Friday, June 8, 2012

Will He Rock the ' Roo?

It could it be 3* Roos in a row for Austin if he "attends" Bonmaroo, that opened yesterday in TN. 
Another Photo'Shopping Spree? The Red Arrow is always ready Mr. Nichols. 
You could save time just use the same set of pics.
But really? What's the point. You've done Coachella this year.  We get it.
Here's a thought big guy, stay put do the  Roo virtually with those most special VIPs in your life.

Why run around trying to be apart, when you can enjoy the best weekend, no wristband necessary. 

 Besides... ACL is coming and there are advantages of going home. ; )


  1. We need a 1D song!!!!June 8, 2012 at 7:11 PM

    So get out, get out, get out of my head
    And fall into my arms instead
    I don't, I don't, don't know what it is
    But I need that one thing
    And you've got that one thing


    ♪♫♪ Shot me out of the sky
    You're my kryptonite
    You keep making me weak
    Yeah, frozen and can't breathe

    So get out, get out, get out of my head
    And fall into my arms instead
    I don't, I don't, don't know what it is
    But I need that one thing
    And you've got that one thing

  2. ♫ ♪
    Everyone else in the room can see it,
    Everyone else but you,

    Baby you light up my world like nobody else,
    The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,
    But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,
    You don't know,
    Oh oh,
    You don't know you're beautiful,
    If only you saw what I can see,
    You'll understand why I want you so desperately,
    Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe,
    You don't know,
    Oh oh,
    You don't know you're beautiful,
    Oh oh,
    That's what makes you beautiful


  3. Go see BERNIE asap. A twisted, well-told, dark and funny true-story by Richard Linklater. A fellow Austinite.

    Bernie is on my list of summer movies that I wanted to see.

    Jack Black is supposed to be great as Bernie, who's in the closet by the way, who strikes up a friendship with Shirley McClain's character. But somehow she goes missing and no one in town could believe that Bernie could do such a thing.

    My favorite Linklater movie? Dazed and Confused. The whole thing was filmed in Austin. And the actor Wiley Wiggins who played Mitch, went to Austin's HS-- McCallum

  4. I just heard there is a huge thing on this week on One Direction

  5. No triple crown :-( Poor I'll have another.

  6. Yeah, that's too bad about I'll Have Another.

    Bernie is on my list too, I've heard nothing but great things about the movie.

  7. Pete Gorski (@petegorski)
    6/8/12 14:33

    West Village Celebrity Sighting, Donnie Darko Edition: Jake Gyllenhaal riding shotgun in a Suburban on Hudson & Perry

    Shared via TweetCaster

  8. SAFETY NOT GUARANTEED. Don't walk. Run to the theatre. Trust me.

    10:03 PM - 8 Jun 12 via Echofon · Details

  9. Well, it's off to work this morning. It looks like Jake may have had a bit of a rough night last night. While he and Austin have only brought that kind of attention upon themselves by living such a secretive lifestyle, I'm sorry that it happened. You don't know what the paps might have said to provoke and well, I still feel bad.

    Again, it seems like just another indication that Jake is under stress. Seems like we get these kinds of reports of temper fits.

    And I ask myself, what could be stressful while working a movie when you haven't even worked on a movie for nearly a year?

    Off to work!

  10. (null) (@josephbergdoll)
    6/8/12 21:36

    Jake Gyllenhaal hasslin paparazzi in soho right now haha

    (null) (@ikebrooker)
    6/8/12 21:58

    Jake gyllenhall. Baby boy. Lock it up! Saw you on the street 10 mins ago. Go home. Nap. Chillax. # realtalk

  11. Why would you go out and eat by yourself at 11 at night. Jake has a pattern of being seen with Austin late at night. That coupled with the paps on his case, and his behavior you can come to the conclusion that he was with someone, and most likely it's Austin.

  12. Here we go jumping to conclusions again. Once you know the exchange that took place between pales and Jake then start making up excuses and placing imaginary people by his side. Until then, shut it.

    Troll is upset that there precious Jakey is not the man they think he is. Get over yourself. It's obvious Jake is still deep in the closet and pushing the world away. He was with someone he didn't want to be papped with and I can bet they weren't female.

  13. I saw that same tweet, PG and immediately thought Jake probably was having a later dinner with someone he did not want to be seen with. He has done that many, many times before. Who knows what the paparazzo might have said to make him angry, but just not wanting to be photographed with Austin could very well be at the core of the verbal altercation. Particularly, if Jake is obligated by some morals clause in his contract for EoW. Which given the subject matter of that film, I can believe that's the case.

  14. Too bad Austin is in LA ;)

  15. Of course, Austin will now be placed in LA. That's how the closet game works. Easy to do. Picture there, tweet from someone in LA and voila Austin is suddenly transported across country like magic.

  16. IHJ pics a solo Jake

    Oh, please. Jake went out to dinner late at night, solo? You really do think he's weird, don't you? And, why would he me blowing up to the point of being called a baby because a pap got a pic of him by himself? Sell it somewhere else.

  17. Jake wasn't with Austin and you know that, cut the crap.

  18. Wow, that didn't take long at all, did it?

    Sighting of Jake in a suburban.

    Pattern of behavior revealed.

    And here comes the damage control.

    Just like clockwork.

  19. Sighting of Jake in a suburban.


  20. Wow, that didn't take long at all, did it?...Just like clockwork.

    Exactly! Now, you know why Jake's protector wanted everyone to shut up.

  21. Sighting of Jake in a suburban. Huh?!?!?!

    Jake was seen in a suburban yesterday.

  22. I missed the tweet about the surburban. Thanks!

    Also, Jake usually stays in the area where he's filming. Yet, he keeps flying back to NY every weekend. Very peculiar behavior. I think it lends support that he has children. They are probably still there.

  23. Who's Jake's "Protector"?

  24. Jake was seen in a suburban yesterday.

    Yes I know, so?

  25. Why not Peter Maggie family mobile?

  26. I see you like parroting that expression lmao. It's so 1970's

  27. I love the magic 1970's!

    And parrott too;)

  28. Special, please delete "me's" racist comments. "me" was probably the one posting about "burritos" as well.

  29. I belong to a discriminated peopleJune 9, 2012 at 2:11 PM

    2:05 PM You are bad! ;)

    but I am not racist! I just can't stand their BS!


  30. Checking in to see what's new. Just the usual troll stuff I see. But we know the truth. jake and Austin need to give us another photo soon. I'm sitting in the hotel lobby to surf as the room connection is much slower. Not sure why. The E site will only come up in Italian and no link for Ted's column. Not sure why and I haven't taken a lot of time to try to find a solution. Keep me posted if he has any Jake news please.
