Monday, June 25, 2012

TT takes TO

Jake is taking over Toronto.

From the slew of tweets at UTSC where Jake is filming An Enemy to Much Music's obsession of where in the Sprawl... he has getting much love North of the Border.

Jake has been filming at UTSC the past two days with some more filming there this week, which means that everyone on campus will get a chance to tweet they saw Jake.

He is in the teacher mode of his twin set so good by leather and hello rumpled shirt and sports coat.

It looks like is getting a little centered before doing a scene or praying that Much Music would go away.

Speaking of Much Music ... check out their latest edition of Where in the Sprawl

Jake is definitely the catch to catch for these Canadians.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Countdown to Comic Con Paris - 9 Days. Come see me!

    8:55 PM - 25 Jun 12 via Echofon · Details

  3. Someone seems to have a memory recall issue.

    Post-Sushi and during Berlinale, you will not see any talk on OMG from the posters regarding End of Watch and its effect on Jake & Austin. It was mid-Berlinale and post-Berlinale that the announcement was made End of Watch had a financial backer and they were going to spend a large amount of money ($20 million plus) on its promotion. Not only that, but they were going to add several bucketfuls of blood for audience appeal.

    And it was at that point, that things changed and Jake and Austin were not to be photo'd together from that time on and you will see. And it was at that point, you saw specifically myself comment that it was because of these reasons, that now Jake and Austin were shoved back into the closet.

    Get your observations right.

  4. Someone seems to have a memory recall issue.

    Post-Sushi and during Berlinale, you will not see any talk on OMG from the posters regarding End of Watch and its effect on Jake & Austin.

    Pre-Sushi and pre-Berlinale you and others talked about End of Watch being a reason why Jake and Austin couldn't be seen in the same city/state. And then Jake and Austin were filmed together and suddenly not only could they be seen in the same city, but they were deliberately arranging photo ops together. So the theory about not being able to be seen together was forgotten. And then post-Berlinale they stopped being seen together and suddenly the old theory was remembered again.

    What a convenient group memory lapse.

  5. Toronto really loves Jakey! Can't believe how many twitpics people have snapped today. He's at UTSC till Thurs it looks like.

    Had to play some Jackson 5 for Michael. Who can believe it's been 3 years. Wow.

    If it's Monday it's Ice Cream Truck day. Best part of the day.

  6. Done arguing with the Troll. However they have to rock themselves to sleep, I guess.

    Hey, what was it today, Special???

    The King Cone??????

    Nothing better than a King Cone!!!!

  7. Pre-Sushi and pre-Berlinale you and others talked about End of Watch being a reason why Jake and Austin couldn't be seen in the same city/state.

    Another timeline challenged troll, I see. That would be an entirely incorrect statement. Talk of EoW pushing Jake back in the closet began after that huge distribution deal with Open Road, which was coincidentally announced only a few days after Berlinale on February 23, 2012.

    BREAKING: Open Road is closing a deal for U.S. distribution rights to End Of Watch, the David Ayer-directed cop drama that stars Jake Gyllenhaal, Michael Pena and Anna Kendrick. I’m told that Open Road will release the film later this year. They’ve committed to a 2,000-screen run, with a minimum guarantee just north of $2 million and a $20 million P&A commitment.

  8. Done arguing with the Troll. However they have to rock themselves to sleep, I guess.

    Done? You never even started. You didn't counter a single point I made. Now go back to forgetting everything you said.

  9. Another timeline challenged troll, I see.

    Oh look, it's another name-calling, memory-challenged poster. Remind me Methodical Muser (note how I managed to type your entire name, something you apparently are incapable of doing for me) why did you and Prairiegirl say that Jake couldn't be seen with Austin pre-Sushi? What were the reasons you gave for that? Please just admit the truth, because if you don't and I have to go through 14 months worth of posts to show that you're lying I will have a lot of fun quoting your posts back at you.

  10. No need to counter a fabricated argument that's pulled out of your ass. If anything, the reason why Jake and Austin were not seen openly together in 2011 was not because of EoW, but because of Austin's contractual obligations under his OTH bearding contract. Remember that EoW was only filmed last summer (2011) and then went under the radar until the distribution deal that was announced in late February 2012.

  11. pre-Berlinale

    I've already gone back since you made this claim and looked at the posts. There is nothing. We commented about Yom Kippur, m falling down, and I was on a real Maxwell kick during the month of February and post-Sushi, which occurred in January. There was no mention of EOW, let alone talk of EOW being the cause of the guys' being apart pre-Berlinale.

    because if you don't and I have to go through 14 months worth of posts to show that you're lying I will have a lot of fun quoting your posts back at you.

    Then that's what you're going to have to do. I won't have a problem taking back my words.

    If there is one thing I can say since I came to OMG.

    I have never had a problem apologizing to someone when I wanted to nor have I had a problem admitting when I'm wrong. I have done both on this blog.

    You bring the Comments and I have no issue with saying I truly forgot. That's it in a nutshell. There's your homework.

    Hope you can come through with it better than bringing over the Minka tweets. Don't stay up all night though, be sure and get your 8 hours. I know I'm not losing sleep over this.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. I see someone procrastinating from going through 14 months worth of posts to get their back-up.

  14. Prairiegirl, when you say that you're "done", can you for once stick to your word? Your childish insults add nothing to the debate. Learn to talk like an adult or sit this one out.

    Trollie accuses posters of being obsessed with End of Watch and pushing an agenda about that's why Jake wasn't being seen with Austin last year, yet they provide no evidence. Who's the child now? Too bad Jake isn't behaving the way you would like. I'm almost feeling sad for you. Everyone knows that Austin and Jake were separated last year because of Sophin. Pure and simple.

  15. Dude, she's probably got another tab open and searching as we speak. Some people are able to multitask. It's a gift.

  16. Blame, are you not tired of listening to yourself because I sure am.

    Do you not think everyone can see that you have nothing to say except now to harass Special and her posts? Then it's me and the way I argue or don't argue? And then it is M&M and the way she types your name?

    You aren't even talking about Jake or Austin anymore. You are all about us individual posters and personally attacking.

    Kind of says it all, doesn't it?

    OMG is my stomping grounds. You don't come here and tell me when to talk and when not to talk.

    **gavel thrown**

  17. You would have thought that the troll would have done their homework BEFORE they started attacking other posters for their failed memory. Just tells you how upset they are because Jake and Austin are still together. Throwing anything at the wall to see if it sticks. You should probably go back to your hole where you obviously belong.

  18. Some people are able to multitask.

    You mean trolls have the ability to guzzle the flask. Go sleep off your bender trollie before you hurt yourself.

  19. You would have thought that the troll would have done their homework BEFORE they started attacking other posters for their failed memory. Just tells you how upset they are because Jake and Austin are still together.

    Good point.

  20. Sounds like PR hired a new hand to do the harrassment. Smells like fresh blood to me. Either that or some new revelation about the boys is imminent. Trolls always get desperate when something juicy is about to break. Either way its best to let their rants lie idle. It is amazing though to see how accuarate OMG's analysis has been.

    Glad to hear Austin is heading back to Paris. Beautiful city.

  21. Jake Gyllenhaal: 'An Enemy' Set Break!

  22. What's everyone going on about coming over here with so many vitriolic posts the last few days?
    These posts don't read at all like the anti J/A posts I read online about these two may years ago. They are just too long?? And who wants to carry on like this about J/A anyway?
    Are PR trolls being instigated into conversations here, by whom and for what?

    Jersey Tom, I wish you could do my scans this morning...oh well.

    I had to stop posting about Austin and Jake @ Berlinale...something I was happy about, but which was not received well at all on certain blogs by certain people.
    Life is too dam*ed short to tolerate someone telling me that the tall gorgeous man with Jake, of the twirling top coat...which I love, was not AUSTIN! arrr

    Life is wonderful when you see and experience love...and see it in others.
    Zachery and Jonathan are giddy in love...reminds me of the BB, ain't it grand!

    Thanks for all the wonderful news and references to gay love, I can get my straight love anyplace if I feel like it...


  23. Good luck sass. Hope everything goes well today.

  24. Hey Sass! All my best wishes and prayers go out to you on your scans this morning. Go show it what for!!!

    Life is too dam*ed short to tolerate someone telling me that the tall gorgeous man with Jake, of the twirling top coat...which I love, was not AUSTIN! arrr

    Say what? I don't even know what to say to that? Jake, of the twirling top coat, indeed. Gorgeous, wasn't he? And Austin equally as stunning.

    I've long wanted to use that word 'stunning' since we had to start paying attention to OTH. It feels good to use it on Austin.

  25. Something very deva vu and sad happened last night. A picture was broadcast over the internet of Louis Tomlinson and his beard, Eleanor standing in an Atlanta (where 1D is performing tonight) hotel hallway in matching Coca Cola pajamas.

    Obviously a staged photo op if you ever saw one.

    I mean, who poses like that in a hotel hallway, pointing towards each other's Coca Cola top? And who took that photo and immediately uploaded it to Twitter?

    And why were there a boatful of tweets suddenly singing the praises of how cute Eleanor & Louis were, claiming that they were Worldwide Trending and they weren't?


  26. I'm not saying I like Jake's beard because I still don't. But the pictures from yesterday aren't all that bad to me. That's still Jake under there and I do like the picture of him meditating or thinking or pumping himself up or whatever it is he is doing. Somewhere underneath all the outer public layers, he's still there.

    Very interesting to think what an actor does to get himself ready for a scene where he or she must recall some kind of strong emotion. I guess you have to revisit something in your own life that could get you all emotional again. That certainly would not be pleasant because like I would have to revisit certain times during my dad's illness or death and who wants to really go there anymore? You just want to remember the good things.

    So it's fascinating to have that photo from filming, to see Jake active at his craft. It's a new favorite picture of mine, not over the twirly coat, mind you, but still a nice addition.


  27. I mean, who poses like that in a hotel hallway, pointing towards each other's Coca Cola top? And who took that photo and immediately uploaded it to Twitter?

    PR that's who. The guys were in Atlanta last night, therefore the Coca-Cola T's as a time and place date stamp.

    You mean you don't believe that two people get dressed up in matching T-shirts and pajama bottoms in their supposedly cozy hotel room and then run out into the hallway to suddenly get their pictures taken? Boggles the mind how freakin' stupid Management is. I hope Harry withheld his favors last night. Or, laughed his head off which would really kill the mood if Louis wanted any "favors."

  28. You mean you don't believe that two people get dressed up in matching T-shirts and pajama bottoms in their supposedly cozy hotel room and then run out into the hallway to suddenly get their pictures taken?

    LOL!! Well, when you put it that way.

  29. Someone actually doubted that was Austin in Berlin? Now thats what I call being in denial.

  30. sorry that last comment was from me. I did not realize I was using a different email account for the comment.

  31. AfterElton has just posted their annual HOT 100 LIST. Overall it's a good list but I surprise by Jake's ranking for this year. In all the years AfterElton has been doing this list, Jake always made in the top ten or very close to it. In fact in one or two years he made it all the way to number one. Last year he was at number eleven. This year he dropped all the way down to number twenty-six. That's a big drop in a one year period. Makes me wonder if Jake's grip on the gay community is fading. Probably not but I can't help but think, if it is, Jake wouldn't feel too bad about it. Plenty.


    Countdown to Comic Con Paris---8 Days---Who is coming from the UK? I love and need my Brits.

    11:18 AM - 26 Jun 12 via Echofon · Details


    Great Trailer -------> Robot and Frank 2012

    12:39 PM - 26 Jun 12 via web · Details

  34. I would hope Austin is getting paid to go to Comic Con. I would think as an unemployed man he may think twice if he is not.
