Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Guess Guess Goose

Another day.  Another day of Where in the world is Austy? (And where the heck is Jake too)  Austin throws down another picture card to keep everyone guessing.

Acknowledge what great fans he has he shows some of his fan mail.  But where is he reading it?

Still in a hotel in France?

Or did he get his mail that came through his management office and he's back in the U.S. of A?

And is it a duvet or carpet?  And if it is carpet, why would you lay them all out on the floor?

Not to show what room you're in?   But why?

Oh ... you are living up to name Austin ... Mystery Man.

Questions, questions... so many questions.

And seriously, is Jake a pinball bouncing between cities? Where exactly is he?  Where is the flippers?  Or has it gone tilt?

And the last question of the day....

Bike Rack or Desk?

 It's a Two Wheel Tuesday Two'fer.


  1. the director's eyeJuly 18, 2012 at 12:08 AM

    And is it a duvet or carpet?  And if it is carpet, why would you lay them all out on the floor?

    I'd say it's carpet. Probably photographed better.

  2. Wow! Looks like a cool front coming here next Thursday with a high of 93!!

    Woohoo! I'm excited. That ought to be something.

    The drought of 2012. And watching on Wake Up With Al this morning that all of the corn farmers' crops are toast. So we can expect increasing fuel costs, food costs and toiletry costs. Isn't that fantastic?

    This summer reminds me of a few that we used to have when I was little. It's been awhile since we've had a summer this hot.

    I don't even want a warm shower. I want a lukecool shower, lol.

  3. It's not been very fun in NYC this summer either; not as bad as the Midwest, but with the high humidity it's hard to breath out there in the thick air. Can't wait for fall.

  4. We've had tornado warning and hail up here in the Boston area. And more storms are popping up. Can't wait until the storms come through and clear out this air. It's hot and soupy. Not a good combo.

  5. It does look like Austin put the stuff on the floor. And it doesn't look like carpet you would find in US hotels.

  6. the real m said...
    I see that Ted mentioned on his twitter that he filmed a segment for TV Guide. He did not give any details about air time or date. I guess he will do ad hoc work until he lands a steady gig. No subject mentioned either.

    Looks like we have a serious buyer doing due diligence at work. Nothing may come of it. Or I may be unemployed soon. Hard to keep patient while it all plays out. So glad I am at the end of my work days, not the beginning.

    I am looking forward to Ted's comeback m. Also I hear you on the work situation. You and I are in the same boat. I can't wait to walk away from it all.
