Friday, July 6, 2012

Austin du jour

Day 2 of the French Invasion and Austin is still knocking their socks off.

Today their fearless Crazy Tree leader Schwahn joined the guys for autographs and answering questions by the fans.

Austin will be back meeting fans tomorrow and Sunday as well.

And well damn... what else can you say to this?


And your Jake is a gopher moment:  Jake popped back up in Toronto to start back filming today.  Funny he's never filmed on a Friday since production started on An Enemy. 

Well.. I guess after you had a week off with a big Tall Texan and some little Longhorns you do have to get back and finish up.


  1. Glad to make the suggestion there PG about the fold at the Apple store.

    One more computer tip. There is a malware virus that affects internet connectivity on Monday. Here is how to check and see if you have it.

    Here's How to Check your Computer for the DNS Changer Malware

  2. WOW, that is verrrrrry interesting about Ted. Something is up with that.

    Who's the Troll going to blame now?

    No no no no no NO!

    The question is, where and who are you and OMGers gonna look to for validation for all things Jake/Austin/Marriage/brood of children, and let's not forget the mixing of man juices, now that Ted C is gone? That's the real question. Oh, I forgot, Ted dropped that story or should I say blind Item some time ago. He only posted about it when a slew of e-mails came to him begging for more info on Jake and his (family-lol).

    And, the Frank Ocean blind item means and says alot of how gossip columnist manipulate to keep a fanbase and I do believe the tootytile BI is manipulated to the hills.

    As soon as OMGers realize and accept Jake as he is, either straight but more likely bisexual or gay and minded his (OWN)business with sexual relations with whomever he want, instead of the fairytale idea of marriage with Austin and 5 or 6 rugrats (lol) the better off they will be. Afterall there has never been a siting of Jake with even (1) child let alone Austin with a child.

    But again, OMGers still hold on endlessly to thier FairyTale and that everone is lying to them. It's July 2012, not Dec. 2005. Years have passed........ Or have you noticed????

  3. Troll is in serious need of a spelling and grammar lesson. Her comments barely make sense. Never fear, our belief in Jake remains steadfast and I am sure that alternate sources of details of his secret life will surface. His story is too juicy to sit idle.

    Finally, meeting a girlfriend for an early viewing of Magic Mike and then lunch later today. Dont laugh, but I started reading 50 Shades of Grey. There was so much talk about it, I dowloaded one book to give it a try, like I did with Harry Potter, to see what all the fuss was about. Maybe its all the BBM slash and fan fic I've read over the past 5 years, but I am enjoying it. A fast read. Mildly titillating. I think of it as an easy beach read.

  4. Troll is in serious need of a spelling and grammar lesson. Her comments barely make sense. Never fear, our belief in Jake remains steadfast

    ^^ that being said, troll still makes sense and I agree with her/him.
    It is 2012?!
    Are you sure you're not in need of a new FairyTale?


    I didn't even bother reading all of that mish mash at 11:49. I started with the first few sentences and it's the same knothead who told us we couldn't "let go".

    LOL! Yeah, you see how they can't let go of us.

    They're frothing at the mouth, it's hilarious.

    I'm just kicking back in my chaise with a diet A&W, soaking it in. They are so unhappy with what they are not seeing, it's priceless. Didn't even need to finish their drabble to get my kicks.

    I'm perfectly content right now, sorry they aren't. Oh wait! No, I'm not sorry that they aren't. It's pure enjoyment right now.

  6. Oh m, you've been suckered in. I've heard it's bad writing. Well, and I'm too busy trying to write my own darn story which I can't seem to wrap up my Chapter 1 in a timely manner.

    A gf is coming over to spend the day. It is so blasted hot out there, that we're staying in, watching TV/movies, and whatnot. I will have to take timeouts for computer time, though.

    I've been making dips this morning. It's already in the 90's. We are baking here. Supposed to get up to 104 degrees.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. boring old troll is back

  9. Not again with the Frank Ocean is a nobody argument.

    Guess that's why there is a huge story and picture of him splashed across the front page of the Sunday New York Times Arts page this morning, an article that is all about the new CD coming out.

    And oh, look, there's that nobody discussed in an article on the front page of the Saturday NYT Arts page about what a big deal it is for someone like Frank Ocean to come out, and talking about the support he is getting from a lot of the R&B and hip hop communities.

  10. Frank's got a long road to hoeJuly 7, 2012 at 3:14 PM

    Sadly, so many of Frank Ocean's record buying public are homophobic African Americans both male and female. I understand the media is trying to put the right spin on Frank's coming out by highlighting how many players in the r&b and hip hop community are behind him but MY GOD the hate being spewed towards him by his own race is overwhelmingly mindboggling. So sad and so closed minded, using religion as an excuse for their fear and hatred.

  11. Got to say the guys don't help us out much when it comes to the trolls. Not that I care what someone else says but it sure would be nice to see a ring on Austin's finger.

  12. U.S. Olympic star Megan Rapinoe makes her homosexuality public, urges others to come out

    Olympics soccer star Megan Rapinoe hopes her decision to state publicly that she is homosexual will pave the way for more gay athletes to make their sexuality known.

    Megan Rapinoe is dating Australia's Sarah Walsh. (Yahoo! Sports)

    Rapinoe, one of the most recognizable and popular players on the United States women's team, came out this week in an interview with and revealed that she has dated Australian soccer player Sarah Walsh for more than a year.

    "I feel like sports in general are still homophobic, in the sense that not a lot of people are out," Rapinoe said. "I feel like everyone is really craving people to come out. People want – they need – to see that there are people like me playing soccer for the good old U.S. of A."

    Thanks Megan

  13. Thanks for that story Tom, hadn't seen it.

    Seems like we're getting a story every few days about someone else who has come out or is being open about their sexuality.

  14. I see that pictures have surfaced of Jake out and about with Sarah Gadon eating ice cream in Toronto yesterday. Let's see, before Jake disappeared last week we got 50 photos of him with some mystery "friend" of the female persuasion in NY. And, now he pops up in Toronto and we get several pics of him with Gadon. Interesting how in both staged photo ops Jake makes sure to wear the same camouflaged shorts to lend credibility to the real time authenticity of the pics.

    Given how PR works, this is another strong indication that Jake was with Austin in Paris. Up until now, there has not been any pics of Jake socializing with either of his costars. Now, all of a sudden Jake returns from who knows where (MIA) and the first thing we see is a photo op with Gadon. Kind of like a bookend heterosexuality storyboard. As with so much that involves Jake over these past several years, it's what's taking place in-between the lines that what matters. When PR starts placing him with highly visible photo ops with women, Austin and family are usually not too far behind.

  15. Got to say the guys don't help us out much when it comes to the trolls.

    I don't know, I think it's all in how you look at it, Tom. Actually, Jake is helping out quite a bit today. Look at him in these latest pictures and try to conjure up any kind of pleasurable image. You can't. It's a big ol' fat Zero.

    I mean, unless you are a huge hip-hop fan. Because that is the demographic that Jake is now trying to sell to. Notice the big cargo shorts, the huge tennis shoes and once again, the backwards ball cap. This is his new look and he's doing this because of that movie, End of Watch.

    But as far as his physical appearance is concerned, I don't see how any female fan of his can muster up the slightest bit of titillation over his look right now. He looks more in bad need of a couple of antacids and ginger ale.

    As long as he is looking the way he is, I'm sorry to tell people like the knot head up above who came over to Troll, he is so obviously not out on the single prowl. He's not dressing up for anyone. He's not prancing, struttin' or primping. He's not trying to sell himself as available or interested to anyone.

    So in that sense, Tom, yeah, actually he is helping out. Unintentionally or not. LOLLLLL!!

  16. OTOH, the fact that they sandwiched his trip like M&M mapped out, adds another nail in the coffin of Jake in Paris with Austin. Hopefully, the guys had a great time and Jake was able to de-stress some.

    Austin looks absolutely scrumptious in all the pictures coming from Comic Con. Looks like Paris agrees with him. Or is it Roberto at his side for the past several days??? LOLLLL!!! jk. Ahhh, bittersweet memories of Buckin. But Roberto is not feeding my Buckin fantasies any by wearing his kiddie pajamas to the photo sessions, lol. C'mon, Roberto.

    No, seriously, Austin looks just fantastic. Today, he was wearing a denim jacket ensemble that was very youthful looking and carried it off very well.

    Jake must have hated leaving him behind. That's just nuts, lol.

  17. Let's see, before Jake disappeared last week we got 50 photos of him with some mystery "friend" of the female persuasion in NY. And, now he pops up in Toronto and we get several pics of him with Gadon. Interesting how in both staged photo ops Jake makes sure to wear the same camouflaged shorts to lend credibility to the real time authenticity of the pics.

    I don't understand how you can say he "disappeared" in light of the fact that you seem to be the record keeper for Jake's whereabouts. Or are you saying that his [currently non-existent] PR firm is hiring tweeters in Toronto to make up fake sightings? And if he was in Paris was he holed up in a hotel somewhere? Was he smuggled in? Why Paris? Why couldn't Austin travel to Toronto this whole time while Jake's been filming? Or NYC on the weekends he flies home? I'm not understanding the Paris angle.

  18. No one has said Austin hasn't spent some time in Toronto. We know he was also in NYC.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Poor trolls... just crawl back under your bridge and talk to yourselves. Nobody here is listening, or gives a flying frig what you recent brand of re-hashed venom you spout.

    Go pluck the hairs out of each other's noses and have a good cry. There's a better chance that Jake and Austin were together in Paris than you making any advances on your JIS or 'not with Austin' claims.

  21. No, you know, I took down my obvious reasons. I'm not pointing them out. The guys tried to have a quiet time away and until there's reason given to point out where Jake messed up, I'm not going to this time.
