Thursday, July 5, 2012

French Resistance? NON!

The French have proven resistance is futile when it comes to the charms of Austin ...

He has taken them by storm,  and feeling the amour and why not?

Just look!



À la vôtre!
 Thanks to PG for all the twitter updates today. 

Photo sources: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


  1. So strange about Ted. Reading the last column he makes it sound like he's not going to be doing the same thing--otherwise why say you're going to miss the blind items, when presumably he can do that elsewhere.

    Austin is looking good, like the shorter hair.

  2. It's all really strange, Destiny. And you know, I'm sorry but something is up. At least they let him write a goodbye letter. I have seen more emails or notices that end with "We would like to wish so-and-so good luck in their future endeavors, blah blah blah blah." I have spent time with people who gave no indication whatsoever that they planned to be gone the next day but lo and behold, all of a sudden, they either mysteriously "turn in their notice" or else they are allowed to send out an email which is written so that it sounds like they are leaving on their own terms.

    Then later on, you find out that they were forced out.

    You just know. You can tell. One day's notice? I don't think so. Does that give eonline time to introduce the new columnist? Nope.

    Like Seaweed said, I'm sure more light will be shed on this in the future.

  3. Austin looks good. And that smile. Can you ever get enough of that smile? NO!!!

    Ted did say to look for him on twitter so maybe he will take some of the blind there. Although does anyone else remember when the talk was about Ted writing a book and his blind items?

  4. Austin looks great, though I could live without the gum chewing. Nothing stays secret for long these days so we'll hear what is up with Ted sooner rather than later. His posts last couple of days were erratic. I mean the time posted, not the content, so I thought something was wrong but figured it was a new intern or a coming vacation. The fact that he cant say much tells that me he is going to a competitor or will be a competitor.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Whether Ted was fired or quit I am sure he will show up soon elsewhere.
    Maybe time for him to joinn the likes of MK and Perez.

  7. Talking about Blind Items. The Entertainment Lawyer revealed a bunch yesterday.

    Blind Items revealed

    And RDJ - you rock.

  8. I am sick of it. If Austin is married he should be wearing his wedding ring proudly. Really sick of all this.

    Papelbon stinks.

  9. Tom, I had to Google Papelbon. I had no idea what or who that was, lol.

    I am so thankful to the French ladies for posting all of their tweet pics today. I have been following their excitement (and some of their extreme whining & crying from the ones not able to go) since Austin announced his commitment through today, the kick-off for the guest appearances.

    For me, this symbolized the power that the internet and Twitter have. How many of these girls would have known about this except that by following these guys on Twitter, they received the news and from that point, pursued obtaining tickets, making plans, etc.

    Most of those girls would have never attended this Comic Con except for OTH actors & Mark Schwann attending. Meeting Austin, Roberto and Stephen Colletti (sp?) really gave these girls incredible excitement. They were beyond thrilled and I've never seen so many tweets about Austin since the last ep. of OTH and certainly have never seen so many twit pics of him from one day.

    The internet fueled this. Twitter fueled the attendance of those fans. They spent their money on trains, gas, the convention ticket, memory card for their camera, etc. for a chance to meet Austin and the other 2.

    That's impressive. It beats flyers and posters all to heck. It also beats how many thousands of dollars to take out a TV ad.

    It was free personal advertising because Austin & Roberto tweeted from a free Twitter account that they were going. You can't buy that kind of fandom. I hope these guys realize this.

    Knowing Austin, I'm sure he was very gracious and appreciative. The girls sure were impressed with him and could not say enough glowing words.

  10. I used to attend several Chicago Cub Conventions at the Chicago Hilton & Towers and it sounds very similar to this Comic Con except that everything was about the Cubs. And Harry Carey created more of a stir than any of the players, including Sammy Sosa or Ryan Sandberg, and that's saying a lot. But it was a real thrill to see the players in person, especially Harry, and I remember being so excited at meeting Wayne Messmer, who was the stadium announcer and frequently sang the National Anthem. I was so used to seeing him on TV, and it was something to see this person in the flesh. I think I actually gushed a little, LOL. What an #idiot I was and it's kind of hard to explain but you get so used to seeing something or someone on TV all the time, that when you actually see them live, it can be a little surreal.

    So I knew how these girls felt. It looks like the 3 OTH actors were very nice to their fans and that will stick out in these girls' minds forever. They'll never forget it.

  11. We have the most incredible fans. I love Paris. I can't wait to see you all today at Comic Con.

    6:28 AM - 6 Jul 12 via web · Details

  12. Ted may be kaput on E but he will surface elsewhere.

  13. Just as you said m... he will surface soon enough.

    Some days, when you get those pesky little gnats above attempting to disrupt and provoke, wouldn't you just love to have a bazooka to blow them right out of the water! Ha.

    Alas, small annoyance comes to us with a honed and sharp ability to see things as they are. Most all the non-believers are off on their own, living the dream while a few demented, sour, and vindictive pieces of dog shite have a sick need to try and tell us all how wrong we are. They don't have a snowball's chance in Hades.

    Sex and Travel Trolls!

  14. Some days, when you get those pesky little gnats above attempting to disrupt and provoke, wouldn't you just love to have a bazooka to blow them right out of the water! Ha.

    You shouldn't joke about things like that; someone is bound to believe you and turn this site's URL and your post over to someone in law enforcement. Could be construed as a terrorist statement.

  15. Oh please, stop exaggerating and trying to stir up trouble 16:15. No one knows where anyone lives nor their identity.

    **rolls eyes**

    Boy I needed help with my IPad and so I went to my local Apple Store at the brilliant suggestion of Mz. Special and WOW!! They were so busy! And the guy asked if I had an appt but heck, I had no idea you needed an appt. So he led me to the appt person and I thought, aw man, I might have to wait hours or something. But no, he helped me right away and I kind of cut in front of someone else who had an appt. Oops. He was so nice and explanatory and my issue only took a couple of minutes anyway.

    But now I know so next time I will make an appt. Wow, they were sooooooo busy, that was a nightmare.

    Thanks, Special!!
