Saturday, June 9, 2012

Picture Problem

There are four pictures of Jake leaving Parma restaurant late last night but they create more questions that answers like:

Why only 4 pictures? That's not even a second of photography - they shoot 10-12 frames a second.

Was there someone that they didn't want to have pictures of taken with Jake?

Who would eat alone so late at night?

It looks like he is coming from somewhere up the street and walking past the door. Why not use the door to the restaurant?  Why did he have to use another exit if he was all alone?


  1. Special, the link to the comments for yesterday's post has disappeared.

    Poor Jake, forced to eat alone late at night in the Big Apple. He has no friends, no family, no one who will go out on a date with him.

  2. I know you haven't been keeping tabs (but M&M has), he goes out to eat solo quite frequently and has done so at Parm in the past. Since it's mostly counter service it's probably more comfortable for him to eat that way when solo. Just like he does at sushi restaurants.

  3. Thats a funny one solo dining. Keep dreaming.

  4. Bin Yang ‏@yangbin88olp
    Jake Gyllenhaal is sitting next to me at Parm. I love this place and #NYC

    9:26 PM 8 J

    Not so late after all, and looks like he was alone.

  5. Very well could be. Could also mean at the next table.

    But good grief, take off the armor and throw down the spear. What is this fierce defense of so desperately wanting Jake to be eating alone?

    I suppose you also are going to say that he goes home to a cold bed every night.


  6. That tweet does not say that Jake is eating alone at all. Says he is there.

  7. You know, this is what is growing just so darned tiresome with Jake. And Austin.

    It's just rerun after rerun. Retread after retread. Same old, same old.

    Where in the heck is Madeleine Kahn, anyway? I'm tired,
    Tired of playing the game
    Ain't it a crying shame
    I'm so tired

    Please, give me OneDirection any day now for freshness. For fun. For different, vibrant clothes every single day, lol.

    Tired of these same old arguments, it is not worth my time right now.

    I'm off!

  8. There are no tables at Parm, it' s a really small place.

    That tweet does not say that Jake is eating alone at all. Says he is there.

    It seems obvious from Bin Yang's description.

  9. Fixed the problem Destiny - sorry about that.

    It doesn't matter if there are tables or not at Parm, the thing to me that is most interesting is that there is no picture of Jake coming out of the place, just walking past it. I am not saying he wasn't there, I am sure he was, but why wasn't he seen coming out of Parm? Which leads you to wonder if there was someone with him that caused no pictures like that and so few pictures on the whole.

  10. Or Jake was there alone and didn't want to be bothered. As usual.

  11. If there was limited seating and didn't want to be bothered why didn't he just get it to go then?

  12. Yeah Jake comes all the way back from Toronto for the weekend and eats by himself. Why didnt he just stay in Toronto then.

  13. If there was limited seating and didn't want to be bothered why didn't he just get it to go then?

    Bcz he doesn't feel like cooking? bcz it is comfortable and next to his apartment?

    Why didnt he just stay in Toronto then.

    To see his little niece?

  14. Jake's flown back to Toronto already.

    This guy works at the airport:

    ♚J✰VEEZY♚ ‏@J_EN_V

    Got a 1/2 hr left & talk about ending my 12 hr shift on a good note. Jake Gyllenhaal just came thru my side & said hi. #PerksOfTheJob

    6:28 PM - 9 Jun 12 via TweetCaster for Android · Details

    Alice Abernathy ‏@houseofleaves_

    @J_EN_V Where are you guys filming?

    1h ♚J✰VEEZY♚ ♚J✰VEEZY♚ ‏@J_EN_V

    @houseofleaves_ Oh nah not filming. He was getting on a flight.

    7:43 PM - 9 Jun 12 via TweetCaster for Android · Details

  15. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  16. Please, give me OneDirection any day now for freshness. For fun. For different, vibrant clothes every single day, lol.

    Tired of these same old arguments, it is not worth my time right now.

    Perhaps you could join the gang of 17 year olds writing Stylinson fanfic over on I'm sure they'd welcome you.

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. So just how upset about your boy are you really, Jack?

    To be over here? And are you that desperate for attention? Nobody interesting to talk to over the hedge? Gee, maybe that's because it's just you and a cast of Jacks.

    Because you are most of the other commenters over there, aren't you? Altar egos en masse?

    Where's that homework, Jack?

    Talk to the hand until you bring that homework over. And I'm going to keep asking until you do.

  19. Fawning! Fawning going on here.

    Troll thinks he is going to bring down this blog with his antics and his sleeping impediment.

    Troll's got another thing coming.

  20. Opposite DirectionJune 10, 2012 at 1:21 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. Okay, since no one else has anything to say about the boys, here's a really good read. And I do mean, a really good read.

    What's that song, It's a Sign of the Times? Who sings that? Dusty Springfield or one of those Flower Power gals?

    It's very interesting to watch so far how Larry interacts. I think it's part of what makes Larry so fascinating is because there is such a magnitude of medium out there on these guys. They had a Twitcam. They tweet. They are in the midst of a tour so there are just oodles of interviews and television appearances going on right now as the group One Direction invades the U.S.

    There are tumblrs with little "OMGers" (TM) in the making who are reporting and providing archives for of Larry, pointing out the inconsistencies, pointing out the little signs, pointing out the obvious.

    Back in the fledgling days of Jaustin circa 2002-2007, there was no Twitter. Basically, people had only what Public Relations fed to them and wanted them to see. Well, how times have changed now.

    Anyway, this will probably take two posts. It's from a Tumblr and it's about the way that Louis and Harry are going about handling their relationship in public.


    Just Two Who Are a Bit More Carefree Too ... aka T.H. and T.F. take on the tumblr

    June 6, 2012 • 633 notes

    I Found a Lawyer Writing About Larry

    I’m a lawyer and will add my perspective to go along with the biologist and the psychologist. If anyone has a tumblr you have my permission (encouragement actually) to post this under the Larry tag.

    6 June 2012

    Like I said, I’m a trial lawyer which makes me one of the scary kinds of lawyers and one usually misrepresented on tv. I’m also gay and by simple averages an outsider. This makes me good at identifying other outsiders and especially good at uncovering someone deliberately hiding their sexuality. The good news is this post isn’t all about that. I (and many other people who presumably aren’t normally so good at this - aka many Larry shippers) don’t see two gay people in hiding. The opposite, in fact, is on display. We see a great and sexual love between Louis and Harry. I could probably predict with a good accuracy how this love manifests physically, but that would detract from my point which isn’t sexual at all.

    I believe that 1d’s management is planning for the boys to ultimately come out. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not this year, but at sometime. And when they do there won’t be a single video clip of Harry or Louis definitively denying their sexuality or relationship. I can say this because there hasn’t been a case of this happening so far (show me one example that wouldn’t look ridiculous when used in GMA’s coverage and I’ll hand you the keys to my sweet-ass BMW), yet there has been more than enough cause for there to be at least a simple and clear denial. Because there hasn’t been, I realize that there is a long term option (or short, depending) for Larry to come out cleanly and without the usually obligatory media blitz story of them hiding their sexuality. And as I mentioned before, hiding just isn’t the case, they are basically living in an open relationship before our eyes. They won’t be outed or coming out any more than they will be verified or will be confirming what we’ve seen all along. Their management won’t be seen as an oppressive force (even if they are right now) and they will maintain dignity - at least their (mgmt’s) maneuvers so far suggest this.

    In the Much Music interview where Louis speaks about Larry. Notice that Harry doesn’t say anything. I happen to know questions like this are either scripted or stock answers are prepared for talent to deliver when a particular or expected question comes up - the Larry q’s could be either one of these. The same is basically true when we lawyers call on someone to speak in court. Sometimes a witness is vulnerable or unable to present a convincing stance on something (just like Harry might not be able to say “I DON’T love Louis with all my heart” in a truthful or convincing way). Whatever, we work around that by planning to cover only things the witness has a handle on so that the hard stuff can’t be brought up in something called cross examination (cross exams are like an interview asking questions to poke holes in the prefabricated part of the interview - which may have happened here, every journalist wants an exclusive). Or if these questions do get asked, I can sometimes object to the question or in the worst case coach my witness not to answer certain questions (which is what happens often with 1d).

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  25. cont.

    Now sometimes we have a witness who’s great. This person can be compared to Louis. Usually they are confident, a great actor, and sometimes (though not always directly instructed to) absolutely great at telling passable, helpful lies when under fire. Usually I won’t try and object when an opposing counsel asks something a little off limits to this type of person because I know my witness can potentially turn the forbidden question into a big grab for my side, effectively blowing it up in the other counsel’s face. Louis is able to do this when asked about Larry. He answers vaguely, drops a mention of reading hardcore fanfic, implies he’s more than friends with Harry, and then embraces him. All while seemingly saying that no relationship exists. Listen back, check the stenographer’s records and it’s just a deflection NOT a denial of Larry that we heard.

    I can say that it appears the boys are being coached to answer Larry questions in a way that considers coming out in the future. All legal talk aside, it is also largely encouraging, in my opinion, to see young love between two immensely popular, visible, and talented outsiders who are like me.

    - anonymous

    Maybe Louis and Harry have learned how NOT to do it

  26. Outstanding point about Harry Styles and Louis Louis Tomlinson. I originally from England and remember watching the X Factor. I believe these two are indeed a couple and want to eventually come out. People have even seen them holding hands in public and there's be pics of them kissing. This is a blog about advancing gay rights too and I admire people bringing up this topic. Both of these guys are stark contrasts with Jake and Austin. I hope they can hold out. It would be such a tremendous step forward in the entertainment industry.

  27. I cannot convey how many YouTube videos there are. The amount of concert footage. The number of pictures. Even Harry and Louis' moms tweet.

    And you can see Harry being the most vocal about fighting back. Changing lyrics during performances, kissing Louis on stage.

    It's so different from Jake and Austin it is not funny. These two young men don't hide their closeness. They don't change their mannerisms. It appears to me that their mothers are totally supportive of their relationship.

    And their fans, so many of their female fans embrace who they are. They love Larry. They bop to their music, still sing along to the lyrics but I think it's just because they're fun lyrics, not that they believe them word for word.

    As I watch Larry, my heart aches for what Jake and Austin had out in the open for one night back when. I remember when someone commented on here not too long ago that Jake was known to brag about how he was going to buck the system. And I bet he did have that hope. You look at early, early pictures of Jake, and he did not hide who he was.

    And now? Now I hope that these 2 guys are working on a plan. I hope for better times after this blasted movie End of Watch is released and over with.

    But until then, we will continue to see retread, day old, rerun, reworked. And that includes the day old, retreaded arguments.

  28. ^sorry about the typos. I'm on my mobile phone.

  29. Thanks for commenting, Love is Equal. No matter it's from your phone! So glad to hear your thoughts.

    I cannot express how wonderful it has been to watch all the interactions between Harry and Louis.

    That lawyer is right. When Harry said on video that Louis Tomlinson was his first major crush, he looked right at that camera when he said it. They have a lovely documentary of their early love forever archived.

    I wish I could find the tweet that Louis once sent to Harry about same sex marriage passing in NY but I can't find it right now. It was so endearing.

    Anyway, just sharing some interesting thoughts and comparisons to what we have been witnessing for the past number of years with our two little dinosaurs.

  30. Sigh. I think I'm going to have to change my avatar. That is just too blurry. That is a candid moment of Larry from one of their concerts. The girl who put it up on her tumblr had the caption of "SOBS"

    LOLLLLLLLL!!!! That killed me. Sobs.

    LOL. So cute.

  31. I think what mystifies management is that people are rooting for same sex couples like Harry & Louis and Jake and Austin for that matter, because they are convinced that they would be rejected because of their sexuality. What they don't get is that isn't about sexuality is about love. And how more universal is that. Everyone wants love. How can you not root for them and want others to have that too.

  32. Is the tweet Prairie Girl?

    Louis Tomlinson ‏@louis_tomlinson

    gay marriage has been accepted in new york? cmon @harry_styles we're moving.


    1:21 PM - 26 Jun 11 via web · Embed this Tweet

  33. The End of Watch trailer is out in the theater.

    Film Samurai ‏@FilmSamurai

    The only trailer that stood out when I saw Prometheus yesterday was End Of Watch with Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Pena.

    I really want to see what kind of story Ayer has created in EOW.

  34. The other night, at their San Diego concert, Harry Styles sang the following lyric to their song, Gotta Be You: "I hear the beat of my heart getting louder whenever I'm near him." This, instead of the ambiguous pronoun "you." These two are definitely breaking new ground.
    Like many, I'm certainly cheering them on as they go up against the homophobic music industry. It takes some guts and creativity and these young men are demonstrating one way to be true to who they are while still not quite coming out just yet. And, many of the fans know all about "Larry" and love them even more. It's a new day, for sure.

  35. This is a blog not just about Jake and Austin, but about supporting equal rights and cheering those on who are advancing that cause. So why don't you buzz off because you are the creepy one if you think this kind of discussion is disgusting.

  36. Very interesting observations about Larry and Henry (they need a name, or do they have one?).

    Things have changed a lot in the 7 years since BBM. And two of the big reasons for that are NPH and Adam Lambert, who showed that you could come out and still have a very successful career, and in the case of Adam, be a sex symbol for women.

  37. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  38. Very interesting observations about Larry and Henry (they need a name, or do they have one?).

    Hey, Destiny. It's Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson. Their name together is Larry Stylinson.

  39. Oops, got confused by the names, LOLLLLL!

    I'm going to try to remember to just call them Larry S.

  40. Very interesting comments by the attorney. And these young guys are of a different generation now than Austin & Jake so fearless and less willing to play the game long term. I think Jake missed his moment and is somewhat trapped. Not forever. But for a bit longer.
