Saturday, June 2, 2012

Ring it out

It looks like Jake's got the tell tale signs of a man committed.

Now we've seen it here

And flashed here.

 But tan lines take some time especially to build up between your fingers.

And we know that his Mister has been rung a few times too

But was he doubling up in last few episodes ?
Or was it a different ring on the show than the one he was wearing while preparing for the show?

 Hmmm  would mean that is show and one is for home?  ; )


  1. The tan line of the ring is an important part of the "The Double" / "An Enemy", the only physical difference betweeen Adam and Anthony. It's made for the movie. Really.

  2. I have even more evidence of Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinsons relationship. Look at this gif

    You can see Harry snuggled up against Louis with his arm around his waist while Louis is stroking Harry's arm. Louis has a big smile on his face that grows even bigger when Harry moves his head up and plants his lips against Louis neck. The whole thing is so obviously romantic and sexual that it's clear that they are in a relationship.

    Oh, wait, that isn't Harry and Louis; it's Harry and Zayn Malik. But reading through the last few days of posts I thought guys who aren't in a relationship with each other simply would not touch each other like that. So I guess Zayn is also gay and also in a relationship with Harry.

    Or maybe, just maybe, a bunch of American women from a completely different generation are out of step with the views and attitudes of a group of teenage boys from Britain. Instead of celebrating a group of guys who don't care about the rules on how straight men are supposed to act you instead prefer to concoct some angst ridden drama in which young lovers are forced to separate because of evil PR/management/executives. Which, as I mentioned last time, is exactly the same thing the LotR tinhats did.

    They also created their own little shippy pairings and completely ignored it when members of their ship went and kissed another guy. So lurkers and regular posters alike, lets see how the Larry fans respond to the Harry/Zayn gif. I think the results will be...predictable.

  3. just a supporter of young loveJune 2, 2012 at 9:33 PM

    Boy, trolly is very upset about true love. If you know anything about this love story, the rest of the boys in the group have been hugging it up and doing various antics on stage and off so it minimizes the significance of what Harry and Louis are doing as a force of nature.

    I wonder how you explain that video from the other day when a fan asked Harry if he was dating Louis and he said, "Yes." Oh, I know, somebody dubbed his voice and made his head go up and down like a puppet.

    Or maybe, just maybe, a bunch of American women from a completely different generation are out of step with the views and attitudes of a group of teenage boys from Britain

    Now, you are just being completely stupid. And, here I thought you were only dense. There are hundreds of videos of these two together. There's no mistaking that they are a couple. The fact that you refuse to admit that says a hell of a lot about you. And, it ain't pretty. Being British or a woman does not alter my ability to hear and see. By the way, I do believe Jason was on the other day, who is a male and gay and he seems to see the same thing. No doubt you can come up with another inane attack. But, remember we understand that you are inane.

  4. The tan line of the ring is an important part of the "The Double" / "An Enemy", the only physical difference betweeen Adam and Anthony. It's made for the movie. Really.

    The scene you are referring to doesn't even happen until the end of the book. So please don't try to make it appear like it's a running theme throughout the novel. Because it is not.

    Love the double wedding bands Austin is wearing. Never mind the peek-a-boo ring through Jake's shirt. That's always a good one. Along with the ring you can see through Jake's T-shirt on the set in Toronto. Obviously, both guys believe in putting a ring on it, don't they?

  5. I'm not poster 7:39, but what on earth are you JIG people talking about?

    I agree with poster 7:39.
    It just makes rational sense instead of conspiracy theories around every corner.
    Jake and Austin are real friends and they are not married and have no children together.

    Young love and a relationship in this new Brit boy band.

    Who CARES?

    Goodness, some of you act like 11 year old girls. And some of you are middle aged women and some are adult men. Goodness.

    It still says nothing about Jake and Austin.

    SK, please stop with the ring thing will you, It says nothing also. It's all in your head. Or should I say PG's and Your head.

  6. Following Harry and Louis tooJune 2, 2012 at 9:58 PM

    Who cares? First off, alot of people. Just read the hundreds of internet sites devoted to this romance.

    Datalounge, for instance, has a very popular thread going on for the past week that has 1,000+ comments.

    "The Ass of Louis Tomlinson of the Band One Direction pt 1 & pt2"

    And, here is one very big reason people who support equality, openness and honesty are so interested in this developing love story of Louis and Harry. From a post at datalounge:

    They won't be haters when/if the boys come out and in the process make being a gay kid more acceptable everywhere. Then again, it is DL we're talking about so they will probably hate even more. Basically, as I see it, there is a great hope for these two to change the current climate when it comes to being a gay kid and also being a gay celeb.

  7. Jake and Austin are lovers, soul mates, hubbys, friends, daddies, et al. I've been following this love story for years. Haven't posted in awhile, but now that I see that haters are coming over and even attacking the Harry and Louis story I have to speak up again. I think these naysayers are homophobic and can't stand the idea that any celebrities or artists are gay. I'm all for supporting anyone who is trying to break out of the closet. Whether they're young British singers or Hollywood actors.

  8. SK, please stop with the ring thing will you,

    Don't you ever stop SK! I love this post.

  9. "Or maybe, just maybe, a bunch of American women from a completely different generation are out of step with the views and attitudes of a group of teenage boys from Britain."

    Or maybe not. Watch this and decide for yourselve

  10. do some research will'yaJune 2, 2012 at 10:47 PM

    The scene you are referring to doesn't even happen until the end of the book. So please don't try to make it appear like it's a running theme throughout the novel. Because it is not.

    Films are often shot out of sequence. So it could very well be toward the end of the film they happen to be filming NOW.

  11. Don't you love the tone of all the ones scolding and finding fault with expressions of love and discussions of gay relationships.

    Tutt-tutt ! Really! Goodness even!

    Go fine somewhere else to spew and pooh-pooh. Special and the regular gang here do a good job of presenting valid observation and analysis on Jake and Austin's history together, along with great discussion and plenty of entertainment.

    This more recent discussion of Harry and Louis is very note-worthy and has been of great interest and a fresh respite from our aging lover boys.

    Jake and Austin were bliss ten years ago, and still are by times. I'm enjoying the pursuit with a certain patience that doesn't always extend to Trolls and haters.


  12. Films are often shot out of sequence. So it could very well be toward the end of the film they happen to be filming NOW.

    YOU indicated that the tan line of the ring is an important part of the "The Double" / "An Enemy". Don't you even remember what you've written?

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Young love and a relationship in this new Brit boy band.

    Who CARES?

    We care. And that's all that matters, Troll. Did anyone ask you to join in with another of your homophobic rants?

    You have an issue with love? You have an issue with same sex love, plain and simple.

    The fact that you come over here from the mud bog next door to rant about Harry and Louis on a Jake and Austin blog does nothing but show that homophobia runs like a river through your veins.

    Get the heck out of here with your unasked for personal rants about OMG posters and totally unwarranted and unneeded rulings on what we can or can't talk about.

    This is not just about Jake for you, you've just proven that. It's about anyone whose sexuality may not be straight.

    And finally, you do not call me PG. I am not PG to you. So knock it off.

  15. I can't believe that someone would pick on Harry and Louis. What did they ever do to anyone?

    I'm not 100% positive about the ring tan line so I'm not going to throw down the gavel yet on that. It's not a critical point to me anyway.

    But Harry and Louis? Those two look to have just the sweetest thing between them. How could anyone not love the way they are with each other? What a special relationship they appear to have.

    People love them together. It's just a joy, an absolute joy.

  16. Troll is scraping the bottom of the barrel because they're really more worried about Jake.

  17. It has nothing to do with salivation. It has to do with celebration of two people unafraid to buck the system. Something Jake and Austin have failed to do. So don't try to portray encouragement and support with something salacious. We are not creepy, but you are cringeworthy in your homophobic pretzel twist to try to shut down a healthy discussion about the public expression of same sex love between two young men unashamed of who they are.

  18. YOU indicated that the tan line of the ring is an important part of the "The Double" / "An Enemy". Don't you even remember what you've written?
    I haven't written the post of 'do some research will'ya said...'

    Two people die because of the tan line of the ring. So yes, the tan line is a very important part of the story. It's not a mere technical detail they could leave out in the movie.

  19. Well then, sounds like it is a major part of the movie. Thanks, Delphi for the sharing of your incredibly insightful knowledge about the Enemy plot. I mean, that's a pretty big giveaway about the plot.

    Really big, lol. Glad it is all clarified now and that it's not a necessary component for the answer to any valid argument other than about the movie itself.

  20. So as I predicted I got 9 replies from people arguing in favor of the Louis/Harry ship and every single one of them ignored the Harry/Zayn gif.

    Again, this gif shows Harry cuddling up with Zayn in an extremely intimate manner and then practically kissing him on the neck while Zayn smiles blissfully. If this is something that only gay guys in a relationship would do then Harry and Zayn must be in a relationship. Or you're wrong and and people who aren't in a relationship can do this if they are comfortable with themselves and don't care about the attitudes of bigots.

  21. Which actually surprises me that Jake would flaunt such a big key to the plot of the movie, letting it leak like that in a public fan photo allowed to be posted on IHJ. Or was it not on IHJ? Look how he's unnaturally holding his hand so that the scripted tan line is blatantly showing.

    I saw a Facebook post by a guy last week who got to meet Jake. He had taken a picture of him and said that "they wouldn't me keep the picture" but that he did get a "hey, how ya doing, buddy?" and he was thrilled with that. I wondered at that time why he wasn't allowed to keep his picture. And who exactly took his picture? And why? Weren't there some other girls on Twitter who said they couldn't take pictures of Jake in set costume? Seems to me like a ring tan line would certainly be considered wardrobe and make up because Jake is as pasty white as Elmers Glue. The boy desperately needs sun.

    You guys, I wouldn't even speculate about movie set pictures. You never know if you're walking right into a big set up. I don't trust Jake whatsoever. He's as bad as Austin.

    I've never seen so many political baby kissing and handshake photos of Jake with fans anyway. It's suspicious already to me the amount of pictures appearing on Twitter. How come all of a sudden it looks like the guy is on a big running for governor political campaign?

  22. Wow, Circle of Tin, you are going to an awful lot of trouble to disprove the existence of Harry Stylinson on this Jake and Austin blog, aren't you? LOL. Wow.

    Man. You talk of one what? A GIF, not even a full length film clip? Do you realize how many minutes of You Tube videos exist right now of Larry? Have you seen any of them? Because there are a ton.

    Please come back when you have something substantial to not only question the reality of Larry but to further cement the reality of your discrimination. That's not even worth a look.

  23. How come all of a sudden it looks like the guy is on a big running for governor political campaign?


  24. Stop dodging the question prairiegirl. It's very simple; since that gif shows two people interacting in a way that (according to the Larry shipers here) straight men who aren't in a relationship with each other would never do, then Harry and Zayn must be gay and in a relationship with each other, yes or no?

    I'm not dodging crap. What did I just say in my comment at 05:53? If you want to make some big point about Harry and Zayn, then you could also make a big point about Zayn and Louis because there's video of Zayn and Louis feeding chips or something to each other at a meal during an interview and Harry gets very jealous and actually swats at Zayn across the table. One of the other band members even kids about Harry being jealous.

    You're laughable and the fact that you use the word tin hat already screams prejudice at me.

    I'm done with you. You've made your point and now you're harassing. Have fun talking to yourself.

  25. Say what you want about the rings but this is for sure Jake and Austin have wore the wedding bands many times and for quite a long time now.

  26. I'm not dodging crap. What did I just say in my comment at 05:53?

    You said nothing to answer the question I asked. You're so blatantly dodging the question that you even quoted the question I asked and then dodged it again!

    And now someone deleted the post in which I asked the question you quoted, the same post in which I said that Harry and Louis could be gay and in a relationship and that I support them if they are! What an incredibly obvious and biased bit of censorship.

  27. I think why a lot of people are interested in Larry Stylinson here is because of some of the parallels they've seen to Jake and Austin.

    I am remembering one of my favorite pictures of Jake bounding down the stairs at the furniture store in Nov of 2005, that smile that, that glow and that joy. And how he glowed those months of the Lakers and up to that following April. But he glows whenever he is with Austin. Borders. After dinner at Jar. Riding their bikes. He still does. Even this year Look at the sushi pictures. Look at the video of the party in Germany.

    Jake just wears everything out there for everyone to see. Much like Harry does. And that's one reason that Jake and Austin were told not to be out together so much.

    But for Harry and Louis they can't do that to them, because they are in a band together and their fame rose together. This makes even more difficult for management and of course Harry is doing everything he can to fight back too.

    It's love, that is what people respond to, that true love, that just happens, not contrived, not manufactured, in fact there was no agenda from the other to make the other fall in love with the other, it just happened.

    Love. Everyone identifies it, everyone wants that kind of love. It doesn't matter if it is gay or straight. It is the love that they are drawn to and they root for.

  28. So Harry and Zayn are also in love, correct SK? Because guys who aren't in love with each other don't cuddle up together like Harry and Zayn did, or kiss another guy on the neck like Harry kissed Zayn, or smile while being cuddled and kissed like Zayn did?

  29. Circle of Tin said...
    So Harry and Zayn are also in love, correct SK? Because guys who aren't in love with each other don't cuddle up together like Harry and Zayn did, or kiss another guy on the neck like Harry kissed Zayn, or smile while being cuddled and kissed like Zayn did?

    Simple answer to that. No they don't.

  30. I have watched some of the clips of the young guys from One Direction. Unless the world has changed and I have been sleeping for 10 years young str8 men are not that effectionate with each other. I don't live in England and I don't think the Europeans have the strict regs that we have to live by when it come to sex and public affection but my guess is that these yong men are Gay. I don't even think that Gay kids are that effectionate with each other unless they are intimate.

    It is refreshing to see. I hope they they are able to keep

  31. ^^there uninhibited expressions of love alive for all to see. My hope is that the greedy grimy phonies in HW dont get their hands on them. Sad but I don't think they will be a huge success here in America unless they change. I like to be wrong though.

  32. Simple answer to that. No they don't.

    So then either Harry is openly dating Zayn and Louis, Harry is cheating on one with the other, or...threesomes? Sounds hot. There is of course the fourth option that straight guys can be that openly intimate with other guys, they don't have sexual feelings for but that option seems to be incomprehensible to people here. Thankfully young people in increasingly large numbers don't feel the same.

    Unless the world has changed and I have been sleeping for 10 years young str8 men are not that effectionate with each other

    They can be. Let me put it this way; in England, The Conservative party (the equivalent to the Republican party in the US) are pushing for gay marriage equality. They already have civil unions but the Conservative Prime Minister wants to have them equal in name too.

    And it looks like Austin is in NY (Whythe Av Brooklyn to be exact) according to this picture from Matthew Frost

  33. We will see how quickly they squash their behavior Cirle of Tin if they want to become famous in America.

  34. I wonder who has been cut out of that photo. It certainly looks like Austin and the young lady are talking to someone.

  35. Jake flies back to NYC for one day and Austin is very obviously in NYC. I wonder if Jake came back to have lunch with Mom again.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. It certainly looks like Austin and the young lady are talking to someone

    mmm What about Dan Keyes?!

    btw new pics of Jake w/a girl IHJ :0

  38. I wonder if Jake came back to have lunch with Mom

    Looks like Jake come back to have dinner with Minka Kelly

  39. Of course Austin has probably been in NYC for a while while Jake is in Toronto. It is called easy access. Typical behavior Austin dissappears for the weekends while filming OTH and now Jake escapes for a day to fly back to NYC while working in Toronto. I guess really does miss Mom;-)

  40. Twitter said...
    I wonder if Jake came back to have lunch with Mom

    Looks like Jake come back to have dinner with Minka Kelly

    Paste that tweet please. Imheard the girl that Jake was with worked for him.

  41. Sure Tom, and Minka?

  42. Show me that Jake was with Minka. If you know this let us see.

  43. I think some folks are getting very nervous about Jake and Austin being in NYC this weekend.

    Amazing how some folks live for the positive and some for the negative. I'd take the positive any day.

  44. I see the troll is melting down since Jake and Austin obviously got together this weekend. And we've seen Jake reflexively touch his ring finger many a time before this latest movie came along.

  45. Twitter said...

    Requote: I wonder if Jake came back to have lunch with Mom

    Looks like Jake come back to have dinner with Minka Kelly

    Troll is still waiting for us to take this bait.

  46. Who cares? First off, alot of people. Just read the hundreds of internet sites devoted to this romance.

    ^^ but I can assure you that none of those posters are past 18, if 17 years old. Maybe much younger. But the posters here fawning over it........

  47. Not nervous / RealisticJune 3, 2012 at 4:32 PM

    I think some folks are getting very nervous about Jake and Austin being in NYC this weekend.

    Amazing how some folks live for the positive and some for the negative. I'd take the positive any day.

    Or, some are getting very nervous that Jake could have come back to NY to hook up with Minka.
    Ever thought about that JerseyTom?
    Sounds like anybody you know?? LOL

    The last part of your comment can easily be used as for you and regulars here. Anytime Jake is near some woman the group and you go into defense mode, get nervous, then send out the troops to attack and dismantle ANY idea of Jake liking, being interested, or God forbid, having sex with a female.
    A blind person knows this, but somehow, YOU don't.

    But, If Austin is around Jake the 2 times every 3 years He IS, then there's a celebration with the troops.
    Negative / Positive ? You tell me.
    It's seems to be a matter of ones Interest. Not truth!

  48. I see the troll is melting down since Jake and Austin obviously got together this weekend

    ^^^ Sure yeah, sure lmao

  49. Or, some are getting very nervous that Jake could have come back to NY to hook up with Minka.

    Why Jack, whatever could you mean? Could you please share with the class what you are talking about?

    Because I believe if you look back through this thread and the day before's, there is no mention of Minka Kelly. You are the one who keeps bringing it over here.

    So, if you're going to wave the Minka Flag over here in OMG territory, please do share with us specifically what you are referring to.

    It's only right. I would like to know what I'm supposed to be so defensive about. Please help?

  50. Peace and TranquilityJune 3, 2012 at 6:16 PM

    ^^ but I can assure you that none of those posters are past 18, if 17 years old. Maybe much younger. But the posters here fawning over it........

    And this is affecting you and your daily life how???

  51. No one is fawning over adolescent boys over here. We're just interested in seeing the culture change to the point that people can be free to be open about the person they love. That is something to celebrate and root for.

    Stop trying to turn it into something it's not.

  52. Jack/akaTroll Me, let's have a little one-sided discussion, shall we?

    You can spend the rest of your life over here trolling and trying to intimidate me by using my real name and trying to call me a name. It's not going to change anything. It's not going to stop me from posting about One Direction. You can use all the adjectives you know, sitting there with your little thesaurus and pulling out "creepy" and "fawnage".

    You're not going to intimidate me. You're not going to do squat.

    I thought I asked you to bring over that Minka Kelly tweet to share with everyone? Let's have a little discussion about that, why don't we?
