Tuesday, June 26, 2012

What started back then....

Continues today.

Jake might have had a
diva? tough day on set today, there is something special about today.

It was ten years ago that Jake and Austin were at the 2nd anniversary of the Lotus Club in New York. 

Just weeks after meeting Austin is with Jake in New York, not just hanging with friends but also Jake's sister Maggie. It shows that when they fell it was fast & furious and definitely hard.

Those around them must have seen how this was the real deal, it took 7 years for more pictures to come out from that night, and shortly after their evening at Lotus, it was floated about Jake with Natalie, and then of course came Kiki.

For years,  the only picture we had was of Jake and Macaulay with a tiny shoulder that we know now is Austin. 

Then we saw in the background that familiar fellow who has been by Jake's side ever since.

And while some relationships that start out so intense, so fast, burn out quickly, theirs continues to grow all these years.

And for such a Two Wheel Tuesday,  a Two Man Two Wheeler.


  1. The convention circuitJune 26, 2012 at 9:52 PM

    Jersey Tom said...
    I would hope Austin is getting paid to go to Comic Con. I would think as an unemployed man he may think twice if he is not.

    They do. But it's not big money. Especially since this con is still in its infancy. He'll get his hotel and airfare paid for. And he'll charge for his autograph and photos.

  2. Thanks convention circuit. Hopefully Austin has business in mind.

  3. Great song, Special! This song is a Favorite of mine whenever I have my work computer tuned to AmericaOnline's alternative station. I don't get tired of hearing it.

    Boy, let me tell you. The girls and I have emerged from a 3-3 1/2 hr neighborhood power outtage here. I was watching my laptop battery slooooowwwly sink down to about 1 or so hours left of life. :O

    Still had the IPad but man. That is some terrifying stuff, that is. LOL!! I could access stuff from my cellphone but shoot, the more you use internet on it, that just eats up your battery. And my car was stuck in the garage because you know, it's an electric door opener. I know you can change them to manual but I didn't want to mess up their door or anything. Couldn't cook anything - no microwave, electric stove. I had a couple of graham crackers with peanut butter that I scrounged from their pantry. LOLLLL - how spoiled I am from electricity.

    We were getting this close to total darkness!! Then we heard the chirp of the smoke alarm and the fan started turning overhead and you heard the GLORIOUS sound of appliances kicking on. **trumpet sound**

    Ah geez. I said, "Girls, do you hear that? That is the sound of electricity." lol. Like they cared.

    Just a harrowing experience.

    We are in for a big heatwave the rest of this week. Not fun.

  4. You mean you don't believe that two people get dressed up in matching T-shirts and pajama bottoms in their supposedly cozy hotel room and then run out into the hallway to suddenly get their pictures taken?

    ROFLMAO. And they just happened to be wearing Coca Cola t-shirts in Atlanta.

    Thanks for the laugh, although sad about the bearding.

    Also very sad about Nora Ephron, RIP.

  5. Thinking of and praying for those in Colorado Springs. I had no idea this terrible fire was so out of control there. They are evacuating people from there. Very heartbreaking to see young people tweeting to Harry Styles and Justin Bieber for them to please pray for their city.

    Look at this terrible picture, it's like a big fireball looming over the city.

    Waldo Canyon Fire

  6. Interesting article this morning from the UK's Mirror on how One Direction is becoming worriedly Americanized. I can totally understand. You get possessive with what was yours to begin with.

    I have to say that I'm glad to see the boys wearing some denim though. I just don't like those low riding, skinny pants. And yeah, the denial coming from Harry that he did not kiss Niall (which if you ask me, the more I keep looking at pictures, he was kissing Niall) is totally very uptight American.

    Let's Have a Little Stare at One Direction's Increasingly American style, Shall We?

    Niall Horan, previously the UK's biggest fan of woollen cardis, was looking distinctly Bieber-like in a vest and shorts as he blew us (yes, us) a kiss on his way out of their hotel. He later wrote on Twitter that the gig was "soo loud it was incredible! Nuts as a squirrel's breakfast ! Couldn't hear a word I was singing or saying, thank you so much." Or maybe they just don't turn your mic on, Niall? One of Niall's famous fans was in the audience - Backstreet Boys Brian, and his family. Friends in high boyband places, eh?

    Zayn obviously picked up a new baseball cap in Dallas when they played there on Saturday. Oh, and he was wearing a 'California' t-shirt. Which we find very sweet. They've been all over the US - of course they're going to look like tourists.

    We're a bit worried that Liam's was what looked like slightly shiny basketball shorts, but at least Harry's well prepared for the band's return to the UK (the tour finishes on 1 July in Florida) with a woolly beanie. So at least they're not all going to be dressed like mini-Bieber clones when they get back to grey, rainy England.

    And look! Louis (who was clutching a Coca Cola bag, to complete the American look) has flown his girlfriend Eleanor Calder out to keep him company. Hi Eleanor!

    Poor Harry also looks a little bit tired - but he's denied it's because he's been up all night (um, sorry) with Niall. He denied kissing his bandmate onstage - although it certainly looked like they did.

    Harry Tweeted: "I was talking to him and it looked like we got freaky." Niall, we'd imagine, just cried a bit at Harry denying their love. Niall, he's just doing it to protect you! Look what happened to Harry's other conquests! Not only was it revealed today that his rumoured married fling, radio DJ Lucy Horobin has been forced off Twitter by mean One Direction fans


  7. The reason the article reads like that is there are a lot of big pictures to go along with his writing. Kind of funny article. I agree with his disdain for the shiny basketball shorts as well, lol.

    Big News on the 1D front: They've been chosen to open up the Closing Ceremonies for the 2012 Summer Olympics in London.

  8. This is really big. Of course, Adele's music isn't "opening act" kind of stuff so it's understandable why she probably wouldn't open. But wow, what about Elton John? Nope, it's 1D!!!!

    Jorge Gomez
    After a year filled with massive success, the boys of One Direction will add yet another highlight to their career by performing at the 2012 Olympics closing ceremonies in London.

    One Direction is heading to the Olympics.

    The British boy band has been tapped to perform at the closing ceremony for the 2012 London Olympics, according to Gather.

    One Direction have been asked to kick off the closing ceremonies with their worldwide hit, “What Makes You Beautiful.” The boys will not be alone. Joining them will be a flash mob, performing a routine choreographed to the song.

    The former UK X Factor contestants were chosen to be the night’s lead performers over other successful UK acts, including Robbie Williams, Take That, The Who, George Michael and Emeli Sandé, who will also be taking part in the ceremony.

    The event will expose the band to a huge audience. The closing ceremonies for the Olympics are expected to be watched by over a billion people.

    “The main theme of the Olympic closing ceremony will be celebrating the best of British music, so it’s only right that One Direction are opening the show. They are the UK’s biggest music export at the moment behind Adele, who is also rumored to be involved in some way,” a source told British newspaper The Daily Star.

    “It’s all top secret and the boys aren’t allowed to talk about it but they are thrilled. It isn’t every day you get the instant exposure of performing in front of a billion people,” the source continued.

    Just eight months ago, One Direction were unknown to people outside the UK. Since then, their debut album, Up All Night, has gone to No. 1 in 16 countries, including the United States. The album debuted at the pole position on the Billboard charts, a first for any British group. In addition to breaking records with their album, their live DVD, Up All Night: The Live Tour, has also had record breaking sales.

    Another world tour, a cartoon series, and a rumored concert movie are also in the works for 2013.

    Let's Just FF Through the Olympics Right To The Closing Ceremonies, Why Don't We?

  9. You know, if there was some new news on the Jake or Austin front, it would be on here instead of so much One Direction.

    Austin only talks to his OTH followers via secret message and Jake - Well, Jake is now isolating himself on the movie set too by the sounds of it, via Twitter, telling the extras to put away the phones, hush up and let him concentrate.

    I don't think you guys want to hear about the accounts of what one tweeter called "the man behind the diva" behavior, do you? lol. It would tarnish Jake's reputation.

    Jakey, Jakey, Jakey. You know, word still is going to leak out. You can lock up all the cellphones you want. Extras are still going to flap the gums in some other way.

  10. what big secret will they expose?????June 27, 2012 at 11:08 AM

    Jakey, Jakey, Jakey. You know, word still is going to leak out. You can lock up all the cellphones you want. Extras are still going to flap the gums in some other way.

    And as yet, nobody has. Other than calling him a diva.

  11. Other than calling him a diva.

    That's my point. **rolls eyes**

  12. Jake Gyllenhaal Enters "Puzzle Palace"

    The Tracking Board

    movie info:

    The Hollywood Reporter

  13. Comic Con Paris (July 5 to 8 2012): OTH event info


    Countdown to Comic Con - 7 Days. I can't wait to meet all the loyal French Fans.

    11:46 AM - 27 Jun 12 via Echofon · Details


    Wimbledon is back. Go Wozniaki go! I'm a big fan.
    11:20 AM - 27 Jun 12 via Echofon · Details

  15. Wow, I cant believe how popular 1D has become. I'll have to listen to a few more of their songs. Perez Hilton posted a youtube video of the Kiss. Hard to tell for sure as it was too fast and the quality was not that great. But I am sure more videos will appear. That person was not the only one filming.

    Is anyone else having trouble with blogger. Its acting up on windows/explorer but ok on my Mac and with windows/Firefox. Pain though as I wanted to comment this AM but did not have time to start over.

    The CO fires looks terrible and I remembered today that I have 2 friends there. One in Denver so probably OK but the other lives in Colorado Springs so I've sent emails asking if they are OK.

  16. Oh darn. Austin's girl lost in the first round.

  17. The fires in Colorado are terrible, my mom and sister live in Colorado Springs. They're okay, other than dealing with 100 degree weather and the smoke. The area with the fire is not close enough to be a danger to them, but close enough that they are areas I spend time in when I visit. I feel so bad for all the people evacuated and losing their homes, and the town of Manitou Springs that has been hit hard is full of funky old houses and shops, it's a big tourist spot.

  18. m, I've been having problems with blogger for awhile, particularly the Preview window. Lately, I've been getting some kind of "Try Again" error message but if I just click on Try Again, the screen goes through. I don't know what that is all about.

    I just finished watching Hangover II and I am really disappointed. I don't think it was near as funny as the first one. And so many people said it was funnier than the first one.

    I was really disturbed by their use of a racial slur name that seems to be all the "rage" on Twitter and whatnot and it starts with an 'n'.

    I don't get it at all. People are calling each other by this name as if they're using the word "dude" but it's this racial slur. I do not get how this is funny whatsoever.

    What has happened to us as a society? It's so pathetically sad.

  19. Destiny, it's a true tragedy. People are losing their homes and beautiful land and trees are being burnt to the ground.

    The pictures are just horrific and must be terribly frightening to those in the fires' path.

    I'm glad your family is okay.

  20. Glad to hear you family is ok Dest. It is tragic what is happening out there. It is so beautiful there and I have so many great memories of vacations in the Springs growing up.
