Monday, July 16, 2012

The Beginning of the End

EoW got some more good mentions from Comic Con  but it didn't get the big buzz that other movies got.  Did Open Road's plan to take it Comic Con work to kick off the promotion or just get it lost in the shuffle?  

At the panel Ayer shared where he got the inspiration for the story:  “My friend would talk about how if he or his partner were seriously injured on duty, the guy would whack the other guy and take care of his families. That’s what happens when guys are true partners.”

It was also found out that while Jake was fit and ready to go for the role, it was not so much for his partner.  Or as Ayer put it about Pena:   “He was fat,”

Pena , who was caring for his kid at the time, begrudgingly admitted as much, comparing his training to Chris Farley running up a steep hill.

Regardless of fit or fat they were , both (along with America and Colby) went through four months of training to really get  the life and rigors of being a cop in the inner city. It was essential to the film’s attempt at realism,  "It puts them through a common hell," said Ayer.

They screen three clips from the movie, we saw one and now get a summary of the other two.

Clip One:
It’s POV shot from the front of a police car accompanied by a voiceover. The narrator is Officer Taylor (Gyllenhaal) and he’s giving a monologue about his devotion to the law. “A thin blue line protects the prey from predator, the good from the bad. We are the police.” The car is in a high speed chase with a black vehicle in a residential area.

The police car catches up to the rogue vehicle, forcing it to crash into a yard. The driver and its passenger immediately hop out with guns blazing. At this point, we’re still watching from the point of view of an anonymous the car. There’s a quick cut and we see Taylor and Zavala standing in front of the windshield aiming their guns at the assailants. They let off several rounds killing both men. Zavala walks over to their lifeless bodies, turns them over and handcuffs them. America Ferrera‘s character (Officer Orozco) appears in frame and looks at the damage. She exclaims, “Holy shit!”
Clip Two:
Taylor and Zavala arrive on the scene of a house fire. A woman runs off her porch and screams that her two-year old daughter’s inside. Taylor immediately runs in to save her, with Zavala screaming, “No.” Cut to a scene filled with red lighting and puffs of smoke. Both men are shown crawling on the floor where they find the little girl.

Taylor grabs the child and covers her face with a blanket. Zavala tries to lead them out of the home but they’re stuck. They lose contact with one another because of the smoke. Luckily, they latch on to each other again and escape. The next thing we see is a group of firemen approaching the scene. Taylor and Zavala are on the ground shaking, sweating and struggling for breath. The firemen try to help them up, but Taylor yanks his arm and asks where were they.

Too bad Jake missed it.

Oh  Hey Austin looks like you got to fit that Eiffel Tower in.

Almost Midnight In Paris. - AUS10

As much as we know you are cinephile guy,  who else thinks his newest tweet isn't just about one kind of Woody?


  1. I've read a fair amount about comic-con on the web and I do think end of watch got a bit lost in the shuffle. Then again it's a small film and there's enough time before it opens to build some buzz. Jake not being there did not help as a lot of stars managed to show up In person.

  2. Hey Sass good to see you again.

    Glad people were interested in the Spotlight this week.

    It is too hot to do much of anything, and tomorrow is supposed to be hotter here. Ugh!

    I agree M, I think EoW did get lost in the shuffle but I think a lot of was because of Open Road who is the distributor doesn't really have the experience with Comic Con and think they didn't know exactly how to present it there.

  3. My friend would talk about how if he or his partner were seriously injured on duty, the guy would whack the other guy and take care of his families. That’s what happens when guys are true partners.

    Sounds like archaic nonsense, a world without health care and provisions for dependants.('Ew, your wound looks nasty. I guess I'm having to shoot you now.')

  4. lol, Delphi, I think you're right.

    Aw, it's just a guys' guy movie. It's mancave stuff, a chance to beat one's breast and growl and slobber and no girls allowed.

    I see absolutely no honor or bravery in standing before a car and gunning down human beings in cold blood and then handcuffing their still warm corpses. What on God's heavenly earth is that all about? Giminys, how barbaric.

    Feel for you and this heat, Special. We're baking here, too. When everything is this hot, I think about how hot hell must be and that is scary, lol. Because this is just miserable hot.

  5. What Ayer is alluding to in that statement is that the bond between partners is like that of soldiers. It is brother one that you would lay your life down for another or avenge the death of your fellow partner or soldier.

    You have to establish bonds like that between partners and soldiers because you are entrusting them with your life every time you go out on patrol.

  6. Paris is definitely on my bucket list.

  7. Really enjoyed Sunday's Out Spotlight this week. What a loss of a handsome and intelligent guy far too soon.

    Comic Con is a mystery to me and I'm sure it still must be to some marketing types. It seems to defy catagorization... yet is grows in size and popularity each year. I sense the same thing is going on with VidCon and it's rapid growth that matches the explosion of new vlogging media and individual efforts to gain an audience.

    Both of these conferences would be a great topic for discussion as their names have instant recognition but it seems to me very little is known of exactly how they work and what they are set out to accomplish. It's almost like a membership thing...

    Great weather here in the Maritimes, thankfully not as hot as what you are getting down there along the eastern seaboard and other parts of the southern states. We really need a good rain soaking right now and many others do as well.

    End of Watch looks like it could be a good movie so will wait and see how it all gets released, and what the reviews have to say.

    Thoughts of Austin in Paris fill my head, and Jake bounding out of cabs in NYC, in buff pants and swinging freely keep me smiling .... Tom, you know what I'm talking about!

    Thanks again Special. Cheers to all.

  8. Good to be here :) I don't usually ask much of my fav actor, but where in the world is Gyllenhoolie? He missed the biggest Comic-con in the world and he had a film there!
    oh well.

  9. What Ayer is alluding to in that statement is that the bond between partners is like that of soldiers. It is brother one that you would lay your life down for another or avenge the death of your fellow partner or soldier.

    You know, I get all of that. I don't feel it or understand it firsthand but I knew what he was referring to.

    But again, do we need to put this on our theatre screens, cops gunning down people in cold blood as they sit there in their car?

    Color me naive but I want to still live in Mayfield where Gus tells me how brave the firemen are and how a cop is my friend.

    I see and hear enough of the ugly of this world on the internet. Why do I need to see senseless blood when I go out to relax and have a good time?

  10. lol, I sounded like I was ready for Mr. Rogers, didn't I?

    lol! I know, I know, I'm just not sophisticated when it comes to movies.

    Oh well. That's just me. And that's why I never know what you guys are talking about when it comes to movies.


  11. I have got to share this little office funny. In fact, I had to give my Big Buddy an index finger with a Ssssssss!!! even though he was dissin' me!!!

    We plowed through our temp person as she was just a big bust. I was the one who trained her and spent a lot of time doing so. She drove us all nuts, especially my big buddy even though he hardly had anything to do with her!! It became more work having her in the office. :( So even though we're going to all have a heavier workload, it still seems more appealing to not have her there.

    Anyway, my big buddy told our supervisor that "Well, I figure we could have either a 'pissed off PG because she's (the temp) here working or a pissed off PG because she isn't here and we're working our butts off. So I vote for having a pissed off PG because she isn't here."

    HEYYYYY!!! LOLLLLLLL!!! Sssssss!!! Zing!!! He got me pretty good. lol

    We all got a big kick out of that one. Well hey, I can't help it sometimes.


  12. I see that Ted mentioned on his twitter that he filmed a segment for TV Guide. He did not give any details about air time or date. I guess he will do ad hoc work until he lands a steady gig. No subject mentioned either.

    Looks like we have a serious buyer doing due diligence at work. Nothing may come of it. Or I may be unemployed soon. Hard to keep patient while it all plays out. So glad I am at the end of my work days, not the beginning.
