Thursday, July 12, 2012

Loud and clear???

Amidst a flurry of  tweets Jake has wrapped in Toronto, left Canada and head for NYC.

Official message received.
 Now back to reality.

 Austin's Yankees cap.   Instead of a shout out could it be a hint of "where I am heading to next"

Well Jake will be in NYC for awhile with rehearsals for  If There Is I Haven’t Found It Yet start July 24.    Preview performances begin August 24, with an official opening night on September 20 at off-Broadway’s Laura Pels Theatre. The production will play a limited engagement through November 25.

Austin you might have to go with a hoodie too,  Autumn in New York, beautiful, but chillier than Cali, Tex and Carolina.

Speaking of  If There Is I Haven’t Found It Yet Jake's got the new leading lady in his life.   Meet Annie Funke (Austin no Arrested Development jokes) is has just been cast as Anna.

Annie  joins Jake (Uncle Terry), Michelle Gomez as her mom Fiona and Brian F. O’Byrne as her dad George.

 Annie "has appeared on Broadway in Hairspray and in the San Francisco company of Wicked. She currently plays Catherine Martin in off-Broadway’s Silence! The Musical. Her additional theater credits include Steel Magnolias, You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown, Fame, Grease, The Producers and Once Upon a Mattress."

 Jakey can you say duets?   Broadway karaoke  Jake and Annie will take it.

 Please Please please say we can do Dreamgirls!  But Effie is mine sista!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. All is well. Here to stay. No damage done. Yep I am all in Jake, Austin, Gay, Married, Kids. No fear.

  3. Has Jake gotten himself a shave?

  4. Still no word on tickets for the play. Right now you can only get tickets if you get the play as part of a package of 5 or more plays (they have smaller packages, but it's not part of that), so looks like the Roundabout Theater is using it as a way to lure in subscribers.

    If Jake is done with the movie, I'm especially puzzled as to why he didn't go to Comic Con.

  5. Nice to see Jake back in NYC

  6. Jake in NYC because his next project's in NY.

    But what about Austin's cap? Hmmmm he picks the iconic team from NYC to show to the love now? Ahh right, he's just a big baseball fan and of the AL East. Not!

  7. Jake shaved?

    Well in this picture he did.

    Guess we will have to see if there are pictures this week from NYC and he clean shaven too.

  8. Jake in NYC because his next project's in NY.

    LOL Defensive much?

  9. give it a rest yeahJuly 13, 2012 at 8:16 AM

    But what about Austin's cap? Hmmmm he picks the iconic team from NYC to show to the love now?

    Why the fuck do you keep harping on the damn baseball cap?? It is whatever you want to believe it is. To me it's an American man abroad wearing an iconic image known around the world - a Yankees cap.

  10. 0816, clean your filthy mouth up on this blog. Your language is totally offensive and it's Grade A harassment.

  11. OTOH, LOLLLLLL!!! check out the Troll at 08:16 whose worry and anger over a simple baseball cap has them preaching about America, baseball and apple pie.


    Yes, the Troll hates Austin in a Yankee cap.

    The Troll knows that Lamey's blurb was totally made up pablum.

    The Troll knows that Jake was MIA for a week.

    The Troll knows that the Jake we see today is hiding something from them.

    The Troll knows that filming was abruptly shut down to the public for no given reason.

    The Troll knows that filming finished up way earlier than expected.

    The Troll knows that Jake really wasn't really hitting up on anonymous girls on the street in Toronto.

    The Troll can't explain 3 tweets from 3 different people placing Jake in Austin TX.

    The Troll is going to cling to routine tweets of Spin Cycle, Colombo Coffee and vapors of a non-existent, picture-less, totally Twitter-based fauxmance with Minka Kelly to console themselves with their image of a Jake Gyllenhaal who exists only in the memories of circa 2005.

  12. It is not the truth you are posting but a diatribe.

    There is your reason why you keep getting deleted.

  13. It is not the truth you are posting but a diatribe.

    There is your reason why you keep getting deleted.

    If any post in this thread deserves the label "diatribe" it's Prairiegirls. So I assume her post will be deleted any moment now. Unless you have an obvious bias. Which of course you do.

    But I'll stick to the facts. The fact is that you've been waiting seven years for Jake to come out and you've been waiting about five years for at least one baby tile to make an appearance and all you have to show for your wait is a word document.


  14. If any post in this thread deserves the label "diatribe" it's Prairiegirls.

    That's right. That is not your call.

    Okay, so Jake is obviously not out. And no, we don't have any positively confirmed pictures of a Baby Tile which have appeared on the internet. Not that I would expect to have them because if that were the case, uh....Jake would be out. And Jake would be on the front cover of People magazine now, wouldn't he?

    So what exactly is it, 18:50, that you want to discuss on OMG? What exactly do you want to enthusiastically share with the class?

    We're all available to entertain discussion.

    Let's spill. Dish. Let's go. Let's hear it. The floor is yours.

    Let's see what you have to contribute.

  15. 18:50? Oh, I'm down with this new informal way of referring to posters, 19:06!

    So what exactly is it, 18:50, that you want to discuss on OMG?

    I'd like to discuss the methodology you employ to determine which tweets are real and which are fake. Because I've seen numerous tweets from the past that placed Jake in NY or LA dismissed as being "fake" and I've seen the tweets that placed Jake in Austin called "real" but I don't understand the objective rules you applied to determine which was which.

    Let's spill.

    Yes, please spill it.

  16. It must be the heat or the humidity. Some people are just a little more irritated than usual. lol. I'm still chuckling over that tirade over Austin's Yankee cap.

    Actually, Austinhaters should be rejoicing on this very day, this 13th day of July in the year 2012. For Austin proudly professes to still be over in France, showing off some modern piece of art.

    And they should be rejoicing over Jake being roundly trumpeted to have finished filming and immediately flying out of Toronto and into New York City where he was promptly 85% identified to be dining in a romantically lit restaurant.

    I mean, there should be dancing in the streets!! Carnivale!! Opa!!! Andale! Andale!!

    Viva la France! Viva la Toronto!!! Viva La Colombo!!! Viva la Spin!!!

    Whoop there it is and all of that!! Macarena!!

    While the rest of us sad sacks sit on the street curb with melted ice cream cones, deflated balloons, and busted vuvuzelas.

    Am I not right? So why....why are trolls still over here? And why are they trying to hurt our little feelings? #Stumped

  17. Damn, that Yankees cap has them in a twist.

  18. So what exactly is it, 18:50, that you want to discuss on OMG?

    We're all available to entertain discussion.

    I'm sure 19:30 is about to reply to my question. Any time now.

  19. 'd like to discuss the methodology you employ

    The method....employ....very interesting choice of words. Interesting paragraph, as a matter of fact. Rather lawyer-y like.

    NYC tweets are a dime a dozen.

    If indeed Jake was finishing filming in Toronto this week and flew in when that tweeter posted about standing beside him, that totally proved the New Balance store tweet to be one big falsehood, didn't it?

    Because you saw those tweets. I know you did. So then you have to admit right then and there, that people lie in their tweets.

    At that point, you have to study the tweets and decide whether they are likely or not, based on the number of sightings and the tweeters themselves.

    It would take too long to explain about the past two weeks. But I will say why ever on earth would 3 people make up Jake in Austin Texas? That is the last place his people want him to be seen at.

    Why? Because it connects him directly to Austin.

    And Austin is cootie city right now for Jake.

    Gambino's pizza is here!! And it's hot. Someone else listen to this person for awhile.

  20. But before I go.

    My point, 19:37, was to encourage you to share something that we all could enjoy.

    I mean, if you are not a Troll, then you obviously share something in common with the rest of us. You obviously must be a fan of Jake's, or past fan. You like Austin, after all? Do you like Jaustin?

    So let's get past unpleasantness and share some positive, encouraging talk.

    Otherwise, I would have to begin to suspect you to be a Troll?? And I would soooo hate to have to do that. Because after all, you are a guest here. And one must welcome guests.

    So let's find some common ground. Let's discuss fun stuff about Jake and Austin. How about it?

  21. Rather lawyer-y like.

    Lawyer-y, lab technician-y, second year chemistry student-y, anyone who has ever glanced at a philosophy book-y.

    Because you saw those tweets. I know you did. So then you have to admit right then and there, that people lie in their tweets.

    I didn't see those tweets but I agree that people do lie in tweets, which is why I asked you to explain your methodology in determining which tweets are real and which aren't.

    And you haven't explained that at all. You've written a bunch of stuff that completely avoids answering the question you asked me to bring up.

    I mean, if you are not a Troll, then you obviously share something in common with the rest of us.

    I share your interest in uncovering evidence about the true nature of Jake's relationship with Austin.


  22. And you haven't explained that at all.

    That's bullshit. What did I just tell you at 19:44?

    There's not always 100% certainty.

    3 tweets of Jake in a city that he rarely has been for the past several years screams uniqueness. One of the girl's friends worked at the bar/grill that Jake was seen in, for one. You have to look at the tweet history of the tweeter. You study them to get a feel for the person and make your best judgement.

    That is my final answer. You don't like it, tough.

    Big Question. Why wasn't there a stink raised when Jake was said to be in Marfa last year during the big Train Ride? Boy, everyone ate that one up, didn't they? Gloating because it seemed so sure that Austin wasn't there. I don't remember anyone like yourself coming over here disputing that one. Funny that.

    I share your interest in uncovering evidence about the true nature of Jake's relationship with Austin.

    Bullcrap. You are a troll. And now I am done with you.

    Hostility is pouring off of you and you're full of hatred towards me.

    That's awesome because that tells me I really get your goat plus I also really annoy you.

    Ha!! I take great satisfaction in that. Enough attention is being paid to you. Go somewhere else and get your intravenous feed of spotlight.


  23. Guess What Was On TonightJuly 13, 2012 at 8:34 PM

    Violet! You're turning violet, Violet!!
