Wednesday, July 18, 2012

City Camo Looks or Always Sunny after Paris

Jake popped up to visit Mama G on the set of the movie she is directing.

And looks like he has gotten a little color since he's wrapped his own movie.

Rested with a bit of a glow.

And while the rest of Gotham sweltered Jake couldn't leave the matching jacket that went with the short at home. 
Where would it be chilly enough that you need a jacket?  A movie theater perhaps.  A movie set in NY in July no.

He worked the look into a city skort look, camo kilt or maybe just the metro mullet midriff.

Jake's even taking "every hallway is a runway" to the streets.

But there's no reason to hide is assests  is there?

But he sure can rock the tee.

Is that a smile there Jakey?

And we see your eyes and your dimples at the same time!?!?  To use your word Jake. Amazing!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That one picture of Jake is one of the best I have seen of him in a long time. He actually looks happy. Who is the cute blonde guy?

  3. Jake is looking good isn't he Tom? If you click on a couple of the close up pics you can see he has a bit of color to those cheeks and it looks good on him.

    I think the blonde is one of the people working on Naomi's movie.

  4. Look at those arms. He looks so much better without that beard. And oh my that blonde on some of the IHJ pics is a real cutey. I wonder what his name is.

  5. Maybe it's the actor Jake hooked up with at the posh hotel in NYC. What better cover than his mom's movie to be able to hang with a new toy? He is very good looking.

    He's not Harry Styles, but hey nobody is as hot as Harry Styles.

    And with Austin in Paris, hey...a little confusing for the Gyllenichols kids, but oh well!

  6. The blonde girl in the pics looks like Dakota Fanning.

    Maybe Jake has a Texas tan.

  7. Wow, it's almost shocking to see Jake looking happy, and looking so good too.

    I think you're right Tom, and as I recall one or both of the Fanning sisters are in Naomi's movie.

  8. The blonde guy is an actor that is also in the movie, Boyd Holbrook.

  9. I did a quick google of Boyd Holbrook. He's a fashion model/actor. One of the first things I noticed when I googled him was that many websites were debating whether or not if Boyd is gay. Juat thought I would throw that out. LOL!

    I'm still on the fence at whether or not Jake is gay. But I can't recall the last time I've seen Jake so animated with someone else like he was with Boyd in some of those photos. Jake seems relax, comfortable, and for the first time in a LONG time, he seems sincerely happy. In one photo Boyd looked at Jake as if he could eat him up, and who knows, he may already have. LOL!

    I never had a problem with Jake's beard but I have to say that beard has not done Jake any justice. I've nearly forgotten just how handsome he is. That beard was also rather distracting. I focus so much on that beard I forgot Jake has an incredibly fit body. That shirt highlighted Jake's upper body beautifully! He has serious muscles and I'm a person who LOVES muscles!!

  10. What do you say we call Jake and Boyd "Bake"?

    Bake has all kinds of hot connotations.

    I think Jake and Boyd have that Heath/Jake contrast going. Plus Boyd is indeed very good looking and he looks pretty into Jake to me. And vice versa.


  11. I myself think Austin has found himself a hot Frenchman which is why he seems to be living over in Paris.

    The guys seem to be on two different planets now so I have no problem declaring Jaustin DOA since that seems to be what they want.

    Ding dong and all of that.

    Thanks to ol' Boyd for turning Jake around.

  12. What am I missing?July 19, 2012 at 11:08 AM

    But I can't recall the last time I've seen Jake so animated with someone else like he was with Boyd in some of those photos. Jake seems relax, comfortable, and for the first time in a LONG time, he seems sincerely happy. In one photo Boyd looked at Jake as if he could eat him up, and who knows, he may already have. LOL.

    Plus Boyd is indeed very good looking and he looks pretty into Jake to me. And vice versa.

    Hi. Can you point me in the direction of the photos you're talking about? Because I only see one photo of Jake and Boyd interacting (actually it's Jake telling a story while Boyd looks on).

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. There may be only one picture of them interacting, but it is reminiscent of the early interplay between Jake and Austin on set. Smiling at each other, eye contact, Boyd tagging behind Jake. Austin, if you are still in Paris, you better get your ass back here fast. Someone is making a move into your territory. And he's very cute.

  15. Oh my. I sure didnt see Jakes happiness linked with the blonde guy at all this morning. Jake looking happy and the bonde guy being cute were 2 seperate thoughts. Never connected them.

    Who knows if Austin is still in Paris. Who knows where Jake has been. Jake sure has had a little sun and looks rested.

  16. With that being said. If Jake and Austin have been monagamous over the years then the Pope better get ready to make Saints out of those two. Better men than me. God that blonde is cute. I need to google him later. Damn job is calling.

  17. I must have a crush on everyone that talks to meJuly 19, 2012 at 12:34 PM

    interacting, but it is reminiscent of the early interplay between Jake and Austin on set. Smiling at each other, eye contact,

    Call me rational but when someone is engaging you in a story/conversation isn't it just polite and good manners that you make eye contact and smile especially if, as it seems from Jake's expression, the story is entertaining?

  18. Jake is gay. Of course he lights up when he talks to men. We've seen it so many times before. From Heath to Lance Armstrong to RDJ to that Geoffrey Fletcher guy at the Academy Awards 2010. In fact, remember how Jake literally ran away from Rachel McAdams to catch up with Fletcher with a big smile on his face as they were exiting the stage that night?

    He's not Harry Styles, but hey nobody is as hot as Harry Styles.

    You ain't a-kiddin', PG! I understand Harry loves kids though. Although I do believe the boy is taken. Tough luck Jake. Looks like you'll have to settle for Austin.

  19. Jake has got to freakin' be kidding me on this one. LOL - it's October 31st, right? It has to be.">I Think He Wants To Be Justin Bieber

    Look Ma, I'm 17 again!!!

  20. someone who rides a bikeJuly 19, 2012 at 5:43 PM

    When you ride a bike you sometimes roll a pantleg up so it doesn't get caught. But you knew that right?

  21. I cannot wait until a certain someone sees this one. I wish I could be on the phone with her when she sees it for the first time. It'd be a killer.

    It could be that he has very painful skin condition and the pant leg rubbing against it hurts?

    Or could it be that his tan was uneven and that section of calf needed a little extra sun?

    Or maybe he just finished wading through the Hudson and forgot to finish rolling back down that pant leg?

    I'm telling you, the teeth grills are next.

  22. LOLLLLLL!!!! It's our little friend. That took 3 minutes, yes folks, 3 minutes for The Troll to lend their insight.

    Then why aren't both pant legs folded up? He's not on a bike on the set, I don't believe. Did he just climb off of it?

    LOL. 3 minutes. That's rich. It's the paid Troll.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Man, I am telling you, it is so hot out there. Everything is hot. The car door handle was hot. The steering wheel was hot. The car upholstery was hot. The stereo knob was hot. The windshield sunshade was hot. It is just a deadly sun that burns your skin when it's on you. I don't even think a pool is going to feel good at this point. And the poor little birdies are scarce because they've gone looking for water.

    100+ out there. This is certainly a summer to remember.

  25. OK I have just been educated on bike chains. LOL! That is funny, I thought he was trying to extend the rapper look. LOLLL!

    I never see anybody around here with their pant leg up like that. But then this is JoCo, you know. lol

  26. Well, I've not exactly been proven wrong again. We don't have the bike in sight yet, do we now?

    Like clockwork, the Trolls come in to use a rolled up pant leg to personally attack a poster. I was expecting it, you were a little slower this time.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. You can tell how Jake so much more comfortable with guys even just in friendly chatter. It's just the energy when he's around guys. It's electric. And so different than when he's with women.

    Sorry there is no settling when it comes to Austin. That Tall Texan with a smile so bright is scrumptious! And Jake knew from the first time they met. He never settled he found the best thing ever. And still has him.

  29. I have to agree with Methodical on this one. I did not know who Harry Styles, or One Direction, was until you guys started talking about them. After some thorough research (BIG SMILE), I have to say that Harry Styles is one beautiful, brilliantly radiant creature. I have not seen someone as gorgeous as that young man in some time. From what I hear, he wouldn't have the time of day for Jake or Austin because his main man is hawt, hawt, hawt too! What a pair those two make.

  30. I looked up Boyd out of curiosity and see he's been on The Big C, which I watch religously. I would never have recognized him. Amazing how some actors can look so different from one part to another.
