Friday, July 13, 2012

The French Connection

Austin shares some art (dated) for appreciation.....

But is he playing the date game too? 

Is he home again again jiggy jig?   Or  is he needing to stay one more day and  get his Bastille (Day) on?
First we storm the Bastille, then it's brunch at Bubbe's

And an interview with the Crazy Tree crew.

It's Austin Friday!


  1. Austin and Jake, you embarrass yourselves as though it's some kind of Cheers vs. Gary's Old Towne Tavern competition.

    Bumbling, stumbling and fumbling your way trying to undo, gloss over, and carry out some wild plan to set people up.

    #StreakFree #LittleTykeBoys #OneStepForwardTwoStepsBack #NotToday

  2. Replying to 20:32 from the previous thread.

    That's bullshit.

    No need for that kind of language.

    Bullcrap. You are a troll. And now I am done with you.

    Hostility is pouring off of you and you're full of hatred towards me.

    You repeatedly curse at me and then have the audacity to say that I'm the one being hostile?

    That's awesome because that tells me I really get your goat plus I also really annoy you.

    Being cursed out by someone hiding behind a computer doesn't bother me in the least. I feel sorry for people who can't form coherent arguments and have to descend to screaming abuse because they can't answer simple questions.


    #swearslikeasailor #stilldoesntunderstandhashtags

  3. At least the Troll didn't deny they were accurate hashtags. For that, I am impressed.

    Hey, you know, I can talk all night.

    I feel like talking about yesterday on Twitter. Let's analyze how Jake somehow seems to have been filming this week. In total retrospect. Because there were no real time tweets which directly placed Jake filming. What did we get? You know what we got?

    Here is the tweet that started it on July 11 at 5:53 and was robot tweeted constantly through yesterday.

    New.Music.Live. ‏@NML

    Jake Gyllenhaal is still in Toronto filming a movie and we want him on NML! Keep tweeting with the hashtag #GetJakeToMuch!

    5:53 PM - 11 Jul 12 via web

    Over and over and over. In fact, it was RT'd so often, that sometimes the tweet only consisted of the first seven words. "Jake Gyllenhaal is still in Toronto filming"

    That's it.

    "Jake Gyllenhaal is still in Toronto filming," which would be followed by hash tags or bitly's.

    See how that works? It's called subliminal tweeting. Jake is in Toronto. Jake is in Toronto. Jake is still filming. Jake is still filming.

    Over and over and over.

  4. And then to add a big stamp of validity onto that, you had these very embellished tweets from a mr. Mo Twister who tweeted how he was standing next to Jake.

    Mo Twister ‏@djmotwister

    Standing next to Jake Gyllenhaal. :)
    9:23 AM - 12 Jul 12 via TweetDeck

    This was followed by tweets stating how Jake was running late, he was smaller than expected (you see this mentioned on Twitter alot), he was upset due to security and red in the face, he had on a nice simple T shirt, jeans and baseball cap. They had a nice chat. I mean, I'm surprised he didn't mention the designer of Jake's luggage while he was at it, not to mention he tweeted in the present tense as though he was standing right there typing on his phone while he was talking to Jake.

    And this Mo Twister, aka @djmotwister, did I mention that he just happens to have over 677,000 followers? Imagine that!!!! WOW!!! What a coincidence that he has such a huge following. And boy, did those 677,000+ followers retweet. Because boy, you would have thought "Standing Next to Jake Gyllenhaal" was the best tweet to come along for a long time as often as it was retweeted repeatedly.

    Over. And over. And over. And over.

    And over again.

    Thus broadcasting that Jake was leaving Toronto and headed for NYC.

    So you had two tweets appearing over and over and over and over again on Twitter. 1) that Jake was now officially done filming and 2) Jake was now flying from Toronto and headed home to New York City.

    Got that, everyone? Just in case you missed it.

    And THAT, is how you brainwash. And subliminal tweet. And force people to look this way, and not that way.

  5. And this was capped off by the miraculously real time twit pic of Jake sitting at a table in a dimly lit restaurant, strategically placed behind the tweeter who I reckon was having a dear friend take the picture of him. Autograph time! Gee, I wonder if he asked Jake to autograph it for him and was told "No thanks, not today." Hmm, I wonder.

    (null) (@stevegiralt)
    7/12/12 20:26

    jake gyllenhaal eating dinner behind me Not today

    Look how grainy that picture is. Surprising, isn't it considering this Steve Giralt is a NYC based commercial photographer and cinematographer, tweeting all things photography and technology. Not too shabby of a follower count - 507.

    And considering Jake's position in his chair and his close proximity to the forefront star of the picture, I'm still trying to figure out how Jake couldn't see this picture going on out of the corner of his eye.Especially when you consider that he reportedly was an absolute fanatic about cell phones and cell phone cameras used by extras during filming. And the picture of the cig smoke under the stairwell was forced to be taken down.

    Isn't that funny? Oh, but I'm getting off subject.

    And did I forget to mention something else?

    Both of these men just happened to tweet excitedly about JayZ concert tickets. Fancy that!!! Both happened to be JayZ fans.

    As Mel Allen would say, How about that.

  6. At least the Troll didn't deny they were accurate hashtags.

    I said you didn't know how to use hashtags and you didn't deny it. Impressive.

    Because there were no real time tweets which directly placed Jake filming. What did we get?

    We got other tweets saying that Jake was in Toronto:

    Nadia Cantin @lavaloise

    I rarely tweet this sort of thing but I'm excited: I saw Jake Gyllenhaal tonight! :)

    @Steve_s2001 I just saw Jake a couple of hours ago... he was at Terroni's! He was there with Denis Villeneuve

    Those were from July 5th

    And I notice that you've done nothing to discredit Mo Twister. You've provided no analysis that suggests he was lying about seeing Jake. Is having a lot of followers now a reason to disbelieve sightings? So when an actress with a lot of followers sees Austin in an airport does that discredit her too? Or does the amount of followers she has not count?

    That's why methodology has to be objective rather than subjective, because otherwise it makes it look like you pick and choose what you believe based on what you'd like to be true.

  7. Look how grainy that picture is. Surprising, isn't it considering this Steve Giralt is a NYC based commercial photographer and cinematographer, tweeting all things photography and technology

    Not surprising at all since he's trying to surreptitiously take a picture over his shoulder on a phone.

    And considering Jake's position in his chair and his close proximity to the forefront star of the picture


    I'm still trying to figure out how Jake couldn't see this picture going on out of the corner of his eye.

    Because Jake was looking at something else. Are you really having that much difficulty figuring that out?

    Fancy that!!! Both happened to be JayZ fans.

    Yes, it's an incredible co-incidence that a DJ from New York and a photographer based in New York would be fans of the 50 million record selling New York rap artist Jay Z. That's as incredible as two guys from Toronto being fans of the Maple Leaf's.

  8. Yesterday was a carefully planned and strategically carried out day for both men, totally set up and ridiculously transparent.

    Filming of An Enema, I mean Enemy was officially, and I do mean officially, announced over yesterday on Twitter. Over. Done. Kaput. Party Time.

    Jake got to spend time in Paris with Austin. He most likely flew direct into Toronto and then flew from Toronto into NYC, believing that everyone would just think that hey, he's been in Toronto all this time.

    And Austin has another senior moment and loses track of his tweet pattern, waiting until today to suddenly tweet that he's still enjoying Paris and all the art that it offers. Thus, trying to broadcast to everyone that he's nowhere near NYC and stop thinking that he is and sitting at that table last night catching cooties from his husband, Jake.

    I'm glad their children are too young to know that their fathers are still lying and acting like 15 year olds; nothing has changed at all. #StillStruckInNeutral

    Why, they're just two single men out on the town and on the make. Daddy Austin chases ladies on Twitter while Papa Jake strolls up to strange women on the street and hits on them.

    You guys are as clear as Windex. What a waste. It's almost like you don't want people here to be proud of you.

  9. Wow, they're still hanging onto my every word. WOW Talk about feeding an ego. I may have to sleep in Herman Munster's bed tonight just to hold my head, lol.

    Jake is still with Austin.

    Both men are gay.

    Both men are married. To each other.

    Both men have children. Together. As in being daddies.

    Both men are still lying through their teeth and hiding big secrets from their fans and the general movie ticket/TV watching public.

    And I believe all of that as firmly as ever. You can hog tie me, you can use huge words that I don't understand. You can hang around here and moderate me until kingdom come. You can also believe whatever you want, it's a free world.

    I owe you no more explanations. I owe you no more answers.

    You have no idea the huge downfall that awaits you. You have no idea how embarrassed you are going to be someday.


  10. Go back and moderate your own blog, UV.

  11. If there was nothing going between the guys, then why would they go to such lengths still after all this time.

    Ohhh, wait. Like it has been said tonight and every day here. They are together. And they have been for the last 10 years. They have a life together and yes that includes a family.


  12. Nothing more to add as PG and Special have said it all so accurately.

  13. Who Talks Like A Sailor again?July 13, 2012 at 10:57 PM

    From another infamous blog:

    Anonymous said...

    Man negativity already about EOW from Jake's own fans. Its not even July yet, I would hope the film isn't over saturated by PR too early. I think Jake fans tend to believe his films deserve some sort of special PR treatement. EOW is not a blockbuster and will not be on more than 3000 screens. Maybe you should compare the PR of other films for other stars and then you would realize that Jake is not being short changed on PR. Sure in the past Jake's POP was poorly advertised by that was Disney's fault as they are no good at PR even with their successful films its poor at best. The best PR is previews in the novie theaters in my opinion because I believe 90% of the movie going public are habitual movie goers.

    June 22, 2012 1:29 AM
    Blogger UltraViolet said...

    Maybe you should sign your posts.

    Who gives a fuck what you think?

  14. If there was nothing going between the guys, then why would they go to such lengths still after all this time.

    They aren't going to great lengths; you're going to great lengths to link them together at times when they aren't together. That's why you have to ignore tweets and pictures that put them in different cities/states/countries/continents and invent scenarios where they're secretly together.

    22:19, I'm not UV, I have no interest in tying you up, and does this downfall come with a use by date? Because it's been 10 years by Special K's count and that downfall is beginning to look a bit stale and stinky.

  15. They aren't going to great lengths; you're going to great lengths to link them together at times when they aren't together.

    No need to go to great lengths to put these two guys together. Jake was seen in Austin, TX three times and there was a French sighting as well. Then silence on the movie front. The expected stereo bookend photo assault of Jake with women before he disappears and then right before he returns. Earlier in the year there were several dinner/yogurt sightings. Recently, the In 'n Out Burger late at night tweet, and in February, there's Austin departing from Heathrow to go to Berlin, which placed him in London at the same time Jake was doing his "music" video. We have several pictures and a video of Jake and Austin at the Berlinale together too. And, of course, the January photo op, with Austin leaving with Jake in same the car. Come to think of it, for two guys in the closet, they have been seen with each other quite a lot over the past six months.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I forgot to add Jake having brunch earlier in the year with Austin's Ray Donovan co-star, Liev Schreiber. The sighting indicated that several other people were at the table too. Gee, I wonder why? Jake has never been known to hang out with Schreiber before, but the timing coincides exactly with Austin's involvement in shooting the TV show pilot.

  18. Jake got to spend time in Paris with Austin. He most likely flew direct into Toronto and then flew from Toronto into NYC, believing that everyone would just think that hey, he's been in Toronto all this time.

    Wow just Amazing PG!
    Are you the ALL-Knowing Oracle who knows everything Jake / Austin?

    You Say It, and It's The TRUTH!
    What Goes?
    You don't know every waking hour, moment, second of the goings on of these two men, so please stop acting as if you do.
    It's very simple, it's what you want to be true.

    Then, when it does not fit your rationale of someone else's life you seem to follow endlessly, (meaning Jake and Austin) your next step is to say it's their PR people trying to throw the J/A is gay fans off. What's with you?
    Why so many post from you?
    Is there something wrong or something you are afraid of?

  19. Ever thought aboutJuly 14, 2012 at 12:58 PM

    Then, when it does not fit your rationale of someone else's life you seem to follow endlessly

    This troll is looney tunes. This has nothing to do with rationale. It has to do with PR, closeted Hollywood actors, lies and gullible fans like YOU!

  20. Well said Ever thought about...

    Just asking's name could just as likely be 'just needling' or 'just tormenting'. The focus of this blog is Jake and Austin and we all speculate and believe different things at times. It's always been clear that there are many forces at play in this couple's ten year history.

    Why should the well-identified regulars here need to constantly explain themselves.... I think most of us do a good job of articulating our positions and backing up our beliefs, but not when being provoked and harassed.

