurs June 21

    Today's Blind Items - He Died

    It has been a sad past few months for this A list movie actor. And let me start right off by saying this is not John Travolta and the actor I'm talking about does not even like John Travolta. In fact, one time they actually shoved each other. So, there you go. Our actor is A list. Only movies, although he seems like the kind of guy that if you gave him something fun or really good he would do television. He isn't a snob at all. He does though hold a secret that he thinks about every second of the day and that is his sexuality. He is married. Been so for awhile. Even before he met his wife though he met his best friend and his lover. The pair have been through everything together. he has generally worked on our actor's movies and is never far from his side. They lived in the same city and the wife knew about and accepted the relationship. It was great for her too because she had her own interests and our actor is a great guy and great provider. This was the perfect man for our actor. Never flashy. never wanting to be out in the open. Totally accepting of everything. On film sets around the world they were inseparable. Press tours? He was always waiting back at the hotel for our actor. Those were their times. Even though they lived in the same city, they rarely met up. They rarely saw each other. It was all about their time away. When they did meet in the city, the boyfriend would dress as a meter reader or even a Jehovah's Witness one time. But those encounters were rare.

    About a year ago, the boyfriend got sick. Our actor put as much of his life on hold as he could and when he could not be with the boyfriend, his wife was. Together they saw him everyday and made sure he was always comfortable. He died about ten days ago. I wish the actor all the best and hope this maybe sets him free in many ways to show the world who he is and that it's ok and everyone will still love you.

    Posted by ent lawyer at 10:10 AM 202 comments

  5. Cover Story

    "Outward Bound: Celebs Struggle To Keep Sexuality Secret(ish), But Media Make Mischief"

    Read article here (4 pages):

  6. That's terrible that someone would choose to live that way, seeing your boyfriend only when you're out of town. Now that he's gone I can't imagine how under those circumstances you don't feel the pain of all the time you missed together because of the closet.

    When people are dying or left behind, what they always talk about is not spending enough time with family and friends. They rarely talk about work or the other things that people use as an excuse to stay in the closet.

  7. For decades, the practice of aggressively outing well-knowns was largely forsworn. Jim McGreevey, former governor of New Jersey, didn’t get the gay rumors swirling around him put into print until he declared himself a “gay American.” Jodie Foster’s long relationship with a female movie producer only went public when Ms. Foster acknowledged it in a 2007 awards acceptance speech. By that time, the pair had already raised two children together.

    You better believe this lends credence to my own belief that Jake and Austin go to HW parties and certain events together but it is just not printed.

    Until Jake and Austin themselves eventually give the official green light, you will continue to see Jake and "a friend" in articles and either "no pictures" or "closely cropped" pictures at events.

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  9. From the same article:

    When is outing in the media acceptable? “There were two criteria journalistically that had to be met,” said Mr. Signorile. “Is the sexual orientation relevant? And is it a public figure? If you’re a public figure where you open up your life for dissection by the media, and it’s relevant to the story, journalistically, that’s something that is perfectly acceptable. At the same time, I have also talked about how culturally, as a journalist working for a journalistic outfit, it’s not a tabloid, I see it as you report on it when it’s relevant to a larger story.”

    In other words, “Anderson Cooper is gay,” were it verified, is not a story; “John Travolta sued for same-sex sexual misconduct” is.

    I have conflicting feelings about this. I agree that if a person is minding their own business and going about their life, it is no one's right to out a person.

    My issue is if 1) they're flaunting fake relationships with misrepresentation and doing so with an obnoxious in-your-face media campaign and 2) they're selling their products and person to me, the general public.

    Then it stops being just a "private" issue for the celebrity. If they are on David Letterman and they're selling a false package with lies and pushing this DVD or that new blockbuster movie or this new TV series or that new CD, then it's my feeling that at that point they become a business.

    I can choose to not buy the product. I still don't believe in outing by the media even though there have been a few really obnoxious times I have certainly wished someone would just out Jake & Austin's asses. But that will be in a mad moment and generally, I try not to feel that way.

    When the beards and false lifestyle is pushed, I know that I certainly don't have sympathy or understanding any longer.

    Not in 2012. Times have changed twofold in just a matter of 5 years. Bearding and interview lying is no longer understandable to me.

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